A foreigner's journey

Chapter 751 Dinner in the Anti-Demon Special Class

At night, the streets of Shinjuku district are brightly lit and lively.

It was approaching 8pm, and the Izakaya [Island Tower] was bustling with people. The noise mixed with the crisp sound of beer glasses clinking together, making the aroma of food and wine more intense.


Several full draft beer glasses clinked together, and some foamy beer spilled.

In front of a long table in the corner of the izakaya, nine members of the Anti-Demon Special Class were sitting, because today was a rare special class dinner time.

"It tastes good. I haven't had it in half a year." The handsome young man with pigtails put down the beer cup that was half missing and said to Mr. Fu next to him with a calm expression.

Mr. Fu smiled and picked up a piece of fried pork chop: "I just drank a little at home. Haven't you taken Qiujun out for a drink in half a year, Himeno?"

The beautiful black-haired beauty wearing a one-eye patch sitting opposite her face was red, and she didn't know whether she was shy or drunk: "Oh, Qiu Jun is too serious. I can't find a chance to take him out to play at two o'clock on weekdays. Well!"

"Senior Himeno, it's obvious that you were too lazy to sort out the reports and left them all to me, so I didn't have time to go out for dinner, right?" Hayakawa Akira said helplessly.

"Wow! These fried pork chops belong to me!" The pink-haired girl with two red horns on her head hugged the plate of fried pork chops and loudly announced her ownership.

Jiye raised his wine glass with a smile: "Little Pava, the sashimi is also delicious."

He had no intention of stopping him at all, but looked like he was watching a show.

Upon hearing this, Pava immediately put the sashimi into his arms: "The sashimi belongs to me too!"

"Hey! Put the sashimi back!" Ryuya Takayama, a tall and muscular man with a short head, shouted.

The black-haired man with glasses, Madoka Yamazaki, who was flipping through the menu, raised his head and tried to relieve Pava: "Pava is a demon of blood, so it is normal to like sashimi."

Hayakawa Qiu shook his head: "Maru-kun, there is no need to explain to Pava, this guy has this kind of virtue. Miss Mari, where is the devil over there?"

Mari Kitajo, a short-haired intellectual beauty whose hair is dyed from gold to black from top to bottom, laughed softly:

"The demon over there has stage fright and doesn't dare to come. He's not as lively as Pava. It's great. It's rare to see such a rational demon... Ah, little red, little red, here, here."

She raised her hand to greet a girl who had just walked in.

This girl is not tall and thin, with a timid look on her face. She hurried over and kept bowing: "Well... I'm sorry... I'm lost..."

Hayakawa Akira whispered to Mr. Fu: "Mr. Fu hasn't met Xiaohong yet, right? Her name is Higashiyama Xiaohong, and like Arai-kun, she is a newcomer who joined the fourth class a while ago."

Mr. Fu glanced at the tall young man Hiroyuki Arai who was eating vegetables: "...Is it because of the Tiger Demon incident a while ago?"

"Well, there were heavy casualties in Section 4 that time. Jinrumi and Takei couldn't even recover their bodies. Mr. Hayato, the most senior, also died. Kirina survived but lost his right hand and leg. Ryousuke completely lost his fighting spirit. A week ago, Miss Makima handed over Kirina and Ryousuke’s resignations.”

Hayakawa Qiu nodded slightly, and his originally cold face became calmer:

"Pawa, Xiaohong and Arai are all new recruits, but Miss Machima still feels that there are not enough people. I heard that Miss Machima went to Mr. Kuzhan to ask for someone, but was rejected?"

"Has the news reached you? Miss Makima from your family heard that Mr. Su Zhan personally recruited a new person and went to ask for it, but Mr. Su Zhan refused to let him go. Well, it's him."

Mr. Fu raised his chin towards the other side of the table, and Hayakawa Qiu looked in the direction.

I saw Denji secretly hiding a plate of fried dumplings behind his back, looking like he was going to imitate Pawa and enjoy it all to himself.

Hayakawa Akira took a second look but didn't see Denji's heel. He turned to Mr. Fu and asked, "Demon? Or human? It can't be a demon, right?"

"It's nothing, so Mr. Su Zhan is very interested and seems to want to train him. Now I will take care of this kid." Mr. Fu picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

"To be favored by Mr. Su Zhan... is it very powerful?"

"It's completely useless. I was knocked unconscious by the claws of the Crab Demon. Waiter, please give me another draft beer."

On the other side, Xiaohong picked up the plate, picked up a chopstick of Tamagoyaki and put it into her mouth, her face flushed with happiness: "This is my first time eating something so delicious..."

Madoka Yamazaki, a handsome young man with glasses who was sitting in the corner and had been reading the menu, finally put down the menu: "Waiter, three glutinous rice dumplings and three chocolate parfaits."

"Most of Xiaohong's salary is used to support the family, right? Eat more." The intellectual beauty Beicheng Mari ordered Xiaohong a draft beer.

At this time, Pava also held the Tamagoyaki plate in his arms: "Don't take it, thief! Tamagoyaki belongs to me too!"

"Pava, shut up! Return all the plates quickly!" Hayakawa Akira was so angry that his head hurt.

"Order more while you're young and enjoy it!" Takayama, a tall man with a short head, patted Denji's shoulder boldly.

Denji also picked up the menu and immersed himself in reading: "Ah! Damn it! I can't read many Chinese characters!"

Takayama grabbed Denji's neck and said: "Let's let it go first! This is a welcome party for newcomers. The newcomers have to stand up and introduce themselves! Name, age, contract demons are all here!"

Hayakawa Akira's calm voice sounded: "No. Don't mention the devil of the contract in public. Your cards can only be shown to people you trust."

"You are still as stubborn as ever, Hayakawa." Takayama Ryuya looked at Hayakawa Akira with an unhappy expression.

Ji Ye, who was a little drunk, tried to smooth things over: "Oh, it's okay, it's okay, we are all our own people here, it doesn't matter. Waiter! A bunch of draft beer and edamame!"

"Ah, another shot of draft beer. I want to hear about interests. You can understand a person a little bit through interests." The intellectual beauty Mari Kitajo said with a smile: "Who comes first?"

Denci, who has always planned to show off in front of beauties, couldn't wait to raise his hand: "My name is Denci! I should be 16 years old, and my hobbies are eating and sleeping!"

"16 years old!?"

"Incredible, so young!"

"Huh? 16?"

Everyone was suddenly surprised.

Himeno quickly looked at Denji's beer mug: "You didn't drink!?"

"Hey, oolong tea." Denji smiled and raised the cup.

At this time, Hirokazu Arai, who had been eating his food, suddenly stood up and stood at attention. He was so nervous that his face turned red and he said loudly:

"My, my name is Arai Hiroichi! I am 22 years old! The devil in the contract is a fox! My hobby is haiku!"

"Oh, it's just like the devil Qiujun contracted with." Mari Beicheng smiled and peeled off an edamame and threw it into his mouth.

"It's a pity that the fox only lets the handsome guy use his head. Arai's contract is for his tail, right?" Ji Ye said with a wicked smile: "Xiao Xiaohong, it's your turn~"

"My name is Dongshan Xiaohong, 20 years old. The devil in the contract is... a secret. My hobby is... eating delicious food." Dongshan Xiaohong stood up nervously, holding the skirt in front of her with both hands and twisting it around.

"The clothes are very cute." Mari Kitajo smiled gently, and the bespectacled man Yamazaki Madoka sitting opposite her nodded: "Indeed."

"My sister's clothes are worn out." Xiao Xiaohong was shy and nervous.

"Xiao Xiaohong is the Ninth Sister, very powerful, right? Don't bully her, Arai-kun." Mari Beicheng looked at Arai Hiroshi.

Arai immediately bowed slightly: "Absolutely not!"

"Gao Shan, why didn't your newcomer come?" Hayakawa Qiu asked.

"It's a pity that he died on his first day of employment yesterday." Gao Shanlong shrugged.

Hearing this, Jiye drunkenly began to chant: "Namo Amitabha! Lotus... Lotus Clam... Sutra?"

"Senior, you are already drunk." Hayakawa reminded calmly.

The two newcomers, Xiaohong and Arai, fell into silence.

Arai, who had cold sweat on his forehead, asked with difficulty: "Is it that easy to die?"

"Because some troublesome demons among the people were left to the police." Gao Shanlong also sighed.

Beicheng Zhenri put down his chopsticks: "Everyone in our profession dies very quickly. None of my contemporaries are in the police anymore."

Denci had no sense of crisis or tension at all, but instead secretly glanced back and forth on the faces of Beijo Mari, Himeno, Pava and Xiaohong.

Mr. Fu is right, there are indeed many beautiful girls coming to the dinner party! Very beautiful! So beautiful!

"What are you looking at?" A gentle voice sounded in Denji's ears.

"Look beautiful...ehhhhhh?"

Denji was startled when he realized that a very beautiful orange-haired beauty was standing in front of him. She was wearing a suit and a black coat, her long orange-red hair was styled into braids, and her golden circled eyes were looking at Denji with interest.

"Miss Machima!?" Everyone present screamed in shock: "Why are you here?"

"The newlyweds are welcome to have a dinner together, and you have to come to join us occasionally. Waiter, please give me a draft beer."

Makima took off her coat and hung it at the door, then sat next to Denji: "Is this the new member of the first class?"

"Yes, Miss Makima. His name is Denji, hello Denci-kun, say hello!" Mari Kitajo said hurriedly.

On the other side of the table, Mr. Fu held a wine glass and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Sure enough, Machima's attention to this newcomer was a little abnormal.

Denci touched the back of his head and bowed to Makima in confusion: "Oh, my name is Denci, hello."

"Denji-kun smells weird." Makima looked at Denji.

"Huh? Is there any? Didn't you wash it off?" Denci raised his arm in front of his nose with some guilt and smelled it.

Machima turned to look at Mr. Fu again: "Mr. Fu, did you get into trouble yesterday?"

"On the way to Hibiya Park, we were ambushed by demons, crab demons and mantis demons. The specific written report was submitted to Mr. Kuzan last night."

"It's really dangerous. Both the Crab Demon and the Mantis Demon are very strong. Are you not injured?" Makima looked at Mr. Fu with a smile, her golden eyes unperturbed.

"Fortunately, some minor injuries." Mr. Fu rolled up his sleeves to reveal his bandaged left arm.

"I read the report. You were assisted by civilians. Heather, right?"

"...a very honest and enthusiastic folk demon hunter. Thanks to him, Denji and I were saved."

"Understood. I have also seen the content of the reward for Mr. Heather, and I will send it to him personally when the time comes."

Makima picked up the beer cup and smiled:

"Now, let's raise a toast to the newcomers, shall we?"

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