A foreigner's journey

Chapter 756 Cars and watches, mirrors and marks

Entering the stairwell leading to the underground parking lot, the four people immediately smelled the strong smell of blood.

Hioki covered his nose and complained in a low voice: "How many people has this guy killed?"

Qianzhe had put out the cigarette and was chewing gum: "Four hours ago, when the Fosford Mall opened, the car demon suddenly appeared in the three-story underground parking lot and carried out a bloody massacre. In addition to the one-level underground parking lot No one except some people can escape.”

"Is there any possibility of being captured?" Mr. Fu meant whether anyone in the underground parking lot could survive.

"I don't know. This is the first time a car demon has appeared in history. No one knows its temperament and abilities." Chizuru shook his head and turned to look at Denji: "Denji-kun, are you nervous?"

"Nervous? I'm so excited right now! Super HIGH!" Denji stretched out two fingers to make a V-sign, with a look of eagerness on his face.

Qianzuru looked at Mr. Fu, who smiled helplessly: "Can those who can enter the anti-demon class be normal people?"


Those who are willing to join the Anti-Devil Class as police demon hunters either have a blood feud with demons, or they simply cannot survive and have no choice but to become a demon hunter. After all, the casualty rate of the Anti-Demon Class is too high.

In particular, Japanese police officers need to apply to their superiors to hold a gun or even fire a gun. This results in police demon hunters having to rely on cold weapons and the power of contracted demons to fight against demons. The price required by most contracted demons is part of the demon hunter's body. , the more you use the contract demon, the closer you get to the abyss of death.

In such a high-pressure working environment, it is difficult to say how many normal people are in the Demon Anti-Devil Class and the Demon Exorcism Class.

In contrast, civilian demon hunters have an easier time, at least they can throw them to the police if they encounter powerful demons that are difficult to defeat, such as the current car demons.

Arriving at the underground parking lot, the four of them all hunched over and walked slowly forward as silently as possible.

Occasionally, dead bodies can be seen here. Cars that should have been parked neatly in the parking space have all turned over strangely, with the chassis and wheels facing up, lying quietly in the parking space.

"No sign of the car demon was found. It seems that the information is true. It is indeed still on the third floor underground." Hioki whispered nervously with sweat dripping from his forehead.

Mr. Fu is experienced: "Don't be careless. No one has seen a car demon before. Maybe it has the ability to disguise itself as a car?"

Chizuru approached an overturned car and took a closer look. The more she looked at it, the more she frowned.

"What's wrong?" Mr. Fu walked up to Qianhe and asked in a low voice.

Chizuru frowned and fell into deep thought: "It's strange. There are no additional traces of tire scratches on the ground. There is not even paint peeling or scratches on the surface of the car. These cars were turned over out of thin air by some kind of conceptual power."

"Is the car worshiping the master...?" Mr. Fu also looked gloomy. For some reason, he always felt that this car gave him a strange and strange feeling.

A demon of this level... is very difficult. Do you want to ask Captain Shore for help?

After briefly searching the underground level to confirm that the demon was not here, they continued to the second underground level.

There were more corpses on the second underground floor, and all the cars were overturned like the first underground floor.

Still no sign of the car demon was found.

Finally, they nervously entered the three-story underground parking lot. The smell of blood here was so strong that you could take a bath, but there were far fewer bodies than on the two floors above.

The most important thing is that no trace of the car demon was found on the three underground floors.

The ground was extremely clean. Except for a few bodies with some blood splattered around them, everything else was just like a normal parking lot. It was completely unlike the two floors above where there were severed limbs, broken flesh, and blood splattered everywhere on the ground.

"Something's wrong. The demon is not here, nor are the bodies of the four sacrificed folk demon hunters. The death toll doesn't match up." Chizuru looked around, and the strange feeling in her heart became more intense.

"Did the devil escape?" Hichi Aung held the katana in both hands, sweating from his forehead due to nervousness.

Mr. Fu shook his head: "This is the lowest level, where can it escape? Don't be careless, maybe it is hidden somewhere."

At this time, Denci, who was squatting in front of a corpse, suddenly said, "Brother Fu, can you take the corpse's watch?"

"No, these are relics and need to be collected and returned to their families."

"But this watch has been crushed. Are you sure the family will accept it?"


Mr. Fu and the other three immediately came over to inspect the body.

This is the body of a young man wearing casual clothes. Judging from the clothes and appearance, he should be the type who lives a prosperous and carefree life. A large part of his chest is sunken and you can even see the broken ribs, as if he was hit by a huge fist. middle.

The weird thing is the watch he is wearing. This Rolex Submariner watch, nicknamed the Black Water Ghost, is relatively intact. Only the crystal case on the dial mirror has a small wheel mark. The wheel mark sunk deeply into the crystal, causing the mirror itself to break. It's so blurry that even the internal pointers are hard to distinguish.

"Strange, why are there wheel marks only on the dial mirror?" Mr. Fu immediately grasped the key point: "Is this a threat to the car devil?"

"Or, provocation?" Qianhe frowned and suddenly looked at Hichi Aang: "Ang Jun."


"I remember you just bought a car?"

"Well, I bought it with a ten-year installment loan. What's wrong, Sister Qianhe?"

"I want to ask you, do people like you who like to drive have any taboos about watches?"

"Uh, no? At least I didn't."

"Where's the crystal?"

"It's even more irrelevant. Maybe it's more valuable?"

"So, what about mirrors? Are there any taboos?"

"No, unless there is a high-beam headlight behind the car flashing on me, I can see clearly through the rearview mirror. This is quite annoying. I remember two nights ago..."

Chizuru and Mr. Fu looked at each other at the same time: "Rearview mirror!!"

The two of them threw themselves in front of two overturned cars. At this time, Mr. Fu finally understood the source of the strange feeling he had felt before.

The car in front of me has no windows.

There are no windows, no rearview mirrors, not even a glass cover for the dashboard.

"The car demon erased the 'mirrors' of all the cars here and destroyed any 'mirrors' that could become mirrors."

Chizuru showed a suddenly enlightened expression:

"Mirrors are very threatening to it."

"Maybe the mirror can reflect it? Just like those magic mirrors in cartoons." Denji interjected.

"Yes! That's it!" Only then did Mr. Fu feel the disconnect between himself and the young people. It was indeed the right choice for him to come here with Denji and Hiki Aung.

"Well done! Ang-kun, Denci-kun, you two must survive to attend the fraternity party." Chizuru was so excited that she held their heads and kissed them hard on the cheeks.

Hioki's face suddenly turned red as if he was about to smoke, while Denji pouted shamelessly and wanted to give Chizuru a gift in return.

Mr. Fu pulled out his long knife and said, "Take out all the things on your body that can serve as mirrors."

Chizuru carries a small makeup case with a mirror inside.

Hioki and Denji imitated Mr. Fu by using the sides of their weapons as mirrors.

Through the mirror, they were shocked to find a huge bloody wheel mark on the ground in the mirror, which extended to the deepest part of the underground parking lot where no light was reflected. .

They looked at each other and nodded, clenching their weapons and walking towards the darkness along the huge bloody mark.

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