A foreigner's journey

Chapter 764 City Country Rat

Hayakawa Qiu and others were shocked to see that Heather had tamed the lawless blood demon Pava after just ten minutes out of the house.

They knew very little information about Heather, a folk demon hunter.

The only thing known is that this man signed a contract with a powerful wolf demon, who obeyed his words and allowed him to be driven.

It is very difficult for any demon hunter to drive a demon at will, especially a powerful giant demon. Even a fox demon that has a relatively harmonious relationship with humans and is extremely tolerant of handsome men will eat part of his body as the price of the contract when summoned by a handsome man like Hayakawa Akira.

Japanese police officials have imprisoned many demons underground at the Inari Shrine in Kyoto. Some of them rarely have contracts with anyone, not because they are not strong, but because they are too strong.

Making a contract with a powerful demon will definitely come with quite miserable contract contents. For example, among the demons imprisoned underground at Inari Shrine is the [Demon of the Future]. As long as you contract its power, you can see the future a few seconds later.

However, in the history of Japanese police, only two people have made a contract with it. One person's life span was halved, and the other person's eyes, taste and smell were eaten away.

According to Mr. Fu's description, the wolf demon's pure power has far surpassed that of the fox demon. Such a powerful demon maintains a tame posture towards Heather like a real pet. This has made the Japanese public security official's evaluation of Heather rise to Grade A.

In addition, some powerful demon hunters will sign contracts with more than one demon to gain more power and form effective cooperation.

Kishibe, the captain of Tokyo Demon Fighting Class 1, signed a contract with demons such as [Knife], [Needle], and [Nail] at the same time. Coupled with powerful physical and sword skills, Kishibe was called the strongest when he was young. Demon Hunter.

Some people within the Japanese Public Security Bureau speculated that Heather not only signed a contract with the Wolf Demon, but also probably signed a contract with other demons, so she always acted like she was at ease.

Forget it, Heather is now siding with the Japanese police anyway. Having strong teammates is certainly a good thing for her side.

When several people saw that Denji's burns had recovered, they let him go. Denji cursed and got up. Just as he was about to pick up the cake that fell on the ground and eat it, Kusakabe and Tamaki stopped him again.

Mr. Fu walked to the counter, took out a few banknotes, and apologized to the shop owner: "Sorry for making a mess in the shop. This is coffee money. Someone else will contact you for subsequent compensation."

The shopkeeper peeked his head out from behind the counter and asked tremblingly: "Are you the police?"

"Boss, they look like police officers at first glance. This is what the uniforms of the police vs. magic class on TV look like." The clerk girl pointed at the clothes of Mr. Fu and others.

Kusakabe took the dirty piece of cake from Denji's hand and threw it into the trash can. While wiping his hands, he said, "I've stayed here for a little too long, Mr. Fu, it's time to leave."


Mr. Fu nodded and said hello to the others: "Everyone, please go out."

After the group left, the store immediately became empty. Only the boss and the girl who was the clerk were left, picking up brooms and sweeping up the broken porcelain cups on the floor.

After a while, the store was cleaned again.

The bald boss took a puff of cigarette, looked at the girl who was the clerk, and spoke in standard Russian: "Lese, how are you?"

"I identified him at close range. He is the same type as me."

The clerk girl named Serey took off her hat, revealing short purple shoulder-length hair, and responded in Russian with a fake smile:

"It's a pity that there are a lot of people following him, especially Mr. Fu from the Tokyo Demon Fighting Class 1, Kusakabe from the Miyagi Demon Fighting Class 2, and private demon hunter Hirofumi Yoshida are all present, so it's not easy to start."

"We must get the heart of the Chainsaw Man. After all, it involves a deal between our motherland and the Gun Demon."

The bald boss flicked his cigarette ashes at the banknotes on the counter:

"As long as you can complete the task, I will give you freedom."

Lesai tilted her head with a smile: "...I want to apply for hidden support and summon [Rat] and [Cockroach]."

"Okay, support will arrive in thirty minutes. Just abandon this place and you will be responsible for getting rid of the shop owner and clerk and making it clean."

After saying that, the bald shop owner threw away his cigarette, opened the door and left.

The purple-haired girl was the only one left in the store with a smile on her face.

At the same time, there was an izakaya called ‘Wakako’ four streets away from this cafe. It was still crowded today, but there was no sound of drinking and noisy noises at this time.

"Bring the wine!!"

Bang! The empty beer glass rested on the wooden table. Everyone else in the izakaya looked at the huge figure with frightened faces, trembling and not daring to move.

He has a huge body of three meters tall, with dragon scale tattoos on his muscular upper body. He only wears a special oversized open-breasted black leather jacket, black leather pants and leather boots. His long black hair is spread behind him like a dragon's mane. , there are huge curved horns extending out from the forehead on both sides. Even the largest draft beer cup is as small and ridiculous as a toy in this person's hand.

There is no doubt that this is a demon.

Lying on the floor not far in front of the demon was a man with an unnaturally twisted body and several broken blades. This man was a frequent drinker at this izakaya and was also a folk demon hunter.

Everyone can kill evil heretics. Out of basic professional ethics, this demon hunter secretly took out a long knife when Kaidou came in to order a drink and wanted to attack him from behind. The katana he swung hard hit Kaidou on the back, but it only cut him. The leather jacket was torn, and there wasn't even a trace of white mark on the skin inside. The katana immediately broke into several pieces.

Then, the righteous knight was knocked to the ground with a casual punch from Kaidou, and he died instantly.

"Uh, guest, would you like to change to a larger wine glass?" The proprietress of the izakaya, who still retains her charm, laboriously moved a wooden barrel with a sense of age, which contained most of the best wine in the store.

It wasn't that she wasn't afraid, but it was useless to be afraid. She might as well try her best to satisfy this demon's request. If this demon is one of those rare types who can communicate, maybe you can survive by satisfying his request.

Kaidou took a sip of the wine in the barrel and then raised his eyebrows. Not bad? It seems that they did bring out good wine and did not fool me like those stinky monks from Lingyin Temple. He grinned:

"Oh, cluck, cluck, cluck... that's right! People come up one by one and shout to kill each other. How can it be fun and enjoyable to drink? You can have some good wine. Although I don't have your money to pay the bill, I can get more. The good stuff pays for the drinks!”

He casually wiped the wine stain from the corner of his mouth and stared at the landlady with piercing eyes. His meaning was very clear - quickly ask, ‘What is better? ’

The landlady asked tremblingly: "Please, please, guest, what do you mean by 'better things'..."

"It's your life! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

Kaidou burst out laughing:

"When I got here, I smelled a foul smell nearby. There is a demon hiding near your store, and he is about to come out of his lair. He is preparing to use you as a blood meal for his comeback."

As he finished speaking, cracks began to appear on the walls of the izakaya.

Bang! The wall exploded completely, and a huge demon rushed in.

It is three meters tall, with a rat skull head, dry eye sockets full of squirming little rats, the surface of its body is covered with oily fur, its limbs are humanoid and muscular, and a long tail composed of vertebrae sways behind it. The wide open mouth has extremely sharp teeth.

As soon as it rushed in, it grabbed the two closest guests and stuffed them into its mouth. In order to cope with the upcoming mission, it wanted to absorb as much blood as possible to increase its strength to the best level.

But before the captured human being stuffed it into his mouth, the new demon who broke in felt that his head was grabbed by a huge force and could not move.

"It's [Mouse]...it's unlucky for you, it disturbed my mood of drinking."

Kaidou firmly grasped the skull of the rat demon with his left hand, lifted the wine barrel with his right hand and drank it all in one gulp. No matter how hard the rat demon struggled, it was unable to shake Kaidou's arm.

The rat demon is indeed unlucky. Just now it received a contract order from the Soviets, requiring it to cooperate with [Bohm] to seize the chainsaw man's heart, and promised to give it a huge reward. So it came back from its lair and planned to find a shop with lots of people to eat some blood food to regain its strength.

Who would have thought that there is actually a demon here? The devil is obviously weaker than the devil, why is this guy so strong! ? The rat demon only felt that when his arm hit the opponent's arm, it was like knocking on a steel city wall.

"Zhizhizhi!! You, are you a demon? Why are you helping humans! Let me go. I have a great contract here. I am willing to share one-third of the reward with you... no, half... ...What are you going to do? Let me go! Let me go quickly!"

Kaidou didn't care whether the rat demon was struggling to resist or coercing and begging for mercy. He just grabbed the rat demon's head with one hand and put the mace on his shoulder with the other. He strode out from the wall it smashed into and came to on the street.

"I want to ask you, do you like traveling? If you like traveling, where would you like to go?"

When they came to the open area, Kaidou stopped and carried the rat demon in front of him, grinning and asked.

"What kind of trip!? Let me tell you, I accepted a contract from the Soviet Union! You can't kill me, I have a very important mission! Let go...what are you going to do?"

The rat demon was horrified to feel that the hand holding his head became stronger and stronger, almost crushing its skull completely. Then the light returned to its eyes, and it realized that it was being thrown into the sky.

Kaidou's muscles all over his body swelled and bulged. He held the mace in both hands and twisted his body into a ready-to-strike posture. He laughed loudly:

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Have a nice trip!!"

Accompanied by wild laughter and howling wind, Kaidou suddenly twisted his body and swung the mace! The falling rat demon was twisted by the terrifying wind pressure before it came into contact with the mace, and then instantly shot into the sky like a cannonball!

Holding a mace in one hand, Kaidou put his hand on the awning in front of his forehead and looked at the sky:

"Tsk, tsk, I was burned up before I could even fly out of the atmosphere. Forget it, let's drink and drink, I'm really suffocated during this period!"

Kaidou picked up the mace and walked happily to the izakaya, but stopped after just a few steps.

He turned his head and looked behind him impatiently: "The last guy who disturbed me for drinking has been beaten out of this world. Do you want to try too?"

On the street behind Kaidou, Makima put her hands behind her back and looked at Kaidou with a smile:

"First meeting, Dragon Demon."

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