A foreigner's journey

Chapter 774 It doesn’t matter, Pochita will take action

In hell, the battle between light and darkness officially begins.

There was no nonsense. The Demon of Darkness attacked Moxi directly as soon as he came up. A skinny arm protruded from his twisted limbs, and his index finger pointed at Moxi.

Click! The sound of shattering glass immediately appeared in front of Moxi, and cracks appeared in the space in front of her. Then a shining wall of light appeared and took shape, firmly blocking out the invisible power of the dark demon.

Four stone balls are rotating around Moxi at high speed. They are the power of [Light].

"\u0026*% # ¥"

The demon of darkness spoke words that no one could understand, and more skinny arms emerged from the twisted limbs, pointing at Moxi.

The light eggs were spinning rapidly, and the light wall formed by them was constantly changing shape and direction, completely canceling out the power of the Dark Demon. Weird cracks continued to appear and then disappear on the surface of the light wall. Moxi walked towards the Dark Demon while surrounded by light eggs. , not affected by the attack of the Dark Demon at all.

Unable to attack for a long time, the Demon of Darkness immediately raised his hands and clasped them in front of him. The ground beneath his feet began to tremble violently. Countless dark spears and sharp blades sprang out from the ground, covering the entire battlefield in an instant.

The four light eggs simultaneously gathered into a structure of one up and three down to form a regular tetrahedron, carrying Moxi flying into the sky to avoid the dark spear below.

Not far away, Kusakabe had just used the blood flowing from his broken arm to feed Denji, but before he could even speak, he was stabbed into a hornet's nest by more than a dozen dark sharp blades.

But his goal has been achieved. After drinking the blood, all the injuries of Denci recovered, and even his two arms grew back.

"The boy with four eyes...the man with pigtails...Miss Jiye...Brother Fu..."

Seeing Mr. Fu and his companions all die tragically in front of him, even Denji, who was more indifferent than ordinary people, couldn't hold back the pain and anger in his heart and roared——

"Oh oh oh oh oh!! I'm going to kill you ahhhhh!!!"

Denji in the form of a chainsaw man jumped up suddenly, and the chainsaw rotating at high speed collided with the dark space in front of the dark demon, causing violent sparks to burst out.

Under the illumination of this brief spark, countless twisted limbs and human faces screaming silently were reflected inside the Dark Demon's dark cloak.

"* # ¥ @\u0026!"

The Demon of Darkness seemed to have a special obsession and resentment towards the Chainsaw Man. He ignored Moshi who was related to the contract content and directly turned his target towards Denji.

He stretched out his arm and pointed it at Denci, and the invisible force immediately twisted Denci's limbs and neck, trying to twist him into a twist.

Denji struggled desperately, and the saw blade of his waving arm scraped against the dark demon's body, causing dazzling sparks to burst out.

Seemingly impatient, the Dark Demon stretched out a second hand. This time Denji's stomach exploded, his intestines were dragged out and wrapped tightly around his neck. Letting the enemy be strangled to death by one's own intestines is really a method of execution that suits the taste of the dark demon.

In the distant sky, Moxi crossed his arms in front of him and watched all this with a smile, without any intention of intervening.

Because she found that the power of the chainsaw seemed to be strengthened like never before in hell, or in other words, for the first time, Denji was able to draw out the power of the chainsaw man Pochita to such a great extent.

The invisible twisting force continuously collided with Denci's body and made harsh metal friction sounds. Under the 'forging' of this force, Denci began to transform into the true form of a chainsaw man.

Soon, Denci's whole body was covered in pitch-black ferocious armor, which made his body look very tall and strong. At the same time, the elbows of both arms split into another forearm, with its own chainsaw blade. The intestines pulled out from the abdominal tear were still wrapped around his neck, but this time it existed as a 'scarf'.

The shape of the head is also different from the normal Chainsaw Man. There is no chainsaw handle on the back of the head, replaced by two pairs of short demonic horns and cervical bone spurs.

【Hell’s Heroes】Chainsaw Man, come on!

After transforming into the Black Saw form, Denji's combat style completely changed. No longer waving the saw arm without any rules, but like a manic beast, with caution and cunning in its wildness.

He let out a buzzing howl from his long mouth, and swung his arm saw to slash at the Dark Demon. This time the saw blade directly broke through the protection of the dark space, sawing off several of the skinny arms of the Dark Demon in front of him.

With a large amount of black blood splattered, the dark demon was repulsed for the first time.

A small part of His body was cut off by the chainsaw man's saw blade. The four heads spurted out blood, and blood overflowed from the bones of the weird skull at the top. The dark cloak behind him unfolded and rolled towards the chainsaw man.

The chainsaw man immediately collided the two saw blades of his left arm together, bursting out with dazzling light, temporarily forcing back the erosion of darkness. At the same time, he swung his right arm and shot out several saw chains to lock the body of the dark demon. The saw chain contracted, and the chainsaw man and the dark demon rushed towards each other at the same time.

Phew! The saw blade cut deeply into the Dark Demon's body.

Stab! The long and narrow nails penetrated the chainsaw man's armor.

Facing the Demon of Darkness, one of the most powerful demons, Chainsaw Man neither dodges nor escapes. He attacks the Demon of Darkness with every move, regardless of his own damage.

Moxi sat with one hand on his chin in the tetrahedron made of light eggs, smiling: "Oh, what a ferocious little dog. But the devil of darkness can recover as long as he is in the dark. With all the injuries and never dying, how far can you go, little dog?”

Just like Moxi said, the dark space is getting bigger and bigger. Even if the dark demon in the darkness is chopped off by a chainsaw man and his head is cut through the body, he can immediately recover from his injuries. At the same time, the power of the dark demon is also constantly increasing. .

Click! Click! Click! Once again, he stretched out his skinny arms and pointed at the chainsaw man. This time, the chainsaw man's legs were completely twisted into twists, and a large amount of blood spurted out from the gaps.

The Demon of Darkness waved his arms and cut off all the saw chains that bound him. A dozen palms protruded from the dark cloak, all pointing their index fingers at the chainsaw man who was kneeling on the ground.

The chainsaw man was knocked into the sky, and the armor on the surface of his body was continuously shattered by invisible forces, and finally fell heavily to the ground.

A large amount of blood was splashed around when he landed. Chainsaw Man collapsed on the ground with his head hanging down. His tongue was hanging at the side of his mouth. Blood continued to drip down the corners of his mouth and the gaps in his body armor, and he was panting.

The dark demon did not approach, but raised one of its arms and pointed its index finger at the sky.

The darkness condensed into a huge black knife and appeared above the head of the Dark Demon.

The blade of the black sword is curved into four petals, with four bells hanging from the bottom. The handle is in the style of a samurai sword, and the blade is extremely sharp.


As the dark demon's fingers moved, the bell rang, and the black knife quickly slashed towards the chainsaw man.

At this time, the chainsaw man was in a weak state of exhaustion and could not escape.


Just when the black knife immediately hit the chainsaw man's head, the golden cross sword held the black knife's blade firmly.

Black mist and golden flames intertwined to form a strange picture.

After a brief confrontation, the black knife was severely chopped and flew out, spinning rapidly into the boundless darkness.

"Is this all your trump card, Demon of Darkness? Then, it's our turn."

Moxi stood in front of the chainsaw man with absolute royal power in his hand, raising his slender white left index finger and shaking it.

The surfaces of the four stone balls rotating around her cracked, and the bodies of the sacred stone beetles slowly unfolded, shining brightly.

The root-level demon, [Demon of Light]!

At the same time, the cross sword and even Moxi's body began to ignite with blazing fire, and the flames were overwhelming.

The root-level demon, [Demon of Fire]!

Let me see, Demon of Darkness, can you still maintain this arrogance when facing two root-level demons?

PS: Are all Asian teams so powerful? So it’s understandable that the national football team can’t qualify?

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