A foreigner's journey

Chapter 777: Gun Demon starts a group with C, milk, and random people come, black and orange martial

Tokyo Police Demon Hunter Headquarters, Commander-in-Chief's Office.

There is not much furniture or decoration in the spacious and bright office. There is just a desk, a sofa chair, two guest chairs and a coat rack at the door. Other than that, there are no other decorations. , not even a pot of green plants, a complete Uchiha speed killing style.

"So, you want to hire me?"

Moxi was wearing a white dress, with her long silver hair braided around her shoulders. She was sitting on a chair in the middle of the office with a gentle smile on her face.

Opposite her, Uchiha Suzan sat behind the table, crossed his hands in the posture of Commander Ikari, and said in a cold tone: "It is an indisputable fact that you attacked Denji and others. It is my fault for not killing you on the spot. The greatest kindness.”

The old-looking An Bang stood next to Su Zhan with his hands behind his back, looking at his nose and nose, looking at his heart like the deputy commander of Dongyue.

"Oh my, I've heard that Uchiha Speed ​​Slayer is very vicious, but I didn't expect him to be so gentlemanly."

Moxi said with a smile:

"But, are you sure you can kill me? It's precisely because you're not completely sure that you're here to negotiate with me calmly, right, little brother Quick Kill?"

"...Did you do it to Machima?"

Moxi shrugged his shoulders: "Of course not. Although one of my goals on this trip was to kill Makima, I am very sure that I have not met her. In fact, I waited for a long time after entering hell. Yes, I originally thought that Machima would enter hell to rescue Denci-kun, but I didn’t expect that she was killed one step ahead... It’s a pity.”

"Please allow me to ask, who is Makima?" Kishibian suddenly asked.

On the surface, Kishibe was appointed by Suzan as the director of the Tokyo Anti-Monster Specialty Section 4, but he actually represented the conservatives in the cabinet government. The questions he asked were not only his own curiosity, but also the inquiries of the conservatives in the cabinet government. .

Su Zhan stretched out his hand to signal Mo Xi to come.

Moxi did not refuse, and said slowly with a smile and a gentle voice:

"Makima is not a human being. She is a famous figure in Hell, one of the Four Horsemen [Demon of Domination]. She came to Japan about three years ago and signed a contract with the Prime Minister of the Cabinet. The content of the contract is [Converting fatal injuries to her randomly into diseases or accidents of Japanese nationals], in other words, it is almost impossible to kill her as long as her contract is not broken.”

"But Makima is still dead. In addition, contracts have two sides. Makima has received such a generous reward, so what is she going to do for Japan?"

"That's a good question. As a price, one of the Four Horsemen, the [Demon of Domination], will serve as a powerful trump card for the Japanese cabinet, and will eventually dominate other major countries and annex them to join Japan."

"...That's really a bad future." Even if the people on the shore are Japanese, they don't think this future is very good.

"More than that. Makima's real target is actually the heart of Denji-kun, the 'Hell's Hero Chainsaw Man'. Fu-kun should have reported this to you in detail. In short, once Makima truly Mastering the power of Chainsaw Man, humanity will face the worst possible future, falling under the eternal domination of Magima."

Moxi sat elegantly and had a gentle voice, but what he said made Anbian's body shiver slightly:

"Think about it, without self-awareness, without any freedom and equality, the future of all mankind will be controlled by Machima at will. She can erase the consciousness or lives of all humans in a country at will as long as she wants. Such a future , I guess humans don’t want that.”

Kishibe realized something: "Is that why countries send assassins to attack Denji-kun?"

Suzan snorted coldly: "I originally sent Denji to the most stable Fujiro, and I protected him, so it wasn't a big problem. But Makima planned several demon attacks against Denji and Fujiro. , and successfully exposed Denji's Chainsaw Man image to the world. I was also temporarily transferred to Hokkaido because of her frame-up, otherwise few of those assassins would dare to come."

"This is the truth. If Brother Su Zhan is still in Tokyo, at least I won't rush in." Moxi said with a smile.

There are still questions on the shore: "But these big countries send assassins not only to stop Makima, right?"

"BINGO~ Rather than trying to stop Machima, the big countries want to hold the power of Chainsaw Man in their own hands. And not only the big countries, but the powerful demons have also coveted the power of Chainsaw Man for a long time. The Demon of Darkness, the Demon of Gun, they have long wanted to take over Chainsaw Man’s power. Oh, that’s right!”

Moxi suddenly remembered and clapped his hands gently:

"I killed a lot of demons in hell, including demons of darkness. Judging from the time, they should have been reincarnated in the human world. You'd better check it out and either send them back to hell or keep them in captivity while they are still weak."

"Because of your actions, the whole world will suffer another wave of demon invasion." Su Zhan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Speaking of which, why don't you hand over your light demon and flame demon as well? It’s about making a contribution to the world.”

"This is really not like what 'Monster Slash' said. If you want it, just grab it yourself."

Moxi smiled and shook his fingers, and four scarabs appeared beside him, staring at Su Zhan and the shore with their compound eyes.

It's not clear to Anbian what Su Zhan feels, but Anbian only feels cold and cold all over his body now, as if he is facing a powerful existence that is absolutely invincible.

No kidding, if these two fight, the entire Tokyo Police Demon Hunter Headquarters building will be razed to the ground immediately.

He bent down and leaned next to Su Zhan and whispered: "Master Su Zhan, what does it mean..."

Su Zhan, who had already narrowed his eyes slightly, snorted coldly when he heard this, took out a folder and threw it at Mo Xi.

Moxi took the folder, opened it, and started flipping through it. After a few minutes, he raised his beautiful big eyes and looked at Su Zhan: "Ah, is the Japanese government really willing to do this?"

Suzhan's voice was cold: "As long as you are willing to sign a contract to help us conquer the Gun Demon, the Japanese government is willing to pay a 50% deposit first."

"The Demon of Guns, that guy is different from the Demon of Darkness. It's very troublesome to deal with."

Moxi's meaning is also very clear. Her Demon of Fire and Demon of Light are designed to restrain the Demon of Darkness, but it is a bit difficult to deal with the Demon of Gun:

"Who else but you and me?"

"The shore will gather professionals to form an elite team of more than twenty people. Counting the civilian demon hunters, Heather from Tokyo, Reina Hashimoto from Kyoto, Touzaburo from Miyagi, and Shiratori from Hokkaido."

"You can, but it's not enough. To deal with the gun demon, you need an [expert], someone who is comparable to you and me." Moxi shook his head.

"Don't be so insatiable, Ziegler."

Just as the two were arguing, the window suddenly clanged, and at the same time, a huge noise came from high in the sky outside the window.

That's the roar of a dragon!

Thanks for the tip of 1500 starting coins from Shen Yin

PS: I started playing WOW in 2005, and now it’s finally coming to an end...

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