A foreigner's journey

Chapter 789 Gun and Parting

Now that all conditions have been met, the recasting work can begin without further delay.

Heather flew to the top of the gun demon's head, put her right hand on the front end of the huge revolver in front of the gun demon's forehead, and then suddenly mobilized all her mental energy.

A terrifying pillar of fire that could not be observed by mortals suddenly rose into the sky, completely covering the gun demon in the forging fire of thought energy.

Recasting begins!

Not wanting to just stand stupidly in the middle of the battlefield and let the whole world watch for hours, Heather threw in two flames to speed up the recasting.

The recasting process went very smoothly, thanks to Heather's now commanding control over telekinesis and her astonishing telepathy. If the total amount of Nian Qi after starting Nian in Hunter World was 10, then Heather's Nian Qi amount now exceeds 2,000.

Heather has long been aware of this. Whenever she encounters a strong enemy that can bring enough pressure and exhausts her mental energy to fight with all her strength to win, her mental energy will increase by leaps and bounds.

After Gaia infused the world's life stream into her body in the world of Final Fantasy, Heather's mental energy was even more explosively strengthened. Using the analogy mentioned above, it jumped directly from 300 to 1500. , presumably because of the transformation and optimization of Heather's body by the Lifestream.

The flames were used to shorten the recasting time from three hours to five minutes. Under the watchful eyes of the whole world, the gun demon who kept his head bowed to Heather gradually melted into countless tiny particles of light and began to merge into Heather's body. middle.

Su Zhan Qishi and others gathered not far away from Heather, seemingly chatting casually, but in fact they were on guard against possible attacks from all directions.

The recasting process of [Mythical Weapons Catalog] is a one-time process, which means it must not be interrupted. The result of being interrupted is that Heather will never be able to recast this weapon again, so when she first recasts those weapons, Heather will try to choose a time and place where they will not be affected by external forces or have someone to help guard them.

Of course, with so many self-aware clones and summons now available, the risk of Heather's recasting is greatly reduced.

At this time, the remaining members of the forward group and surprise attack group began to approach Heather.

Kishi, who was missing an arm, covered the broken part of his left arm and appeared not far in front of Su Zhan. Behind him, Hayakawa Qiu and others also slowly approached.

Looking at Su Zhan from a distance, Anbian said in a complicated tone: "Su Zhan, can I still trust you?"

Although he is older than Suzan and has more experience, Kishibe has always believed that Suzan is better than himself... no, he should be said to be the best demon hunter in the world.

Even if Su Zhan was later suspected to be the [Demon of War], Kishibe, who had always been cold and merciless in dealing with demons, was more inclined to talk to Su Zhan first. Maybe there was some misunderstanding?

Now, the Demon of the Gun has been defeated, and judging from the results, Japan has won a complete victory, but Heather's actions are not like collecting ordinary trophies, but more like recruiting the Demon of the Gun.

If the Demon of the Gun is really subdued by this mysterious demon hunter named Heather, and if he is followed by three world-famous figures, Suzhan, Moxi and Dragon Demon, no one can say what the future fate of this world will be. It's not clear which way it will tilt.

Even if he loses his life, Anbian still needs to find out.

Suzhan stood on the devastated ground with his hands in his pockets, looked towards the shore, and said calmly: "What are you referring to, shore? If you are asking about the future fate of Japan and even all mankind, then you can believe me Saying that – nothing will change.”

"...Don't take me for a fool."

"Are you afraid that we will affect the peaceful future of mankind?"

"Isn't it? No matter you, Moxi or the Dragon Demon, you all have the terrifying power to defeat the root-level demon, but you are willing to surrender to that young man named Heather. Now even the Gun Demon has fallen into his hands. Here, your existence itself has already had a huge impact on the future of mankind."

"So? You want us to disappear?"

"I would like to, but no one in this world can do that."

"...Since we are old partners who have worked together for so long, I won't hide it from you."

Su Zhan looked at Heather who was recasting the Gun Demon in the sky, and said softly to the shore:

"The future destiny of this world is in [his] hands. If you want to ask clearly, just wait a moment, Kishibe."

Kuanbian was silent for a while, sitting on the ground holding his bleeding broken arm, making it clear that he wanted to wait for Heather to finish the 'work' she was doing and then ask for answers.

Behind Kishibe, Denji, Hayakawa Akira and Pava looked at each other and did not dare to get too close.

At this time, Moxi suddenly asked Qishi in the bonfire square in his heart: "Yuan, how was the mission completed?"

"It's almost done." Qishi replied immediately.

The number of flames obtained varies depending on the difficulty of the task, including 1 for E-level, 2 for D-level, 3 for C-level, 5 for B-level, 10 for A-level, and 100 for S-level.

Among this mission (see Chapter 3 of this volume for details), the D-level mission [Who has the final say on the Anti-Demon Special Course] was completed by Quick Slash, and 2 flames were obtained; the D-level mission [The Wonderful Taste of Betrayal] and the C-level mission [I am no longer a human being] was completed by Kaidou, and a total of 5 flames were obtained; the B-level task [Hell Talker] was completed by Moxi, and 5 flames were obtained.

Then C-level [Love and Separation] and B-level [I guess there are no bullets in the gun] are all considered completed by Heather due to the recasting effect, and 8 flames were obtained.

"The B-level mission [Domination is only the first step] requires killing Magima. I can complete this mission at any time, as long as the master gives the order. Finally, there is the D-level mission [Devils Will Cry]. Miss Moxi kills her in hell. The total number of demons plus the scattered demons killed by others is 98, and there are still two to go."

Nanami's consciousness returned to the real world, and she looked up at Hayakawa Qiu and Pava who were confused, with a faint smile on her face: "Fortunately, there are two ready-made ones here."

Almost at the same time, Hayakawa Akira suddenly covered his right eye because his right eye was stinging violently, and a large amount of smoke overflowed from Hayakawa Akira's right eye and turned into a future demon. As soon as it appeared, it immediately lay on the ground trembling and shouted: "Please, please don't kill me! Hayakawa Akira! Help me!"

[That woman] Are you talking about this beautiful black-haired girl? Hayakawa Akira always thought that the future demon was Moshi.

If he violated the contract, he would die miserably. Hayakawa Akira had no choice but to take two steps forward and said sincerely to Nanami: "Madam, the future demon has contributed a lot in the battle against the gun demon. Can you spare its life?"

Nanami didn't seem to hear Hayakawa Qiu's words, and slowly raised her slender white hands towards the future demon and Pava.

Pava immediately felt great terror and danger, far exceeding the danger she experienced when she encountered the dark demon in hell, and she didn't even have any possibility of escape and could only tremble and collapse on the ground.

The future demon huddled up and shivered.

Seeing that Nanami was not moved at all, Hayakawa Akira looked at Suzhan again. The latter shook his head, but Kaidou quietly pointed in the direction of Fang Heise.

Hayakawa Qiu immediately shouted to Heather: "Mr. Heather! Please spare the lives of Pava and the future demon! We have been fighting hard and have absolutely no hindrance or any ill intentions towards you. And Makima It seems that he is not dead yet, we can assist you!”

Nanami slightly narrowed her beautiful big eyes, obviously dissatisfied with Hayakawa Qiu's interference with her master.

In an instant, even Hayakawa Akira felt a huge killing intent.

At this moment, Heather's laughter suddenly sounded: "Okay, dear, for my sake."

The murderous intention dissipated, Qishi returned to her quiet and fragile appearance, and put her hands back in front of her body to caress the light green bathrobe.

In the sky, Heather's recasting work was still going on. He put his left hand in his pocket and pressed his right hand on the gun devil's head. He looked down while recasting: "Pava is my number one fan, and the future devil is also very good at it." Whatever it is, let’s leave it as it is. Su Zhan, is there anything else you want to add?”

Su Zhan heard this and looked at Mo Xi: "Miss Mo Xi, please help recover the members of the expedition team who are still alive."

Moxi smiled and made an OK gesture, and the light eggs immediately flew around quickly, scattering a large number of flame particles shining with golden light.

After the flame particles fell on the shore, he released his hand covering the broken arm in surprise. A brand new arm grew out, and at the same time, the few remaining flesh, flesh and internal organs in his body due to paying the devil's contract were all regenerated. complete.

Not only him, but all the surviving members of the Gun Demon Crusade Team have recovered from their injuries, and their old injuries have also recovered.

At this point, the whole body of the Gun Demon turned into light spots and was absorbed into Heather's body, and the recasting was completed.

Deep in Heather's mind, the telekinesis ability [Catalogue of Mythical Weapons] has opened a new page——

The new category [Guns] is updated, [Disaster Gun·Gun Demon] is logged in!

The calamity gun [Gun Demon] is a violent demon that can transform into various firearms and has extremely strong long-range fire suppression capabilities. Heather can freely manifest any type of firearm that exists in the Gun Demon's "Arsenal". Bullets appear with the gun and there is no limit to the quantity.

By injecting mind energy or blood, you can activate the abilities of the Gun Demon, including [specify shooting target] [increase the range] [increase the power of ammunition] [give the ammunition a second attribute] and so on.

At the same time, the Gun Demon can record the new types of firearms that the world is exposed to in order to update its own firearms library.

The more high-tech the world is where the fear of guns is high, the stronger the power of the Gun Demon can be exerted. But in a low-tech world like the Pirates of the Caribbean world, the Gun Demon can only manifest low-level firearms such as flintlock guns.

However, if it is strengthened with weapon concepts, the strongest combat power of the Gun Demon Theory can be exerted in the low-tech world within the duration of the concept effect.

Finally getting the long-range mythical weapon she longed for, Heather fell to the ground and stretched out in a good mood.

Pava was so frightened by Qishi that he cried: "ANIKI!"

The future demon climbed up tremblingly and waved his arms randomly: "Heather is the best! Heather is the best! Heather! The best!"

Shore moved his newly grown arms and looked at Heather with a serious expression: "Heather, can I call you this?"

Heather raised her eyebrows: "Of course. If you plan to add titles such as 'adult' and 'handsome guy' after it, I won't object."


"Stop, I know what you want to ask. In fact, we will not favor any country, nor humans or demons, because the goal of my coming to this world has been completed."

Heather grinned:

"We are about to leave this world, don't worry."

"Leave?" Anbian thought Heather was taking the others to hell. Is Heather the real war demon?

On the other side, Heather no longer wanted to talk to Anbian. He turned to look at Qishi: "My dear, give Makima a good time."

Since it was Heather's order, Qishi naturally obeyed. The evil knife slipped out of her sleeve and was held in her hand, dark electric light flashing.

In a remote and uninhabited dark room, lying on a surgical couch covered in dark bloodstains was a brain that had been completely stripped out and complete neural tissue connected together. This terrifying 'corpse' was trembling slightly. , was suddenly penetrated by a sudden dark electric light, and 'Machima', who had been forcibly activated by the evil knife, was finally freed.

B-level mission [Domination is only the first step] completed.

"There are still two demons left." Qishi looked at Heather and indicated that there was still a D-level mission to be completed.

Heather was a little helpless: "Oh, there are no demons or demons worth killing around here. These people are all companions who help defeat the Demon of the Gun, so don't target them, my dear."

"D-class mission."

"Okay, okay, I understand. Didn't you take Machima's ability to [control lower animals]? Find two demons nearby and tell me the coordinates."

"226 kilometers away, the dog demon. 416 kilometers away, the drowning demon."


After getting the coordinates sent from Qizhi's heart, Heather raised his right arm and pointed it slightly toward the sky. A huge and weird-looking sniper rifle appeared in his hand, the gun body flashing with a cold metallic light.

[Increase shooting range], [Increase ammunition power], [Specify shooting target].

Bang! Bang! After just firing two shots randomly, Heather canceled the embodiment of the gun, raised his eyebrows at Qishi and smiled proudly: "Let the bullets fly for a while."

Qishi pursed her lips, Ai Xiese.

Soon, the D-level mission [Devils Can Cry] was completed.

This time, all the tasks were completed and it was time to leave.

After a long time, the Prime Minister of Japan picked up the phone receiver: "...It's me, Uchiha Suzan and the others really left?"

"Yes, I left." An Bian was holding his cell phone with a cigarette in his mouth and a tired look on his face.

"How did you leave?"

"It's hard to describe. Just think of them as superhuman beings who flew high into the clouds and disappeared."

"...will they come back?"

"Who knows? I hope they can come back and use their incredible power to rejuvenate this desperate world poisoned by demons. But, as Su Zhan said, people can only rely on themselves after all."

"From now on, the anti-demon class is in your hands, Kishibe."

Click, there was a hang-up sound from the phone.

Kishi put away his cell phone, threw the newly lit cigarette to his feet and crushed it.

Su Zhan, you walked very lightly, but you left me with a lot of mess...

With a slow sigh, Kishi looked up to the distant sky, raised his hand and saluted.

Bon Voyage.

End of this volume

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