A foreigner's journey

Chapter 801 Urahara Store

Just like your town is divided into various districts or area names, Karakura Town is also composed of twelve blocks.

For example, the Kurosaki Clinic where the Kurosaki family lives is located in the southernmost [Minamikawase Ward], and the Arisawa Tatsuki family, who was childhood sweethearts with Kurosaki Ichigo, also lives here.

Kiku downstairs and Heather's family live in the [Mashi Ward], Mashi Junior High School is also in this area, and there is also the famous Karaza Exchange Park, which is also very close to the [Gakuencho Ward] where Karaza Ikko is located.

Heather's target location today, Urahara Store, is located in the easternmost corner of Karakura Town [Sannomiya Ward].

Although I’ve seen it in comics, I felt this way when I saw Urahara Store in person——

So shabby and small.

It seems to be a product from the 1960s or earlier, and it seems incompatible with the style of the surrounding buildings.

But it is such an inconspicuous little grocery store, but there are many customers coming in and out of the store, and most of them are children.

There are three clerks, two of whom are children. A little black-haired girl with twin tails was sweeping the floor at the entrance of the store with a broom, while a short red-haired boy stood by the shelves and boasted to the little customers who were selecting goods.

Standing behind the cashier was a very tall, middle-aged man with glasses and a beard, talking to the customers with a gentle smile that didn't fit his body type.

"The little red-haired guy is called Jinta, the little black-haired girl is called Yu, and the big guy is called Tessai."

Rukia, who walked to Urahara store with Heather, introduced:

"Even though this store is shabby and small, the things it sells are actually quite trendy, and American products sometimes appear. The most important thing is that the products here are very cheap. Hello, Mr. Tessai, is the store owner here?"

The burly and muscular clerk leaned over and said hello to Rukia Kuchiki: "Oh, it's Miss Kuchiki, welcome. I'm going to call the store manager right now, please wait a moment."

"No, I'm already awake."

A figure walked out of the inner door of the grocery store, yawning and scratching his head, a look of laziness deep in his bones.

Urahara Kisuke... Heather looked at this man with an unchanged expression. The look is exactly the same as in the comics, with messy blond hair, handsome face with some stubble, striped bucket hat and clogs, it is really easy to identify him.

Urahara Kisuke, the store manager of Urahara store, looked around, clapped his hands and said loudly: "Everyone, everyone! The store's business hours will end early today. We apologize for the poor reception."

The customers present were all old customers who had been patronizing the area for many years. They were already accustomed to the store manager's willfulness. They just smiled and said hello to Urahara Kisuke and left. The customers who had already selected the goods were also accelerated by Tessai. Checkout speed.

Soon, only the store manager and two customers were left in the Urahara store.

Urahara Kisuke smiled and stretched out his hand to Heather: "It is always a good thing to meet new customers... Urahara Kisuke, the manager of this shabby and small Urahara store, please take care of me."

Rukia rolled her eyes at the side. This guy obviously heard the 'shabby and small' comment she used before to evaluate Urahara's store.

Heather smiled and held Urahara Kisuke's hand: "Heather, a high school student in Class 3, Grade 1, Karaza No. 1 Senior High School, and concurrently serving as the sous chef at Kikuta Tower, please take care of me."

"Ju Go downstairs? I know, I know, this store is very famous, but it's a bit expensive... Hahaha, for a grocery store owner like me who runs a small business, going to have a meal is very luxurious!"

"Ju Xia downstairs is really looking forward to seeing you and all the staff in your store. I'll give you a 20% discount."

Looking at the two people chatting, the clerk Jinta who was standing not far away curled his lips: "What, he's just an ordinary human being, right, Xiaoyu...Xiaoyu?"

As soon as he turned his head, he saw the black-haired girl Xiaoyu looking at Heather from afar with her face flushed.

Seeing that the two of them were chatting endlessly, Lucia said impatiently:

"Without further ado, I brought Heather here because he accidentally awakened [Reiatsu]. From now on, he will probably deal with Hollows. So do you have any gadgets here that are suitable for humans like him? "

"Accidentally awakened spiritual pressure?"

Urahara Kisuke glanced at Heather, then smiled and said: "Well, this kind of situation has not happened before. There are some. I have many products suitable for Mr. Heather! Xiaoyu!"

The black-haired girl secretly looked at Heather with a blushing face, but was startled when her name was called: "Huh? Yes!"

"Please bring the old... ah, no, the latest prop box for psychics from the warehouse."


Xiaoyu ran towards the warehouse in a hurry. Lucia on the other side looked at Urahara Kisuke with side eyes: "Hey, you just said 'aged', right? Is it aged goods? Are you fooling us?"

"Ah hahaha! How could it happen?"

Urahara Kisuke opened a small fan in front of his face and said with a smile:

"I have all brand new goods here. You must have heard wrong, Ms. Kuchiki!"

Within a few minutes, Xiaoyu ran back with a large cardboard box in his arms and placed it heavily on the ground.

Kisuke Urahara squatted in front of the box, rummaged through it, and explained to Heather and Rukia Kuchiki with a smile:

"These are all good things, such as this plastic wrap for insulating spirits. With it, you no longer have to worry about the leftovers in your refrigerator being eaten by evil spirits. Speaking of which, I should also give my own refrigerator Wrap it in two layers. Recently, the kuri yokan I hide in the refrigerator is always stolen and eaten by evil spirits, and my most trustworthy store clerk can't even guard it."

Kuchiki Rukia noticed that the red-haired Jinta not far away looked up and looked away in a panic, with his mouth pouting into a 3 shape.

Hey, before you suspect evil spirits, take a look back at your most trusted clerk. It was clearly this red-haired dwarf who stole your kuri yokan, right?

"There is also this 'Exorcist Hair Dryer Ver.5'. Use this hair dryer to dry your hair after taking a shower. It will make your hair beautiful and fluffy, and it will also emit a smell that is disgusting to evil spirits and virtual beings. Oh oh oh, this is what I want My favorite is the 'Inner Soul Stable Slingshot M4'! Use this set of 'Severe Painful Stones' to shoot the target spirit body, which will slow down the opponent's deceleration process, but there will be a little pain that may irritate the opponent."

Urahara Kisuke kept taking out one piece after another of useless spirit-fighting props. Suddenly he stopped and looked up towards the ceiling.

Almost at the same time, Heather looked in the same direction.

They are not looking at the ceiling, but at a more distant direction in the sky.

Didi didi! At this time, the detector carried by Kuchiki Rukia to detect the virtual position sounded an alarm, and the alarm disappeared as soon as she took it out.

"No reaction so quickly? Ichigo moves very quickly..."

She breathed a sigh of relief and was about to put the detector back into the pocket of her school uniform skirt when the detector suddenly started beeping urgently again.

As soon as Lucia picked it up, the alarm sound disappeared again. Could it be that it was broken?

Didi didi! Didi didi! Didi didi!

The detector kept sounding and then went silent, and at the same time, dense dots of light began to appear on the screen, all of which were 'virtual'.

"How is it possible? Why did the number of virtual objects suddenly increase sharply?"

Rukia rushed out of the grocery store and looked at the sky, only to see that the scenery in the sky was distorting and deforming, and a heavy and chaotic vibration spread throughout Karakura Town.

Something is going to happen!

PS: The fever is gone and the pain in my body is not that strong. Try to resume updates.

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