A foreigner's journey

Chapter 829 Now I’ll be the ghost

The battle was intense from the start.

The Zanpakutō of Komamura's left formation did not change at all after it was released. However, as he jumped into the air and swung the sword towards Heather, an extremely huge wrist appeared out of thin air from his side. The giant hand held it and it was more than ten meters long. The giant knife struck at Heather's head!

Heather pulled out the Qiandao Ban from her waist, pretending to be a shallow blow, and blocked it above her head. In contrast, the Thousand Sword Banner, which was as small as a toothpick, actually held the twelve-meter-long giant blade of scourge firmly!

boom! The ground beneath Heather's feet immediately rippled in all directions, and then cracked into countless cracks and rubble. Even so, the Thousand Blades that Heather used to block the giant blade of the Scourge did not tremble at all.

At this time, an inaudible sound of wind came from the right side of Heather's body.

The Zanpakutō in Hisagi Shuhei's hand has turned into two double-headed spiral-blade scythes connected by chains. He swung the chain and threw the scythe blade in his right hand toward Heather, and the scythe blades immediately spun rapidly. Cut to Heather's flank.

Heather's right hand held the giant blade of the 'Shallow Fight' that was pressed against her head, and her left hand reached out from under the armpit of her right arm in a shooting posture.

Bang! The two spirit pills accurately hit the sickle blade coming at high speed, knocking it away far away.

But Hisagi didn't care, because he was fighting for opportunities for his captain.

"[Qing Chong 2nd Style: Red Migratory Locust]!"

The overwhelming long shuttles all shot towards Heather! This time, Heather was restrained by Komamura's scourge and couldn't move. His other hand was also used to attack Fusei and had no time to defend. If Tōsen didn't believe that Heather could still dodge.

Orihime was in a panic in the distance and immediately summoned a three-day shield to protect Heather.

But when Heather faced a dead end, the smile on her face became even brighter: "You don't even release the swastika, are you looking down on me a little too much? Okay, okay, let me show you something fun. [Empire] The Secret of Wave Fist】——"

Just when the red migratory locust was about to hit Heather, a dazzling light bloomed from the surface of his body!

"[Spirit Mirror Recoil]!"

A dazzling light suddenly flashed! Both Komamura and Hisagi couldn't help but squint their eyes or turn their heads to avoid looking directly into the bright light.

As a blind person, Dongxian had no need to dodge, but he still rolled on the spot and made evasive movements. Immediately, countless long metal shuttles bombarded around him, exploding a large amount of gravel and smoke.


When Komamura discovered that Tosen was suddenly attacked, he couldn't help but yelled. Then, he felt a strange feeling coming from under the huge sword that was transformed by Divine Punishment, and then he saw the huge sword that covered the sky and the sun coming towards his head.

Facing the fierce attack from himself, Komamura only had time to raise his sword and block it in front of him.

boom--! His whole body was knocked backwards by the giant sword of scourge, crashed through several buildings, and fell into the rubble.

Among the three Shinigami present, only Hisagi Shuhei, who had not yet had time to launch his second attack, survived.

He couldn't believe his eyes. What happened just now? Captain Tosen and Captain Komamura were attacked by their own Zanpakutō abilities?

[Spirit Mirror Recoil], does it return all the enemy's attacks to the enemy himself? Impossible, there can be no such unsolvable moves in the world!

If Heather could hear Hisagi's crazy scream in her heart, she would definitely shrug her shoulders and spread her hands, showing an innocent look.

That's right, you Shinigami may not have such power. Even if you did, it would be the Quincy ability of the second male lead, Uryu Ishida, [Antithesis].

The [Spiritual Mirror Recoil] he used was of course a fake. It was actually the quick-cutting Mangekyō Sharingan ability 'Dumukari'. This pupil technique can reverse common sense and rules. Just now he simply reversed the 'directions' of [Red Migratory Locust] and [Celestial Punishment].

It is worthy of being called the Kaleidoscope Eye Technique. It consumes a lot of pupil power, and there will be severe pain in the eyeballs when using the Eye Technique. If it wasn't for showing off, Heather could have used a more concise way to deal with these two parallel import captains.

There is no way, who makes Heather be a show person.

Come on, where is Swastika? I want to see Swastika!

As if responding to Heather's call from the bottom of his heart, there was a crashing sound of stones from the distant rubble ruins. Komamura Zuozhen stood up from the ruins, and blood slowly dripped from the pores of the iron hat.

"It seems that Hajime's Zanpakutō is still not strong enough to deal with you. Then come on, what you have been waiting for..."

"Wait a minute, Komamura."

On the other side, the billowing smoke and dust dissipated, and Tōsen Kaname's figure appeared in the Iron Shuttle Jungle. He was stabbed with several wounds by his own [Qing Chong 2 Style], and the blood dyed the white captain Haori red, but He didn't care.

"Your swastika will end the battle in an instant, which is too merciful for such a sinner. I will use my swastika to execute him!"

Heather was completely indifferent to such cruel words, and even clapped leisurely: "Wow, cool!"

"If you want to laugh, do it now, Traveler Disaster. Because next, you will say goodbye to your smile and stupidity, and welcome endless fear and pain!"

jingle! Tosen held his Zanpakutō upright in front of him and held the metal ring at the sword's jaw with his left hand. The ring rotated rapidly and suddenly enlarged into a huge silver ring with a diameter of 1.5 meters.


As Tōsen was about to swing his Zanpakutō flatly, the circle was divided into nine, and then suddenly shot out in nine directions. They did not touch Heather, but completely enveloped the ruined battlefield. The sound of insects bloomed from each ring, and the inexplicable space was connected through the light beams released from the nine rings, turning into a black ellipse-shaped barrier with a diameter of 150 meters.

"[Final Style of Qing Chong·Yamo Cricket]!"

Everything became silent, Dongxian walked towards Heather with a knife in his hand, and said softly: "This is my swastika, the whole space is."

There was no sound of footsteps. Dongxian Yao gradually walked up to Heather, with a hint of joking in his voice: "How about it? Although I am standing in front of you talking, you can't see or hear anything, right?"

"Isn't the dark and silent world of ignorance scary? As a person among Yama Crickets, your sense of spiritual pressure, vision, hearing and smell will be deprived, leaving only your touch to feel the blade's stab. The coldness and pain of entering your body."

His Zanpakutō slowly moved towards Heather's neck:

"Next, I will chop you two hundred times. If you can still survive by then, maybe I will be merciful and let you see the grand scene of that girl being executed..."


Sentou Tōki, disguised as a shallow strike, suddenly collided with Tōsen Kaname's Zanpakutō. The latter immediately took a few steps back to distance himself and looked at Heather, who was standing where you were, in surprise.

Blinded? What a lucky man, he subconsciously swung his sword forward and happened to hit my Zanpakutō.

But I won't be so lucky next time. I'll make a gash in your back!

Dong Xian used Shunpo to appear behind Heather and swung his sword towards his back.

Clang! Once again, Heather easily blocked the sneak attack with a swing of her knife.

Seeing that the sneak attack failed, Dong Xian immediately used Shunpo to move to the left side of Heather and looked at Heather in disbelief.

How is this man...impossible! My swastika cannot be cracked! Sweat dripped from Dong Xian's forehead.

At this moment, Heather, who should have been deprived of all sensory abilities, slowly turned her head to look at Dongxian Kaname, and the corners of her mouth slowly raised:

"A game of [ghost and tag]? I like it."

As if the perception system was not affected in any way, Heather showed off her sword while pacing towards the frightened Dong Xian Yao, with a playful smile in her words:

"Now it's my turn to be the [ghost], you can start running away."

PS: The update is complete, I wish everyone a happy Spring Festival!

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