A foreigner's journey

Chapter 831 Cut all the way to the Palace of Confession

A cell should not be equated with 'white' or 'pure', but the cell where Kuchiki Rukia is now is a huge, flawless white prison.

Next to the two martyrdom mounds, there is the Palace of Penance and four deep prisons.

She was wearing a pure white prison uniform, and the metal collar around her neck was mixed with 'murderous stone'. The surface of the white tower-like Penitence Palace was also completely made of 'murderous stone'. This kind of rare mineral that can block spiritual children and isolate spiritual pressure makes escape from prison a completely impossible task, not to mention that there are countless masters guarding the Palace of Confession.

After all, this is a place used to hold serious criminals who are about to be executed, and the guarding force cannot be too strict.

The four-deep cell where Kuchiki Rukia is located is located at the top of the tower. There is only one narrow window in the cell. Through the window, you can see the Shuangshu Hill not far away next door.

That's where I'm about to be executed... The way Lucia looked out the window didn't look like a death row prisoner who was about to be executed, she looked unusually calm.

This window was left deliberately by the cell builder so that sinners could see the "Double Death" through the window every day and constantly repent of the sins they had committed in the face of great fear. The Palace of Penance This is where the name comes from.


Rukia does not regret her act of lending the Shinigami power to Ichigo, because if she had not done so at that time, Ichigo would have died.

She also did not resent her adopted brother Kuchiki Byakuya, who not only did not plead for her, but instead pushed for her to be sentenced to death. Brother Byakuya has done enough for himself. He has tarnished the honor of the Kuchiki family, one of the four nobles. No matter what punishment he receives, it is not too much.

Rukia was only slightly regretful.

She missed the small closet in Ichigo's room that was lent to her. She had already made many plans to modify the small closet, but now they were all in vain.

I really want to go to Kikusata with Ichigo and eat the delicious food made by Heather. Ichigo always says that the cooking done by Heather's father is better than Heather's, and he really wants to try it.

I have stayed here for so long and have never met or greeted Ichigo's father and sisters. This is really rude.

Ichigo's friends and classmates shouldn't remember him anymore, right? I wonder if Ichigo will also...

Her slender little hands clenched the white prison uniform on her chest, and Lucia suddenly noticed tears streaming down her cheeks. Only then did she realize that everything she regretted was related to Ichigo.

He just regretted not being able to have a good word with Ichigo at the last moment.

Ichigo, how are you doing?

Suddenly, Lucia felt a flash of light from the corner of her eye, like a bolt of lightning?

At first she thought it was tears that blurred her vision, so she quickly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, but soon she noticed something moving outside the window.

She stood on tiptoes and tried to look out the window. Farther away from the Shuangshu Hill, there was a black shadow shaking.

What is that, man? No, it looks like a humanoid figure, but from this distance, no matter how you calculate it, the figure is over a hundred meters tall!

Rukia had cut off most of her spiritual pressure due to the Death Stone, and her body functions had also declined. At this time, she could only open her eyes like an ordinary soul without the power of a Shinigami and try to observe strange phenomena in the distance.

Because she was too short, she jumped hard several times before she managed to put her hands on the edge of the window and her feet in the air. She twisted her little butt left and right and swayed her body. She struggled to climb to the window, and then she could barely tell who the giant in the distance was. who.

The captain of the 7th Division, Komamura Zuofen's swastika [Black Rope Divine Punishment King]!

Looking at Soul Society, only Captain Komamura's swastika is so big and it's still in human form.

I saw that every time the giant in the distance swung his sword downwards, a large amount of smoke and dust would explode, and at the same time, the armor on his body was constantly shattering. The giant fought while approaching the Penitence Palace at a very fast speed.

Captain Komamura is fighting? With whom?

Just as Rukia was leaning against the window, enduring the pain in her arms and guessing, she clearly heard dense footsteps and shouts coming from the tower outside the window.

"It's a brigade. In the purification field west of the Confession Palace, the captain of the seventh division, Komamura Zuofen, is fighting against the invading brigade. It's been going on for more than half an hour."

"It was a traveling accident that defeated the vice-captain of the third division and three chief officers!"

"They are moving too fast! The battlefield has been moved from Xihu Street to the purification site."

"It's unbelievable. It only took half an hour to move sixty spiritual miles? This is still at war. Has the invading brigade's spiritual pressure reached the captain level?"

"Don't panic, concentrate on guarding the Palace of Confession! This is an order from Room 46 of the Central Committee!"

Travel accident? Could it be that... Lucia's eyes that had lost all light suddenly bloomed with a brilliance called hope.

Ichigo, is that you?

Suddenly, the commotion coming from under the tower interrupted Lucia's reverie.

"Ahhh! Come here, come here!" "Run!"

coming? What's coming? Lucia looked up into the distance in confusion, and saw the giant figure getting bigger and bigger, flying upside down for a thousand meters in the sky and then crashing heavily to the ground!

boom! !

Even in an absolutely solid place like the Confession Palace, Lucia could feel violent vibrations. She couldn't help but let go of her hands and then fell to the ground. The pain made tears well up in her eyes.

She also finally understood why Captain Komamura and the invading traveler were moving so fast. If the Black Rope Heavenly Punishment King was knocked several thousand meters away every time, how could it move faster?

This time, the Black Rope Heavenly Punishment King landed less than two kilometers away from the Confession Palace. The shock wave caused when it landed directly destroyed the surrounding houses and streets, not to mention the area under the Black Rope Heavenly Punishment King.

I'm afraid it turned into dust directly, right?

Rukia hurriedly climbed back to the window and looked out. This time she could finally clearly see the tragic situation of the Black Rope God.

Compared with the majestic and majestic posture he displayed in front of all the members of the Gotei 13 a long time ago, there is almost no intact part of the body of the Black Rope God.

The armor that was thick enough to withstand the Zanpakutō's direct attack after it was released all shattered and collapsed, revealing a body full of wounds. Even the huge sword blade held tightly in his hand was broken to only one third, and the fracture was There were all traces of scorch.

Not far from the Black Rope Heavenly Punishment King, the left formation of Komamura was lying on the ground, breathing heavily. His iron hat had long since disappeared, revealing his true appearance underneath.

He has a canine head. There was no mistaking the difference between human and dog heads, even though her whole body was scarred and her head and face were covered with bloodstains.

That's the legendary...human-wolf clan?

Because she was adopted into the Kuchiki family, one of the four great nobles, Rukia was able to learn many secrets of the Soul Society, including the werewolf clan.

He fell into the animal realm due to his sins during his lifetime, but failed to die completely and came to the Soul Society, so he became a human-wolf clan. This clan is very rare and hates the 'human' Shinigami and residents of Rukongai, so they have been living alone in isolation.

Unexpectedly, Komamura Zuozhen, a member of the werewolf clan, could actually become the captain of the seventh division of the Gotei 13th Division. Does this mean that the commander-in-chief already knows Komamura’s identity?

I heard that Captain Komamura was the type who would pay for the compensation out of his own pocket if he accidentally caused damage while leading the team in battle rather than increase the financial burden on the squad.

Thinking about the huge damage caused by fighting all the way from Xihu Street to the purification place in half an hour, Lucia couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

Speaking of which, if Captain Komamura can be beaten like this, is his opponent...

At this moment, Lucia’s familiar laughter approached rapidly from far to near——

"Hahahaha! You are really super interesting, Komamura! That blind man and Scarface are completely incomparable to you!"

I saw Heather holding Orihime in her arms with her left arm, holding the Thousand Swordsman disguised as a sword in her right hand, jumping towards this side from high altitude, with a cheerful smile on her face:

"The fighting between us has just begun. There is no intermission, so get up and continue fighting!"

H-Heather! ? Rukia was completely stunned.

Thanks to Xuan in Fantasy for the 8800 starting coins

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