A foreigner's journey

Chapter 834 Devastated

Bang! The ground cracked under Zaraki Kenpachi's feet, and his whole body turned into a blurry shadow and rushed towards Heather. The scarred and ferocious face showed completely uncontrollable ecstasy:

"Hahahaha! That's so good, you are so appealing to me! How could I refuse the invitation to fight!?"

"Come on, Koken!" Vice-captain Kusuka Yachiru jumped off Zaraki Kenpachi's shoulders as soon as he burst out, and stood in the distance to cheer Zaraki Kenpachi on with great interest.

The other captains did not move. As captains, they were unwilling to share their enemies with others. Especially Zaraki Kenpachi was a mad dog who protected his food. If they rashly joined the battle, they were likely to be attacked by Zaraki Kenpachi.

But this spiritual pressure... is really terrifying, it is no less than that of some young captains. Kyōraku Shunsui lowered the brim of his hat and smiled. Although he was a bit evil-minded, it would be more appropriate to ask Captain Zaraki to find out the enemy's combat power and fighting methods first.

Clang! !

The broken blade full of chips collided with the Thousand Blades in Heather's hand, and the ground under Heather's feet immediately cracked and opened numerous gaps.

Such strong strength and spiritual pressure! After just a moment of contact, Zaraki Kenpachi immediately felt that Heather's spiritual pressure was amazingly strong, and it also had extremely strong muscle strength.

He casually waved his Thousand Sword Bolt, and Kenpachi Zaraki was blown away several meters away in a flash of intense fire and the harsh sound of metal friction.

His feet touched the ground, creating two streaks of white smoke. He was about to swing the knife excitedly and slashed again, but he found that Heather was casually hanging the Qian Dao Ban to the side without any defense. He couldn't help but smile slightly: "What are you doing?" ?Have you given up your will to fight?"

"I just think you are too weak as an opponent, so weak that I want to yawn."

Heather tilted her head, raised her finger and pointed at her chest:

"For the sake of fairness, why don't I let you chop me first? You can do it anywhere, don't be shy. When it comes to handicap in Go, just think of it as the privilege of the weak."

Hearing Heather's words, not only the vice-captains, but also the captains showed incredible expressions.

Is this travel disaster crazy? You must know that he is facing the captain of the 11th Division, Zaraki Kenpachi, the most aggressive lunatic in the entire Seireitei. He defeated the previous captain of the 11th Division and inherited the title of Kenpachi with only his Zanpakutō, which he didn't even know his name for, and his brute strength.

Only Zaraki Kenpachi has ever lowered his level or directly harmed himself in order to fight his opponent fairly. Where is the precedent of his opponent's "giving up"?

Zaraki Kenpachi was stunned at first, and then showed a crazy smile. The scar on his left eye was twisted like a centipede: "Haha...hahahahaha! I understand, I didn't do a good job here. Face it It is indeed a great disrespect for an enemy like you to still wear such a 'thing'!"

As he spoke, he pulled off the blindfold, then smeared two handfuls of it on his hair, pulled out all the bells tied at the top of his hair, and crushed it into powder.

The bell is to allow Zaraki Kenpachi to make a sound when moving to alert his opponent, and also to allow Zaraki Kenpachi, who cannot sense spiritual power, to sense spiritual pressure.

The eyepatch is a 'monster' he got from the Technology Development Bureau. It can continuously swallow his spiritual pressure and reduce it to the level of his opponent, so that he can slowly enjoy the fun of fighting.

Now facing an unprecedentedly powerful enemy like Heather, Zaraki Kenpachi knew that he no longer needed these things.

After taking off the blindfold, Zaraki Kenpachi's spiritual pressure also caused a terrifying increase! The substantial spiritual pressure washed away waves of air from the dust on the ground under his feet. He twisted his neck and looked at Heather: "How, in this way..."

The words stopped abruptly, because he saw that Heather's appearance was no different from before, still undefended and lazy, she just raised her hand towards Zaraki Kenpachi and hooked her fingers.

The meaning is very clear - the previous agreement is still valid, I can let you chop it at will.

This time, Zaraki Kenpachi could finally feel the humiliation that his opponents had felt in the past.

"If that's the case, then you have to catch this blow! Otherwise, go to hell!"

He let out a roar mixed with excitement and annoyance, leaped high into the sky, then swung his knife and slashed down on Heather's shoulder!

"Wait a minute, Captain Zaraki! You will destroy the entire Confession Palace and the surrounding terrain..." Hitsugaya Toshiro's eyes narrowed, feeling how amazing the spiritual pressure contained in this slash was, and he couldn't help shouting Make a sound.

Hearing that the Penitence Palace might be affected or even destroyed, Kuchiki Byakuya had already touched the hilt of the Zanpakutō at his waist.

Everything happened in a flash of lightning, Zaraki Kenpachi's Zanpakuto had already struck Heather's left shoulder.

Nothing happened.

There was no imaginary broken bones and minced meat, no imaginary landslides, not even a trace of blood or sound.

Zaraki Kenpachi's sword was quietly pressed against Heather's shoulder, as if it was a joke.

"How...is it possible..." Zaraki Kenpachi's eyes widened, his face filled with disbelief. He had obviously mobilized all his spiritual pressure and strength, so why didn't he even split the other party's clothes?

He only felt that all his cutting power was like a mud cow entering the sea, and it all dissipated without a trace the moment it came into contact with Heather.

Heather tilted her head and looked at Zaraki Kenpachi, slowly grinning and showing her white teeth: "The discount time is over. Then, it's my turn."

not good! Several other captains rushed towards Heather and Zaraki Kenpachi almost at the same time.

"[Referring to gun]."

A dozen blood flowers burst out from Zaraki Kenpachi's body in an instant, and the huge impact spread throughout his body, causing his body to tremble violently involuntarily.

Just like an ordinary person whose body was shot by a machine gun.

It should be said that he was worthy of Kenpachi Zaraki. Even though he suffered such heavy injuries in an instant, he still did not hesitate or flinch at all. He swung his sword with his backhand and chopped off Heather's head.

Uh-huh! Heather turned her head to avoid the golden finger-hook Zanpakutō coming from behind. Zaihou's Zanpakutō and Zaraki Kenpachi's Zanpakutō just collided and sparks burst out.

Grabbing Zaraki Kenpachi's Death Domination Suit, Heather flipped his hand and threw him as hard as a cannonball. The rushing Zombie Bee was directly hit by Zaraki Kenpachi, and the two of them turned into rolling gourds and rolled backwards for ten seconds. A few laps.

Clang! Sentōri blocked the Zanpakutō hit by Toushiro Hitsugaya. Severe cold air immediately burst out from the intersection of the two swords, and ice spread towards the Sentōri's blade and even Heather's right hand holding the sword.

Just when the ice was about to wrap around Heather's right hand, he let go of Qian Dao Chu.

It was the first time for Hitsugaya, who was still young, to see an enemy who would release his Zanpakutō in battle, and he couldn't help but be a little stunned.

"[Nandou Waterbird Fist]——"

Heather's hands were outlined into the shape of a bird's beak, and she spread her arms into a gentle water flow gesture. Her fingertips gathered aura and turned into an indestructible sharp blade, drawing more than a dozen irregular cutting lines towards Hitsugaya Toshiro:

"[Flying Baili]!"

At this moment, Hitsugaya Toshiro felt his scalp numb, and he released his Zanpakuto without hesitation: "[Sitting on the frosty sky, Hyōrinmaru]!"

The ice energy mixed into the spiritual pressure instantly transformed into a lifelike ice dragon that stood in front of Hitsugaya Toshiro, blocking most of the slashing vacuum waves without even a moment's notice.

The ice dragon shattered into a large amount of ice, and a few shallow blood marks appeared on Hitsugaya Toshiro's chest, but at least he blocked most of the fatal slashes.

Before Hitsugaya could recover, he was kicked hard in the chest and his whole body was kicked out.

Zuihou, who had just gotten up, was knocked into Hitsugaya's arms, and the two of them fell far back.

He raised his foot and kicked up the Qian Dao Zhu that was stuck on the ground. The Qian Dao was spinning and flying up, but Heather grabbed the handle of the knife and turned around to create a huge slashing wave. The slashing wave directly hit Zaraki Kenpachi who got up and rushed towards him, sending him and his sword flying more than ten meters away.

Before it was over, Heather held the Thousand Sword Bolt upside down with one hand, and pointed the index and middle fingers of her free left hand together at Zaraki Kenpachi who had not yet landed:

"[Breaking Path No. 4: White Thunder]."

The blue-white laser beam, whose power far exceeded that of ordinary ghosts, drew a path in the air that was enough to burn the retina, and hit Zaraki Kenpachi.

"[Breaking Path No. 63: Thunder Roar Cannon]!"

At the same time, Byakuya Kuchiki, who was standing in the distance, used Kidō No. 63 of the Abandoned Chant. The target of the Thunder Roar Cannon was not Heather but the White Thunder he cast.

Kuchiki Byakuya, who is extremely proficient in Kidō, immediately made a judgment when he saw the [White Thunder] cast by Heather, and must use a Kidō higher than No. 60 to offset it.

The two lightning beams collided together, and the Thunder Roaring Cannon dissipated. The white thunder continued to shoot forward unabated, and it penetrated Zaraki Kenpachi's body cleanly, and even drew a line on the ground behind him. An extremely long charred black ravine.

How is it possible... a traveler's ghost path No. 4 actually overwhelms my ghost path No. 63? Kuchiki Byakuya's everlasting iceberg face somewhat collapsed.

Heather didn't look at the others at all, but turned her attention to Kyōraku Shunsui, who was standing in the distance with his hands in his sleeves: "You are the strongest one here, why don't you come and have fun?"

"Oh my, such a warm invitation, I really can't refuse."

Jingraku Shunsui scratched his stubble-covered chin, and then quickly pulled out the two swords at his waist:

"Do you really mind if I join in the fight?"

Heather put Thousand Swordsman on her shoulders and smiled:

"It's long overdue. Let's have a fun group waltz."

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