A foreigner's journey

Chapter 850: Swastika·Swinging to Subdue the Dragon

Like Madarame Ikkaku, Tetsuzaemon Tetsuzaemon also secretly awakened his own [Swastika] a long time ago.

But he didn't say anything, and still acted as the deputy captain of his seventh division.

Kiba Tetsuaemon was once the fourth seat of the 11th Division, and later transferred to the 7th Division as the vice-captain. His goal has been clear since graduation: to become an all-rounder who is proficient in Zhanquan and Zhangui, and to climb up the ranks step by step to become the vice-captain.

This is because of the requirements of his mother Qian Tetsu. His mother has served as the deputy captain of the third division for hundreds of years and is also strict with her son.

Kiba Tetsuaemon is so motivated and wants to stand out just to reassure his mother.

His ultimate goal is to become a captain, and the prerequisite for becoming a captain is to learn [Swastika Interpretation]. Regarding this point, Chiba Chitetsu, a veteran vice-captain who has assisted many captains of the third division, has quite a lot of experience and has taught his son everything he can.

About twenty years ago, Tetsuzaemon Tetsuzaemon finally learned the [Swastika Interpretation] and had the capital to advance to captain level, but he did not make any announcement about it.

Because the shooting range feels that the captain of the seventh division, Zuozhen Komamura, is a man worthy of his full assistance. For the sake of loyalty in his heart, it doesn't matter even if he hides the swastika for the rest of his life. He just wants to be a good man who stands behind Captain Komamura and provides silent support.

But now, at a time when the Gotei 13 and even the Soul Society are on the verge of life and death, the captain and deputy captains have suffered heavy losses, the enemy is incredibly powerful, and our own side is in danger of complete collapse at any time.

Normally, he would like to hide his strength or even be killed when his skills are inferior to others. That is Tetsuzaemon's own problem at the shooting range. Therefore, even when he faced Taitora Sadatora's [Flash Finger] that could kill him, he did not use his swastika. thoughts.

But not now. He couldn't bring harm and danger to the Gotei Thirteen because of his persistence.

It doesn't matter if you're trying to escape or come here to do something bad, there's no point if you can't win. If you want to stick to your principles, you have to do your best. Fight the enemy and win even if you die.

This makes sense.


The shape of the Zanpakuto in Kiba Tetsuaemon's hand began to change, and at the same time, his spiritual pressure began to surge rapidly:

"[Swing to subdue the dragon]!"

Kotetsu Yuune and Hisagi Shuhei looked at the shooting range in shock.

What did Mr. Shooting Range just say? Swastika?

Among the tens of thousands of Shinigami in each era, only a handful can achieve swastika cultivation. Once the swastika is achieved, the name of that god of death will be recorded in the annals of Soul Society forever. And practicing swastika is also one of the necessary conditions for becoming a captain!

Feeling the rising spiritual pressure in the shooting range, the two of them felt a turmoil in their hearts. Is it true?

The captain of the seventh division, Komamura Zuozhen, who was fighting fiercely with Arrancar No. 5 Nnoitra in the distance, suddenly let out a chuckle.

That's it, go to the shooting range...let your enemies and teammates see how awesome you are!

With the shooting range as the center, the smoke continues to spread outward.

The closest ones, Kotetsu Yuune and Hisagi Shuhei, realized that this was not smoke at all, but white mist. The mist became thicker and thicker, and soon the entire area within 500 meters in diameter was turned into a mist country.

The water mist turns into waves, and the waves condense into waves.

The Ten-blade NO.3 Picaros who were about to swarm forward stopped and looked around curiously. Some children even stretched out their hands to try to touch the materialized water mist waves.

The appearance of the Zanpakuto held by Tetsuzaemon in the shooting field has changed dramatically at this time. The originally nondescript inverted triangular machete turned into a three-meter-long fishing rod.

If you look closely, there is a sharp blade on the inside of the fishing rod, but the blade is a metal fishing rod with a total of four sections, which looks very tough.

The jaw looks like a fishing reel, and the handle is also a fishing rod handle made of soft wood. The strange thing is that as a fishing rod, this Zanpakutō does not have a fishing line or hook visible.

"Children, do you like fishing? It doesn't matter if you don't, because this is an adult's game."

Kiba Tezaemon holds the pole with one hand and raises it backwards:

"Welcome to my fishing ground."

The Picaros were stunned for a moment, and then they all showed angry expressions. Not only did he have no games to play, but he was also looked down upon by this weird-looking uncle!

They opened their mouths wide one after another, and the 'sound' that could not be heard by their ears spread outwards, and the waves turned into water mist immediately produced violent ripples.

Hisagi Shuhei and Kotetsu Yuune only had time to raise their arms and Zanpakuto in front of them, and then a large amount of blood exploded all over their bodies, as if they were hit by an invisible blade.

The bloody water was swept up by the strong wind formed in the water mist, forming a scarlet tornado.

"We hate you!" "I hate you!" "We hate you guys!" The children screamed, and the scarlet tornado became more violent.

"[Parodying Military Wings]!"

"Really? I don't hate children."

There were many scars on the shooting range, but he did not hesitate at all, but swung the fishing rod forward vigorously:

"But for naughty children, we must educate them with the iron fist of love!"

The moment he waved the fishing rod, the entire water mist condensed into waves and set off huge waves! A gleaming fishhook quickly formed at the top of the fishing rod and disappeared into the mist.

The next moment, Fishhook appeared behind a Picaro dozens of meters away and hit her hard on the back.

Bang! The Pikaro immediately vomited blood, and its spiritual pressure plummeted.

"So cunning! They actually carried out a sneak attack!" The blond boy Picaro, who was the leader, was shocked and angry.

"As I said, this battlefield has become my fishing ground. And whether it's a plot or a sneak attack, as long as I can win, that's all."

Tetsuzaemon of the shooting range held the fishing rod and smiled: "If you know you are powerful, retreat quickly... huh?"

The words stopped abruptly because he found that the spiritual pressure of Pikaro who was injured by him had returned to its original level, and even his injuries had recovered.

Super speed regeneration? No, over-speed regeneration consumes a lot of spiritual pressure, and it is definitely not over-speed regeneration.

At this time, the deputy captain of the fourth division, Kotetsu Yuune, suddenly reminded: "Mr. Shooting Range, the spiritual pressure of these children has dropped slightly at the same time!"

She is the vice-captain of the treatment team. In terms of healing ability and subtle control of spiritual pressure, she is second only to the captain Unohana Retsu. She is the only one of the three people present who can detect this subtle change.

After hearing this, the shooting range immediately understood that these child-looking No. 3 Arrancars might have some way of transmitting spiritual pressure to each other. As long as someone is severely injured or on the verge of death, others will release a small amount of spiritual pressure and pass it on to the injured person.

In other words, doesn’t it work to defeat them one by one?

It doesn't matter, maybe this NO.3 is difficult for others, but Tetsuzaemon's swastika [swing to subdue the dragon] is the natural enemy of this type of enemy.

Just let me, the manly Tetsuzaemon Tetsuzaemon, come and meet you, the No. 3 Arrancar, for a while!

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