A foreigner's journey

Chapter 868 The Captain’s Dream

It's this dream again.

The rain kept falling, and the land that had been baked by the high temperature was cooled by the rain, and white mist lingered everywhere.

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni was no stranger to the stench of flesh being roasted at high temperatures. Because he has used his sword of fire to kill enemies in this way countless times over the past thousand years, turning all the enemies in front of himself and Soul Society into charcoal.

But on this day, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni felt a little resistant and afraid of the familiar burnt smell.

The captain of the Gotei 13, who was once known as the 'Sword Demon', regarded his enemies and even his companions as dust, and would not hesitate to use any means to defeat the enemy in order to win. Such a man is frightened just because he smells the stench of burnt corpses.

No matter how tough the heart is, it will gradually grow old as time goes by.

As people age, their hearts become softer. Over time, things that urgently need protection will become weaknesses.

At this moment, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni is no longer the fearless and ruthless sword demon, but an old man who is worried about his daughter's safety.

Rejecting the request of the accompanying rescue team to follow him, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni walked heavily on the scorched earth, looking for traces of Wang Tuchuan's mercy among the corpses everywhere.

Even in his dream, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni still clearly remembered his anxiety when he was looking for his daughter on that rainy day. He looked forward to seeing the figure of mercy, but was afraid to see that familiar figure become mutilated, just like the charred corpses he had created countless times.

I don't know how long it took, but Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni saw his daughter in the thin curtain of rain.

Wang Tuchuan Mercy's body was covered with scars, and the most serious wound was located at her heart, as if pierced by an extremely sharp horn. The blood soaked the coat covering her body, and blood beads dripped down the corners of the clothes and her hanging fingertips.

The man named 'Su Zhan' held Mercy Tuo in front of him. His bare upper body also had many scars, and he had obviously experienced an unimaginable fierce battle.

Inadvertently, the Ryūren Wakaho in Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni's hand burst into flames, and his voice sounded like the burning fire of hell:

"……what happened?"

The man in front of him was Huan Hai's disciple. Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni didn't believe and didn't want to believe that he was the murderer of Wang Tuchuan's Mercy.

Su Zhan was silent for a while before speaking: "The dojo was attacked by Daxu. The number was unimaginable... The master died and the dojo was destroyed."

At this time, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni realized that the ground he was stepping on originally belonged to Genkai's "Aura Dojo". At this moment, the original dojo has been razed to the ground, with no survivors.

"Genkai, she... is dead?" Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni tightened his grip on the Zanpakutō: "I know exactly how strong she is! How could an ordinary Daxu be her opponent? "

"In the beginning, even though there were a large number of incoming Hollows and Daxu, Master and I could still barely resist it. After Mercy led the 10th Division to come to our aid, the balance of victory began to tilt towards us."

Su Zhan frowned slightly:

"Until that strange Daxu appeared, the situation was reversed instantly."


"It's a humanoid Daxu that looks like half a dragon and half a human. That guy is completely different from ordinary Daxu. Although he is a Hollow, he knows how to use weapons. As soon as it emerged from the black cavity, it waved the mace in its hand and struck with just one blow. He attacked and killed more than half of the 10th Division.

An ordinary Shinigami's Zanpakutō has no effect on it at all. Even after mercy releases the Zanpakuto, it can barely break through the opponent's defense, but it has a stronger super-speed regeneration ability than the ordinary Daxon, and even its internal organs can be repaired simultaneously. "

Hearing Suzan's words, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni was shocked. Even Mercy's Zanpakutō couldn't defeat his opponent? You must know that the compassionate Zanpakuto is recognized as having the most dangerous ability in the history of Soul Society, which is [Spirit Control].

As long as it is touched by her Zanpakutō, the spirits that make up the target object will be forcibly tampered with. The big void will be degenerated into an ordinary void, and the ordinary void will be reduced to a weak void beast. If the target is a god of death, it will randomly change into a lower and weaker spirit creature.

Moreover, this terrifying ability belongs to the rules system. Unless the enemy can crush Wang Tuchuan Mercy by several levels at the level of spiritual pressure, it cannot be exempted.

And Wang Tuchuan's compassionate spiritual pressure can be regarded as the best throughout the thousands of years that the Gotei Thirteen Team has been established.

How could there be a great void that far surpasses compassion at the level of spiritual pressure!

As if he had seen through the captain's thoughts, Suzan shook his head: "No, although the dragon man Daxu's spiritual pressure is very strong, it has not yet reached the point where he can be exempted from the power of the Mercy Zanpakutō. The opponent used a very weird fighting technique , each attack will hit us early with a distance of about half a meter."

"Is it sword pressure?"

"No. It's neither sword pressure nor fist wind. It's a real attack. I can feel the pain when the mace hits my body. It's definitely not the touch caused by wind pressure or spiritual pressure."

Su Zhan's voice was a little lonely:

"Ashamed, we tried our best but could not defeat it. In the end, it was the master who risked his life and used the [Spiritual Light Wave Fist] Attack Fist secret to seriously injure the opponent. The great void was injured and escaped into the black cavity, and the master was exhausted. And died, Mercy was pierced through the heart by the opponent's last counterattack, leaving only me as a useless person."

"Mercy..." Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni took a few steps forward and found that although Wang Tuchuan Merci's face was bloodless, he was still breathing slightly. Wasn't her heart penetrated? Why are you still alive?

"I used the healing fist secret of [Spiritual Light Wave Fist], [Ji Si Reincarnation Method]."

A gray branch-like pattern appeared on Su Zhan's chest at the heart and began to spread throughout his body:

"Next, I will connect my vitality and spiritual power with compassion, and use my soul to slowly heal the trauma she suffered."

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni once heard about the [Kimiji Reincarnation Method] from Genkai, and he sighed:

"How long will it take?"

"I don't know, maybe it will be a month, a year, or even a hundred years. No matter how long it takes, I will successfully save her and bring her back to this world."

More and more branch-like lines are wrapping Su Zhan's body, and spreading to Mercy he is holding, like layers of cocoons:

"If the Central Room 46 of Soul Society knew that Mercy might still be alive, they would definitely not let her go..."

"I know. From now on, Wang Tuchuan, captain of the 10th division, has died compassionately. You have to take good care of her, do you understand?"

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni clenched the Zanpakutō in his hand:

"If I find out that you dare to make her sad, even if I chase you to the ends of the world, I will kill you with this blade like fire!"

There was no response, and the figures of Su Zhan and Mercy disappeared from where they were, as if they had never appeared before.

It's been such a long time, a hundred years... It really took you a hundred years to return to this world.

I am really old, I can fall asleep just standing like this, and I even had that unpleasant dream again.

Standing in front of the door of Heather's house, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni slowly opened his eyes and raised his hand to stop the bird next to him, Chojiro, who was about to press the doorbell.

Like a stubborn old father who is about to meet his daughter who has been married for many years, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni stood in front of the door and straightened his clothes and beard for a while, then solemnly raised his hand and pressed it lightly on the door. Knocked three times.

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