A foreigner's journey

Chapter 90 Test Results

In Barbossa's eyes, Heather was clearly just walking leisurely, but in an instant he had crossed a distance of at least ten meters, and was still getting closer to him!

After all, Barbossa is a famous pirate who has been famous for a long time. He is in his prime in his forties. He is very powerful in terms of strength and speed. Few people can beat him in close combat with a sword. This is also the basis for him to command the Black Pearl. one.


The moment the cross sword was thrust toward Barbossa's chest, Barbossa roared and swung his sword to miss the cross sword hard.

Although Barbossa was immortal and fearless of physical attacks, for some reason, he subconsciously didn't want the cross sword burning with starlight to hit him.

Heather only used three points of strength. Every sword-to-sword fight still made Barbossa feel like he couldn't hold the sword hilt. The opponent's strength was too great.

Both of them used traditional fencing methods, but Heather had a professional background that she learned from the Hunter World, while Barbossa integrated the extremely fierce fighting style of a pirate. For a time, Barbossa could not even rely on swordsmanship alone. Falling to the wind.

Jack drew his sword and entangled the two skeleton pirates with the same immortality. Under the moonlight, these three skeleton sailors fought together while waving weapons. The scene looked both terrifying and funny.

Will was much better than Jack in pure close combat. When the two pirates who captured him were attracted by Jack, he picked up a long and luxurious knife inlaid with gems from the ground and silently joined the battlefield to help. Jack fends off pirate attacks.


The sword in Barbossa's hand was knocked away again and almost flew out. He quickly jumped back two steps and looked at the black-haired young man opposite him in surprise. Is it an illusion? This kid is actually learning his own fighting style?

It is not a simple trajectory of the sword, but a fighting style that mixes one's own life experience and lifelong combat experience.

Barbossa even thought he was at war with his younger self.

"What's the matter, Captain Barbossa?"

Heather did not pursue, and easily danced the cross sword in her hand into a beautiful sword flower, and the bright sparks of fire spread in the dark cave:

"I haven't warmed up yet. If that's all you've got, there's no way you can chop me into a pulp."

Barbossa roared angrily, raised his sword and rushed towards Heather. The speed and force of the sharp blade in his hand were much stronger than before. But his opponent was Heather, who only slightly increased his strength and immediately suppressed Barbossa in a crushing manner.


Finally, Barbossa was unaware and was pierced through the shoulder by the golden cross sword in Heather's hand.


Barbossa, who had not experienced pain for ten years, couldn't help but let out a miserable scream. A big pirate like him wouldn't be so out of control even if his legs were chopped off, but the golden flame burning his soul was like a holy fire that purified the soul, and the pain was unbearable for ordinary people.

Heather frowned, drew out the blade and backhand flew away Barbossa's sword that he reluctantly waved. The exquisite naval sword rotated and drew a beautiful arc above the cave, and then fell to the hill made of gold and silver jewelry. among.

Looking at Barbossa who was half kneeling on the ground and covering his shoulders, Heather tilted her head and kicked out her right foot like lightning, hitting Barbossa directly in the chest. The latter was kicked away and hit hard against the cave wall. superior.

But when this heavy kick that could crack steel hit Barbossa, it couldn't cause any other damage except making him fly farther and making the impact sound better.

The immortal curse was not removed, and Barbossa, as an immortal, was not burned to death immediately. It seems that the purification effect of [Absolute Kingship] on 'extraordinary abilities' has been greatly reduced after time travel, but it can still produce damaging effects. Is it because the opponent is not extraordinary composed of [Nian Qi]?

Heather walked to the brazier not far away, holding the sword in her left hand and reaching into the flames with her right hand.

Everyone present was dumbfounded. Are they crazy or just confused?

But the flames curled and licked at Heather's sleeves and wrists, but had no effect on him at all.

Well, it feels quite warm. The 'fire damage immunity' still exists. I'll try the poison immunity effect again if I have a chance.

Thinking of this, the rocks under Heather's feet exploded, and the whole person disappeared instantly.

Barbossa stood up against the stone wall and shook his head. Just as he was about to look for the black-haired kid, he saw a blurry black shadow in front of his eyes, and then he was penetrated by a huge force through his chest, and a severe burning pain spread throughout his body. whole body.

Heather directly used the cross sword to pin Barbossa to the stone wall, unable to move.

At this time, no matter how stupid Barbossa was, he understood that his opponent also had supernatural powers, and they were more powerful than the immortal curse he received because of the Aztec gold coins.

"Negotiation! Hiss...negotiation! I beg for negotiation!" He gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain, roaring angrily.

negotiation? Heather looked at Jack strangely and found that the two pirates who had been pestering Jack had honestly thrown away their weapons and raised their hands. The strongest Captain Barbossa had been defeated by the opponent, and it seemed that he was still alive. This black-haired boy doesn't think it's a big deal at all, so why should I give him a spanking?

Jack walked to a place where there was no moonlight and returned to his normal self. He twirled his mustache and said cheerfully:

"My respected mentor, it is clearly defined in the "Pirate Code" that if the other party asks for negotiation, you must listen. Of course, after hearing the other party's conditions, you can choose whether to accept it, and this regulation only applies to pirates."

Heather said "Oh" and shrugged towards Barbossa: "What a pity, I'm not a pirate."

"I, I am willing to put all the treasures here in your hands!" Barbossa saw the golden flames on the sword blade that penetrated his chest surge, and he hurriedly shouted: "The same goes for the Black Pearl!"

"Kill you, and these things will still belong to me." Heather did not pull out the cross sword, nor did she continue to torture Barbossa with the flames: "What, my dear apprentice, do you have something to say?"

Jack was hesitant to speak next to him. After receiving Heather's permission, he hurriedly spoke: "Actually, the "Pirate Code" is just a reference, not a rule that must be followed. The most important thing is that the Black Pearl is not his ship. Why should he use the Black Pearl to negotiate!"

"Damn Jack Sparrow, what nonsense are you talking about? I'm the captain of the Black Pearl!"

Barbossa spat at Jack, then turned to look at Heather, trying his best to show a flattering smile: "Sir, we are willing to surrender. Your Black Pearl needs a group of skilled old sailors, and we also need manpower to transport these treasures, no? ?"

Heather raised her eyebrows: "That's very wise, Mr. Barbossa. But how can I be sure that you won't betray me like you betrayed Jack?"

PS: There is one more chapter

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