A foreigner's journey

Chapter 919 Mission


Marquis Vauban repeated the name of the new king, and subconsciously reached out to rub his clean-shaven chin:

"Has the same name as the mythical [Prince of the Sea of ​​Stars]? Interesting..."

The attention was diverted, and the anger that was on the verge of breaking out due to the ups and downs also disappeared, and the biting coldness in the air naturally no longer existed, which made all the magicians and knights present quietly heave a sigh of relief.

If the Wolf King's anger continues to accumulate and reaches its peak, it is unknown whether anyone present will survive.

Liliana cleared her throat: "Marquis, before starting the ceremony, why don't you relax a little and read the information about the new king brought to you by your colleagues at World Tree?"

The Marquis glanced at her, his emerald wolf eyes seeming to be able to see through Liliana's innermost thoughts. But the Marquis has spent more than three hundred years. When he was young, he might have been furious at such a small idea, but now he just smiles and treats it as a small amusement and fun.

"...That's fine."

The Marquis adjusted the collar of his black trench coat and looked down at the magician kneeling on the ground: "Send the information to the central hall. Also, I want to eat and prepare enough meat."


Soon, the central hall originally used for meetings was temporarily requisitioned as the Demon King's study and dining room.

The luxurious and elegant long wooden table is filled with all kinds of meat dishes, from roast beef shank to horse meat sashimi, from fried pork chops to crystal sweet and sour pork, all kinds of meats from all over the world are gathered together and mixed. It has a slightly weird taste.

Unlike his elegant and wise appearance, Marquis Vauban was full of "wildness" when eating. He filled an ordinary stoneware cup with expensive red wine and drank it all in one gulp, just like drinking water.

Not caring about the taste or appearance, but eating everything just to satisfy hunger and thirst, does not possess the qualities of a gourmet at all.

At the dining table, Liliana was holding a stack of handwritten texts and was reciting to the Marquis Vauban.

"...As recorded above, according to the joint report of the 'Bronze Bell' of the Council of Greenwich Sages and the 'Fountain of Urd' of World Tree, it is confirmed that the disobedient Zeus has been captured by the new king about 86,000 meters above the ground. Annihilation in the mid-atmosphere.

Subsequently, a small-scale lightning convergence anomaly broke out in the area, presumably due to the power the new king obtained from Zeus. "

"Oh...Have you obtained Zeus's most powerful power? How jealous."

As he said this, there was no hint of jealousy or envy in the Marquis Vauban's tone. He has acquired too much power in the past three hundred years. Compared with acquiring power, Marquis Vauban hopes to enjoy the fatal pleasure of fighting with the disobedient god.

He put down his knife and fork, picked up a napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth: "In other words, this is not the first time that this compatriot named [Heather] has killed the God of Disobedience, right?"

"According to the Wise Council of Greenwich..."

"I'm asking you, Liliana Granitsar, what is your judgment?"

Marquis Vauban's eyes looked at Liliana without any warmth.

Liliana was silent for a moment, as if she was considering her tone, and then answered: "Reporting to the Marquis, I think that Heather [King]'s encounter with Zeus was not the first time he faced the God of Disobedience. Moreover, he might He also has a lot of connection with the [Prince of Star Sea] in mythology.”

Marquis Vauban leaned back in his chair and raised his chin: "Continue."

"According to Spanish mythology, the Prince of the Sea of ​​Stars is a heroic god with mysterious origins. He came to the world after shining twenty-two times in the starry sky, killed the dragon that controlled the storm, and subdued the wolf that released thunder and lightning. He was extremely powerful and could control The wind flies, he is good at using all kinds of weapons, especially swordsmanship. He unified the seven seas and ended the age of gods.

According to records, the new king can summon storms when fighting Zeus, can transform into a huge wolf, and even has a body of steel that can fight with Zeus without losing. This is undoubtedly very suitable for the "Hero God of Steel" of the Star Sea Prince. feature. "

After Liliana finished speaking, Marquis Vauban slowly said: "You want to say that his real main power comes from the Prince of the Star Sea?"

"Exactly, and the power that the new king has obtained from the Prince of Star Sea is by no means just one!"

Liliana said without any hesitation:

"I believe that the new king used some additional conditions as restrictions and obtained at least three powers from the Xinghai Prince he killed, namely [Giant Wolf Transformation], [Call the Wind and Rain], and [Steel Body]."

"...Look at it, what is the cost of acquiring three powerful powers in one go?"

"Walking on this land in place of Prince Heather of the Star Sea, letting people praise Heather's name, and achieving the hegemony that Heather failed to achieve. This may be why the Greenwich Council of Sages failed to search for anything related to the new king's past. Intelligence message, because the new king has replaced himself as the prince of the sea of ​​stars."

Upon hearing Liliana's inference, Marquis Vauban was startled for a moment, and then burst into laughter: "What a conjecture only a little girl would have! The so-called God-killer is one who wants to achieve himself, and is a demon king who takes himself as the absolute center. , how could you be willing to act as a substitute for a mere disobedient god?"

Liliana's tone was calm: "You asked me to speak my mind, I just followed your instructions."

"Okay, okay, I guess what you said makes some sense."

At this time, Marquis Vauban was in a good mood and dealt with Liliana's dissatisfaction like a child:

"But you have to admit that being able to defeat and kill Zeus is not based on calling the wind or turning into a giant wolf. The key lies in the exclusive omnipotence of the Steel Hero God [Prince of the Star Sea] - the body of steel.

Phew, Hero God of Steel, I have met and killed many disobedient gods in the long years, but I have never encountered such a rare breed as the God of Steel. In a sense, my compatriot is really lucky. It seems that I have to hurry up. The blood of the demon king who wants to kill the disobedient god is flowing in my veins... Caspar, how long will it take? "

The Marquis suddenly looked behind Liliana.

Liliana was startled and quickly looked back, only to see the zombie-like Caspar standing not far behind her with unfocused eyes, saying slowly in a dull tone:

"...There are still 7 hours until the stars align to a fixed position, and the energy of the earth's veins has been fully charged."

"Tell me again, can you use this ritual to summon the God of Disobedience with fixed attributes?"

"...Yes, even if you summon the God of Steel according to your request, you can do it. However, to achieve this, you need very excellent and numerous witches and mikos."


"Sixty-six. There are currently sixty-five witches including Liliana Granitsar. Yggdrasil discovered yesterday that there is a young witch from Japan in Austria. She is extremely qualified and has been captured and sent to From Schönbronn Palace, we expect to arrive in one hour.”

"very good!"

Marquis Vauban, who had eaten and drank enough and received the good news, laughed loudly and stood up suddenly, completely ignoring that the luxurious chair behind him fell to the ground:

"Let's go, meet the last piece of the puzzle, and use your talents and wisdom to summon the disobedient Hero God of Steel for me!"

At the same time, in the knight's palace on Rhodes Island in Greece, the words on the handwritten text in front of Heather were rearranged.

[You only need to complete any five A-level or higher level tasks in the current world to leave this world and go to the next random world. 】

[Please note that you must be in a relatively static state for 10 seconds when leaving the world. Once the break is interrupted, the act of leaving the world will enter a 3600-second cooling period. 】

[You can spend 200 points of World Flame to forcefully leave this world, but the accumulation of all tasks in this world will be immediately interrupted and considered abandoned. 】

[The current world pressure level is - 6]

[Start issuing random tasks. 】

[Current task——]

['Lord of Rakshasa' - a cumulative mission, every time you kill a disobedient god, you will get a mission evaluation. Depending on the strength level of the God of Disobedience, the mission evaluation will fluctuate between B and A. This message can be summoned to appear at any time. Killed: Zeus - A. 】

['Broken Sword Forging' - Defeat the 'King of Swords'. Difficulty evaluation——A】

[‘Luofeng’——Defeat the ‘Martial Arts King’. Difficulty evaluation——A】

[‘Magic Bullet Reflex’ – Defeat ‘Pluto’. Difficulty evaluation——A】

[‘Above God’s Speed’——Defeat the ‘Black Prince’. Difficulty evaluation——A】

[‘The God of Demon King Annihilation’ – Defeat the ‘King of the Last’. Difficulty evaluation——S]

Leaving aside the tasks, Heather noticed that the task distribution this time was slightly different from the previous one.

Not only is it thoughtfully reminded that world flames can be used to forcibly escape from this world, but it is also deliberately reminded of the pressure level of this world.

Looking at the requirements for leaving, there are five A-level missions, which means that after defeating Zeus, you only need to kill four more God Killers to escape, and you don't have to fight the King of the Last.

Hiss...the organizer has become a man this time?

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