A foreigner's journey

Chapter 921 The storm is coming

Schönbronn Palace Estate, Austria.

There is still half an hour before the ceremony to summon the God of Disobedience begins.

The spacious hall can be described as empty, because most of the furniture here has been removed. At the same time, the hall can also be described as crowded, because more than sixty women are being 'imprisoned' here.

Most of them come from various European countries and are mostly in their twenties to thirties. With beautiful looks and different personalities, all of them were silent at this time, and there were occasional sobs in the room.

Not crying because of their imprisonment, but for their upcoming fate.

The 'prisoners' in this room are all 'mikos with psychic vision', without exception.

In the corner of the hall, there was a Japanese girl curled up, suppressing her cry.

Yuri Banrigu only feels that his life is bleak.

It was obvious that my family was only invited by my parents' friends in Austria to take advantage of the summer vacation to vacation in Vienna, Austria. Why did they suffer such bad luck?

Yuri Banriya's parents are ordinary people. His father works in the fast food chain run by his grandfather, and his mother works in a cooking class. These ordinary parents gave birth to a pair of sisters who possess rare talents. As the elder sister, Yuri Banriya belongs to the rare high-ranking miko "Eon Miko" sequence, and the younger sister Banriya Shige possesses the even rarer "exorcism ability to eliminate magic and curses."

Ever since he was a child, Yuri Banriya has accepted shrine maiden training because of his outstanding talents, with the goal of joining the group of psychics who protect the Kanto region [Musashino].

Who would have thought that practicing hard for such a noble motive would lead to great disaster for Yuri Banrigu.

While having dinner at the house of his parents' Austrian friends, a group of powerful magicians suddenly broke in and forcibly 'invited' Yuri Banriya away, citing the [Edict of the Wolf King].

The Austrian friends who originally wanted to resist heard this reason, their resistance dissipated, and they persuaded Yuri Banriya's parents.

"If you don't resist, Yuri and your family will still have a chance to reunite. If you resist, the Banlitani family will disappear from this world immediately. Please be patient for now, Mr. Banlitani." This is what the Austrian friend persuaded.

Even though Banriya Yuri is young, he can tell that the attacker's power of magic is unmatched by any magician he has seen in Japan. Such a strong man must be because of [The Wolf King's Edict] And Ben Bo even acts as a human trafficker. If he resists rashly, he is likely to bring disaster to himself and his family.

So Wanligu followed these people obediently. She was then transported to Schönbronn Palace in a black car.

Although they were not shackled or tied up, neither Banriya Yuri nor any of these shrine maidens dared to step out of the manor.

Listening to the roaring thunder coming from outside the window, Yuri Banriya couldn't control the trembling of his body.

Suddenly, a thick black fog seemed to fill the room, and the foreign miko who were whispering in low voices disappeared, or in other words, Yuri Banriya couldn't see them.

Triggered [Spiritual Vision]? Why...wait, what is that?

She has extremely strong spiritual vision. In this gloomy and boundless black fog, she can vaguely 'see' a standing giant wolf telling something to the night sky. There is a Nordic giant sword hanging above his head. , the tip of the sword pointed downwards directly at the head of the human wolf.

Immediately afterwards, the human wolf grabbed the Nordic giant sword and swallowed it in his mouth. The giant sword melted and became part of the human wolf's body.

Then, the huge human wolf gradually turned into the appearance of a human old man, with a tall and thin body, a wise face, and eyes that exuded emerald light.

The pair of evil wolf eyes suddenly turned around and met Wanli Gu Yuri's eyes.


Yuri Banrigu suddenly let out a scream, and then realized that he was awake and sitting slumped in the corner of the hall, covered in sweat.

It seemed that they were not affected by Yuri's previous screams at all. The foreign mikos either lowered their heads in depression or whispered nervously. No one turned their attention to Yuri Yuri's side.

No, there is still someone paying attention to her.

Yuri Banriya noticed that it was a silver-haired girl about the same age as himself. She had just walked into the hall, her face showed a maturity and coldness that was inconsistent with her age, and she seemed to have seen Yuri Banriya's previous [Spiritual Vision].

Does she also have that level of psychic vision? The two of them whispered secretly in their hearts at the same time.

Liliana blinked. Is the Japanese girl sitting in the corner the exotic witch that Yggdrasil just captured? She is very young and highly qualified, higher than most of the miko present.

I don’t know if I and this Japanese girl will survive when the ceremony is over.

After all, this is a great magical ritual that can only exist in theory and is enough to summon the disobedient god. According to Caspar, the great magician who invented this ritual, even if the ritual goes smoothly and ends perfectly, only half of the witches who participated in the ritual will survive. If it doesn't go well, I'm afraid all the witches will die on the spot or lose their minds and become heartless people. Life would be worse than death.

It is no longer possible to persuade the Marquis to stop the ritual. Caspar's fate is the cruelest answer. Now Liliana can only do her best to assist the Marquis in completing the ritual to reduce the loss of the witch.

This is not only for them, but also for myself. Liliana cheered herself up in her heart.

She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, adjusted her mentality to a stable state, and then said loudly to the many witches:

"Everyone, please follow me in an orderly manner. The ceremony is about to begin."

As she finished speaking, bursts of thunder came out of the window again, frightening the somewhat timid miko to tremble.

Liliana sighed softly in her heart. Today's weather was particularly bad, and she didn't know if it was due to the impact of the Marquis' power [Wind and Raging Waves].

I hope it won't affect the ceremony.


Scattered raindrops floated in the sky, and the wind became stronger.

At the Vienna International Airport, Christina held up a black umbrella and looked around anxiously.

She arrived in Austria an hour ago in accordance with the king's instructions, and then found that the king hadn't arrived yet!

what's the situation? Didn’t you say we should come first?

Seeing Christina's undisguised anxiety, Solon quickly approached and whispered: "Leader, relax, relax."

"How can it be so easy? Could the king be stopped by the God of Disobedience on the way? Is there danger? Do you need our assistance? What a dereliction of duty! As a personal bodyguard, I didn't follow the king!"

Christina paced back and forth nervously:

"Solon, quickly contact the Yin Xiao headquarters and prepare to open the spell network. I am going to assist the king!"

Solon saw that his leader had fallen deeply into the "paranoia of his master's murder" and couldn't extricate himself, and he didn't know how to persuade him.

He could understand Christina's mood. Silver Xiao, who had been suppressed to the point of collapse, suddenly got a new master. Christina could finally breathe a sigh of relief after more than ten years. It was precisely because of the fear of losing that she wanted to do everything possible to show Loyalty to the king and ability to demonstrate oneself.

"Leader, you have to believe in the power of the king. Even Zeus was defeated by the king, let alone..."

Just when Solon was trying his best to persuade, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed over the Vienna International Airport.

The lightning struck accurately next to Christina and Solon, revealing Heather's figure.

He was dressed in a decent dark blue suit, with a windbreaker draped over his shoulders, and he was holding half an ice cream cone in his hand.

Seeing Christina and Solon looking at him blankly, Heather tilted her head: "Don't look at it, this is the only one, I didn't bring it to you."

"King~~~~!!" Christina rushed over almost crying: "I thought you were stopped by the God of Disobedience!"

"Oh, I heard that Viennese schnitzel and apple strudel are quite famous, so I went to try them. You guys were so slow to come."

Heather said nonchalantly.

After obtaining the [Thunder] power of Zeus, he became more and more proficient in the rapid movement method that turned himself into thunder and lightning. He could already maintain a flight speed of Mach 50 in a short period of time, from Rhodes Island in Greece to Vienna in Austria. It only took him about a minute.

"King, we are taking a plane, how can we compare with your power?" Solon said feebly: "According to the information, the ceremony is about to begin. Do you think...?"

"Let's go."

Heather put half of the cone into Christina's hand, then straightened her collar:

"Go say hello to the old-timer."

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