A foreigner's journey

Chapter 924 Fly me to the end of the world

The two 'New Uninvited Guests' who did not take the usual path landed lightly and smoothly. Even without the huge spell power, they were still very skilled.

The black-haired young man wore a pair of silver-rimmed glasses, and his brows were slightly wrinkled on his intellectually neurotic oval face.

He is a young high knight and advisor who works for the King of Swords. He is also sometimes a secretary, or to be more precise - a supervisor.

The young man who holds all the positions and is called the "King's Butler" is the famous Andre Ripera.

Seeing Heather and Vauban turning their attention to him, Andre said to the King of Swords in a low voice: "King, please be careful. These two are Marquis Vauban, who has dominated the magic world for more than three hundred years, and Marquis Vauban, who has dominated the magic world for more than three hundred years. King Heather who single-handedly defeated the god-king Zeus.”

Different from his casual and even stern attitude just now, Andre's current attitude and words are very attentive and respectful, with a poker face. He was Salbatre Tony's friend before he became the [King], and his private attitude was naturally casual, but facing a god-killer of the same level as Tony, Andre must save Tony's face.

Even if Tony himself doesn't care.

‘King of Swords’ Sarbatre Tony has been king for less than a year, and he still has no instinct for being a king and is unwilling to take on responsibilities. Wandering around looking for fun is just Tony's superficial way of action. In fact, what he is looking for is a strong enemy who can make his [swordsmanship] realize the value of fighting.

No matter where the gods, demons, monsters, or even your own compatriots are, as long as they are the ones you can fight to your heart's content. Such willful behavior, even the Italian magicians under the King of Swords, regard this as an anachronistic fighting style and the terrible thing about being a king.

The King of Swords was carrying a long and slender black box in his hand, which contained his beloved sword. His eyes did not focus on the beautiful witches present, nor did he pause on the powerful magicians. He just locked his eyes firmly on Heather and Vauban, his eyes and tone full of eagerness to try:

"I was very excited when I heard the old man's plan to summon the God of Disobedience, thinking about running over and forcibly cutting off the beard. I didn't expect that I would actually meet another god-killer... Compatriots and friends, I am Thrall. Bartley Tony hereby extends a solemn invitation to both of you."

"Invitation?" It seems that Marquis Vauban still doesn't know what kind of character his junior is, so he actually opened his mouth to answer his question.

"Hehehe! Of course it's an invitation to fight!"

The black box opens on its own, revealing the sword inside. This sword is neither a magic sword nor a famous sword. It is just a mass product without any features worth mentioning. Despite this, this is amazing steel comparable to the strongest magic sword on earth, because its wielder is the [King of Swords] Salbatre Tony!

Tony grabbed the hilt of the sword and threw it away from the scabbard, then pointed at the Marquis from a distance: "Your spell power makes my hair stand on end. It's definitely worth killing!"

Then he pointed the tip of the sword at Heather: "As for you, my brother, I can't feel the feeling of 'cutting off' in you. This is rare, very rare. I thought there was no such thing in this world." I can't stop killing anything. Don't worry, it will be your turn after I finish fighting with the old man, hahaha!"

This reckless King of Swords actually ignored the miko and magicians present and was about to start a fight with the two fellow God-Slayers!

Liliana, who was standing not far away, was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat. Is this the 'King of Swords'? It’s just a ticking bomb!

Grandfather once vaguely described to Liliana the six God-killers in the world.

The [King of Swords] supported by Italy is a reckless swordsman who can do anything.

The [Wolf King] who rules the Balkan Peninsula is as dangerous as a hungry beast.

The distance between the two kings of the United States and China is difficult to evaluate.

The British "Black Prince" is a tyrannical character with a severely twisted personality.

[Queen of the Demon Cave]? The god-killer has been hiding in seclusion for nearly a hundred years, and no one can find him.

Grandpa, your comment is truly on point!

Seeing the King of Swords excitedly charging towards the Marquis with his sword raised, Liliana felt that she would not be able to see the sunrise tomorrow. Because the God-Slayer's battle must involve a very wide range, even powerful spellcasters are just as fragile as paper in their eyes.

Seeing the King of Swords who ignored his deacon's advice and charged toward him with his long sword, Marquis Vauban narrowed his wolf eyes, and he could no longer contain his rage.

Although there have been very few people who have dared to do this in the past two hundred years, the Marquis will usually fight back with extreme severity after being provoked, not to mention that the summoning ceremony of the God of Disobedience is about to be held at this time... Marquis Vauban has teeth in his mouth It became as sharp and ferocious as a wolf's fangs, and he was about to transform into the most powerful human-wolf form to fight Tony on the spot.

However, Heather was one step ahead of him.

Less than two hundred meters away from the Marquis, the King of Swords suddenly felt a sharply increasing sense of crisis!

The Godslayer can detect crises, ominous events, bad omens, malice, fighting spirit, murderous intent, things that threaten his own existence, and the detection of himself by the distant outside world. At this moment, the King of Swords felt that Heather, who had seemed harmless before, suddenly became extremely dangerous, like an elegant but aloof ferocious beast that opened its eyes from sleep, and its originally curled up body began to stretch out.

It turns out you are the main course! The King of Swords immediately regretted that he should not have targeted the Marquis immediately, even though the Marquis had more than three hundred years of combat experience and a lot of power. Now it seems that the new king is the highlight. Tony, Tony, why do you also make the mistake of judging a book by its appearance?

Before the King of Swords could take any countermeasures, he saw Heather taking action out of the corner of his eye.

"You actually think of me as a supermarket discount gift? What a rude boy..."

Heather raised her hand and waved to signal Christina and Solon, who were loyal and ready to stand in front of Heather, to step back. Then she raised her right hand and curled her fingers towards the King of Swords who was getting closer and closer. Her index finger 'snap' Bomb from ground to air:

"Fly me to the end of the world."

The King of Swords only felt that the air around his body became extremely viscous in an instant, and then a huge impact came, and the King of Swords was violently blown away by the [Air Cannon]!

"Ah ah ah ah ah----!!"

The entire ceiling of the Schönbronn Palace was shattered by the King of Swords who flew backwards. He was pushed by the air cannon and continued to accelerate towards the distant horizon. He flew out of Vienna in an instant. Look at the direction. It was actually flying towards the Atlantic Ocean.

"King!" Andre's eyes were splitting, and he suddenly turned his head to look at Heather. He suppressed his anger and lowered his voice and said as calmly as possible: "King Heather, I deeply express my deep condolences for the offensive behavior taken by my king. Deeply sorry. I didn’t know you…”

"Don't worry, I didn't kill him. How far he can fly depends on his ability. Now you can leave and set off to chase your king, Lord Andre." Heather stretched out her hand to signal that Andre could leave.

Andre Ripera glanced at the Marquis and saw that he had no intention of objecting, then he bowed to the two Godslayers and thanked them: "Thank you to the two kings for their kindness. Ripera will retire first."

After saying that, he immediately used the spell to leap high to the outside of the damaged wall, and disappeared into the dark night rain in a few leaps.

Athena, who was hiding in the dark realm in the distance, looked up at the direction where the King of Swords disappeared and swallowed quietly. She had experienced this move personally, and it seemed that the force with which the God Killer was knocked away was much greater than the blow she received. The most he could do was fly to the Aegean Sea and swim back. The God Killer would have to fly to the UK.

Wait a moment and observe first. I am the goddess of wisdom. You must use your brain before taking action.

Athena gave up her intention to take action and continued to hide in the dark realm to spy on the movements in the hall.

In the main hall, the Marquis looked at the main hall that was in a mess with rubble, snorted angrily, and then looked at Heather: "You said you want to observe the ceremony? Then let [your subordinates] help redraw the ritual magic circle. !”

This wolf king was flexible in his bottom line, and his implication was that he decisively gave all the local forces in Greece and the Greek magic world to Heather. As long as you don't disturb me from summoning the God of Disobedience.

"Did you hear what the Marquis said? Go and help." Heather raised her chin. Christina and Solon immediately put away the uncontrollable smiles on their faces, walked forward quickly and began to assist the World Tree magicians in drawing the magic circle.

With the help of these two superb magicians, the drawing of the magic circle was finally completed with half a minute left before the deadline, and all the witches were already in place.

The summoning ceremony of the God of Disobedience has officially begun!

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