A foreigner's journey

Chapter 928 Thunder and Fire

Achilles narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw another unfamiliar weapon in Heather's hand.

Use [weapon] as the characteristic base point of power? Each weapon has a unique power, which is undoubtedly the power of the [God of Steel]... The question is, which God of Steel is it?

Looking at all the myths and legends in this world, there are not many Gods of Steel. Each of the Heroes of Steel is famous, and they are all related to 'steel'.

Some magicians think that the benchmark of the God of Steel is 'the hero who kills dragons and snakes'. In fact, this is not the case. Its myth represents 'a metaphor for the forging process of steel or swords'. This is the most important feature of the Hero of Steel. At the same time, they It is often closely related to water or fire.

Killing dragons and snakes, conquering the earth, and annihilating the devil are incidental features.

Since his birth, Achilles was forged by his mother, the goddess Thetis, with heavenly fire to remove mortal flesh. This is the biggest characteristic of the Hero of Steel. This is why Yuri Banriya saw Achilles in a state of spiritual vision. He is a giant of steel whose entire body is made of metal that is neither gold, silver, nor iron.

Because Achilles himself is [steel].

In addition, he was forged from heavenly fire and has a close relationship with the sea god Poseidon and the river god Xanthus. This is also in line with the entanglement of [water] and [fire] with the heroic god of steel. It can be said that Achilles It is a typical pure-blooded steel.

According to common sense, Achilles should be familiar with the powers of other steel heroes and analyze them based on his extremely rich combat experience.

But at this moment, Achilles couldn't find any God of Steel related to this power in his mind.

In the distance, Marquis Vauban, who used the Eyes of Sodom as a telescope, also raised his eyebrows. This junior's power is too rich. Is this a novice who has only killed two gods? Or……

Is this also one of the ways to use the power taken from the Star Sea Prince Heather?

I saw crackling electric sparks bursting out from Heather's body, and her whole body turned into a lightning that could not be caught by the naked eye, and instantly rushed across the battlefield towards Achilles.

Relying on the lightning transformation of the body by the thunder of power, Heather entered the realm of divine speed.

Achilles lowered his body, exerted force under his feet, and also stepped into the realm of divine speed.

[Swift-footed Achilles], just like the tortoise in the tortoise and the hare represents slow speed, Achilles itself means speed. With his physical body alone, he can reach a level close to that of Hermes, the fastest man.

The two arcs of light dragged a long trajectory, constantly colliding and fighting on the battlefield, and each collision would burst out with intense light.

At this time, Heather held the water-calling sword with her backhand and awakened it to enter the space sword mode. Every time she swung the water-calling sword, it would bring a slashing trajectory that cut the space.

But Achilles is not afraid of this kind of damage at all. Although every time he is hit by Space Slash, the corners of his eyes twitch in pain, but [Steel] does not only mean solidity, Achilles's 'Steel of Hell Fire' represents Immortal body.

Heather's terrifying dynamic vision keenly captured that the water-calling sword could indeed break through defenses, but even if Achilles was cut open, the wound would heal at the same time.

There is no time difference, just like the relationship between cause and effect is equal, the 'healing' will occur at the same time as the 'injury' occurs.

"Master, you must break the opponent's weakness!"


Heather swung out the evil knife. Although Achilles didn't know what it was, he knew it was weird by the flashing black electric light, so he immediately dodged to avoid it.

The evil knife was inserted diagonally into the ground, and the ground under Achilles' feet immediately surged. Several sharp activated rock thorns suddenly protruded and pierced Achilles' ankles.

But the rock thorn was crushed by the horse's hoof when it was about to poke the ankle. The golden-maned god Maxanthus arrived in time. He lowered his head and hit Heather hard, pushing him away. He picked up Achilles and slammed him into the air. Jump into the sky.

The opponent of the Thunder Wolf Dragon has been changed. Barrios is turning into a silver meteor and continuously launching violent bombardments and collisions against the old wolf. The impact and roar are mixed with some words such as 'Idiot! ''Go to die! ’ ‘Balius-Kick! ’ and the like in English.

"You're not dead yet? I'm a little confused about who you are and who the God Killer is. It's more useless."

Xanthus carried Achilles off the ground, looked at the earth below that was crawling like a living creature, and said with a dejected look:

"Whoever it is, please end this battle quickly."

"Shut up!" Achilles slapped Xanthus on the back of the head, and then looked at Heather, who was also flying into the sky, with a solemn tone:

"We must fight quickly. The opponent has too much power."

The short sword that activates the earth, the knight's sword that can cut through space and break through one's own steel defense, the otachi that rolls up the atmosphere and water flow, the giant wolf that can rival Xanthos, the thunder spear that can make it enter the realm of speed, and the There is a body of steel that can withstand the spear of Mount Bellion.

No wonder God King Zeus was killed by him, he was truly a powerful god-killer who existed only for fighting.

"So what if I win? This time I am victorious, but next time I finish the game... Oops!"

Xanthus shook the back of his head that was hit by Achilles, and said weakly with his eyelids half drooped: "Okay, let's do it... yo!"

It instantly turned into a golden meteor and slammed into Heather.

This time, Heather firmly blocked the collision of Xanthos, which was enough to flatten the mountains. He held down Xanthus' head with one hand, and veins popped up on his forehead: "It's endless, isn't it?"

"Yes." Xanthus smiled evilly, and Achilles jumped up from its back, holding a spear and stabbing Heather's head hard.

Heather did not dodge, summoning the absolute royal power with her free right hand to backhand Achilles' exposed ankle.

laugh--! The attacks from both sides break the defense at the same time.

Heather's right shoulder was punctured and blood burst out.

Achilles' ankle was slashed, making the sound of shattering metal.

Vital point broken! Just as Heather was about to fight back, she was hit hard by Achilles' fist that was made of steel and flew upside down in the air for more than ten meters before stopping.

Heather stretched out her thumb to wipe away the blood dripping from the corner of her mouth, and was surprised to find that the scar on Achilles' ankle had healed.

"Pfft hee hee hee! He believed it! He really believed it!" What you have in front of you is the disobedient Achilles! He is the God of Steel who wants to break away from the shackles of myth and return to his true form in ancient times! Even if he has such a weakness, he can easily change places, hehehehe!"

Achilles jumped back on Xanthus's back, put the spiral gun on his shoulder, and looked gentle:

"I'm sorry, Xanthos and I lied. Faced with a powerful enemy like you, especially the God of Steel, my mortal enemy as the God Killer, even using this despicable method is reasonable. I believe you think so too, right?"

The injury on Heather's shoulder healed quickly, and she lowered her head and burst into laughter:

"Hahaha... If that's the case, then I don't have to abide by the so-called 'fair duel' setting."

Heat waves that burned the atmosphere burst out from Heather's body. [Burning Fruit] was superimposed on [God Killer Body]. His hair turned into blazing flames, and then the surface of his skin and clothes were also covered in flames. Tongues of fire similar to solar prominences rolled around his body, and a thunder cloak and armor condensed and formed on the outside of his body.

There seemed to be a huge scorching sun hanging in the sky, making it impossible to even see it.

"It's decided, let's use [Thunder Fire] to end you, the God of Steel!"

Heather raised his hand, and flames and thunder mixed in his palm, condensing into a spear with thunder and lightning on the outside and flame on the core.

"50% effort, try to block?"

Achilles couldn't even see Heather's throwing action clearly, and then felt numbness in his waist and abdomen.

A large piece of flesh and blood was missing from the outside of his left waist, and the wound was char-like. Three seconds passed before rolling thunder could be heard in the sky.

This time, Achilles, who was riding on horseback, had an obviously ferocious expression on his face, and his wounds did not appear to have healed at all.

High temperature is the origin of the birth of the Heroes of Steel, and it is also their greatest weakness.

"You even have the power of fire? I really underestimate you."

Achilles also seemed to be aroused. He held the Spear of Bellion upside down in a posture of throwing a javelin: "You know? This is the correct way to use the Spear of Bellion, to throw a spear."

"Why don't you try to block it with a shield?" Heather also assumed a spear-throwing posture, and a more powerful thunder-fire spear was condensed and formed in his hands.

"The Order Shield consumes a lot of mana power. Blind defense will only consume all the mana power. I won't be fooled."

Achilles thought that he had seen through Heather's strategy and made up his mind to use the Spear of Mount Bellion in the form of a spear to give Heather a fatal blow. He knew that Heather thought so too.

At this point, he planned to use the combination of fire and thunder power. Achilles felt that he had been underestimated before.

Little did he know that Heather had just asked Qi Shi to develop the superposition technique of Burning Fruit and Thunder Power. In this state, it consumes a lot of conceptual power, mantra power and mental energy, and there is a severe burning pain all over the body.

Just to save face in front of her mortal enemy, Heather endured the pain and acted like a calm master.

The winner must be decided in the next blow!

On the battlefield in the sky, humans and gods simultaneously assumed the most standard throwing preparation postures.

Then, they moved at the same time!

Achilles twisted his whole body and threw the Spear of Bellion in his hand towards Heather——

"[Meteor Crash] (Diatrekhon Aster Lonkhe)!"

Heather also sealed all the thunder power and the flames of the burning fruit into the thunder fire throwing spear in her hand, and threw it towards Achilles——

"[Javelin of Zeus]!"

Bang! The spiral gun directly hit and penetrated Heather's shoulder, and he avoided fatal injuries at the critical moment.

At the same time, the thunder-fire javelin instantly penetrated Achilles's chest at a speed that was impossible to dodge.

"Ahem... As expected... you... are more skilled..."

Achilles maintained his throwing posture, with red cracks spreading all over his body centered on the injury on his chest, with a smile on his face:

"I lost... take my power... Lord of Rakshasa!"

After saying that, his body suddenly shattered and turned into countless fragments that dissipated between heaven and earth.

The Spear of Mount Bellion, Xanthus and Balius also disappeared at the same time, and Heather could even see the relieved expression of office workers when they got off work on the horse face of Xanthus.

The dark clouds in the sky changed shapes, revealing words that only Heather could see.

['Lord of Rakshasa' - a cumulative mission, every time you kill a disobedient god, you will get a mission evaluation. Depending on the strength level of the God of Disobedience, the mission evaluation will fluctuate between B and A. This message can be summoned to appear at any time. Killed: Zeus - A; Achilles - A. 】

After seeing the mission description, Heather finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked expectant.

After defeating the BOSS, it’s time to touch the corpse!

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