A foreigner's journey

Chapter 932 Prince of Xinghai

Norway, Oslo.

This is the capital and largest city of Norway, and it is also the headquarters of the [White Giant Wolf], one of the three major associations affiliated with [Yggdrasil].

The "Big Three" are the three major magic associations in the world, namely [Greenwich Council of Sages], [Seven Sisters] and [Yggdrasil].

[Greenwich Council of Sages] is headquartered in the UK and is a relatively 'cohesive' magic elite group organization. The core organization is called 'The Diogenes Club'.

Heather's evaluation of this organization is - 'a group of old and dim-eyed magician amateur club'.

[Seven Sisters] is located in Italy and is the collective name of the seven famous magic societies in Italy. These seven magic societies are descendants of the Knights Templar who worship both the Son of God and the Demon God Baphomet, and inherit the secrets of the Templar Knights. They are the [Female Wolf] and [Vulture of the Sky] in Rome, the [Old Lady] in Turin, the [Lily City] in Florence, the [Chapel] in Parma, the [Red Bronze Black Cross] and [Bronze] in Milan. Black Cross].

Heather's evaluation of this organization is - "The temple is small but the devil is powerful".

[Yggdrasil] is located in Austria. It has the largest geographical scope and the largest number of subordinate magic associations. It is a huge organizational force united by famous magic associations in various European countries. They are Norway’s [White Wolf], Denmark’s [Swan Song], Sweden’s [Crow Forest], Finland’s [Smiling Moose], Iceland’s [Aurora Lake], Austria’s [Rune Society], and Poland’s [ Pansy Waltz], Germany’s [Parliament of Eagles]. Among them, the Austrian magic society [Rune Society] is the leader of the World Tree Alliance.

Heather's evaluation of this organization is - 'a showy show'.

In the Gran Sculpture Park in Oslo, Heather was sitting lazily on a bench, holding a three-ball ice cream ball in her hand and licking it one after another:

"How's the investigation going?"

"Three 'spiritual vein places' have been discovered."

Behind the bench, Christina, wearing a long black dress, was holding a report and reading to Heather seriously:

"They are Rhodes Island in Greece, Hokkaido in Japan, and Cusco in Peru."

Heather kept his word and had to do it to return the disobedient God to the Wolf King, so he began to ask his men to collect intelligence and look for areas where the energy of the earth veins was relatively abundant.

The horoscope alignment will return to its original position after three months, so you just need to find a suitable location.

What? The leyline energy in these places is not as good as in Vienna? Isn't this the Seventh Reality? She can strengthen the leyline energy conversion power by adjusting the ritual, so she won't have to wait four years for the Vienna leyline energy to be restored like the Marquis.

It's just that this ritual is a bit useless for the miko.

Heather clasped her fingers and said: "Greece is my territory, and I cannot let the Marquis harm me, PASS!"

Hearing this, Christina narrowed her eyes with laughter and hurriedly walked over to squeeze Heather's shoulders: "The king is wise!"

Heather tilted her head: "It seems like we have to choose between Japan and Peru. Which country is so lucky to have the opportunity to summon the God of Disobedience?"

As he spoke, he winked at Christina.

After following Heather for so long, Christina immediately understood what he meant: "You mean... to reveal some information and see how the local magic community performs?"

"Hiss! Liz (Liz, Christina's nickname), you are so bad. Didn't I say anything?"

Heather turned to look at Christina with an exaggerated expression, as if looking at a sinful and evil woman:

"How could you frame your colleagues like this? Bad Liz, bad boy!"

Christina was so angry that she froze in place. Didn't you signal me to say that?

Wang is good at everything, but he has such a character and mouth that I really can't praise him.

Heather patted the white palm on her shoulder and signaled Christina to continue squeezing her shoulder, and then said lazily: "Since Little Liz advised me so, let's do it. You guys do it, I want you to do it." Let’s see what tricks the magic powers of these two countries can come up with.”


Bangsha! A black bird formed by magic appeared next to Christina and spread its wings and flew into the distance, apparently to notify the members of the Silver Owl Society who were waiting in the distance.

Seeing that Heather was in a good mood, Christina thought about it for a moment, and while massaging Heather's shoulders with the technique she just learned from TV, she asked carefully:

"King, should your royal title be made public?"

"...What the hell?" Heather looked at Christina blankly.

"The king's title! Just like the king's title of Marquis Vauban is [Wolf King], Prince Sarbatore's king's title is [King of Swords], and Alexander's king's title is [Black Prince]."

Christina looked at Heather's blank face and couldn't help but feel sad for her complicated thoughts in the past few days. It turned out that the king had never considered the issue of the king's title at all!

Hearing what Christina said, Heather casually threw the half-eaten ice cream into a trash can fifteen meters away, then nodded seriously:

"Well... considering the sense of ceremony, it really should have a resounding title. Liz, what do you mean?"

Christina immediately knelt down on one knee and did not dare to raise her head: "King! Your king's title can only be decided by yourself. Christina will never dare to interfere with your judgment in the slightest."

"Tsk, this is so boring. Get up."

Heather waved to Christina to get up quickly, then rubbed her chin and fell into deep thought:

"It sounds like all the titles of the God-Slayers are related to their first power?"

"Yes, King. Because after killing the gods, the god-killers usually occupy an area and use their first power as the code name. Normally, at this time, they have not had time to kill the second god. God."

After saying that, Christina paused: "King, it's not Christina who is urging you. But you need a king's title that is loud enough to shock the whole world, so that the magic world will not always call you by your name or simply 'King' .”

Heather thought for a while and then decided directly: "Then let's call him [Prince of Star Sea]."

"...Huh?" Christina was stunned for a moment, and then directly used the god with the same name as her king's title?

She stammered and persuaded: "King, there have been rumors about your first power and the coincidence that you have the same name as that god. If you use this king's title..."

"Whatever they say, I haven't denied the origin of my power."

Heather stood up and straightened the collar of her windbreaker:

"Yes, the first power I seized came from the Prince of Xinghai. And..."

He winked at Christina:

“It’s hard to say which one is the ‘fake’?”

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