A foreigner's journey

Chapter 935 A busy journey of collecting materials

Heather and Christina are both action-oriented people who do what they say they will do.

The materials for making absurd locks are cat's footsteps, woman's whiskers, stone roots, fish's breath, bear's alertness and bird's saliva.

In northern Norway, there are many seabirds here, scattered among the sand and gravel on the coast.

Behind a huge rock, Christina and Heather peeked their heads out half-way, confirmed the approximate number and types of seabirds, and then retracted behind the rock.

"It's this kind of seabird. It is said that they have a lot of saliva. King, what should I do?"

"Aren't you a 'hell bird'? Release the birds and peck them!"


A large number of black birds appeared next to Christina. They were condensed by magic power and flew much faster than ordinary birds.

The seabirds were originally perching lazily on the coast. Suddenly, they noticed a large group of blackbirds flying from the distance. They immediately screamed angrily and flew into the sky with their wings flapped, preparing to attack the enemy and defend their territory.

In this way, the war between Greece's most powerful magician "Hell Bird" Christina (24 years old) and a flock of seabirds (numbering 2,000+) broke out over the northern coast of Norway.

After 30 minutes, the brutal war came to an end, with the winner - Christina.

Then, the dignified god-slayer and the most powerful magician in Greece squatted on the coast without any image, grabbed the unconscious seabirds, and forcibly opened the beaks of the birds to extract their saliva.

Bird saliva, obtained.

Then there is the woman's beard, which is an easy material to obtain.

Solon went to Oslo University Hospital in Norway to check the relevant medical records about Cushing's Syndrome, then found four female patients suffering from this disease, shaved and collected the beards on their faces, and then used spells to hypnotize them to forget This was an unpleasant experience.

The woman's beard has been obtained.

Heather and Christina had a disagreement about the material 'Fish Breathing'.

Heather thinks it's just a matter of collecting enough fish lungs, but Christina insists that fish don't have lungs and must be something else.

The argument turned into a quarrel, but Heather, who couldn't stand up to Christina, used a search engine to search, and then used the power of the 'Father's Spear' to turn into thunder and fly to an unknown large lake near the equator in Africa at a speed of Mach 100. During the trip, I caught three African lungfish from the lake.

This fish can breathe with its gills in the water and with its lungs on the shore. It has survived on the earth for more than 400 million years and is considered a living fossil.

Really seeing the fish's lungs, Christina immediately raised her hands and surrendered, admitting that she had spoken a little too loudly just now, and was forced to promise to wear a maid uniform for a month after returning to Rhode Island to show Heather.

The fish's breath has been obtained.

Then there’s the ‘root of stone’.

At first, Heather and Christina thought they were tree roots inside the stone, and they tried their best to find the kind of rock that could perfectly accommodate the tree roots without damaging its appearance.

Solon, who was still mature as a man, gave his own thoughts.

"King, I think the so-called 'roots of rocks' may be interpreted as [lichens]."

Lichen? Yes!

Heather and Kristina immediately rushed to Norway's Rondane National Park, which is located in central and southern Norway and is Norway's first national park.

This national park is not only an important habitat for wild reindeer, but also creates a strange landscape because of the lichens all over the mountains and plains.

Soon, the two of them found the goal of their trip, the pale white lichen, at the Rondana Castle, the highest mountain in the national park.

The shell-like lichens in lichens will adhere to the rock surface and even penetrate the mycelium deep into the rock, making it extremely difficult to peel off. It can be considered as the ‘roots’ of the rock both in appearance and inwardness.

Pale white lichen is a type of shell-like lichen. Heather insists that fresh lichen produced in Norway will have a higher success rate when summoning Fenrir, the magic wolf in Norse mythology. Regarding the metaphysics that Wang believed in, Christina could only take it as true.

The root of the stone has been obtained.

The last and most troublesome two items are 'cat's footsteps' and 'bear's alert'.

Christina believes that the sound of a cat's footsteps should be considered from two aspects. On the one hand, it is the cat's paw pad itself, and on the other hand, it is the material of the ground that the cat steps on.

What do cats like to step on and make a relatively loud noise?

Paper box, cat litter? Heather disagreed.

"It obviously makes the loudest sound when stepping on dry leaves. Question! Which tree is the most famous in Norse mythology?"

"world Tree."

"What is the species of World Tree?"

"Uh, ash tree?"

Just as she said, Christina commissioned the White Giant Wolf Magic Association to collect branches and leaves of ash trees that were tall and strong enough, and use spells to make them dry and brittle.

Then there was the cat. With the same ritualistic sense of finding its source from mythology, Heather chose the Norwegian Forest Cat.

This cat legend is about the magical cat that pulls the cart of the goddess Freya in Norse mythology. It is said to be a huge gray cat that can fly across the sky and is as big as a lion.

In reality, Norwegian Forest Cats are a unique cat species in Scandinavia. The giant white wolf found three pairs of gray-haired Norwegian Forest Cats that were of excellent appearance and full of spirituality and sent them to them.

Heather specially let these cats try to step on the ash leaves and branches. I wonder if it was a psychological effect, but the sound was indeed a bit strange.

Cat's footsteps, obtained.

In the end, only the bear's alertness remained.

Heather and Christina were sitting on a bench on the street in Oslo, with their hands on their chins and frowning.

How to get Bear Alert? This thing is more ethereal than the cat's footsteps!

Qishi gave a more 'practical' suggestion - pick the most alert and alert bear and dig out its brain as material.

Be a human being, dear... There was no other way. Heather slightly improved the plan and asked Christina to find a magician who was good at the 'spiritual capture' spell.

The giant white wolf sent over thirty bears, of all varieties. Heather tested them one by one, placed them in an open field and arranged for a skilled magician to approach them quietly.

The sooner the bear detects the approach of the magician and reacts vigilantly, the more vigilant the bear is.

After trying for two days, when one magician was unable to escape and was bitten, Heather selected the two bears that were most alert. Then let the specially invited magician use the 'spiritual capture' spell to extract the power of the two bears' thoughts and preserve them in a special spell bottle.

Bear's Alertness has been obtained.

At this point, all the low-end materials for making ridiculous locks have been collected. The next step is to rub the chain.

In Norse mythology, dwarfs are a very ingenious species. They are used to living in mountains, underground or in mines. They are excellent craftsmen, metallurgists and guardians of treasures. They are proficient in prophecy, magic, and the ability to write Runes, and any jewelry or weapon they make is highly magical.

At the same time, they are also the prototypes of dwarves in many fantasy works, rather than gnomes. Sometimes their names can also be changed to "dwarfs" and "black goblins".

It is worth mentioning that Nordic dwarfs were not described as short in works before the 13th century, but were the same size as humans. Later, in folklore and literature, it gradually became dwarfed for reasons of fun or humor.

Almost all the artifacts with names in Norse mythology were made by them, such as Gungnir, Mjolnir, Skidbladnir, Tyrfing, etc. wait.

The Ridiculous Lock is just a gadget they randomly picked out.

Of course, even the craftsmanship required to make such gadgets is by no means beyond the reach of humans. It should be said that even the God Slayer does not have the strength and skill to rub the artifact with his hands.

Fortunately, Heather's life tool is Qishi Shi, an all-purpose knife nicknamed "Qishi A Meng".

Following Qishi's instructions, Heather dug a large enough cave in a secluded canyon in Norway, and asked Christina to put the absurd lock materials and some necessary items into the cave. Then Heather kicked out all the idlers and instructed Christina to ensure that no one breaks into the cave, otherwise the production process will not work.

After everything was ready, Qishi's figure appeared in the cave.

The hand rubbing begins!

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