A foreigner's journey

Chapter 938 Prince of the Star Sea VS God-Eating Demonic Wolf

Even though he is called the God of Disobedience, Fenrir is still a beast at heart.

Beasts don't know how to show mercy.

It opened its huge mouth without hesitation and breathed out scarlet flame breath towards Heather.

In mythology, Fenrir broke free from his chains during Ragnarok and was so filled with rage that blazing fire erupted from his mouth and nostrils.

This is the angry flame called 'wrath', the fire of the devil wolf that cannot be extinguished by conventional means.

Scarlet flames swept across the entire top of Mount Galhe. Flowers, plants and trees were turned into coke in the high temperature, rocks were melted, and the temperature in the air suddenly soared.

The magicians halfway up the mountain only saw a huge fire cloud as red as blood bursting out from the direction of the peak. The fire cloud rotated, swallowed up everything that could burn, and spread downwards.

"Be careful! It's the God-Eating Wolf's world-destroying wrath!"

Solon, who was good at enchantment spells, immediately clasped his palms in front of him and then pulled them apart. As he stretched his arms in front of him, a light blue fluorescent shield appeared above everyone's heads.

But how can the spells of mortals compete with the power of the disobedient god?

When the fluorescent shield wall suddenly came into contact with the scarlet flames, it immediately burst into bright light, like a TV screen with poor signal that flickered on and off. It only lasted less than three seconds before collapsing.

Solon spat out a mouthful of blood and fell backwards, and was immediately supported by members of the Silver Xiao Club.

"Leader, please retreat immediately!" Some members looked at Christina, who was standing at the front, and shouted anxiously.

Christina stared intently at the overwhelming scarlet flames, not flinching at all:

"Calm down, everyone. The king is still fighting. As ministers, we have no reason to retreat."

At this moment, a bright light strong enough to burn the retina suddenly exploded on the top of the mountain!

That is thunder, the king of gods who controls the sky is laughing!

Thunder and lightning fell from the sky, drawing countless winding silver snakes in the moonless night sky. From a distance, it looked like an inverted lightning forest.

The lightning branches bombarded the sea of ​​​​fire and spread rapidly. The lightning speed of up to 150 kilometers per second spread rapidly.

All the scarlet flames were blasted and shattered by the rapid lightning at this moment. What is strange is that such a terrifying and violent thunder suddenly turned around when it was about to blast through the position of the magicians halfway up the mountain, and naturally bypassed everyone.

Christina suddenly raised her head and looked towards the peak. Even if she faced the God-eating wolf, the king still had some strength left.

At the top of the peak, the ground had become barren under the raging flames and thunder, and the ground showed radial impact marks. Fenrir stood in the center of the impact mark, unable to raise his head under the weight of the continuous lightning strikes above his head.

A scarlet fierce light flashed in its eyes, its violent anger continued to rise, and the wolf's mane, which had been burned by lightning, was constantly being repaired, and it gradually kept up with the speed of destruction.

Suddenly, it raised its head to face the countless thunderbolts crashing in the sky, and suddenly opened its mouth.

The already exaggeratedly large mouth suddenly stretched to an unbelievable size, and could even swallow the mountain range.

The infinite thunder summoned by Heather all blasted into the mouth of the giant wolf. Will there be an echo after the stone is thrown into the bottomless abyss? Won't. The thunder was all extinguished after being swallowed by the wolf's mouth, and even transformed into Fenrir's healing power and vitality.

With just one breath, all the lightning strikes on Fenrir's body were healed. The black wolf manes all over his body stood up straight, and he arched his body and let out a dull thunder-like snoring sound.


The top of Galhe Mountain at its feet suddenly collapsed, and the fifty-meter-long giant wolf god rushed towards Heather at an unimaginable speed!

"Ha! Just in time!"

Heather laughed loudly in mid-air, and the human laughter turned into a wild wolf howl in half a second.

His entire body transformed into a twenty-five-meter-long thunder wolf dragon, and then he collided fiercely with the world-devouring black wolf that rushed towards him.

In terms of strength, Fenrir is superior. It opened its mouth and bit the upper body of the Thunder Wolf Dragon fiercely, and flew away far away with the Thunder Wolf Dragon without any loss of strength, crossing Mount Garch and falling into the Jotunheimen Valley.

The ground was immediately turned up by the impact, and the two wolves plowed out a huge 1,000-meter ravine. Deep in the ravine, there were still dark red burn marks that had not yet been extinguished. It didn't stop until it hit the Greet Peak.

The black wolf Fenrir held down the Thunder Wolf Dragon below with one claw, and raised the other claw high. The sharp black hook like a sword popped out from between the claws, and he grabbed it downwards.

But before he could catch it, the fifty-meter-long huge black wolf was kicked away by terrifying force.

After spinning four or five times in the air, Fenrir landed steadily in the valley a few hundred meters away. He slightly narrowed his eyes with a fierce scarlet light and looked at the pothole.


The giant golden claws poked out of the huge pit and latched firmly to the ground. With the crackling sound of golden lightning, the golden thunder wolf dragon, also fifty meters long, slowly crawled out of it.

【Golden Thunder Mode】!

In the distance, Marquis Vauban, who was watching the battle with great interest, leaned his neck forward slightly, his emerald wolf eyes full of excitement.

What day is it today? Let yourself see two wolves that only exist in myths one after another!

Marquis Vauban, who was originally invited by Heather to watch the battle, was still a little dissatisfied. He thought it would be good if the God of Disobedience summoned this time could be used directly to compensate him. However, Heather promised to compensate him with a God of Steel in three months. Marquis Bang could only suppress the urge to hunt the disobedient god and quietly be a real spectator.

Unexpectedly, Heather actually summoned the god-eating wolf 'Fenrir' with that wolf fang that she had no control over.

Not only that, he also transformed into the thunder wolf god that the Prince of the Star Sea surrendered in mythology to fight. Oh, what a magnificent and gorgeous battle scene. Marquis Vauban, who already likes violence and wolves, really wishes he had never promised Heather to "watch the battle".

In other words, the Marquis is a showman, and if the King of Swords is here, he must have started to grab monsters.

In the distant valley of Jotunheimen, giant golden and black wolves were fighting in their most primitive beast postures.

Fenrir's wolf's mane has gradually adapted to the bombardment of lightning, but every claw strike of Golden Raikou very cunningly mixed a large amount of armed Haki as thin as a hair needle into the lightning. This move once almost destroyed Luffy's [ The killing effect of Langhao·Zhenliu Ying is very insidious and will attack from the musculoskeletal and nerve levels.

Fenrir, who was once again beaten backwards by [Wolf Hair Shock Flowing Cherry Blossom], let out a miserable wolf howl in anger. The shadow under him split into two and rushed towards Golden Thunder Lord.

Click! Click! The two hind legs of Golden Thunder were bitten by the dark wolf shadow, and then the wolf shadow floated from the ground and turned into two demonic wolves slightly smaller than Fenrir.

They all have black hair all over their bodies. The one on the left has slightly longer ears and orange-red sunshine in its eyes. The one on the right has a slightly longer tail, and its eyes emit silvery white moonlight.

"Oh! Those are... Hati and Skull!" The Marquis, who was watching the battle from a distance, immediately recognized the true identities of the two wolf shadows.

Fenrir had two sons, Skull and Hati.

Skull is a wolf chasing the sun, and his name means "betrayal". Hati is a wolf chasing the moon, and its name means "disgust". They both chased the sun and the moon respectively until they were swallowed up at Ragnarok.

The situation has changed from one-on-one to one-on-three. Heather, how do you plan to respond?

The Marquis was ready to join the battle as soon as Heather asked for help. It's not because of friendship, it's just because I want to get a share of such exciting fighting power.

But Heather didn't mean to panic at all. She felt her feet being bitten tightly. Then she looked at Fenrir, who was approaching and ready to swallow her up. The wolfish face of Jin Lei Gong suddenly showed a human look. smile.

"Now that we've entered the 'call for help' phase, I won't be polite."

Along with the sound of waves and howling wind, the spirit of words resounded throughout this vast valley——

"Golden west wind, silver waves, immortal horses, run! Trample! Destroy any enemy who dares to block the way forward!"

The giant wolf biting Jin Lei Gong's hind legs was stagnant for a moment, and then was violently knocked away.

The two demon wolves screamed and rolled towards Fenrir. The latter impatiently slapped him away with his claws, but Fenrir's momentum of advance was also stalled.

Two unparalleled horses were running in the air, like two satellites, black and white, surrounding Jin Lei Gong.

Seize the power of the arrogant hero Achilles - [West Wind of Gold, Sea of ​​Silver]!

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