A foreigner's journey

Chapter 953 Let’s see who can dump the blame quickly

In the endless dark wilderness, there was only a bonfire burning.

Heather sat in front of the campfire, flicking the fire with a wooden stick, silently watching the dancing flames, not knowing what she was thinking.

Suddenly, he asked: "How do you feel?"

"...According to your strength, you can be rated as A-level."

Su Zhan's figure quietly appeared beside the bonfire, his voice was calm:

"Compared with its super attack power, this 'King of Swords' has slightly insufficient defense power, and his real shortcoming is speed."

After only a few minutes of brief fighting, Su Zhan figured out the combat attributes of the Sword King Salbatre Tony.

If we compare it with the ability parameters of the Holy Grail World, then the attributes of the King of Swords should be [Strength A+, Durability B, Agility B, Magic B, Luck B, Noble Phantasm B+].

Strength represents attack power and arm strength, durability represents defensive ability and physical strength, agility represents agility and reaction speed, magic power represents how much spell power can be controlled, and Noble Phantasm represents the strength and versatility of one's own power. The '+' in the last attribute means that this ability will burst out with doubled power, and '++' means that it will start at least three times.

Salbatre Tony has one and only one power [Tearing Silver Hand]. Logically speaking, this Noble Phantasm should be lower, but this power obtained from God King Nuada is indeed powerful. As a magic sword, The diversity also makes up for the shortcoming of King of Swords having too few powers to a certain extent.

It stands to reason that this ability parameter is already amazing, and it can be considered a first-class servant in the Holy Grail world.

It's a pity that other god-slayers are really extraordinary.

The combat power shown by the Wolf King in the original plot can be specifically described as [Strength A, Durability A, Agility B, Magic A, Luck C, Noble Phantasm A]. In addition to being unlucky and always having his head snatched by new compatriots as a stepping stone, the wolf Wang basically has no shortcomings, and his super rich power list is enough for him to cope with most battle situations.

As for the disobedient god that Heather killed, Zeus's ability parameters were [Strength A++, Durability A+, Agility A+, Magic A, Luck A, Noble Phantasm A++], and Achilles's were [Strength B+, Durability A, Agility A, Magic B, Luck D, Noble Phantasm A], the four-in-one Fenrir is [Strength A, Durability A+, Agility B, Magic A, Luck D, Noble Phantasm A+].

These three are all ruthless characters, and Zeus is the strongest among them. He can be called a hexagonal warrior with no blind spots. If Heather hadn't used [Dalan Divine Strike·Disaster God Sweeper] to forcefully break through the shield of Equis and Due to the physical defense of Zeus, the battle between one person and one god may last forever.

"How powerful is this King of Swords?" Heather raised her eyebrows.

"Strong enough to defeat Susanoo in the third stage. The basis of this power is to turn his arm into a silver metal arm, and then anything touched by this arm will become his 'magic sword' , In addition, he can also give the magic sword various attributes, including but not limited to 'increased sharpness', 'explosion', 'blocking treatment', 'high speed', 'giant', 'fluid', etc."

Su Zhan said seriously:

"If he continues to develop this power, I suspect that he can turn 'light', 'sea water' and 'earth' into magic swords for attack. It is not impossible to remotely drag meteorites outside the atmosphere to use as magic swords."

"Who is the 'weapon concept'...that's too much power." Heather curled her lips: "What about defense?"

"Ordinary attack methods are ineffective. Even the second-stage Susanoo's frontal bombardment with his fists can only leave some blood on the corner of the sword king's mouth. It wasn't until I used 'Speed ​​Slash' combined with 'Spear of the Heavenly Father' that Really causing serious harm to him. Of course, without killing him as you requested."

Yes, after Qi Shi's "remitting efforts", Heather can now lend some of her power to the Living Face Yu clone to a limited extent.

From this point of view, the 'God Killer Template' is really a treasure. As long as you persist in acquiring powers, you can continuously enrich this 'power library'. Heather's collecting habit started to show up again.

Heather poked the fire with a wooden stick and said in a brisk tone: "It's not time to kill him now, and then raise him. When the King of the End comes out, these God-killers will have no use value, and it's time to do the mission by then. Do the work, the reckoning where the reckoning is due.”

"What about the Southern European Magic Alliance? I think they are also divided into two groups about whether to join your team."

"I only look at the results. If you don't come to my side by then, just wipe them out as well."

Heather dragged her cheeks and sat in front of the fire:

"The Pillars of Hera must be obtained, as well as the Gorgon Stone that has not yet been excavated. This is the only way to make Athena the true God of Disobedience."

Heather has coveted Athena's power for a long time, and even did her own part to help Athena regain her identity as the God of Disobedience, in order to truly kill her and seize power from her.

He turned to look at Su Zhan: "I know you don't like to have future troubles, so I promise you. When the time comes, I will leave the task of killing the King of Swords to you."

Su Zhan did not speak, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his figure quietly disappeared beside the bonfire.

Bang! Heather threw the wooden stick in her hand into the bonfire, causing a lot of sparks to fly.

Godslayers, the multiple-choice question has been thrown to you, let me see what you will choose.


Japan, a certain shrine.


Saya Gongxin, dressed in a witch costume, suddenly stood up with a look of astonishment on her face:

"Can you say that again?"

A middle-aged man with a face like an office worker, Touma Amakasu, stood not far from her with a sad look on his face: "The Seven Italian Sisters were attacked when they were holding an alliance meeting. Even the King of Swords, who is the leader of the Southern European Magic Alliance, was seriously injured. .”

"Did the Wolf King take action? No, it must be King Heather!" Shaye Gongxin threw the blame on Heather's head without saying a word.

Although she has never met him, Saya Gongxin has been studying various information about Heather for a long time in recent days and found that this mysterious and extremely powerful new king is very aggressive and has an irregular malicious list.

She can be sure that the Japanese official history compilation committee has never done anything to provoke the new king, but the other party has made it clear that they are trying to punish you. You, Japan, can either suffer it quietly or rise up to resist and be brutally suppressed. Who will let Japan? What if there is no god-killer in charge?

The seven Italian sisters who were now protected by the King of Swords were also attacked. Saya Gongxin couldn't think of anyone else who had this ability and motive.

If no god-killer has a reasonable motive, then he will fall on Heather first.

"Well, it really wasn't King Heather who did it..." Touma Amakasu didn't seem to know what to say and was a little hesitant.

"Who is that? Do you want to say that it was the Wolf King or the Martial Arts King who did it? Or was there a God of Disobedience who raided the meeting of the Seven Sisters?" Shaye Gongxin stomped the floor in anger.

Akasha Touma swallowed: "In fact, all the evidence points to Japan. The Italian side claimed that the person who launched the attack was a Japanese god. He can transform into a giant god wearing Karatengu armor, holding seven flaming branches. Knife, throwing eight-foot magatama, they say..."

"What did they say! Don't hesitate!"

"They said... Japan released Susano'o and attacked the Southern European Magic Alliance in order to blame the matter on King Heather and provoke a war between the two God Killers."

PS: "Spider-Man: Across the Universe" is really good-looking, and the chapters are also real dogs.

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