A foreigner's journey

Chapter 960 Mass Coma Incident in Provence

Turning over to find the remote control from the sofa, Heather clicked it a few times. The split screen in the upper right corner immediately changed to full screen and started playing from the beginning.

The screen showed that this was a live report from French TV station. The blonde reporter was holding a microphone and said to the screen with a surprised look on her face:

"Here is Sofia, the on-site reporter from TV station, reporting for you that an unheard-of strange disease is spreading in Aix-en-Provence.

So far, more than 1,400 people have fallen into deep sleep. Conventional means and even some violent means cannot wake these patients up.

I'm currently at the Aix Municipal Hospital, which is so overcrowded that even some doctors and nurses have been sucked into this weird Sandman vortex. "

As she spoke, she handed the microphone to a middle-aged man in a white coat next to her: "Dr. Didier, what do you think is the cause of this strange disease? Is it contagious?"

Dr. Didier adjusted his glasses frame and said in a deep voice: "Obviously, this is a shock coma caused by hypotension, hypoglycemia, or cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Shock coma in the conventional sense is of course not contagious, but No one can guarantee the virus..."

Before he finished speaking, Dr. Didel suddenly looked behind the beautiful reporter in a daze. The beautiful reporter also turned around and looked back curiously, and even the camera turned that way.

Then, the screen quickly slid down, and then changed to a perspective of the person lying on his side on the ground, as if the camera had fallen to the ground.

Plop! Plop! There were two sounds of heavy objects falling to the ground, and the microphone rolled down in front of the camera.

The picture remained still for two seconds and then turned into a blue screen, quickly switching back to the studio of France Television Station.

Heather didn't bother to see what the male host was saying with a pale face, so she turned off the TV.

He stood up and stretched, then opened the door and strode out of the room.

The two maids at the end of the corridor were shocked when they saw Heather, and hurried over: "King, do you need to eat..."

"Call Liz over here!"

Heather interrupted the greetings between the two and shook her finger: "Go and get me another table of food. Eat in the living room. Be quick."

"Yes!" The waiters and maids in the knight's palace were all elites selected by Christina. One of them lifted up her skirt and immediately ran away at an extremely fast speed. The other picked up the walkie-talkie and whispered a few words, and then With a gentle smile on his face, he led Heather to the direction of the living room.

Five minutes later, a group of black birds burst into the corridor with chirping screams, and quickly collided together and condensed into a human form, turning into Christina wearing a black dress.

She tidied her clothes a little, and as soon as she walked into the living room, she saw Heather already sitting at the dining table, eating on the plate in front of her.

"King, are you looking for me?" Christina calmed down her breathing slightly. She thought something important had happened. As soon as she got the news, she immediately used the [Hell Bird Technique] to turn into a flock of birds and rush towards the palace of the Knights at full speed. come over.

Bang! Heather threw the fork into the empty plate, picked up the napkin and wiped the corners of her mouth: "It's just in time, prepare for the plane and go to France."

Christina didn't ask more about the reason, but picked up the phone and dialed a number and asked: "Do you have a more specific location?"

“The city of Aix-en-Provence, France.”

"Understood, please wait."

At this time, the call happened to be dialed. Christina was no longer as gentle and considerate as she was when facing Heather, but became serious and cold: "It's me. Prepare the plane immediately. The destination is Aix-en-Provence, France... There is no place there..." Airport? Where is the nearest airport...Okay, I get it."

Putting down the phone, Christina looked at Heather:

"Wang, the plane can take off at any time and it is expected to arrive in one and a half hours. The nearest airport to Aix is ​​Marseille Provence International Airport. Then drive from Marseille Airport to the city of Aix, which is about 25 kilometers away and takes up to 20 minutes. .”

"OK, what are we waiting for? Let's go. Oh, by the way..."

Heather clapped her hands, turned to the maid and said, "Go get Liz a cod fish sandwich to take away, the one I just ate."

As he said that, he winked at Christina: "I can't let my right-hand man work hungry, right?"

Christina lowered her head, her face flushed slightly, and her fair hands twisted together unconsciously: "...I'm very grateful."

The maids around covered their mouths and blushed. The king is so gentle and considerate! The commander-in-chief is also super feminine today! It should be said that the female side of the commander-in-chief was only shown to Wang... Wow! What an exciting love between a king and his subjects!

Soon, Heather and Christina appeared on the Marius Reno pedestrian street in Aix.

What? Why didn't Heather fly over directly? Wouldn't that be faster? He was too lazy to just use the [Spear of Heavenly Father] to fly around the world. The human body structure cannot adapt to the realm of speed, even if Heather's physical fitness is far beyond the scope of mortals.

In the original work, when Kusanagi Godou uses [Seventh Incarnation: Phoenix] to enter the Speed ​​Realm, his heart will suffer severe pain. This pain will gradually escalate as time goes by and cannot be eliminated by any means.

Even the Black Prince Alek, whose core power is [Electrical Lightning], will experience discomfort after entering the Speed ​​Realm. His brain will scream in about 5 minutes, and after 20 minutes, he will have an uncomfortable feeling of intense jet lag.

Heather doesn't have such serious side effects. I just feel uncomfortable so I don't want to use it frequently.

Marius Reno pedestrian street is the most prosperous area in Aix. The pedestrian street leads to the Palace of Justice in Place Verdun. In the past, it was always bustling with people coming and going.

But today's Marius Reno Pedestrian Street looks very deserted. Occasionally, pedestrians pass by, but they just lower their heads in a hurry, without any interest or meaning of shopping.

"It seems to be affected by the 'sleeping strange disease'."

Christina was holding her mobile phone and checking the official APP page of TV One. The top news on it was a report about a large-scale deep coma incident.

"How far has the incident developed?" Heather put his hands in his pockets and looked left and right. He had expanded his sights and circles to the entire city of Aix, but he did not 'see' any characteristics of a powerful life form.

Isn’t it the influence of the God of Disobedience?

"As of 3 minutes ago, more than 15,000 people have fallen into a deep sleep that cannot be awakened."

Christina frowned and looked at the sky. She had already launched the Hell Bird over the city of Aix and started searching and circling, but found nothing:

"King, I can't feel any sign of the curse. Is it really some kind of infectious disease?"

While the two were talking, dull bells sounded one after another in the distance.

After hearing the bell, Heather's eyes narrowed and she immediately reached out to Christina beside her.

Christina slumped in Heather's arms, eyes closed, apparently falling into a deep sleep.

Heather looked towards the direction where the bell was coming from and narrowed her eyes slightly.

It's interesting, how dare you take the initiative?

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