A foreigner's journey

Chapter 963 God Pan

Heather looked at the giant sheep-headed man opposite. Although her tone was frivolous, she began to become cautious in her heart.

If he were facing a head-on opponent like Achilles at this time, Heather would naturally not take the opponent too seriously, but Pan was not an easy man.

In fact, the God Pan was considered a top-ranked mysterious god in Heather's original world. He seems to have appeared in most mythological systems. Scholars from various countries throughout the ages have had different opinions on the original origin of the God Pan.

Cornunnos in Celtic mythology, Perevit in Slavic mythology, Satan in Christian mythology, Knum in ancient Egyptian mythology... the shadow of the god Pan always appears in these myths.

In the world of Godslayer, myths are just a coat that binds gods. If there are plausible and similar gods in myths, then it is really possible that one god wanders around the world and is dubbed different myths and legends.

If the gods who look like Pan in mythology are all the same existence... Heather became more vigilant. I am afraid that today's battle will not be easy to fight.

As if he felt the majestic power of the curse on Heather, God Pan on the opposite side let out a strange chuckle: "Bah, bah, bah... Sure enough, the Lord of Rakshasa will become wary when facing the disobedient god. To a certain extent, you are a more brutal and primitive [beast] than the God of Disobedience."

He lowered his head and glanced at the blue illusory chain extending outward from his chest, and curiously fiddled with the chain with his long sharp black nails:

"Is this the power that sealed my [Dense Forest Labyrinth]? I can smell the strong smell of beasts from this chain. It must be the power that was taken from the hands of an incredible beast god. This is really... What a pity. Got it!"

God Pan's rectangular pupils suddenly lit up. He grabbed the illusory 'spiritual chain' and pulled it backwards. He suddenly pulled Heather over as if he was grabbing a substantial chain!

Can you actually touch the 'spiritual chain' in the illusory state? Heather thought rapidly in her mind for a moment, and then determined the source of the opponent's ability - the [God of Creation] Khnum in ancient Egyptian mythology!

According to legend, Khnum created other gods and was the father of the sun god 'Ra', so he was also called Khnum-Re. He was also the god of potters and had a powerful influence on anything handmade. Control.

Do you regard the spiritual chain produced by my power [this is a chain and a rein] as an artifact?

Thoughts only occurred in the blink of an eye. Thunder light had already condensed in Heather's hand and turned into a crackling thunder shuriken. Before Pan was completely pulled in front of him, he threw it directly at the opponent.

The shuriken throwing technique obtained from the Uchiha clan caused the thunderous crosses to fly towards Pan Shen from various tricky angles, locking in many vital points on the opponent's body.

"Fear me."

Pan Shen suddenly said this sentence without thinking.

For no reason, Heather felt chills all over her body just hearing these words. A great sense of fear emerged in her heart and quickly spread throughout her body.

The thunderous shurikens in the sky were all still when they were about to attack God Pan, and then fell to the ground tremblingly. With dense crackling sounds, they all exploded into the most primitive lightning.

fear? Yes, Pan's main characteristic is [Lord of Panic and Nightmares]! Even the word ‘Panic’ is derived from Pan’s name.

Can not only living things, but even inanimate dead objects and artificial objects be affected by the fear field?

Heather instantly got rid of the entanglement of fear and jumped to the side to avoid the sharp claws falling from the sky.

The pitch-black finger hook smashed a large pit into the ground. There was still black mist around the edge of the pit, and the surface kept making corrosion sounds.

The miasma of hell from Satan? This guy has so many tricks up his sleeve.

Heather was about to move back, but she saw Pan Shen's hand holding the chain on his chest pulling back again, and the ugly half-human, half-goat face revealed a ferocious smile:

"You think you trapped me? You're wrong, the prisoner is yourself!"


The spiritual chains suddenly stretched to the extreme.

Heather also gripped the chain hard, her feet firmly planted on the ground, and veins appeared on her forehead:

"Even Zeus praises my arm strength, how can you find the courage to wrestle with me? Come here!"

Heather yelled and twisted her body to pull the chain back violently. Pan's five-meter-tall body involuntarily rose into the air and flew towards Heather.

What awaits Him is a crackling thunder spear!

"[Tear apart the earth! Burn the ocean! This is boundless fire and lightning, the thunder that will lead the world to chaos and destruction!]"

Heather recited the word spirit loudly, and immediately responded by usurping the power [Spear of the Father] from the God King Zeus, turning it into Zeus's iconic weapon of God.


As Heather violently threw the Thunder Spear, a dazzling spot of light that could burn the retina appeared between the sky and the earth, hitting Pan God's chest!

This goat-headed god let out a silent scream with its long mouth, and a huge hole was burned through his chest. Strangely, the spiritual chain was still connected to his chest without any damage.

Plop! God Pan's body fell heavily to the ground, twitching slightly.

Heather exhaled and looked at Pan's corpse that smelled of burnt odor.

The combination of powers is very successful. [This is a chain and a rein] can forcibly seal an ability of the opponent and serve as a means to trap the opponent, thus creating a perfect situation for [Spear of the Father] to hit.

By the way, what power can I wrest from God Pan? It can’t be fecundity, right? Although this guy's main characteristic and hobby is GHS.

Just when Heather was thinking wildly, her feet suddenly stopped.


The dead God Pan suddenly let out bursts of weird laughter, his body stood up in an incredible posture, and thick smoke was still coming out of his chest, which was missing a big hole.

Still alive?

Heather was about to summon the [Spear of the Heavenly Father] immediately, but no thunder responded to his call.

It was as if he had never obtained this power at all.

"By the way, I have actually died. I am the only one of the Greek gods who has died. A sailor named Symes spread the news of my death throughout the swamps, coasts, islands, and countries."

God Pan had no intention of attacking Heather. He just stretched out his hand and shook it in the center of the hollow in his chest. Then he grinned, revealing a mouth full of sharp white teeth:

"I was originally dead, but because the news of my death spread, I became alive again. I am the only Greek god to be resurrected from the dead."

The flesh and blood has been filled in, and Pan Shen's body has become intact as before, as if he has not been harmed at all, except that there is a spiritual chain connecting Heather to his chest.

Will he be resurrected after receiving a fatal attack? When resurrected, one of the opponent's abilities will be sealed. Is it random? No, it should be said that the specific power to kill Pan is sealed. The question is, is there a limit to the number of His resurrections? What are the triggering conditions?

As if absorbing extra power, Pan's body expanded and turned into a huge monster nine meters tall. He looked down at Heather: "As the king of Rakshasa, you are very strong. It's a pity that you met me. , just let me end your life."

He grabbed the spiritual chain on his chest and pulled hard. With a click, the illusory chain was easily broken by Pan Shen.

The power of the [Dense Forest Labyrinth] that had been sealed before immediately returned to his body.

God Pan walked towards Heather step by step, with a ferocious smile on his face: "Your power of Zeus, which was able to kill the God of Disobedience, no longer exists, and the power of auxiliary power used to seal my power has also been torn off. What else do you have? Use it and let me see it."

"You asked for this yourself."

Heather could not help but sneer as she watched the torn spiritual chain gradually dissolve into the original spell power and turn into a new and stronger force:

"Looks like you're out of luck, Goathead."

The second stage ability of power [this is a chain and a rein] is activated!

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