London, UK, Greenwich Sage Headquarters.

A large dark red round table was placed in the huge medieval-style stone hall. Eleven magicians with different styles sat in front of the table, with a stack of reports in front of each one.

Printed on the cover of the report is "Investigation Report on Heather's Power."

The blonde-haired beauty wearing a white coat and knitted dress sat at the head of the round table. This person was the former speaker of the Council of Sages and current special advisor, [White Princess] Alice Louise Ove Nafal.

Although she is no longer the Speaker of the Council of Sages at this time, as a special advisor Alice still has extremely high prestige and appeal within the Council of Sages, and this meeting was also conducted under her leadership.

"Everyone, I believe everyone already understands today's topic, right?"

Alice pointed at the report on the table in front of her:

"The intelligence investigation on King Heather has finally come to an end. I have to say that this is the most difficult time to establish an intelligence file on the God-Slayer since the establishment of the Wise Council. Are you too lazy?"

"Princess, you can't say that."

An old man with a white beard wearing a pointed hat said:

"The origin of King Heather is mysterious, and he rarely discloses his own powers. Yin Xiao keeps strict confidentiality to the outside world. We have done our best to establish a file about King Heather's powers."

Another imposing old man with white hair slicked back said: "Although it's not right to say this, we really have to thank Pan, the disobedient god, who appeared in France for allowing us to make up for the loss of Heather. The last piece of the puzzle that King Quan can investigate.”

Alice smiled and said nothing. These old men were members of Diogenes, the core organization of the Council of Sages, and she looked down upon these dying old men from the bottom of her heart. Because I have been separated from the human world for so long while studying magic, I no longer regard myself as a human being.

She calmly opened the report in front of her: "Let's get into today's core topic, everyone?"

The others said no more and opened the report.

[Heather, her origin is unknown, her age is unknown, and her nationality of birth is unknown. It is speculated that Heather is also a pseudonym.

It has been determined that the five disobedient gods he killed were 'Heather, Prince of the Star Sea', 'God King Zeus', 'Great Hero Achilles', 'World-Eating Demon Wolf Fenrir', and 'Shepherd'. Pan'.

Some of the following power names and contents were revealed by Heather himself, and some were compiled by the Council of Sages themselves.

[Certificate of the Star Sea] - Usurping the power from the star sea prince Heather, it is speculated that this is Heather's first power and also his core power. This power allows Heather to access the adventures the Star Sea Prince has experienced and the artifacts he acquired. The ability is extremely powerful, and its limitations and side effects are currently unknown. Two incarnations have been shown so far, namely ‘Thunder Wolf’ and ‘Storm’.

The ‘Thunder Wolf’ allows Heather to summon or transform into a huge wolf beast on her own, mirroring the myth of the Prince of the Star Sea subduing the Thunder Wolf. The thunder wolf is about twenty-five meters long and can summon thunderstorms. If the color of the thunder and lightning changes from bluish-white to golden yellow, the Thunder Wolf's overall strength will increase by one level.

‘Storm’ allows Heather to summon the wind and rain, and fly with the wind. Even the huge vortex of clouds covering the entire France can be easily summoned. The air cannon fired at will can knock the Sword King, who is also a God-slayer, from Austria to the English Channel. If a huge amount of airflow and water are mobilized in the atmosphere, a huge tornado sword can even be made. Fenrir died due to this move if he did not follow it.

[Spear of the Heavenly Father] - usurped from the power of God King Zeus, is the most typical weapon of Zeus in Greek mythology, and is also proof of his status as the god of sky, thunder, lightning and dark clouds.

Heather can use this power to summon and control thunder at will, and concentrate a large amount of thunder in her hands to form a thunder gun, which is speculated to be powerful enough to destroy a country in an instant.

In addition, Heather can also transform her body into thunder to enter the realm of lightning speed. In this form, Heather once flew from Rhodes, Greece to Vienna, Austria in just one minute.

[Golden West Wind·Silver Sea]——Usurping the power of the great hero Achilles. The name of this power was revealed by Heather herself. Heather can summon the immortal horses 'Xanthus' and 'Balios' that Achilles received as a gift from Poseidon, King of the Sea. These two horses have combat power and immortality beyond the level of mythical beasts, and they also have their own characteristics.

Xanthos can enter the realm of the speed of the wind, and it is speculated that it may also have the ability to predict things in myth.

Barrios can cause earthquakes by standing on the earth, and he also possesses the body of Achilles' steel. In the incident in Provence, France, Barrios single-handedly killed more than 150 goat-headed beasts summoned by the disobedient god Pan.

[Absurd Lock]——Usurping the power from the World-Eating Demonic Wolf Fenrir. Through this power, Heather can manifest an illusory chain. Any disobedient god bound by the chain will appear to have a certain ability sealed. The forest labyrinth of Pan the Disobedient was sealed by this power.

When the chain is broken, it will trigger an explosion of blue flames from the underworld...]

"Wait a moment, princess." A gray-haired old magician said: "It is not yet certain that the underworld flame explosion that destroyed the Saint Victor Mountains was caused by Fenrir's power."

Another magician nodded: "That's true. The ridiculous lock that simply seals the power is already ridiculous. You don't want to think that this power has more and stronger abilities, right? Fenrir can be said in mythology The power of the blue flame has not been shown, so what it controls should be scarlet-colored wrath."

"Everyone, can you please calm down your rigid thinking?"

Alice's smile remained unchanged, with a hint of impatience in her tone:

"In addition to Fenrir, there is a beast god in Norse mythology. Have you forgotten?"

"You mean... Cerberus Garm?" The old man wearing a pointed hat frowned.

Alice nodded gracefully: "Yes, Fenrir and Garm are both canine beast gods, and they are also closely related to Tyr. Some Nordic myths even equate Fenrir and Garm. They are the same god. Then why can’t the Fenrir summoned by King Heather be the two Fenrir in one?”

"If this is the case, it can explain why such a huge blue flame is produced after the chain is broken. It is the ice flame of the underworld controlled by the mythical hell dog Garm."

"In this case, the power name cannot be called 'Absurd Lock', because this chain is both Fenrir's chain and Garm's reins. Why not call it [This is a chain and also a rein]?"

"That's very good."

Seeing the old men gathered together in twos and threes for a heated discussion, Alice had to knock on the table: "Everyone! Everyone! We are still in a meeting, please be quiet."

After everyone calmed down, she turned to the next page:

"The scale and power of the ice flames in the underworld far exceed the limits that ordinary people can imagine. The Saint-Victoire Mountains in southern Provence completely evaporated, leaving no grass growing within fifty kilometers in diameter without any sign of life. Even Pan, the god of disobedience, fell in this sky full of ice. Under the bombardment of flames.”

She paused, looked at the many pale magicians in front of the round table, and said in a serious tone: "Everyone, the power that King Heather has obtained is so powerful and rich that it is comparable to the Marquis of Vauban and the King of Martial Arts, two people who have reigned for more than 100 years. A two-hundred-year-old god-killer.

I hereby propose that you, together with the entire Council of Wise Men, please correct your attitude and never treat King Heather the same way you treat the King of Swords and other new generation God-killers. Otherwise, waiting for the fate of the Council of Sages and the United Kingdom, it will be Japan in two months. "

There was silence. After a while, the old magician wearing a pointed hat asked: "Speaking of Japan, the seven sisters seem to have officially declared war on the official history compilation committee. We are both one of the 'Big Three', and How to deal with it?”

Alice looked at him meaningfully:

"Don't get involved in this, that's my only advice."

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