A Godzilla In Konoha

Chapter 144 The old man will also become a fairy

Danzo's face was very ugly.

Coming to me?


"I don't remember having a conflict with the owner of Rinnegan!" Danzo was furious.

Tiandao Payen’s Shen Luo Tianzheng destroyed the entire street, but fortunately the people who were prepared for a long time retreated quickly.

Except for some of the weak ones who suffered heavy losses, none of the main combat power was harmed.

As for the other people of Uchiha, as early as the disaster broke out, they took refuge in the underground shelter.

"Danzo, as a mouse in the sewer, your fate has been determined before the gods, and you will die here."

Heavenly Way Payne glared at Rinnegan, and stared at Danzo.

After slaughtering this guy, Yahiko's spirit in the sky can be at ease... Wait, he doesn't seem to be able to find Yahiko's body...

"Feel the pain, spicy Tiansen!!"

Heavenly Dao Payne roared, and even more astonishing destruction broke out.

The other five Payne also killed out one after another.

Danzo's face was extremely gloomy. While he unlocked the seal on his right hand, he quickly backed away and shouted, "Uchiha clan, do it! The old man can't die here!"

Fugaku said in a low voice, "Ichie..." even though his heart was extremely complicated and deeply confused.

"Xuan Yisang didn't seem to tell me that I need to stand up at this time..."

Yihui frowned, a little unhappy.

But if such a dangerous guy is allowed to wreak havoc in the village, Xuan Yi-sang will have a headache too.



A skeleton appeared instantaneously, the muscles proliferated rapidly, and he was dressed in armor, entering the second form, lying in the middle of the street.

"Rinnegan, the leader of the three pupils in the legend, just doesn't know how it compares with my Mangekyō Sharingan."


Ichie raised his hand and drew the Kusanaru sword behind him.

Susanoo also moved in sync, and also drew out a Chakra weapon in the shape of a Kusanagi sword.

"Master Danzo, if you have any hidden hole cards, it is better to use them as soon as possible. Your opponent is a fairy eye, not an opponent that can be solved casually."

At this moment, Setsuna looked directly at Danzo.

His sight fell directly on Danzo's right hand.

At this time, Danzo unlocked the seal on his right hand, but he stubbornly refused to show it.

Danzo snorted coldly: "You don't need to teach the old man how to do it!"

He stared at Setsuna's eyes.

This is also a pair of three-goed jade... Such Uchiha radicals, damn it!

Numerous root ninjas have already protected Danzo in the center.

Danzo looked at the six Penn, a trace of fear and hesitation flashed across his eyes.

He will never show his right arm when he is not a last resort. The origin of these ten Sharingan is not clear at all.

Once a war starts, even if he wins, his status in the village will fall drastically.

At this time, Shisui said with a serious face: "Master Danzo, please step back, the enemy is about to attack!"

Penn Six Paths brazenly started.

"Summoning Technique!"

Two Hellhounds were called out and charged.

Shura Road also fired dozens of Chakra missiles.

"Summoning beasts also have Rinnegan, which is interesting. Are they manipulating them with illusions?"

Ichie was expressionless.

The huge Susanoo immediately slammed and slashed out, cutting off the two Hellhounds on the spot.

More than a dozen Chakra missiles were bombed, and they did not cause any damage to Susanoo.Shenluo Tianzheng!


Yihui and Susanoo were both lifted hundreds of meters away by this blow, leaving a deep ravine on the ground.

"The same is Mangekyō Sharingan... Your power can only be regarded as the past, and it is not worth mentioning compared to that guy."

Tiandao Payen's voice was low and she met Yihui's eyes.

At the level of pupil power, Ichie was thrown away a lot by Obito.

"Have you seen other Mangekyō Sharingan?" Fugaku's face changed slightly.

Danzo's face was gloomy: "This guy was saying strange things from the beginning, such as those two who couldn't deal with Konoha ruthlessly, and now they say there is another Mangekyō Sharingan..."

Danzo had a bad feeling in his heart.

At this time, the entire Uchiha clan gathered one after another, collectively activated the Fire Style technique and sprayed Penn Six Paths.

Fire Style· Great Fireball Technique!

An unprecedented huge flame hits at this moment.

It seemed that six penins had no way to escape.

"Hmph, dare to invade the territory of our strongest clan!"

"Being burned in the flames is your end!"

Many Uchihas showed cruel smiles.

"A boring trick."

Hungry Kidō opened his hands, and in an instant, all the flames were absorbed and turned into Chakra of Penn Six Paths.


"Anyway, that tall guy can absorb our ninjutsu?!"

Many people's faces changed.

At this time, Penn Six Paths launched an assault. The target was Danzo, and the others, including Mangekyō's Ichie, were not in his eyes.

Fierce fighting broke out.

A large number of Uchiha people began to besiege Penn Six Paths one after another.

The result is also obvious, it is not an opponent at all.

They are just a family, and there is no information about Master Payne Six Paths.

Facing Rinnegan's peculiar pupil technique, they were completely at a loss.

The unkillable Summoning beast, the guy who can shoot off missiles and lasers, can transform, can absorb ninjutsu, and can create repulsion...

I have never heard of these abilities.

In the rush to fight, many Uchiha people died tragically on the spot, paying the price of blood.


Rows of houses were overturned.

An astonishing roar resounded through the sky, and the entire Uchiha clan was plunged into unprecedented chaos.

No one has ever done this kind of thing, and went directly to the base camp of the Uchiha clan and massacred it!

The screams came out one after another.

A member of the Uchiha tribe was killed.

The corpses were everywhere.

The giant Summoning beasts raging everywhere are constantly increasing, the number has increased to a dozen, and the scene is extremely chaotic.

In addition, Penn's Six Paths physical skills are also outrageous, and Rinnegan's pupil power is extremely amazing.

For a time, the entire Uchiha clan was in a mess.


Yihui was at war with Brute Dao. She once again hacked and killed the Hellhounds in front of her, but these ghosts couldn't be killed at all.

Also split on the spot to show you.

"This is not the way to go, these troublesome Summoning beasts alone are enough to hold me back."

Yihui frowned.

Then there is no way. I didn't plan to use pupil technique other than Susanoo...

With her right eye, she stared directly at the dozen or so Rinnegan Summoning beasts that were besieging her, silently calculating, and then turned her gaze to the animal road.


Swish Swish!

More than a dozen Summoning beasts showed signs of distortion one after another, and the physical body began to fade gradually, and slowly disappeared in place.

These crazily divided undead hellhounds were abruptly erased by Kazuki from the real world.

This amazing scene shocked everyone.

The people who were struggling against Penn's Six Paths, were beaten by Rinnegan's power, all showed horror.

"Izanagi... can it still be used like this? Not only can I rewrite my own state, but also the state of the outside world?!"

Danzo, who was being protected by a lot of root ninjas, his eyes turned red in an instant.

It seems to have opened the door to New World.

Damn it, is this the real usage of Izanaki? Wouldn't it be that as long as the pupils are strong enough, as long as the old man thinks, he can erase Hiruzen in minutes and change the position of Hokage to an old man? !

Subconsciously, Danzo lowered his head and glanced at his right arm. In theory, he could activate Izanagi ten times, and he would have ten chances to correct his death.

On the right arm that had unlocked the seal, ten Sharingan were looking around. This strange scene was concealed by clothes and bandages.

Yihui can wipe out the terrible pupil technique of a dozen undead hellhounds in one go, which is eye-catching.

"Now only you are left, go away."

Yihui's voice was cold, and her right eye was losing its luster at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a grayish white.

After wiping out more than a dozen Hellhounds, Ichie directly used Izanagi to destroy the animal way.

The body shape of Beast Dao began to change, becoming more and more illusory.

The next moment, I saw Beast Dao's eyes widened, fighting with Rinnegan's pupil power.

This led to a rapid loss of power in Ichie's right eye.

"It's just that, you can't stop me!"

With the left eye, Izanagi is mobilized!

The state of the right eye was reversed, and the powerful erasing power returned to its peak again.

"Huhuhu, temporarily solved one of the most troublesome..."

Ichie clutched her eyes, panting heavily, feeling the tingling sensation deep into her bone marrow.

Heavenly Dao Payne raised his hand and knocked off more than a dozen root ninjas, turned his head and glanced at it: "This kind of pupil technique is a bit interesting, but it's useless."

The Dao of Hell summoned the head of Yama, and from the mouth of the head of Yama came out a new female brutal way.


"How could this happen, one was clearly eliminated, and now another fairy's eye came out of thin air?"

Many people's faces changed.

They couldn't see the head of Yama, only the new animal way emerging from the air.

Summoning Technique!

A large number of new hellhounds appeared, still with the characteristic of being indestructible, and split crazily as soon as they were hurt, raging everywhere.

This endless loop is simply a breakdown.

"All your resistance is not worth mentioning in my eyes." Tiandao Payne's voice was indifferent, and he walked towards Danzo.

All those who tried to rush to stop him were violently killed by Heavenly Dao Payne.

Even if Shisui tried to use his best illusion, he was easily bounced off by Heavenly Dao Payne.

The Shisui of the three-gou jade has too weak pupil power, and has no ability to fight against Heavenly Path Penn at all.

"Damn it, what about such a guy..." Shisui gritted his teeth.

What's the matter with Rinnegan's abilities? After killing an enemy, new enemies pop up. If this goes on, there is no end at all! !

Rinnegan's power gave them a deep chill in their hearts.

The entire Uchiha clan and roots, facing Six Paths Payne, retreated steadily.

Even if the ninjas of Konoha Village constantly notice the movement and keep coming, they still drink hate under Rinnegan's power.

There is simply no solution.

And don't forget, Six Paths Payne is essentially a puppet, this kind of puppet, the ghost knows how much Nagato secretly prepares for replacement and replacement.

The body of Nagato is not crippled. Although a lot of vitality has been extracted by the Gedo Statue and the figure is thin, it is not a big problem.Even if all the Penn puppets were destroyed.

Nagato can take action by himself at any time, and Nagato, who has assembled Six Paths Penn in one, can be imagined how amazing the fighting power is.

Fugaku looked at the scene before him and finally couldn't bear it.

On Danzo's side, he was always defending himself, and he refused to use his full strength. No one knew what hole cards the old guy was hiding.

"Can't wait any longer. Thirty members of the tribe have already died in the hands of the enemy. Let this go on..."

Fugaku gritted his teeth and opened his eyes suddenly when he closed his eyes.

Mangekyō Sharingan! !


The huge pale white skeleton appeared, and the two arms suddenly grabbed the Shura Dao ahead.

"Unexpectedly, you too..." Shura was startled, his figure quickly retreated, and a large number of Chakra missiles exploded and bombarded both arms.


There was a violent explosion.


Fugaku growled low, stimulating Susanoo, transforming to the second form, and his combat power rose sharply.

call out!

Shura Dao released the laser, but still failed to penetrate Susanoo's defense.

The two Susanoos echoed each other and suppressed the four Payne in an instant.

"The patriarch actually has Mangekyō Sharingan?!"

"When did this happen!!"

"Great, the patriarch also hides this kind of power!!!"

All the people of Youyu Zhiba's clan showed ecstasy expressions one after another.

When he was forced to retreat one after another by the hungry Kidō, he raised his head at this moment, showing excitement.

"Uchiha Fugaku also hides a pair of Mangekyō, this guy is simply..." Danzo gritted his teeth, full of jealousy.

Damn it, Mangekyō Sharingan, the old man wants it too! !

It's really hateful that you don't tell the old man, deliberately conceal it!

Yike shot several Summoning beasts with one blow, turned his head and glanced, and suddenly nodded: "Sure enough, the patriarch also has Mangekyō. No wonder I thought he was strange at first, and he was a little too calm. Xuan Yi-sang also specially reminded me. ..."

Sure enough, did you know it a long time ago?

The appearance of two Susanoos changed the situation to a great extent.

But it further strengthened Heavenly Way Payne's determination to kill Danzo.

"If you continue to fight like this, the other five of Six Paths Payne will not end well."

Heavenly Way Payne glanced at the battlefield.

Although the war has only been on for a while, the intelligence of Penn Six Paths is constantly being used by the Master.

I'm afraid that after a while, the other five will not be able to support it, and it will be difficult to withstand the two Susanoo's attacks.


"Danzo, die here."

Heavenly Path Penn killed Danzo and knocked all the ninjas into the air.

Gravity and repulsion, coupled with the black rod that can be made at will, can disrupt the Chakra in the human body. This alone is extremely powerful.

"Damn it, these people can't protect the old man's thoroughness..."

Danzo gritted his teeth, turned and fled under the shelter of several ninjas, and rushed into the forest on the edge of the village.

Tiandao Payne chased and killed all the way.

Waiting away from the sight of the Uchiha clan.

Danzo tore off the bandage on his right hand.

"Although I haven't figured out the relationship between you and other Rinnegan, the old man has almost understood your pupil skills."

Danzo showed his pale right hand, and ten Sharingan looked around.

"Just get rid of you right here, the old man will use your eyes well." Danzo showed a trace of greed in his eyes.

If you transplant a Rinnegan to your right eye...hehehehe, will the old man become a fairy?

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