A Godzilla In Konoha

Chapter 167 Are we also descendants of immortals?

As soon as Minato was about to find a chance to throw kunai, he had already seen a giant beast destroy the meteorite.

"Is Xuan Yi again? He is always at ease."

Minato breathed a sigh of relief and looked in the direction where the giant beast was standing.

It is really gratifying that such a ninja can solve difficult problems no matter what the occasion.

At this time, Xuan Yi regained his human form.

Accompanied by meteorites that crumbled all over the sky.

He looked at Sheren and his son.

These two guys had already escaped from Rashomon's blockade, jumped directly onto the wooden platform, and quickly flew up.

"Teacher, they want to run away! Watch me stop them, Fire Style·Great Fireball Technique!"

Sasuke is a little clever ghost, keenly spotted Huadian, and after yelling, he immediately opened his mouth and sprayed out a fireball.

Although it was of no use, this small fireball with the size of a fist sprayed lonely directly, and after flying for a few meters in the air, it dissipated without even touching the opponent's clothes, Kakuzu.

"Damn it, let the other party escape." Sasuke looked unwilling.

"Okay, so amazing, he actually knows how to use ninjutsu..." Hinata stared in shock.

Naruto also clenched his fists. In other words, he can only Clone Technique and Physical Techniques now... Teacher Xu hasn't taught him to learn more complicated techniques.

"What? I can also master powerful ninjutsu..." Naruto muttered.

Xuan Yi had already dealt with the two, and the whole person rushed out like a sharp arrow.

He has only got the gene of Sheren's father now, and he hasn't got the gene of Sheren's father yet, so he can't just let it go.


A white-hot light suddenly shot out, destroying half of the specially-made platform, and the remaining part began to burn, but the flame was immediately extinguished.

"Relying on this thing, you can travel between the moon and the Ninja world at will. Does the Ōtsutsuki clan's physique needle stick to the cosmic radiation? I accept this physique."

Xuan Yi suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the Sheren who was screaming in horror.

"Go away!" The Sheren father roared, trying his best to call out the giant Tenseigan with Chakra.

A peculiar repulsive force suddenly came, pushing Xuan Yi away.

But Sheren was still dug out a piece of flesh and blood by Xuan Yi.

Just then.

"Spiral flashing super round dance roar three styles!"

A large number of yellow electric lights came rushing in.

Minato rushed in through the Flying Thunder God technique. With a shot of Rasengan, he seized the precious gap and blasted the exhausted father of Sheren.

"Escape, after you have enough strength, consider revenge!" Sheren's father finally let out a scream, and immediately died.

"It's a pity. I originally planned to catch it alive. I didn't expect your body to be so fragile. You would die with a single touch..."

Xuan Yi raised his hand to carry the corpse, and looked up to the sky.

Confronting Sheren's painful and horrified eyes.

Minato also landed, with some doubts: "Sure enough, these two strange guys... But why is the other enemy a kid?"

"I don't know, maybe this kid is special." Xuan Yi replied.

When I meet next time, I don’t know how long it will be. I don’t know how long it will be. I don’t know how long it will be before.

At least there is a specific goal.

Will he stare at himself, or will he stare at Minato?

"We lost several Anbu ninjas before we killed this guy..." Minato hesitated slightly while staring at the broken platform that was rising at an alarming speed.

In the end, I didn't do it.He still hasn't figured out the situation, but it is a fact that the other party killed Anbu Ninja.

And kids...

Sheren finally escaped.

Xuan Yi glanced at Minato, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes, then raised his hand and lifted the five-fold Rashomon.

"Dad!" Naruto couldn't help yelling when he saw Minato, and gave Sasuke a triumphant look.

"It's Hokage's son... What about Hokage's son." Sasuke frowned, and then let go.

The Liangzi between the two people was knotted anyway, and I don't know why. When they saw each other, they felt very unpleasant.

Minato glanced at his son, nodded slightly, and then looked at Xuan Yi with a solemn look: "Who is the enemy?"

He met these two people when he was at war with Xu.

At that time, Xu also directly used Wooden Golem to try to attack these two guys.

Alien guest? Anyone from outside the ninja world?

"Master Fourth Generation, this is also something I am confused about. The enemy came very mysteriously, and suddenly he attacked his companions in the village. I don't know why."

Xuan Yi skillfully sealed the body of Sheren's father, and looked at Minato sincerely.


Minato scratched his head. He knew that Xuanyi was clearly eyeing the enemy's corpse.

"Remember to give me a copy of the research results of the roots. It must be detailed and not allowed to be hidden." Minato reminded.

Xuan Yi looked solemn: "Of course, Lord Fourth Generation, is it possible that you really think I will hide it? It doesn't exist."

Minato thought for a while, and felt it was so, and nodded in satisfaction.

Soon, Konoha's senior management gathered together.

The two consultants really asked Xuan Yi to surrender the enemy's body.

"The Konoha Intelligence Department is obviously more suitable for studying this corpse."

"The Yamanaka clan is very good at getting the memory of the enemy, you should give this to the village."

Utatane Koharu and Mitokado Homura suggested.

Xuan Yi sat securely in her seat, looking at the two people calmly.

As the root leader, it is reasonable to participate in high-level meetings. He replaced Danzo in the position.

"Two, if my teacher were still alive, you probably wouldn't ask him like that." Xuan Yi said lightly.

"What is your attitude!!"

"Even if your teacher is still alive, you won't speak to us in this tone!"

The two consultants were angry, and a deep sense of powerlessness arose in their hearts at the same time.

Xuan Yi and Danzo are different after all.

Danzo needs the support of the two of them, but Xuan Yi doesn't need it at all, and is even extremely tired of the involvement of the two of them.

After several trials, Xuan Yi almost cut off his claws.

The roots under Xuan Yi's rule are even more inaccessible, and they won't have any chance to penetrate and reach out.

"The roots are solely responsible for the research on the enemy, so I won't be bothered by the two... the times have changed." Xuan Yi replied.

He stood up, nodded to Minato, and left the venue.

Utatane Koharu angrily said, "Fourth Generation, look at this guy! There is no us in your eyes!"

Mitokado Homura said: "You really should take care of him, you just don't put us in your eyes!"

"Understood, I will admonish him well."

Minato answered casually, secretly refreshed.

These two consultants are the legacy of Third Generation, and they have a strong desire for power, which caused Minato to do things in a hurry, which is terrible.

Minato was extremely happy to see Xuan Yi, the new generation, bashing them.

At the same time, the Hyuga family was not peaceful.

The patriarch’s daughter, who is almost the next generation’s imperial clan, was attacked by a mysterious enemy and almost died. This news detonated the Hyuga family.

Every member of the Hyuga tribe is angry, even the branch house, they are also angry at what happened to Hinata.

No matter how the branch house opposes the Caged Bird branding, they also know that this is to protect the blood of the clan. It is their duty to protect the clan’s lineage, and it is an important measure to continue the Hyuga clan.

"Brother, we can't be so passive, we should ask Master Hokage to know the identity of the enemy!" Hyuga Hizashi angrily said.

Hiashi glanced at him, and for a moment, did not speak.

Hizashi frowned and said, "Brother, is there a problem? Is it possible that he is a ninja who is hostile to the village, and even Master Hokage dare not act rashly?"

"If it's a ninja from a hostile village, things are easier." Hiashi calmly sat on the tatami and drank tea.

It seems that no matter what happens, the patriarch will not lose his grace and calmness.

Even the actions of pouring tea and drinking tea revealed the unspeakable aristocratic temperament.

Hizashi asked himself to be unable to do this.

My own daughter, the next generation of the clan's clan was almost killed, how could he still be able to sit still? !

"Hizashi, this matter is more complicated, so don't intervene...I will tell you if I can tell you, but there are some things that I don't want to say, but I can't say." Hiashi said lightly.

"..." Hizashi gritted his teeth.

There is a sense of anger in my heart that I am an outsider.

"Because I am a branch house, don't you tell me your elder brother? We already have such a relationship, just because you are the head of the clan family and I am the head of the branch house?" Hizashi said angrily.


Hiashi put the teacup on the table and said calmly: "Since the last time you showed killing intent to Hinata, some things have changed... The only tenderness left."


Hizashi opened his mouth and fell into a long silence.

The killing intent to Hinata...

Indeed, he had such thoughts.

"Sure enough, I didn't hide it from you..." Hizashi showed a bitter expression.

Hiashi looked indifferent: "Neji's talent, will and consciousness have surpassed Hinata in all aspects. There is no doubt. But such a genius, because of his birth, is destined to be branded as Caged Bird, and Byakugan's potential is locked. It is inevitable...this is the fate of our clan."

The Hyuga family is far more closed and conservative than the Uchiha family, and they pay more attention to ancestry.

The Uchiha clan still has inter-marriage between the natives and foreigners. For example, the parents of Ichie and Izumi, the mother Uchiha Ye Yue is a native of the tribe, but the fathers of the two of them are foreigners, and they changed their surnames to Uchiha after marriage.

This kind of thing does not happen in the Hyuga family. According to the conservative and extreme exclusion of this family, foreigners will only pollute the pure and noble Byakugan bloodline.

Of course, if it is as strong as Naruto in the original book, and becomes one of the new F2s in the Ninja world after the Fourth World War, then everything will not be a problem, and the Hyuga clan will have to endure no matter how dissatisfied it is.

Hiashi glanced at his own brother.

The two of them were born as twins.

Hiashi knew that just because of good luck, he was born a few seconds earlier, and naturally became a candidate for the clan.

There is only one person in each generation of the clan. Hizashi, as the younger brother, is destined to be branded as Caged Bird and become a branch house whose life and death are controlled by the clan.

"I don't want another time, let's step back." Hiashi said coldly.

Hizashi paused and bowed respectfully to Hiashi, not like a real brother at all.

After Hizashi walks away.

Hiashi, who was sitting quietly, let out a deep sigh.

"Since Xuanyi transplanted Zongjia Byakugan to Iroha, many things have changed..."

Xuan Yi's operations back then did not occur to everyone in the Zong family, and it opened a brand new door to the branch house people.

Although, let the branch house person destroy Byakugan by himself, and passively activate the Caged Bird Technique applied to the brain once, and he cannot really get rid of the Caged Bird Technique.

But then transplanting Zongjia Byakugan's show operation, it is really too ridiculous.

In this way, people in the branch house can have the complete Byakugan of the Zong family that is not locked up and has no visual blind spots.This kind of operation, like a nail, has penetrated into the heart of the branch house, and has already caused the people's heart to float.


"Children's eyes are almost the same size as adults' eyes. In theory, adults can also dig out children's intact eyes for transplantation."

Hiashi's expression was extremely cold.

The growth process of human beings is extremely miraculous, and the growth of eyes is even more miraculous.

The bones, muscles, and internal organs are growing, but the eyes do not change much. The eyeballs are still that big when they are young.

Coupled with Xuan Yi's show operation, many things have become extremely bad and dangerous.

"It's just that, I didn't expect that it was not the branch house people who took the opportunity to do Hinata, but the outsiders...Looking at Fourth Generation's performance, it seems that I have some understanding of these two outsiders, but I don't know much..."

Hiashi silently recalled the scene he saw with Byakugan.

At that time, he had been paying close attention to Hinata's condition and was ready to attack Sheren father and son at any time.

But I didn't expect Xuan Yi to arrive at the enemy first.

Moreover, the appearance of the enemy made Hiashi very uneasy.

After a while, Hiashi got up, walked into the family's secret room again, entered the deepest part of the earth, and took out the huge scroll.

Swish to open it.

Two figures are drawn on it.

"This kind of clothing, long sleeves and gowns, theoretically is not suitable for fighting and work. No one in the ninja world would wear it like this..."

Hiashi stared hard.

Only the Hyuga family wears a similar gown, which is the traditional costume passed down from ancient times by the Hyuga family.

But the enemy’s special costume is still hung with Gouyu, just like the two immortals in the painting...

"The enemy has no eyes, but he has shown an unimaginable interest in Hinata's eyes. What is it..."

The more Hiashi thought about it, the more frightened.

He stared at the portrait of Sage of Six Paths and the figure next to Sage of Six Paths.

"The Rinnegan of Sage of Six Paths has already appeared. The person next to Sage of Six Paths is suspected of possessing the ancient existence of Byakugan... Did his descendants also appear? If it is really Byakugan, what is the relationship with the Hyuga clan... …"

After a long time, Hiashi took a deep breath, closed the scroll, and reapplied the seal.

Put it back solemnly.

He seemed to have discovered a great secret.

After leaving the secret room.

Hiashi went directly to the hospital and found the fire door that was healing.

It is said that the fire gate was almost hit by a meteor and suffered some injuries.

"Huomen, what special discovery do you want to tell me?" Hiashi stared into Huomen's eyes.

Huomen was covered in bandages and looked confused: "No, patriarch, did something happen?"

Hiashi watched for a while and found that everything was normal. After a moment of silence, he ordered "Recover well" and walked out of the hospital.

At the moment he walked out, Hiashi suddenly opened Byakugan, and even if he didn't look back, he already covered the entire hospital in his field of vision.

The line of sight penetrated through the layers of the wall and precisely locked the fire door.

Hiashi saw the fast beating heart in the chest cavity under the normal performance of Huomen.

"Sure enough, there is a problem with Huomen. What kind of thing is it that makes him bear the risk of being abandoned by the clan and also want to conceal it?"

Hiashi sighed.

"Would you like to meet Xuan Yi? The dangerous man who inherited Danzo's power..." Hiashi was a little tangled.

Going to see Xuan Yi meant that their clan had found something wrong, and the signal this gave was very dangerous.

But in fact, even if he went to see him now, Xuan Yi was not interested in seeing him.

Xuan Yi was dissecting Ōtsutsuki's body in the root base.

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