A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,156 Eye Exercises, Start Now

The emperor could not admit his mistake.

As the supreme ruler of the entire country, the emperor needs to use various means to increase his authority.

The myth itself is a good idea, for example, the emperor is the son of heaven.

I am the son of God, and I exercise power in the world on behalf of God.

The Emperor is high in the ninth heaven, looking at him dimly, and ordinary people are naturally in awe.

But what should we do if the emperor makes a mistake?

Don't admit your mistake.

Any emperor who often admits his mistakes probably does not have high prestige.

For example, Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty often admitted his mistakes when being teased by Wei Zheng. He admitted his mistakes openly, but do you think the emperor was that open-minded?

He canceled his daughter's engagement with Wei Zheng's eldest son and smashed Wei Zheng's tombstone...

This is Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty. He has great military exploits and is qualified to do this.

If it was another emperor, and his ministers caught you and asked you to admit your mistake, would you do it?

Natural disasters, people's hearts are boiling, who admits their mistake?

Of course the emperor admitted his mistake.

So the sinner edict was invented.

I am guilty! I was wrong, so wrong that God brought disaster.

The Son of Heaven, the son of God, admitted his mistake to me.

Dad, my son is wrong, just accept your magical power.

After the Song Dynasty, Zhao Kuangyin was the founding emperor, so naturally he had nothing to say. Zhao Guangyi's succession to the throne is somewhat unclear, and he is even less likely to bow his head.

When he came to Zhenzong, for the sake of his reputation, he completely changed after the Chanyuan Alliance. Heavenly books were flying in the sky, there were countless auspicious signs, and he went to become a Zen monk with great fanfare...

Look, God is so satisfied with my son that he often sends people to deliver heavenly books.

The first three emperors of the Song Dynasty all refused to admit their mistakes.

When we arrived at Zhao Zhen, the situation suddenly changed.

Liu E lowered the curtain, and the suppressed Zhao Zhen was miserable. He had no ambitions whatsoever, and he just wanted to not be killed.

Fortunately, Liu E did not proclaim himself emperor in the end, and Zhao Zhen was able to take control of the real power. However, his weakness was clearly seen by his ministers, and the balance between the emperor and his ministers was broken.

If the emperor is weak, his ministers will naturally press him step by step, just for power.

Admitting mistakes is the best way to weaken the emperor's authority.

Zhao Zhen was given the advantage by his ministers.

When Zhao Shu arrived, the mentally ill patient was unwilling to compromise. Admit his mistake? Haha, I will kill you!

So when everyone heard him say that he was wrong, they were a little shocked for a while.

His Majesty actually admitted his mistake?

The sun is coming out in the west!

The second question arises, why did he admit his mistake?

Zhao Shu looked at Shen An and felt a little guilty.

This minister is rich, but he knows how to eliminate suspicion from the outside world.

The royal family had a stake in those businesses, and the annual dividends made his life as an emperor much easier.

He has money, but he doesn't say anything.

Moreover, the population of his family has remained unchanged for many years, with just two or three kittens.

Look at those powerful people. Who doesn’t have dozens of rich slaves in their home? They are embarrassed to say hello to others when they go out.

Moreover, the powerful have a large amount of land, and those farming households are potential threats. If there is a rebellion, all it takes is a small army.

The powerful are good at clumping together. After they cling together, their power will make even emperors afraid.

So this is also the reason why emperors do not touch the powerful.

Don't anger them and let them fend for themselves.

But Shen An is different.

Zhao Shu sighed in his heart and said, "In recent years... there have been many schools in Bianliang and surrounding places. Do you know?"

The officials were stunned and didn't know why he mentioned this matter.

"I know."

Wang Anshi was more concerned about education. He left the class and said, "Your Majesty, those schools are well built and the teachers they hired are also good. I heard that the school specially recruits children from poor families. Not only is the tuition free, but food is also included..."

Han Qi said, "Isn't that donated by the Anonymous? At that time, I said that this man has a very good heart. If we meet him, I will definitely have a drink with him and recommend him to your majesty."

Zhao Shu pointed at Shen An and said with a smile, "This person is right here. Can Han Qing recommend him to me?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Is it Shen An?

Some people in Bianliang and surrounding areas are anonymously donating to build a school. The school is very solid, and the teachers hired are not just ordinary people.

Tuition fees are actually free and meals are included...

Such an act of kindness caused many people to talk about it, but no one could guess who the person behind it was.

As soon as Zhao Shu said this today, everyone couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

Han Qi raised his hands to Shen An and said, "I have met many rich people. They lived in luxury, with constant food and wine, and singing and dancing all night long... But Anbei was willing to live in poverty. I don't know why, but I only found out today. You have shamed so many people with such a kind deed."

"Back then, when you and Yuan Ze were on good terms, I said that when you were young and successful, you were rich and powerful, so you were afraid that you would become arrogant. Who would have thought that you would silently donate to build so many schools, great!"

Wang Anshi looked at Shen An and suddenly smiled and said, "I used to think that it would be great if Yuan Ze had a stable older brother to teach him, but unfortunately he is the eldest son. But from now on, I will no longer worry about this. Please leave it to An Bei." ."

This is entrusting your son to Shen An. You can teach me, but I will never interfere.

This was an act of great trust. After that, the relationship between Shen and Wang's family was different, almost as good as the whole family.

"I haven't spoken a word."

Bao Zheng came out. He looked at Liu Zhan and others and said coldly, "The Shen family is rich, but who has seen his family being arrogant and extravagant? Yes, if you are rich but refuse to be extravagant, you must have high aspirations... If His Majesty hadn't spoken out today, who would have known about Shen An's unknown good deeds? What do these good deeds mean to you? Are they evidence of rebellion? "

Liu Zhan and several ministers lowered their heads, feeling hot and uncomfortable all over their bodies.

"Your Majesty, this matter was actually not done by me."

Shen An's sudden words almost made Bao Zheng vomit blood. He said in shock, "The king proposed this matter at the beginning. Later, he invested most of the money, but I only gave some, not very much."

Bao Zheng's expression relaxed, and then his face turned red.

He was too angry, so he exploded immediately, but forgot one thing.

This is not the future. At this time, you have donated and built many schools. After the news spreads, will those students become yours?

But Shen An skillfully brought Zhao Xu in, and the matter was settled.

Zhao Shu wanted to remember his love and Shen An's kindness in building momentum for his son.

And Shen An got rid of the trouble of becoming famous.

Unless he is old and does not want to take any further steps in his official career, it would be better to have less of this kind of fame.

Zhao Shu looked at Shen An and sighed in his heart, "You... are very good."

The officials gave Shen An extra points.

Liu Zhan only felt tightness in his chest, and he felt so uncomfortable that he wanted to roar.

Originally, Shen An did this thing in obscurity, but now it's better. After being exposed, Shen's noble integrity and good deeds are shining brightly. In the future, whoever dares to say that he is rich and unkind, Bao Zheng will dare to beat him to death with a wat board. who.

The key is the gratitude of Zhao Shu and his son, which is a priceless treasure.

With this gratitude, Shen An's career will naturally go smoothly in the future. He may become the prime minister and assistant in ten years. This may come true.

Under the witness of the ministers, this thing is really going to come true.

What a good life this man has!

"Go and have a look."

As soon as Zhao Shu was in a good mood, his condition improved a bit, and he happily took his ministers to see the school.

There is a school in the southwest corner of the inner city. I didn't look at it at first glance, but when I entered, I found that it was not simple.

The teacher introduced with some trepidation, "That's the school ground over there, and students have to do exercises every day."

Zhao Shu walked over and looked at the horizontal and parallel bars with curiosity, so he put his hands on them.

People, once they touch these, they will move unconsciously.

So Zhao Shu tried to push himself up, but only halfway through, he felt his arms were a little weak.

"not easy."

He smiled and asked, "How do children practice?"

The teacher said, "Someone comes here every month to check the accounts, and then they come from time to time to watch the drills and teachings. If they are unqualified, the villain will be deducted... So... how about the villain give a demonstration?"

Zhao Shu nodded.

The gentleman tucked the hem of his robe around his waist, held the parallel bars with both hands, and raised them at a right angle with ease.

Then there were all kinds of swings, with the whole person swinging back and forth on the parallel bars.

Is this sir?

Zhao Shu was a little surprised.

Han Qi and others found it even more incredible.

Those movements are not simple at first glance, but this gentle gentleman plays them very naturally and seems to be doing it with ease.

Later comes the horizontal bar, which is simpler, there are no big loops, it is simple swings, and pull-ups.

After the husband finished, Zeng Gongliang felt that he was not bad at all, so he said, "I'll give it a try."

He held the horizontal bar with both hands, UU reading www.uukanshu.net and then pulled it up with all his strength...

He had never done this action before. Seeing his husband complete it easily, he felt it was easy.

But when he was halfway up, his arms lost strength and his body became heavier than Mount Tai.


Zeng Gongliang tried several more times, each time getting worse and worse, but in the end it didn't move at all.

He coughed dryly and said, "I'm not feeling well today..."

Old enemy Han Qi smiled and said, "How about we get one in the political hall and try again in a few days?"

Will you die if you don't stare at me?

Zeng Gongliang had no choice but to sigh, "It's very difficult."

Zhao Shu asked his husband with great interest, "How did you learn this?"

"Work hard and forget about food and sleep."

In the current official situation, the gentleman has a determined look on his face.

But you have to be motivated to work hard, right?

Han Qi smiled and asked, "How is the reward?"

The husband said a little embarrassedly, "Not bad...very good."

Zhao Shu glanced at Shen An and knew that this guy liked to throw money at people. Want to make money? Then work hard.

Han Qi smiled and said, "Not bad."

Shen is rich, so what?

But when we have money, we don’t use it for food, drink and fun, but for people’s livelihood.

Who has this kind of spirit?

Zhao Shu walked over slowly and asked when he saw the runway.

Ahead is the classroom.

"Eye exercises, start now..."

Zhao Shu looked back at Shen An and asked in confusion, "What is this?"

"Reading too much hurts your eyes. This is to protect your eyes."

This is a poor school. No one will be watching him. He can implement his own ideas. If he can't remember the exercises between classes, a familiar voice will come from the school grounds at this moment.

——The eighth set of radio gymnastics begins now...

The third update is here. Please vote for me. Good night!


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