A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,405: The Enemy’s Shangguan


"My dear gentlemen, as soon as Duke Shen left, he beat up the censor violently. He also said that the man was a spy, and that he wanted to report to the officials and let him go home and eat himself."

There was a moment of silence in the political hall, and Han Qi asked with a strange expression: "What happens after that? Those censors didn't make any noise?"

The visitor said: "After that, those censors were as silent as cicadas."

Han Qi looked at Zeng Gongliang, "Are we all wrong?"

Zeng Gongliang smiled bitterly and said: "We treat those people as treasures, but Shen An treats them as grass, but they are so good?"

Bao Zheng thought for a while, "Bao Shou is naughty and always refuses to listen. He said a lot of good and bad things to no avail. In the end, a beating can help him control it for a while."

"But that's a child!" Zeng Gongliang felt that Bao Zheng's comparison of the censors and Bao Shou was a bit too much.

Bao Zheng said calmly: "Sometimes, adults are more ignorant than children."

Han Qi nodded, "These censors are related to the success or failure of the New Deal. I always feel that I should coax them and make them willing to offend others. But it seems that coaxing is useless. It is more practical to give them a beating!"

Zeng Gongliang smiled and said: "How about Prime Minister Han give them a beating?"

Han Qi shook his head, "When I killed the enemy back then, I almost killed the enemy general just by sitting down. Later, I didn't dare to take action anymore."

There are rumors in the army that Prime Minister Han’s butt is a peerless weapon.

When he was fighting with the Liao army, Han Qi was riding in a cart. He made the enemy general lose his ability to resist with just one blow, and the second blow directly made the enemy general incontinent, which shows how powerful he was.

Zeng Gongliang took a sip of tea and said happily: "But those censors dare to be angry and dare not speak out, but they still haven't smoothed their hair out. I'm afraid it won't work if I turn around and let them go!"

A censor must dare to offend people and have the courage to offend people all over the world. Otherwise, it won’t take long before he becomes a cunning official. What kind of censor is that? It was just a pet dog kept by powerful officials.

Bao Zheng narrowed his eyes and said, "Let's see what Shen An does."

"What is the first priority of the New Deal? To govern the officials in a clear and transparent manner, what is required is to tell the truth and to work hard. But there are hundreds of people of all kinds. Some people say that most officials are gentlemen. Those who say this are either rotten scholars or fools, or It’s because I’m dissatisfied in my heart, so I just want to act like a gentleman.”

Many people's faces turned red instantly.

Everyone likes to claim that they are gentlemen to each other, but as long as they are given the title of gentleman, it is really detrimental.

Moreover, it was popular among officials in the Song Dynasty to flatter each other.

Today you say that someone is a gentleman, and tomorrow someone praises you as a famous minister. In a few days, most officials in the world have become famous ministers of ZTE, but the Song Dynasty is still sliding into the abyss.

Shen An looked down upon this the most, so he peeled off their faces first.

"Some people say that going to supervise local areas will offend people. Most officials in the world have backgrounds. If you offend an official, the relationship between the seventh aunt and the eighth aunt is so complicated, you might offend the officials all over the world."

The censors couldn't help but nod.

This is their concern.

If it were normal, that would be fine, but they went down to serve the New Deal.

As many people as there were in the Song Dynasty who opposed the New Deal, their censors had as many enemies as they did.

It’s really not a good feeling to have enemies all over the world!

Shen An knew their mentality, "Some people say that it is best to be a good person when serving as an official. Being a good person does not offend others. But have you ever thought... can you be promoted without offending others?"

Look at Lao Han and the others, which official is mediocre?

If you are not mediocre, you will offend people.

Those who have made it all the way smoothly will probably be overwhelmed by the heavy responsibility.

Someone thought about it carefully and then said in surprise: "It seems to be true."

If you want to be promoted, don't be a peace officer!

Shen An continued: "After you wait, as long as you can fulfill your duties faithfully, what will it look like in the eyes of the official family and the princes?"

He raised his index finger and said in a decisive tone: "It's a capable minister! This is what Shen said here. Who says it's not the case? Go and reason with him!"

As he spoke, he moved his right leg, and the censors couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Shen broke his leg!

If you're trying to reason, you're probably not going to break someone else's leg, right?

"In the eyes of officials and prime ministers, which class of people are worthy of reuse?"

Shen An's question made the censors hold their breath.

This person can be called a miracle in the officialdom of the Song Dynasty. He became an official at a young age. If he was not too young, he would at least be able to hold an official position such as the third deputy envoy and enter the ranks of important ministers of the Song Dynasty.

Now he wants to teach the secrets of becoming an official. This is an opportunity that money cannot buy.

Even the officials of the Academy of History became quiet.

Shen An felt that he was giving lessons to a group of primary school students. He said calmly: "Responsibility! This is what the officials and ministers value."

"Without responsibility, it will be useless no matter how capable you are, because you will not be able to stand firm at the critical moment. The stand is unstable. The higher the official position of such a person, the greater the harm!"

This is the grass on the wall.

"This kind of people are called wallflowers, they will fall down when the wind blows. Once these people become important ministers, they will be a disaster!"

Everyone nodded.

"Then how can an official be considered responsible?" Seeing these people's focused attention, Shen An felt that he could still save something. "As a local official, you have to always think about the official family and the people."

He said coldly: "The officers who spend all day drinking and playing with women should rush home and let them play with themselves!"

Ouyang Xiu lays down his gun!

In the future, Su Shi will lie down!

Everyone looked weird, some wanted to laugh, but finally couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

This statement struck too wide a target, and it affected countless officials at once.

There were too many officials in the Song Dynasty, and many people had nothing to do. If the superior officials were more relaxed, everyone would play around and invite a few female prostitutes to join them. The work of these officials would not be exchanged for gold!

Someone said: "Jun Gong Shen offended countless officials with his words. This is how you take responsibility!"

Everyone nodded, feeling that the purpose of Shen An's words was to demonstrate and let everyone know what it means to be responsible.

But Shen An just said it casually, how could it have so much meaning.

Many times, when a person says something, the original meaning is very simple, but once the person reaches a high position, it will be interpreted in detail and open up countless possibilities.

Shen An walked a few steps with his hands behind his back and recited: "I am lying in the Yazhai listening to the rustling bamboos, which is suspected to be the sound of suffering among the people. I am a small official in Caozhou County, and every branch and leaf is full of love."

"This is someone's expectation for you. I hope that if you continue to wait, you can be a good place for the government and speak out for the people. In this way, this is your responsibility!"

Everyone handed over, already convinced.

This man just took a few steps and actually composed a poem.

And this poem is very suitable for the occasion.

"I am lying in the Yazhai listening to the bamboos rustling, which is suspected to be the sound of suffering among the people. I am a small official in Caozhou County, and I always care about every branch and leaf." A censor sighed and said: "This poem by Duke Shen should be hung in the main hall of officials all over the world. I think Warning."

Everyone tasted this poem carefully and couldn't help but feel that it had profound meaning.

Shen An struck while the iron was hot and said: "What is the purpose of human beings in this world? I thought it was to do a career and leave a name in history. This is the best way to live."

Everyone listened attentively.

Shen An fantasized about the telephone poles again... no, he fantasized about the passion of the salesmen on TV in his previous life.

"Hello, hello, hello, everyone. This is great, but is it fun to sit around all day long? Standing in front of others with a flattering look on your face, isn't it fun?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"No one likes to bow his head, it's just life that forces us to bow our heads."

This is so true!

Everyone looked at Shen An with the same kind of joy in their eyes.

It turns out that Duke Shen also has the same trouble!

They were all Jinshi students. They had studied hard since childhood and finally passed the exams and passed the Jinshi exam. However, they had no job arrangements.

What to do?

Have all these years of reading been in vain?

No one is willing to accept it!

Later, sinecures were arranged, that is, official positions that had nothing to do and were created just to accommodate them.

This is redundant officials.

They had just passed the Jinshi examination and were in high spirits. They really didn't want a cup of tea, a pack of cigarettes... no, a pack of melon seeds, and a book just to hang out for a day. After a long time, they would be useless.

This is a trick!

Shen An continued: "How can we get rid of these days? Wait? Or keep your head down and flatter the Shangguan? Try to please the Shangguan like a female prostitute... Are you willing to wait?"

"I don't want to!"

Most people became angry when they thought of their own experience of trying to please a superior officer, just asking for a change of position, and then being treated with a cold shoulder.

"What should we do?"

Shen An became excited, "But is waiting useful? It's useless. None of those who daydream all day long can be promoted. The only way to be promoted is... to struggle!"

"It's beautiful to daydream all day long, but where is the opportunity? You would complain if you didn't have the chance. Now that the opportunity has come, the officials are worried that the officials below will work against them and do something against them, so each government must put two censors. For the purpose of supervision. This group of people will be the eyes and ears of the officials, which means that you are already in the heart of the emperor. The officials will keep an eye on you and remember your names. Whoever finds the most mediocre and corrupt officials will Who can make the officials remember this, is this an opportunity?"

Although they did not express their stance in a big way, everyone has long known that the government is determined to reform.

And supervision will be a top priority.

Whoever impeaches more people and discovers more problems will be more important in the hearts of officials.

In the future, maybe you can... ascend to heaven in one fell swoop!

This is not an opportunity. What is an opportunity?

For those who have had enough of sitting on the bench, this is the biggest opportunity.


Their faces were flushed, and they felt that light was just ahead.

"What are you waiting for?"

Shen An said in confusion: "You just go ahead and do it. Of course, officials and princes will make the decision for you. You are worried about retaliation and those people's backstage. But do you know who your backstage is?" ?”

He solemnly said: "Your backers are officials, Prime Minister Han, Prime Minister Zeng, Prime Minister Bao... They are countless people who support the prosperity of the Song Dynasty, and countless people who benefit from the New Deal! With these backers, you What are you still afraid of?"


If you are retaliated against, just file a memorial directly!

Even if the official family dies one day and a more radical king comes to power, the New Deal will only become more intense.

Brothers, this is the greatest support!

Everyone was excited.

Shen An said contemptuously: "The best way to deal with hatred is to be promoted. If you are good at it, you will naturally be promoted continuously. When you look back in a few years, you will be surprised to find that, hey! Those who hated someone in the past, actually all Are you someone’s subordinate?”

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

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