Clear out the enemy forces! "

The Mangshan Army once again appeared at the forefront of the entire army.

Huang Chun was protected by two rural soldiers and kept giving orders.

A group of enemy scouts in front were running wildly.

The country soldiers tried hard to chase and kill them, but the enemy's horses were superior and they finally escaped.

"Dismount and rest."

Huang Chun dismounted, concentrating on sensing the enemy's position along the way, which made him a little tired.

Yan Baoyu came over, reached out and took out a water bag from his arms and handed it to him, "Drink."

Huang Chun took the water bag and opened it, and a strong aroma of wine came out.

"This is the good wine from Lang Jun's house!"

Huang Chunlian drank a few sips, then leaned on the backs of the two sergeants and rested relaxedly.

A quarter of an hour later, Yuqi arrived.

There are more than a thousand riders, whether on the left or right, who can make Chen Hong and Zhe Jizu drool.

The Song Dynasty has few war horses, so the scale of the rangers has never been increased. A few hundred people is considered good.

If they had seen Shen An's attack involving more than a thousand people, their eyes would probably turn red with envy.

The Rangers and the Mangshan Army joined together, and the commander became Huang Chun. "Ahead is Youzhou!"

When you arrived at Youzhou, you could see countless defenders on top of the city.

Huang Chun shouted: "I have gone to find my husband. Baoyu, you take the family flag and go to show off your martial arts!"

"Someone's gone!"

Yan Baoyu rushed over with a group of rural soldiers. Behind him were the rural soldiers carrying a folded banner. Huang Chun retreated with a group of rural soldiers and disappeared later.

The knights reined in their horses and followed Yan Baoyu with countless eyes until they reached the foot of Youzhou City.

The ancient city of Youzhou looked dusty. It was once the place where the Tang Dynasty settled alien rebels.

Yu, originally means forgiveness and forgiveness. Those rebellious foreigners were settled here, and hundreds of years later, this became the territory of the Xixia people.

Now, a group of Song Dynasty cavalry came to the ancient city again.

Yan Baoyu made a detour in front of the city, swung his sword to cut off two arrows aimed at him, and shouted: "The Mangshan Army of the Song Dynasty is here."

He sheathed his sword and approached the city again.

Two arrows flew towards him. Yan Baoyu bent down to avoid them, then he opened his bow and took the arrow...

The arrow flew up to the top of the city. An enemy archer was hit by an arrow in the throat and fell down holding his throat.

Morale suddenly stagnated.

This is Yaowu.

The guard was not angry, he was observing.

"Why did the Song people appear here? Where is Wang Shu from Hongzhou? He actually watched the Song people's cavalry running over?"

No one believed that Hongzhou would be captured quietly, so the guard was just puzzled.

"Fifteen hundred people up and down!"

Someone counted the number of Song troops.

The guard said solemnly: "The three armies of the Song Army are advancing together. This should be Zhe Jizu... That guy is so brave that he dares to send a ranger to rush all the way here. What do you want to do? Find out the news and tell me by the way. Wait, Zhejiazi is back after many years."

Many people say that the Zhe family has Dangxiang blood, and the Xixia people especially agree, because they become the same clan.

But in fact, there has been a conclusion within the Zhe family that they are after Xianbei.

The Zheju family is the official surname of the Zhe family, originating from Xianbei.

This branch of the Zheju family migrated to Linfu and other places. Later, the Dangxiang people gradually moved here. The Zheju family had no choice but to follow the local customs. Gradually, they relied on the Dangxiang people in their living habits and changed their surname to Zhe.

The Zhe family has been in Fugu and other places for many years, and has had endless grievances and grievances with the Dangxiang people for a year. Therefore, whenever there is an opportunity for revenge, the Zhe family never shows mercy. This is why the Song Dynasty, although vigilant, allowed the Zhe family to One of the reasons for guarding on the other side of the Yellow River.

There was a noise among the people, and the guard said: "The Zhe family is showing off their power. Are they preparing to stand up? They are preparing to leave the city. I want to let him know what a Daxia warrior is today."

The city gate opened, and thousands of cavalry rushed out following the defender.

"Where is Zhejiazi?"

More than a thousand cavalry came to Youzhou, and Zhe's family should be leading the army.

"Fire the arrow!"

The Song army fired a burst of crossbow arrows, shooting down many Xixia people, then turned around and ran away.

What's the matter, there are seven or eight thousand enemy troops, and there are only more than one thousand here. No matter how bold the general is, he will have to run away.


The guard shouted: "Come back after chasing us for five miles, so as not to be attacked by the enemy!"

This is an extremely sound decision.

After chasing him for five miles, the guard ordered him to return to the army.

"What's the noise?"

Someone frowned and turned back.

The guard was stunned for a moment.

A black line gradually appeared in the distance.

The rangers of the Song Army began to turn around and charge towards them.

"It's the cavalry of the Song Army!"

The black line gradually filled the air, and someone shouted: "At least ten thousand!"

Ten thousand cavalry, plus more than a thousand rangers, can fight this battle, but the defender cannot.

The order of Xingqing Mansion is to defend the city first, which means that if nothing happens, don't waste your time.

He followed this principle and went back after five miles of pursuit, otherwise he would have run into the Song army's cavalry.

"It's useless for them to come, let's hold on!" the guard said coldly: "Get back!"

He led his men to retreat.

He always felt something was wrong along the way.

"Why do you always feel like someone is watching you?"

He looked left and right from time to time, but there was no movement.

"There's someone ahead!"

The guard looked up and saw a group of cavalry suddenly appearing on the left side in front.

"More than seven thousand riders!"

Amid the shouts, the guard general cursed: "There are more than 10,000 Song troops behind us and more than 7,000 troops in front. What are we afraid of? We can disperse them."

He led more than 8,000 cavalry to attack. Once he and the Song army were strangled together, the remaining cavalry in the city could take advantage of the situation and leave the city to cover up the attack, attacking from both front and rear.

The city gate has been closed, and the remaining soldiers are observing, waiting for the battle situation to change.

"The Song army divided more than two thousand troops and went to the rear. What is behind them?"

More than two thousand troops were sent to the rear to prevent the Xixia people in the city from leaving the city for a sneak attack.

The back of the Song Army cavalry looked strange, and someone shouted: "It's a big car!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing.

The guard general didn't smile, "The carts are pulling grain and fodder to follow the army. This is the speed of the army. Defeat them and let's enter the city."

He pulled out his long sword and said seriously: "This battle will be won."

With their numerical superiority, the Xixia people were not afraid of anyone.

"Must win!"

Amidst the cheers, the Xixia people began to speed up.

In the Song army's formation, Shen An put down his telescope and ordered: "Prepare the trebuchet."

On the cart behind him, a small trebuchet began to load.


"Crossbow arrows... let go!"

Black clouds rose into the sky.

Wang Shao said: "My lord, I'm afraid we will get entangled with each other."

The enemy army is so powerful that it will be difficult for the Song army to defeat them. When the time comes, they will be entangled together, and it will be difficult to separate them when subsequent armies arrive. This battle is expected to cause heavy casualties.

The fighting power of the Xixia people cannot be underestimated. Whether they are fighting the Liao Army or the Song Army, once the two sides are entangled, the opponent will immediately experience what it means to be a flat-headed brother.

That kind of fierce and fearless style is really hard for ordinary people to handle.

Shen An shook his head.

"My lord, the infantry on both sides are here!"

There were sergeants looking at both sides.

"Okay!" Shen An smiled and said, "Today I am going to wipe out all the Youzhou defenders."


The screams did not disrupt Wang Shao's thoughts. He was thinking about how to annihilate all the Youzhou defenders in this situation.

No way!


The black spot rises into the sky.

"Boom boom boom!"

Amidst the explosions, the enemy's momentum continued to be weakened.

The kerosene bombs fell, sparks flew everywhere, the horses neighed and fled, and the enemy's formation was in chaos.

The crossbow arrows were fired again, causing damage to the enemy.

"Before engaging the enemy, our army used long-range weapons to hit the opponent hard. Do you know what this is?"

There were too few generals in the Song Dynasty who could take charge alone. Shen An looked around and guessed that Zhong'e was probably one of them, but he was too adventurous to be placed in the most important position.

But Wang Shao was different. He was full of strategies, did not take the usual path, and had a strategic vision. This was a rare commander-in-chief talent.

Naturally, such a talent needs to be cultivated, so Shen An brought him around to teach him through words and deeds.

Wang Shao said: "Destroy the enemy's morale and formation."

Shen An nodded, "But when a large army is fighting, every move is rarely reliable and will be figured out by the enemy. Look at the Xixia people. They are trying their best to endure losses. This means they have figured out our tactics, so... we must New."

Wang Shao looked ahead, and at this moment a wave of gunpowder cans flew past.

"My lord, we are about to charge into battle."

In a cavalry confrontation, there is nothing to defend, so just hedge.

Shen An smiled and said, "Zichun, today I want to show you what three-dimensional strike is."

What three-dimensional strike?

Wang Shao was puzzled.

Shen An shouted: "Cavalry disperse!"

The military orders were like mountains, and the cavalry immediately spread out on both wings.

The enemy troops were suffering under the long-range attacks of the Song army, and they couldn't help but be overjoyed when they saw this.

"Come forward and kill General Song!"

He was hit by waves of blows before they even met, and the guard almost went crazy.

"what is that?"

Someone in front was shouting in panic. UU reading

The guard sat up straight and looked around, seeing countless large vehicles.

No, countless chariots.

These chariots had carriages built, and on the cart stood three sergeants and a charioteer.


The charioteer shook the reins with both hands, and the horse began to accelerate.

The war horses are covered with various types of armor, all harvested from Hongzhou.

Hundreds of chariots were dispatched together, and the momentum...

The chariot was accelerating, and the crossbowman on the vehicle had already started firing arrows.

The Song army, armed with big axes and long knives, was gathering momentum. They were tall and covered in armor, like monsters.

This is the swordsman of the Song Dynasty, who is comparable to the swordsman of the Tang Dynasty.

"This is... a big car?"

After the Warring States Period, the chariot basically disappeared in the long river of history. People who have read history books will naturally know its origin, but these Xixia people are completely confused.

The Song army actually used carts to charge into the formation. What does this mean?

"Destroy them!"

Facing the new thing of big car, the defender was very confident.

The Song Army's cavalry followed behind the chariot and charged on both wings.

The crossbow arrows continued to pour out, and the kerosene bombs and gunpowder cans from behind were also continuously fired.

Until the distance between the two parties closes.

At this moment, the Xixia people's formation was in disarray, and their morale had dropped to the bottom.

The speed of the chariot has reached its fastest speed, which can be said to be lightning fast.


The Xixia people in front of them were knocked away like puppets, and the chariot crashed into the middle of the enemy army.

After the long-range strike, the tank followed the impact...

It was as if a bolt of lightning flashed rapidly in the air.


Thanks to the leader of ‘Sister Yu’ for the reward, the northwest expedition continues...

Don't come to the alliance leader tonight! Otherwise, it will make you doubt your life and make you angry.

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