A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1448: Auspicious Days of the Zodiac


Taro followed Guoguo for a run early in the morning, shouting every time he passed by.

From being a bit strange yesterday to looking forward to seeing my father back today, it only took a meal and a walk after dinner.

The nature of father and son is clearly revealed at this moment.


Shen An's voice sounded full of energy.

"Ah Qiu!"

After a sneeze, Shen An appeared.


Taro happily slowed down.

Guoguo jumped in front and turned back, "Brother, hurry up."

"I'm coming."

Shen An touched the top of Taro's head first, and the father and son ran forward in parallel.

Taro is very serious and runs with a serious face.

"Dad, that Li Baojiu is so fierce, but when he smiles, the child feels friendly."

"Well, he's loyal."

"Dad, can I take the child with me when I go out from now on?"

"Yes, Wen Xiaozhong likes to follow your aunt. From now on, you can take Li Baojiu out with you, but you are not allowed to bully him."


Wen Xiaozhong, who was standing outside the kitchen, glanced at Shen An and then went in.

"What to do?"

Zeng Ermei was making breakfast when she heard the sound and said, "Lang Jun said that Li Baojiu likes to eat mutton, so give him an extra leg of mutton for breakfast."


After the exercise, Shen An took Taro to wash up.


Shen An was brushing his teeth, tilted his head and asked, "What's the matter?"

Taro said tangledly: "Dad, my brother is not good."

Shen An looked at him and said with a smile: "Taro is my brother, what is my brother going to do?"

Taro lowered his head.

After Shen An rinsed his mouth, he touched the top of his head and said, "A brother is like a father. You have to play with your younger brother and teach him. Do you understand? When dad is not at home, you have to help your mother and your aunt look after the house... Dad always tells you to be a real man, and this is what it means to be a real man.”

Since Maodou was born, Yang Zhuoxue inevitably spent most of his energy on him because of his tendency to cry and fuss, and neglected the eldest child, Taro.

Children are always sensitive, but Shen An won't scold him. He even praised Taro loudly during breakfast for running so fast in the morning, and he almost couldn't keep up.

"Taro's homework is also good, much better than when he was a father."

A look of determination gradually appeared on Taro's face.

Shen An watched him go out with satisfaction, and then said to Yang Zhuoxue: "The children will eventually grow up, and we parents must have a bowl of water to keep the balance, otherwise once we favor someone, it will create conflicts between their brothers. Brothers. It’s not good to stay at the wall.”

Yang Zhuoxue nodded, and then clicked the crybaby beans, "You pester your mother all day long, causing your elder brother to be ignored, who is to blame?"

Shen An stood up and said, "My husband is going out for a trip. I don't know when I will come back. If you don't get home before noon, you will eat by yourself."


Yang Zhuoxue agreed, carrying Maodou to the door, then turned around and asked Zhao Wuwu: "Did the officer go out with the steel plate?"

Zhao Wuwu nodded, "Madam, they said that the rich prime minister has made great achievements in the north this time. I'm afraid they don't need to be disrespectful to you."

"Where is it?"

Yang Zhuoxue met Fu Bi, "I remember he was very timid."

Zhao Wuwu fell behind and couldn't help but roll his eyes.

In Yang Zhuoxue's mind, a picture emerged at this moment: the Liao army was approaching Xiongzhou City, and Fu Bi was standing on the top of the city, trembling, and said in a trembling voice: "Where is Lord Shen? Where is Lord Shen? Come and save me quickly."

A general standing by said: "Ms. sir, Duke Shen is in the northwest!"

"Ah! What should we do? What should we do?" Fu Bi lay on the top of the city, looking at the enemy troops all over the mountains and plains, and wailed: "Mr. Shen..."

At this moment, someone said: "Ms. Sir, it is said that the Liao army is most afraid of Duke Shen. How about deceiving them?"

"Okay, okay!"

So Fu Bi dressed up as Shen An, pointed at the Liao Emperor and shouted: "What a thief! Shen An, the Duke of Fanyang in the Song Dynasty, is here. Do you dare to fight?"

The Liao army was in a panic. Fu Bi felt proud when he saw it, and shouted: "Shen is here, do you dare to fight?"

"Don't dare!"

The enemy troops all over the mountains and plains were shouting in panic.

Fu Bi was so proud that he started to tremble, and his legs were shaking like Zhuang Laoshi, "Do you dare to fight?"

With a shout, all the Liao troops ran away, abandoning their helmets and armor. This is called a wolf!

As soon as Shen An came out of Yulin Alley, he met Jiang Zan.

Jiang Zan was one of the people working in the Imperial City Department, and he and Shen An were just acquaintances on weekdays.

"Is there something wrong with Jiang's conspiracy?"

Shen An felt that the word "gang" was really bad, and would have a derogatory meaning in later generations.

What shady thing did you do?

Jiang Zan's smile made people feel like a spring breeze, but he felt unapproachable.

This is a skill that is necessary for officials.

He smiled and said: "Jun Gong Shen has returned from this trip with great military exploits, which makes us envious."

Shen An was silent. He didn't like this roundabout way of talking. If he didn't have a little patience, he would definitely walk away.

"A lot of things are actually just a misunderstanding. For example, Duke Shen is so majestic that no one in Bianliang dares to offend him!"

Jiang Zan's smile became a little more mean, "Someone didn't know what was going on and accidentally offended Duke Shen. This kind of thing is actually just a misunderstanding. Everyone just let it go. What does Duke Shen think?"

This was Hu Shenian’s lobbyist and Zhang Ba’s enemy.

Shen An looked at him and said with that disdainful attitude: "Everything has to be twisted a few times. No wonder the officials are unwilling to reuse you and so on. No wonder the prime ministers and ministers are all excited when they mention the activities of the Imperial City Division. He said you were doing something shameful, and it turned out to be true."

The word "campaign" has never been misinterpreted in this way. Jiang Zan's face turned green and he said in a deep voice: "Seven people join forces, what does Duke Shen think? Don't be proud of something for a while, but regret it for the rest of your life. Your wife and children will inevitably die in the future. Wrong way..."

Shen An waved.


Jiang Zan covered his face, unable to believe that Shen An dared to hit him.

The Imperial City Secretary is the leader of secret spies, but any normal person would stay away from him. Except for fools like Hu Xenian who gave Shen An an excuse, who would Shen An dare to attack?



Shen An slapped her again, and then said with satisfaction: "One slap on each side, it looks very balanced."

"Someone is going to kill you!"

There were a lot of people around. This was outside Yulin Alley. Everyone knew Shen An, and when they saw him doing something, they all cheered.

"Once Duke Shen takes action, he will certainly be a treacherous person!"

"It's just that in the past, few of the people he beat were good people."

"This person...hey, he seems to be from the Imperial City Department."

"Yes, I saw him last time. He took someone to fetch someone. He looked so arrogant. What was his name... his surname was Jiang? Yes, that's Jiang."

"This is not a good person."

Jiang Zan was slapped twice. He was so ashamed and angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of blood when he heard these words again.

Shen An stretched out his hand, sniffed Xiaozhong and took out a handkerchief.

It's really shameful that the top killer who thinks he is helping deliver handkerchiefs at this moment!

Shen An took the handkerchief and wiped his hands, and said calmly: "Hu Shenian did something selfish..."

Jiang Zan looked at him bitterly, "This is a matter of our Imperial City Department, what does it have to do with you?"

"But that Zhang Wulang is on good terms with a certain person."

Shen An said slowly and calmly: "You waited for Gougou from the Flying Camp to do those shameful things, but you didn't allow anyone to tell anyone about it, and you were beaten to death even if you told him. Whose philosophy is this?"

"You are so slanderous!"

This is in public!

After Shen An said this, how could Jiang Zan be an official in the future?

"Bloody spewing?"

Shen An said coldly: "Go back and tell those people that although Shen is just one person, there is righteousness in the world. If you uphold righteousness, you will naturally have no fear of being young. If you wait like a fool, you will get retribution sooner or later."

He suddenly grabbed Jiang Zan's collar and said in a disdainful manner: "I hit you, I slapped you in public, what? What can you do?"

He let go of his hand and said nonchalantly: "What do you want?"

Jiang Zan hissed: "Someone wants to impeach you!"


Shen An clapped his hands and said calmly: "If you don't impeach me, you are someone's grandson!"

This is a huge humiliation.

Shen An turned around and left, Jiang Zan took action without hesitation, flying kick...

"The thieves are making a sneak attack, please be careful, Lord!"

Shen An didn't look back. Wen Xiaozhong reached out and grabbed Jiang Zan's ankle, and then used his strength to swing it to the side...

call out!

There was a quilt business nearby. A pile of cotton was placed there. The owner was cleaning it up when he heard a pop, and then someone fell into the pile of cotton next to him.

"Killing by a thousand cuts, this is someone's cotton!"

The shopkeeper was about to get angry when a bunch of copper coins flew in from outside.

He looked up and saw that it was Wen Xiaozhong, so he happily held his hands in his hands and said, "Thank you, Duke. It's just too much, not worth it."

Later, the news spread that Shen An had slapped Jiang Zan severely.

Hu Shenian, who was trying to calm down in the Imperial City Department, got the news and ran away immediately.

He had to run because someone just said that Shen An was heading towards the imperial city.

If he didn't run away, Shen An would be trapped in the imperial city.

He hurried out and saw Shen An.

"Someone wants to see an official!"

Hu Xenian's request to see an official was rejected, and the news did not even reach Zhao Shu. Zhao Shu's close friend Chen Zhongheng refused directly on his behalf.

"The officials are just waiting for Shen An to cause trouble. Whoever dares to stop him will depend on Shen An's reward."

Hu Shenian was desperate.

Later he returned to the Imperial City Division, looking like a lost dog.

He actually went to beg Zhang for eight years.

"Zhang Douzhi, I did not know the importance of what I did in the past, and I hope you can forgive me. As long as you can help me get through the difficulties this time, I will only follow your lead in the future."

Zhang Baibian looked at him and said coldly: "A certain person has never formed a party in the Imperial City Division, get out!"

If he dared to form a clique, Zhao Shu would chop him into pieces when he turned around. He would also show his head to the people in the palace, warning everyone that this would be the fate of those who cheated.

Hu Xenian endured his time in the Imperial City Department until he reached the lower office, and could no longer endure it.

He followed the business stewards out of the imperial city.

"Shen An is not here!"

He looked around but didn't see Shen An.

Jiang Zan's face was still red, and the mark of the slap was obvious. He whispered: "You should leave quickly. Remember to come to the imperial city tomorrow... Since there is no way to go, then knock on the door."

The knocking issue broke out, and no one had any good results.

Hu Shenian nodded and hurried to the right.

Everyone sighed, and someone said: "That Shen An is too cruel, and he has some unclear connections with Zhang Bianba. Everyone... the Imperial City Division cannot collude with the outside world!"

"Impeach him tomorrow!"


After everyone finally decided on this matter, someone exclaimed: "Shen An!"

Just outside a shop opposite, Shen An appeared with a few people.

A man in front pointed in the direction where Hu Shenian disappeared. Shen An sneered and waved, and several men surrounded him, UU reading www. uukanshu.net He himself took Wen Xiaozhong and started to chase.

"The Hushe Year is over!"

Shen An led his men to chase him all the way, and finally blocked Hu Shenian in an alley.

"If you dare to take action, they will take the opportunity to impeach you. Shen An, don't make a mistake, don't make a mistake!"

Shen An pressed forward step by step and said, "The king's wedding is coming soon, but it's hard to do anything at that time, lest it be a bad omen for him. I saw it today, it's an auspicious day, and my leg will be broken."

"Someone is wrong. Someone will go back and apologize to Zhang Wulang. Someone is willing to..."

Hearing that Xiao Zhong had controlled him, Shen An raised his legs and said pitifully: "Why do you have to do this!"



Today there is an additional update from the leader, the fifth update. Asking for a monthly ticket.

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