A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1,589 The Great Song Dynasty’s Iron Voucher

Thousands of cavalry galloped on the official road.

The breath of spring is already very strong at this moment, and the fields on both sides of the official road are all green at first glance, and there is a refreshing atmosphere.

"Actually, what smells the best? The smell of burning plant ash, mixed with the smell of cow dung. Walking all the way home, I smelled the smoke from the kitchen again. After entering the house, I put down the farm tools, and the smell of food hit me, and the children were all excited. Rushing over cheering...this is the best day."

Shen An rode his horse on the side of a carriage, thinking of his past life with some regret.

When he was a child, he spent several years in the countryside, doing everything he could to herd cattle and cut pig grass.

"It's time to set off when the sky is dark. There is fog and white all around. The old cow leads the calf slowly. At a certain time, he was only a few years old and climbed on the calf's back. But the calf If it was too small to carry, the old cow would scream. So I went to find the old cow. The old cow had a good temper, so I could climb up and down casually. But it was too high and I couldn’t climb up. I was so angry at that time! Hahahaha !”

A woman's voice came from the carriage, "You are from an official family. Your father seems to be an official too, right? Why are you herding cattle? What is hogweeding?"


Shen An said it smoothly, he laughed dryly, glared at Liang Yimi who was opposite him with a look of disdain, and said: "My father said back then that children should not be pampered, so he asked me to endure hardships when I was a child. Look at you, you have been pampered since you were a child. It looks like he grew up in honey water and has no future!"

"Am I worthless?" Liang Yi was angry, "How many people have I killed by helping my sister? Is this possible for you?"

This guy is cruel and ruthless. If he is trained for a few years, a small Wang Yu may be alive again, so Shen An feels that he has done justice to heaven by regaining Xixia.


The Liang family in the car drank Liang Yimi, and then asked: "You are the first to recover Daxia, why is no one coming from Bianliang? Is it because the Emperor of Song Dynasty is jealous of you?"

Liang Yimi gloated: "It must be so."

Shen An smiled and said, "If someone is suspected, will there be a good outcome for you siblings?"

In an instant, Liang Yimi lost his interest in arguing with Shen An.

If Shen An is suspected, the Liang siblings will be treated coldly.

Zhao Shu can't imitate Emperor Taizong, and Gao Taotao is watching him.

But it's hard for the prime ministers and assistants to say.

Especially Han Qi. Lao Han has a sworn hatred for Xixia, and is naturally wary of the people there. If things go wrong, this guy will suggest killing the Liang siblings.

Liang said calmly: "If you want to take action, I have nothing to say."

This woman didn't have such a temper. Shen An felt that she was going to roar and curse the emperor of Song Dynasty.

"somebody is coming."

More than ten riders came in front, and they passed the inspection smoothly.

Shen An took one look and said with a smile: "The king is here, you brothers and sisters should be more respectful."

"I've met the king!"

Thousands of cavalrymen shouted together with astonishing momentum.

Zhao Xu came closer, looked at Shen An first, and said with a smile: "Are you okay?"

"Unscathed!" Shen An smiled.

Zhao Xu cupped his hands and said solemnly: "This trip has been hard."

"Serving the Song Dynasty, you should." Shen An also handed over his hand solemnly.

The prince of Song Dynasty looks very serious!

This is Liang Yimi's first impression.

"Look who's behind?"

Zhao Xu pointed to a pocket knight behind him.

Shen An took one look, immediately jumped off the horse and walked over quickly.


Taro happily wanted to get off the horse, but he could ride because the horse was very docile. Getting on and off the horse was too difficult for him.

"Taro! Hahahaha!"

Shen An came over with a big smile, reached out to hold him down, kissed his forehead, and asked, "Are your mother, aunt, and brother all okay?"

"Okay!" Taro had been listening to stories about his father's bravery and invincibility at home during this period, and now his eyes were full of stars, "Dad, they said you are a hero!"

Mrs. Liang opened some car curtains and couldn't help but feel a little sad when she saw Shen An smiling happily and having fun with her son.

Li Bingchang could only live his whole life somewhere in the Song Dynasty, otherwise he would be prepared to die young.

This is the rule of this era and does not depend on anyone's will.

"I've met the king."

Liang Yimi and Zhao Xu greeted each other, and Zhao Xu just said a few faint greetings, and then the group set off again.

All the way into the imperial city, Chen Zhongheng came.

"Your Majesty has a decree, the Liang brothers and sisters can go and settle them."

Mrs. Liang breathed a sigh of relief, and then thanked Liang Yi.

According to the tradition of the Central Plains, prisoners must be sacrificed after a great victory, and it may be a huge ceremony. Ms. Liang was ready to pretend to be pitiful in Bianliang City, but once she was watched by the people in the city, she would never go out again.

She asked Shen An on the way, and Shen An said he would mediate. Now it seems that this person is really reliable.

Mrs. Liang was deeply moved, and when she left, she whispered: "You are indeed a trustworthy person."

What did you say?

Shen An was stunned for a moment, then realized that she was talking about her mediation, so he said sincerely: "The head can be cut off, the blood can be shed, but the words said cannot be accepted."

Such a person is.

But he was going to offset his credit by mediating the Liang family's affairs, and the matter was done before he even entered the palace.

This credit really does not belong to someone!

Shen An shamelessly accepted Mr. Liang's favor, but was a little worried about how to offset his great achievements.

It can't go any higher!

Otherwise, Lao Han’s chrysanthemum will not be saved.

Mrs. Liang was grateful and felt that this man was indeed a gentleman.

"I wonder where to place my siblings?"


At this time, someone came out of the gate, but it was Han Qi.

Old Han narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Mr. Liang, and said solemnly: "I am Han Qi. Your submission this time will be of great benefit to the country. From now on, just live peacefully in Bianliang, and you will naturally have your consequences. If there is a trace of dissent... …”

This is a threat from the Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty.

Liang Yi's heart trembled, and he was just about to express his resignation, but Liang raised his head and said: "I am a Han woman, and it is only natural for me to return. Prime Minister Han thinks that it is not good for me to surrender, so it is best to gather the subordinates of Xingqing Mansion. Killed Shen Longtu and then fled to Liao Kingdom?"

Han Qi wanted to warn Liang and see what the leader of the Western bandits looked like.

The leader of Xixia is as beautiful as a flower, but he is very fierce. One person makes it impossible for him to step down.


If Liang had wanted to run away, Shen An would have died in Xingqing Mansion.


"Does Prime Minister Han feel that my surrender is not sincere? If so, Prime Minister Han, please take action. Where is the sword? Dalang, bring me the sword!"

Liang Yi looked at Shen An with a troubled expression.

My sister is going crazy, don’t you try to calm her down?

Shen An just watched this scene blankly.

Han Qi originally thought that Liang was a graceful and luxurious woman, but unexpectedly she turned out to be a shrew.

He was the Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty. He could fight with ladies like that, but he didn't have the ability to fight against shrews. He could only wave his hand and said: "Go quickly!"

Liang Fu left, and Shen An nodded slightly, feeling that this woman was indeed a talent.

When she was the empress dowager, she was able to control those powerful people, not through acting, but through means.

When she was in Bianliang, she was a suspect who needed to be placed under residential surveillance. Shen An was still thinking about what she would rely on to break the situation, but he didn't expect that she would be a bitch.

Spicy is good!

Looking at Han Qi, although he was a little resentful, he was already relieved.

"This woman is cunning, but she knows how to act appropriately. This can save her life."

Of course, Han Qi knew that Liang was using shrewdness to break the situation, and he was very satisfied with the character she chose for the rest of her life.

He looked at Shen An carefully, suddenly slapped his shoulder hard, and laughed: "When I look at you, I think of Xie An. The younger generation can defeat the enemy! Hahahaha! With you waiting for the young people to take over, I will be able to do that." What a joy it is to wander under the forest, in the company of wine and beauties!”

Being hit by such a bear's paw, Shen An felt that he might be disabled.

"Let's go into the palace!"

The way into the palace was not smooth. There were people watching Shen An along the way.

"You have now become a role model for many young people. When the news of the destruction of the Western Bandits came, Bianliang reveled in carnival, and there was a sea of ​​poetry! The frontier poems of the former Tang Dynasty became famous songs in brothels, and those who drank too much would beat them The tables on the table are singing, and if you go to see it at night, you can hear the sound of the tables being slapped along the way... It's so spectacular that it makes people's blood boil!"

Shen An saw a bleeding wound on Han Qi's hand, so he touched his shoulder, but found nothing sharp.

"I broke a table with one palm yesterday." Han Qi looked at the bleeding wound and shook it several times boldly.

How did Bianliang become Han and Tang style?

When he saw Zhao Shu, Shen An had a look of excitement on his face, "Your Majesty saw that the Qing Dynasty had been reduced, and I felt uneasy in the northwest. But I didn't expect that Your Majesty sent the Hedong Road army in time, and even sent Prime Minister Zeng to clean up the mess for me. I... …everyone is grateful…”

He wanted to cry, but there were no tears, so he wiped his eyes randomly.

Zhao Shu touched his belly and remembered that Gao Taotao said that he was fat a few days ago. It seemed that he had misjudged it.

Can I still make another hot pot to eat tonight?

Zhao Shu, who was planning to give up hot pot temporarily, said with great joy, "Shen Qing fought hard for the Song Dynasty in the northwest, and succeeded in getting the Western thieves to surrender. I was very happy after receiving the news in Bianliang. Please tell me about this battle."

Shen An gave a general summary of his trip to the northwest, and when he finally talked about Wang Shao, he was full of praise, "I think Wang Shao will become a famous general from now on."

Zhao Shu nodded and said: "He has made great achievements this time. I heard that you accepted him as your disciple?"

"Chen Meng Lang!" Shen An smiled innocently.

Great gods like Wang Shao may seem powerful, but they lack the means to find a career. However, this person had a firm stance and would not waver when he followed Wang Anshi, and was eventually implicated and demoted.

Now that he is following Shen An, he naturally doesn't need to think about this.

What involvement...

Shen An is a master of involvement!

"When I look at you, I think of the Champion!" Zhao Shu suddenly sighed, "Would you like to be my Champion?"

"I will devote my whole life to you and die for myself."

Shen An looked loyal, but there was some guilt in his heart.

The champion is very good, but the champion is short-lived!

"Someone submitted a memorial a few days ago. It was obviously about repairing ditches, but he accidentally mentioned something about Di Wuxiang... Interesting, does this want to remind me that Shen An can't stay?"

Zhao Shu said coldly: "Let me go and read a book www.uukanshu.net. I see that Shen An has a look that can lead to longevity and wealth!"

Han Qi looked at Zhao Shu and wanted to ask him if he had a fever.

Can such a promise be made?

What does it mean that when I look at Shen An, he has a look that will lead to longevity and wealth?

This is the promise. I promise that Shen An will live long and be rich in this life.

Even if Zhao Shu died, and even if Shen An was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood, his descendants could only abide by this 'ancestral rule'.

This is the Song Dynasty version of iron coupons!

And the first one was given to Shen An!

Today is still the fifth update, please vote for me!

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