A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1624: He Shen fell, Jiaqing was full

Zhao Shu said: "Let's break up."

If the bank can help him save money, that's a good thing.

As for spending money arbitrarily, he had no chance.

He entered the palace as a child and the experience of suffering in the palace had a great impact on him. After leaving the palace, all kinds of ridicule made him feel that people's hearts were evil.

At that time, he did not have much money, but he had many children.

From that time on he developed the habit of saving, even as an emperor.

He looked at Zhao Xu and said, "The prince stays."

Zhao Xu's heart skipped a beat, and after the ministers left, Zhao Shu walked down.

"Walk with me."

He walked out of the hall, and the sun was shining down, making him squint and praise: "Good weather."

The father and son walked down the steps, and Zhao Shu said: "There are many things in the palace, some good and some bad, but everything should be kept in mind. The ministers outside want to get involved, why? Because otherwise they cannot show their understanding of this matter. Control of the world. For example, if I want to take in a few concubines one day, my officials will remonstrate and even roar. Why is this?"

Zhao Xu shook his head, "I don't know."

"Because the ministers can interfere in the king's private affairs and control the king's bed and bed affairs. What is this?" Zhao Shu said lightly: "This means that the emperor is also controlled by them, do you understand?"

"I understand."

Zhao Xu knelt down and said, "I was wrong."

Zhao Shu turned around and looked at him with a frown, "You told Tang Ren about the drawbacks of palace purchasing. This is not a big deal, but you can't develop this habit, otherwise the officials will despise you and then despise you. At that time, What kind of emperor are you? Everyone wants to replace you. Remember, an emperor must have a city."


Zhao Shu sighed, "Wang Anshi is planning, and Tang Ren is also planning. At this moment, the prime ministers and ministers must be rejoicing, feeling that they have tied the rope for the future emperor. I am not afraid, because I spend less money, but when it comes to you ...If you spend money in a bank, the officials outside will know it, do you think you can do it?"

"Yes." Zhao Xu said, "The emperor is selfless."

Zhao Shu nodded, "I hope you can remember this sentence forever."

Zhao Xu raised his head and said, "Dad, there is a lot of corruption in the palace. If we don't curb it, something will happen."

Zhao Shu said calmly: "Whenever some money and food are saved in the inner treasury, the foreign ministers will covet it. They will take advantage of the accident here or the disaster there to ask me for money, so the inner treasury is opened again and again, but the court is really No money? Yes, they have just been accustomed to reaching out to the palace since the time of the late emperor..."

Zhao Xu thought of a possibility and couldn't help but feel a little ridiculous.

Zhao Shu glanced at Chen Zhongheng, indifferently, but it made Chen Zhongheng feel like he had been stabbed with a knife.

"Where can those servants spend money if they are corrupt? They have no place to spend money, they just like the fun of having money."

He walked straight away, and Zhao Xu realized that everyone had been tricked by his father.

From Wang Anshi's performance to Tang Ren's actions, he was like watching a monkey show, and he coordinated very well.

Now that the curtain is raised, he will continue to watch the subsequent dramas. If anyone does not perform well, he will wait to be dealt with.

But what about the corruption in the palace?

"Dad, did you do this on purpose?"

Zhao Shu, who was gradually walking away, nodded.

Zhao Xu sat on the ground and suddenly laughed.

He and Shen An, including the smartest Wang Yu, all became pigs. The prime ministers and ministers were also pigs, and they were all deceived by the officials.

Corruption in the palace has always been in Zhao Shu's sight. If he doesn't move, he is raising pigs. When he is short of money, he will kill these fat pigs. This is equivalent to depositing the money with them. When the time comes, they will all take out.

What is this called?

Round off the change.

"Jiefu has made great achievements today."

In front of the political hall, Han Qi enthusiastically praised Wang Anshi.

"Tang Ren is not bad." Seeing Tang Ren's flattering smile, he frowned and said, "It just depends on what the palace asks you to purchase. You have to do it well, 70%. If you can buy it at 70%, you will be a great hero." .”

"I will definitely try my best."

Later, someone came to the palace, "The official has ordered that summer is coming and the weather is hot. The palace needs to buy a lot of gauze. The bank should do it as soon as possible."


Tang Ren bowed his hands and said goodbye. He would go to summon the cloth merchants in the capital.

Wang Anshi was thinking about this until he went to the Yamen.

After returning home, Wang Yu was already waiting.

"Dad, how are you today?"

Wang Anshi told the story of the court meeting, and Wang Yu muttered: "The officials agreed quickly..."

"Officials are inherently wise."

In the eyes of the New Party, Zhao Shu is probably their wise king.

"Wise or not...Dad, the officials may have noticed something."

Wang Yu smiled bitterly and said: "Everything has been settled, but the officials are more like waiting for us to make suggestions, and then agreed after a few twists and turns. In fact, they just couldn't wait and hit it off immediately..."

"speak nicely!"

Wang Anshi couldn't see his son's contempt for the people of the world, and frowned: "If the officials had noticed it long ago, why did they still sit back and watch the corruption in the palace?"

Wang Yu shook his head and didn't understand.

He really couldn't guess this.


Shen An watched all this behind the scenes. After learning that the officials agreed, he was so happy that he invited Su Shi to drink at night.

Su Shi would compose lyrics when he drank too much, and then dance and sing.

"Afraid!" Maodou was frightened by his singing and dancing.

"It's beautiful." Taro thought Su Shi's dance was very unique and even more beautiful than her aunt's.

It seems that Su Shi's dance has not been studied systematically. He just moves his hands randomly, and his feet...


Just when he thought of this, Su Shi fell down with his feet.

He got up, turned around, took a sip of wine, and shook his head coolly, "I have it again."

Shen An really wanted to find a needle and thread to sew his mouth shut.

"Mr. Lang, someone from your Majesty's side has sent something."

Zhuang Laoshi handed over a piece of paper.

Shen An took it and took a look at it, and said in confusion: "What do you mean by collecting small amounts and killing fat sheep?"


When Maodou saw Su Shi rushing to the street, he was so happy that he stretched out his hands to scratch, and scratched Shen An's face with one claw.


Shen An covered his face, and Maodou giggled.

"Brother, you scratched daddy."

Taro felt that this younger brother really had a tendency to ask for beatings.

"Little bastard, I'll take care of you later!"

Shen An opened his hand and saw that it was bleeding.

"Take it to his mother!"

Shen An was angry.

Zhao Wuwu took the edamame and smiled all the way to the backyard.

That night, Shen An and Su Shi drank so much that they hugged each other, sang and danced together, and finally fell unconscious.

I don't know how long it took, but Shen An opened his eyes and felt a headache.

He glanced outside, stretched out his hand and touched it again.

"Hey! Where is this?"

Isn't it going to time travel again?

Shen felt a little nervous because he didn't touch his wife's warm body.

He sat up, and after his eyes gradually adjusted to the darkness in the room, he realized that he was sleeping in the study.

Yes, he seemed to have drunk too much last night, and then he didn't want to make trouble with his wife and children, so he took the initiative to sleep in the study room.

After thinking about this, Shen An felt unbearably thirsty. There was already a pot of tea beside him. When he touched it, it was slightly warm, which showed that someone brought it from behind.

It’s great to have a wife!

Shen An picked up the teapot and filled his stomach with tea, and then poured it down. The tea in his stomach swayed back and forth, making a gurgling sound, which was very interesting.

People often lose sleepiness at such times, and this is the case for Shen An.

He lay in bed in a daze, not wanting to read or go out for a walk.

As for "life is short, walking at night holding a candle", it is because I have realized the truth of life is short and feel panic.

Shen An was not panicked, he was just thinking about the general trend of the world.

Xixia was finished, and then it was time to slowly clean up the Qiang people in the northwest and guard against attacks by the Fan people.

There are good things there, and the most important thing is the trade route. The Silk Road is there, and it should be opened up in the future.

But Shen An is not optimistic about the overland trade route. Without it, the cost is too high.

The best trade is sea trade.

The navy is on the alert, but the northern attack will not start for a while, and their eyes should be on the ocean.

Sea trade!

Shen An gets excited thinking about the New World.

The population of the Song Dynasty was increasing, and many fields were insufficient for use. The extra population had no choice but to migrate to the cities in search of a way out.

This population may seem like a burden at the moment, but in Shen An's opinion, it is the best resource.

The northwest needs population to fill the area. That area can be called Jiangnan beyond the Great Wall. If more people are not sent to settle down now, those Qiang people will still cause chaos in the future, and those Fan people will still covet that piece of land.

The Yellow River is full of harm, but only one set of benefits.

But these are still not enough for placement.

This dynasty did not suppress land annexation, so land gradually concentrated in the hands of a few people, and most of the landless farmers became tenant farmers.

This situation is not necessarily a bad thing!

Shen An thought about immigration.

When the time comes, your fields will be given away for free, your cattle and other tools will be given away for free, and maybe your wife will be given away for free. Are you willing to be a sharecropper and be exploited, or are you willing to fight for yourself?

Thinking of this situation, Shen An couldn't help but cross his legs and hummed triumphantly.

Suddenly his body stiffened.

"Change deposit?"

He thought of the piece of paper Zhao Xu sent last night.

According to the literal meaning, it means to put in bits and pieces and take it out in the end.

This was a business method used by banks in later generations, and the Song Dynasty Bank also learned from it, with extraordinary results.

But what does Zhao Xu mean by doing this?

Kill the fat sheep?

Shen An was excited and suddenly remembered a character.

"He Shen!"

In the darkness, he smiled bitterly and said: "When Heshen falls, Jiaqing will be full."

This allusion is known to many people in later generations.

Heshen was Qianlong's favorite. He was greedy for anything that could be corrupted. His family fortune was astonishing. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.net was known as the richest man in the world at that time.

Such a big boss seemed very impressive, but as soon as Qianlong died, Jiaqing, who came to power, took him down, and the confiscated family wealth made Jiaqing full.

Isn't Heshen's corruption just scattered? It's like depositing loose money into the bank.

And if someone from Jiaqing captured him, isn't this just a roundup?

Small deposits and round sums...

Are those corrupt chamberlains Zhao Shu’s Heshen?

Let them be greedy, and then pick them out and slaughter them when they are short of money. This is to collect small amounts and kill fat sheep.

Shen An felt a chill running down his spine, feeling for the first time that he had underestimated Zhao Shu.

Emperors... not many of them are simple!

The pain in the cervical spine can only be relieved by traction for half an hour every day. But it’s still the fifth update.

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