A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1890 The decisive moment

They have been fighting for as long as there have been people on this land.

They fight against animals that threaten them and against the harsh natural environment.

They learned how to keep animals in captivity. When they encountered floods, they were strong enough to dredge the rivers and let the floods recede...

They got sick, so they went to taste the herbs to find medicinal materials that could cure the disease... This is an incredible merit and project. You only need to think about how many plants you need to try and test the effects one by one, and you will know. It was really not easy for our ancestors.

When encountering difficulties, they never flinch or compromise. Even if there are a few more suns in the sky, it does not mean finding a place to hide, but someone standing up, using their will as a bow and blood as an arrow to remove the excess that harms the world. The sun is shining down.

When they encountered powerful enemies, when they could only use their bodies to block the running horses, they still showed no fear at all.

"The Axeman..."

Wang Que's beard was dyed red, and he raised his sword and shouted.


The light of the sword shone on the battle line, and a Liao man was cut in half with one sword. The war horse raised its hooves and trampled on Wang Que's chest.

"Poof!" A mouthful of blood spurted out, but Wang gasped and raised his knife.

"The Axeman..."

The horse was decapitated with a knife and fell heavily in front.

A Liao soldier stumbled and flew over.

Wang Que turned the sword pole and split the Liao army with one blow, and the enemy troops that followed swarmed in.

The sword light kept flashing, and Shen An was watching.

"Ask Zhe Kexing and Peng Xia, how long will it take to recover?"

Someone rushed over and found Zhe Katsuyuki, "The Duke asked, how long will it take to recover?"

Zhe Kexing was startled and said, "Any time!"

The soldiers were checking their muskets, and some were trembling.

The battle just now was so brutal that they forgot their fear, but now that they had some time to relax, some people were afraid.

"The swordsman is struggling!"

This is bad news.

In a battle involving hundreds of thousands of people, the frequency of swinging swords by the swordsmen simply cannot keep up with the enemy's attack rhythm. Therefore, the swordsmen in front are already passively increasing the frequency of swinging their swords, but this will quickly consume their energy. Physical strength, and finally reduced to a lamb to be slaughtered.

What is reflected at this time is command ability!

Shen An's first reaction was the morale of the musketeers.

Zhe Kexing looked at his subordinates and said, "Follow me!"

No matter what you say at this time, it won't work. Those who are afraid will still be afraid, and those who are afraid will still be afraid...

The only way is to lead by example!

Wan Shengjun waved the flag!

"My lord, the Wan Sheng army is ready to go to war!"

Shen An nodded, "Prepare the spear and prepare the wings to guard against the enemy's attack."

"The Duke has ordered that the Wan Sheng Army go to war! The Tianwu Army goes to war!"

The musketeers moved forward in formation.


The firing of the artillery was delayed for a moment.

When the swordsmen and axemen retreated, Shi Shen shouted: "Light the fire!"

A wave of shotguns was fired, and the enemy's momentum in front stagnated, and the musketeers came forward in turn.

This is the power of system warfare and mutual cooperation.

Otherwise, the moment the swordsmen and axemen retreated, it would be the moment the enemy troops rushed in.

Zhe Kexing raised his sword: "Shoot!"

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Smoke filled the air, and the enemy soldiers screamed and fell to the ground.

A knight rushed up to kill him. In the smoke, he could see that he was a general. He raised his long sword with a grim smile, and his target was Zhe Katsuyuki.

The rotation of the second platoon was underway and the fire was interrupted.

Zhe Kexing looked at this person coldly and suddenly rushed forward.

He ran faster and faster, and when the enemy general swung his sword, he jumped up.


Blocking with the long sword, Katsuyuki's body fell down tilted.

When the enemy general put away his sword and was about to chop him, Zhe Kexing put one hand on the ground, his body bounced up again, and he immediately swung the sword.

The long sword flashed past, and General Liao fell down in shock.

Zhe Kexing swung his sword again and chopped off the head.

He raised the head and turned around slowly.

That indifferent look, the bloody blade...

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

Countless people were cheering, and the morale of the musketeers was greatly boosted.


"Bang bang bang bang!"

"Your Majesty, Zhe Kexing beheads the enemy general!"

Zhao Shu had already seen that scene, and he said happily: "Zhe Wudi! This is my Zhe Wudi! Hahahaha!"

Wen Yanbo also nodded and said: "This generation of the Zhe family is the one who has a promising career."

It only took a moment for Zhe Kexing to kill the enemy general. The Liao soldiers watched helplessly as he beheaded his own superior, feeling frustrated and powerless.

Morale just waxes and wanes.

"Follow the Tao and be smart!"

Shen An said: "His archery skills are unparalleled. If he could, he could kill the Liao general by just releasing an arrow. But he chose to kill, behead the general and capture the flag. This is the best way to boost morale. Follow this Tao...Zhe Invincible! Live up to the name!"

"My lord, the enemy's left wing is attacking!"

Hot air balloons delivered the latest news.

Shen An nodded, "To stop them, don't take a step back, otherwise... raise your head to see them!"

This battle has reached the midfield. What the two sides are competing for is their will. Any accident may lead to defeat.

The Song army on the right attacked.

The two sides immediately strangled each other.

Shen An was looking at the right wing of the Liao army, but there was no movement there yet.

"My lord, is it time for a general attack?"

Some people were so aroused by the tragic aura that they couldn't help it.

Shen An shook his head, "I'm waiting for Yelu Hongji."

"Your Majesty, the Song army is stubborn. They have already rotated their swordsmen and axes once, and now they are becoming more stable."

Yelu Hongji is looking ahead.

Behind him are the reserves.

The reserve team of 50,000 people had been the main force in a war before, but now it was just his reserve team.

This is a Daliao that has never existed before.

My Daliao!

Yelu Hongji said: "Dialiao was founded for more than a hundred years, and since the Han and Tang Dynasties, there has never been a country like Daliao that can suppress the Han people for a long time. Later, there was a country. The Han people... they were weak, so Daliao crushed them. They have been knocked down for more than a hundred years. Now they want to stand up again... I said that they stood up again after being knocked down many times, but that is not now. I am here, Daliao is here...

Daliao could defeat them once, so now it can defeat them again! "

Yelu Hongji pulled out his long sword.

Chen Jinhe, the king of the South Academy, panicked and advised: "Your Majesty, you are worth a thousand gold, why do you go to danger?"


Yelu Hongji pouted at him and said contemptuously: "You bitch! Among the Han people, you are the most weak-minded. In the past, I would coax you to wait, but today I am happy to tell you that the Han people... are nothing more than pigs and dogs!"

He raised his long sword and said with a solemn expression: "Our ancestors fought hard to get out of Daliao. Today Daliao is facing a crisis. I, the Emperor of Daliao, will lead you and others to fight and carve out a large territory for Daliao."

He lifted the reins and the horse moved forward slowly.

Fifty thousand cavalry followed silently.

Chen Jinhe's face was pale. Xiao Ju, the king of the North Campus, who was beside him, said calmly: "The two sides are in a stalemate. This is a moment of ebb and flow. Your Majesty rushes into the battle in person. The morale of our army will definitely be boosted. Then... the outcome will be determined. This move. What you... His Majesty said was just impulsive, you don't need to care."

Chen Jinhe smiled and said: "Yes! Of course I won't care. So, I will go to the battle in person to show His Majesty my loyalty."

Xiao Ju said appreciatively: "Okay."

Chen Jinhe raised his sword and rushed forward. Xiao Ju looked at several of his colleagues and couldn't help but shake his head.


"The enemy troops have moved, Yelu Hongji... Yelu Hongji personally charged into the battle!"

When the news came, Shen An said calmly: "Tell your Majesty that this battle has come to a decisive moment."

Someone went to the Central Army, Zhao Shu said: "I just obey the order."

There can be no delay at this time, even the emperor has no choice but to obey orders.

Shen An ordered: "Tell Zhe Kexing and Peng Xia to get ready."

"Tell the crossbowmen to prepare to advance."

"The entire army... get ready!"

Shen An finally gave the order: "Go and tell His Majesty that a certain general will lead the army with Yelu Hongji to bring down the enemy's last arrogance and then launch a general attack."

He rode away.

The black-armored soldiers followed closely.

Thirty thousand cavalry on the left wing were waiting.

"I've met the Duke!"

The commander of the capital, Zhu Chen, handed over his hand.

The enemy troops were charging towards them, but Shen An calmly glanced at the cavalry and said, "This battle will be celebrated for eternity. For the sake of the Song Dynasty, please follow me."

He turned his horse around and faced the enemy.

Yelu Hongji's imperial flag is in the middle. This is a decisive blow. Either you die or I live in the final charge.

Even Shen An didn't expect Yelu Hongji to have such courage.

So he had to come.

Not just to defeat him, but more for that destiny.

Ever since our ancestors settled down on this land, the northern grasslands have been their nightmare, and they will always produce the most powerful enemies there. UU reading www.uukanshu.net

These enemies are ferocious and powerful. When the Central Plains is in decline, they will take the opportunity to rush in, burn, kill, loot and commit all kinds of evil.

Once upon a time, the Central Plains was almost completely wiped out.

Is there no way to suppress such an enemy?

Shen An thinks there is.

The emergence of firearms will tell those Liao people who think that cavalry and archery are invincible that they are falling behind.

Academy and Izumo-kan are working together to study firearms, various propellants, and how to make bullets...

These are all under research. When the continuous-fire firearm is created, the world will completely change.

The thirty thousand cavalrymen began to accelerate with enthusiasm.

It was a collision.

But in the middle, Wang was panting and shouting: "The swordsman and axe-hand are on standby!"

The musketeers at the front were resisting the enemy's crazy attack.

The person who took over the command was Wang Qun.

"Commander, the Wan Sheng Army and the Tianwu Army are in such a miserable state."

Under the crazy attack of the Liao army, the musket array was crumbling, but it never retreated.

"The Axeman takes over."

Wang Qun could only change in this way. The spear was useless at this moment. One attack would defeat them, but it would delay the deployment of defense.

"The Axeman..."

When Wang Que's shouts echoed, Shen An also joined the enemy.

The long knife lightly passed over the enemy's neck, and then the horse charged forward. Shen An only had Yelu Hongji in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, Shen An rushes into battle!"

When the Liao army discovered Shen An, it was like discovering a treasure.

Yelu Hongji said ecstatically: "Kill him! Kill him!"

He rushed over with his most elite men.

As long as Shen An can be killed, the morale of the Song army will fall to the bottom.

The two sides are getting closer...

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