A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 1895: Catching a Turtle in a Jar

The city was covered with corpses, and the Koreans were still attacking the city frantically.

The scout came from afar. Li He frowned and said, "Go and bring it quickly."

The siege has lasted for four days, and Li He has become more and more majestic.

The scout was brought over, with a look of admiration on his face, "General, the Song Army has captured the Zhongjing Road."

In the entire Goryeo, only Li He concluded that Yelu Hongji would abandon the defense of Zhongjing Road, so after hearing the news, even Jin Chengjun lowered his head and sighed.

This is life!

"Attack the city with all your strength!"

Li He was not happy at all. He knew that the Duke was ruthless and cunning.

Yelu Hongji abandoned the defense of Zhongjing Road. From which direction would the Song Dynasty give priority to launch an attack?

It must be the Shangjing Road!

Because the Liao people were the greatest threat, only after Yelu Hongji was eliminated could the Song people say that the Liao Kingdom was destroyed, otherwise hidden dangers would still exist.

Then this is the opportunity.

Seeing that everyone was a little confused, he said: "I have determined that the Song army will give priority to attacking Yelu Hongji, so that it can be said that the Liao Kingdom has been destroyed. So they in Tokyo Road have no time to take care of it for the time being."

Someone asked: "But if Yelvhongji is destroyed..."

"Destruction?" Li He said with a smile: "You underestimated Yelu Hongji, you underestimated the grassland people. He took away a hundred thousand troops, plus the strength of the Shangjing Road, and the grassland was wide, he could roam around, Song How can the army attack? So Yelu Hongji will be like a fish in water on Shangjing Road, and the Song army can only withdraw in the end."

"I admire the general's judgment!"


The military generals were flattering Li He, while most of the civil servants were watching and watching with cold eyes.

Now, some people are wondering about the cause of Wang Hui's death and feel something is wrong.

It is a mystery that the Liao army was able to hide on the roof without being noticed; the second problem is that Li He suggested that Wang Hui enter the city, which ran counter to the strategy of attacking quickly, so there was something wrong.

"Back off again!"

Some people were lamenting, but the Koreans who were attacking the city retreated.

Li He said with a cold face: "Kill!"

The cavalry rushed over and began to kill the retreating sergeants.

But just killing people to intimidate them won't last long, so there must be temptation.

"The general said that if we capture Liaoyang City, we won't seal the sword for three days!"

This means massacre and carnival.

There was excitement in the eyes of those retreating soldiers, and they couldn't help but cheered at the thought of being able to do whatever they wanted after breaking the city.


Li He personally held the battle, and the Koreans attacked the city head crazily.

Gradually, the Liao army could no longer stand it.

Koryo people kept rushing to the top of the city to kill.

One after another, the Koreans continued to surge up, and Li He said happily: "Okay! Come up, all of you!"

He pointed at his subordinates, and all of a sudden these soldiers shouted wildly and rushed forward.

If you go up at this time, you will be reaping the credit. If you don't go, you will be a fool!

Li He's move was to let his confidants perform meritorious service, and then serve as generals everywhere to control the Goryeo army.


Li He's men rushed to the top of the city, and the situation completely changed.

"The Liao army was defeated!"

A big flag was raised, and then the city gate was opened.

Li He smiled and said, "Everyone, follow me into the city."

Everyone was silent.

In Liaoyang City, there were strangulations everywhere. The Koreans rushed into every house crazily, killing the men and collecting the women.

In this era, women are resources.

There were screams everywhere in the city, and Li He smiled and said: "The sons are brave, tell them, everything is okay, but they can't set fire."

A military general on the side said: "Yes! This is our place. Burn it with fire. How can we resist the Song army when it comes?"

Shen An appeared in Li He's mind.

The man who looked at the smile was Duke Yan of the Song Dynasty.

He was still afraid of Shen An.

Subsequently, a crackdown was launched in the city, and it was not until the second day that it ceased.

Li He summoned everyone in the palace to discuss matters.

"The king has passed away, but Goryeo cannot be left without a master!"

A civil servant said excitedly, "Some people say that we should go back and make the king's heir the king of the country, but the army is outside, and the Song and Liao people are watching eagerly from one side. Could the king's heir be in control of the situation? No!"

Everyone looked at Li He sitting at the top and knew what was coming.

"I think that the only way forward is to nominate a highly respected person to take over the throne of Goryeo. This person..."

The civil servant raised his hand to Li He and said, "It must be the general!"

Li He smiled slightly, "Who agrees? Who... objects?"

"Traitor!" A civil servant came out, pointing his halberd at Li He, "The king must have been assassinated by your people, you..."

Li He waved his hand, and someone came over, knocked out most of the civil servant's teeth with one punch, and then dragged him out.

In an instant, a human head was sent in.

"Who objects?" Li He asked with a smile.

Everyone bowed their heads.

"So..." Li He only felt that his eyes were bright and his body was trembling, as if he was about to become an immortal. "A certain person will be the new master of Korea."

"I've met the king!"

Everyone quickly saluted.

Li He's confidants were staring at them with knives. Anyone who dared to show any dissatisfaction would be killed.

"Hahahaha!" Li He laughed happily.

"This is my kingdom!"

When he said the word "I", his ambition was revealed.

"The Koreans have been cleaning up the remaining enemies in the city."

The Song army is already approaching Liaoyang City.

Shen An nodded, "Tell Brother Chun, remember to wipe out the Korean scouts and don't let them slip through the net. I will catch them all in one fell swoop."

Huang Chun led the rangers to constantly search for the Korean scouts, encircling and strangulating them one after another.

The army marched slowly and arrived at the outskirts of Liaoyang City that night.

Huang Chun came back, looking very tired.

"Here, try the ginseng stewed roe deer."

Shen An was cooking. When he was in the old forest a few days ago, he asked people to search for it and found a lot of old ginseng.

The ginseng these days is all natural and pollution-free. I don’t know how old it is.

After eating a meal of roe deer stewed with ginseng, Shen An felt a little hot. After sleeping, she felt full of energy.

The sky was still dark at this moment, and he was reading a letter from home.

This is written by Yu Tou. The handwriting looks childish, but it has the style of a famous artist.

This was achieved by relying on the countless calligraphy books of famous writers that Shen An deceived and abducted.

Shen An smiled proudly.

In the letter, Taro talked about family affairs, which were not serious. Even a certain guy named Cao Ben did not talk about becoming an official after he won the Jinshi. He ran home all day long and was beaten several times by his aunt.

Cao Ben?

Shen An smiled.


Cao Yi is here.

"The Mangshan Army is clearing out the scouts, but the Koreans in the city will find that the scouts have not returned. Maybe they think they encountered a ghost?"

Shen An raised his head, "It's just to make them suspicious. Besides... what do you think of Cao Ben?"

Cao Yi sat down, took a look at the letter, and said: "But he was mentioned in the family? He is someone's nephew. He has been playful since he was a child. He did everything in the house, built tiles, climbed trees, and was later forced to study. He is also unwilling to work hard and is naughty.”

"He is lively." Shen An smiled.

"An Bei, this boy is naughty but kind-hearted. He used to often work for the lonely elders in the clan, so I take him for that." Cao Yan glanced at Shen An, "Guoguo also grew up watching me. , If he is an inappropriate person, I will not say this... Anbei, Cao Ben... He refuses to be an official, I guess..."

No one has ever known Shen An's criteria for finding a sister-in-law, but as a good friend, Cao Yan knew that he didn't like officialdom very much, and felt that he was just a big dyeing vat, where flies and dogs were busy.

In Cao Yi's eyes, Guoguo is probably better than the princess, so the criteria for choosing a son-in-law are naturally based on women.

"That Qin Guan from before. You said he liked to hang out with women outside, but Cao Ben doesn't do that. He likes to play horse racing."

Shen An listened silently.

"The boy studied hard this time, which surprised everyone, and I guess... you know, after seeing Guo Guo once, that boy became a little moved. So his efforts in hanging the beam on the head and stabbing the buttocks were actually tested by him. bingo."

"You will definitely not like the people in the officialdom. Guoguo will be displaced when the time comes, and life will be difficult."

To be an official these days, you have to be mentally prepared to wander around.

According to the rules of the Song Dynasty, after you have been an official in a certain place for two or three years, you will be moved to another place to be an official based on your recommendation...

Changing places in two or three years, traveling hard, not being accustomed to the climate...all kinds of problems.

Later, Bao Shou died on the way to his appointment, which is evident from this.

Shen An muttered: "The first thing about this is that the person is good, and the second is that Guo Guo feels good. Only when these two things are achieved, he is qualified to come in front of a certain person and let a certain person weigh him."

This is said proudly.

But Cao Yi nodded and said: "That's right. The Shen family has a great business, and Guoguo's private money will probably make the princesses cry and envy them. When they get married, you will also give a lot of property and money. If that person is not good, it will harm Guoguo. fruit."

"Harm Guo Guo?" Shen An said with a smile: "Even if I am gone, Taro and the others are still here, when the time comes, that person will dare to bully Guo Guo, haha!"

Cao Yi smiled bitterly and said, "So if anyone wants to marry Guoguo, he must keep his integrity, otherwise the end will be very miserable."

"Let's read it again." Shen An collected the letter and said, "The city must be in panic right now. Tell your brothers, take action!"

In the city, Li He was cursing anxiously: "Why haven't the scouts come back? There are so many people, are they all blind and can't see the threat? Even if a million troops come, they can still come back to report the news, how can I?"

Everyone felt very strange, and some even said: "I'm afraid I encountered ghosts and gods."

"The scouts from the Zhongjing Road direction are back, but there is no news about the scouts from the Shangjing Road side. Who could they be?"

The scouts are alert and dispersed. They are searching and advancing in Zhou Dynasty. Even if you have an army of millions, it is impossible to kill them all. If the fish that slip through the net come back and report it, Li He will naturally respond.

They didn't know Brother Chun existed, so they were confused and couldn't figure out the reason after thinking for a long time.

"There is movement outside the city!"

A general rushed in from outside.

"Don't be impatient." Li He said, "Maybe the scout is back."

Everyone thought the same thing and laughed easily.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

The cheers were deafening.

Everyone stared outside blankly...

"It's from Song Dynasty!"

Good night.

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