A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 214 The prosperous age exposed by Shen An

Zhao Zhen has never felt so weak.

He stared blankly at the black dumpling in Shen An's hand, then slowly stood up and walked down.

One of the chamberlains exclaimed: "Officials, this is against the rules."

But Zhao Zhen turned a deaf ear. He walked up to Shen An and took the black dumpling naturally.

Then he took a bite.


The black dumpling was so stiff that he didn't even bite it.

The hard black ball scratched his gums, and blood flowed from his lips.

"Shen An, you actually poisoned it!"

I don't know who shouted, and several guards rushed in from outside.

"Back off!"

Zhao Zhen held the black dumplings without wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth. He just looked at Shen An and asked, "How do people eat?"

Shen An didn't expect that he would actually take a bite, so he said with some embarrassment: "Add water and cook it into porridge, or roast it over fire."

You can hold this thing like a rice ball and chew it, and you'll be lucky if it doesn't knock out a few of your teeth.

Zhao Zhen nodded and said, "My teeth are not good. I'm afraid I can't chew them, so I'll cook them."

Chen Zhongheng came over to take it with a look of embarrassment. Fu Bi advised: "Your Majesty, it would be good if you only knew the suffering of the people."

Don't think about sharing weal and woe with the people, that's childish, okay?

Zhao Zhen said: "I'll try it later."

In an instant, everyone’s expression changed.

Let us eat dirt?

Zhao Zhen didn't care about this. He nodded to Shen An and said approvingly: "You can hang out with the victims, which shows that you have your mind in the right place. Tell me, what they asked you to say to me."

He is the emperor and needs to listen to the voices from the bottom.

But he was in a deep palace and it was difficult to get a true report of the situation.

Shen An lowered his head and said, "They say that you, the official, are kind and a benevolent king..."

If he heard this in the past, Zhao Zhen would probably be happy, but today he asked in a deep voice: "What else?"

"They also said..."

Shen An raised his head and glanced at Zhao Zhen, and said: "It's not that we are desperate, it's not that we are starving to death... As long as we can feed ourselves, this is a prosperous age, and they will cheer for this prosperous age and pray for long live the official family... "

Zhao Zhen's hand fell down weakly.

He turned around slowly, stumbling on his feet.

One of the chamberlains suddenly covered his mouth, looking horrified.


Zhao Zhen cried.

He felt that every step from here to the throne was so difficult.

"This is the prosperous age... It's ridiculous that I thought the Song Dynasty was peaceful and peaceful, but all the people want is to have enough food!"

He finally walked to the throne, then turned around, tears streaming down his face.

"My lords, you have been talking about the prosperous age all day long. What should this prosperous age look like?"

No one can answer.

Later, the gruel was cooked, and each of the prime ministers and ministers got a little.

This is porridge dipped in 'dragon's blood', and Shen An is determined not to eat it.

Fortunately, it wasn't his turn to eat either.


Zhao Zhen drank the porridge and said, "Eating hardship means the people also suffer. I understand."

He ordered: "From now on, whenever there is a famine, disaster relief will come first."

As his eyes moved, the ministers felt a little uneasy.

This is the ancestral method!

Han Qi's lips opened, but he couldn't speak.

The so-called ancestral law seems extremely pale in front of the facts listed by Shen An. How can we argue?

The old Zhao family was founded on rebellion, and what they feared the most was others rebelling against them, so everything was done from this perspective.

Including the use of culture to control military force, and the control of internal and external relations, elite soldiers were gathered near the capital. The purpose was to ensure that no matter where there was rebellion, the capital would have the strength to suppress it.

This kind of sensitivity makes people sigh, but these monarchs and ministers have long been accustomed to it, and they call it "the law of the ancestors". Anyone who dares to oppose it is a traitor.

But today the officials are taking the initiative to abolish an ancestral law. This is a bad sign!

At this moment everyone is thinking of one person.

A tragic figure.

Fan Zhongyan!

That guy was a hero who dared to take advantage of his ancestral family methods, but the consequences were not good and he went straight to the street.


Zhao Zhen didn't know what to say. He couldn't be blamed for this. If he was to blame, he could only blame his ancestors.

So he turned his eyes to Shen An and said, "You are very good. You brought me the words of the people and let me know the current situation of the Song Dynasty."

If it weren't for Shen An, he would still be dreaming about being a benevolent king in the deep palace, but he didn't know the situation at the bottom.

At this moment, he inexplicably thought of Zhao Zhongzhen.

He himself had teachers when he was young, but those teachers were so-called educated people who had no idea about the sufferings of the people.

Shen An said humbly: "Your Majesty is so complimentary."

Give me a favor, don't just give me a few empty words of praise, that's so empty!

Shen An felt that the first thing to do in revitalizing the Song Dynasty was to be pragmatic and not talkative.

Zhao Zhen thinks this young man is really good. Although he doesn't have a palace, he likes to do things when provoked, but this makes him look simple and honest!

"Imperial Imperial College...let's tell a story."


Shen An said with a bitter face: "Your Majesty, although I have the title of waiting for an imperial edict, I really can't tell stories."

There was a strange silence in the hall, and then everyone burst out laughing, not knowing who was the leader.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone was laughing, even Zhao Zhen was laughing with tears on his face, laughing so hard.

After he finished laughing, Zhao Zhen sighed: "You are such a young man!"

Fu Bi smiled and said, "That's an academic officer from the Imperial College."


Bao Zheng hated the fact that iron cannot become steel and said: "Can you be proficient in classics?"

The Hanlin Academy is about teaching. If you don’t understand Confucian classics, you will commit suicide.

Bao Zheng just recalled Shen An's past and seriously suspected that this boy was unfamiliar with Confucian classics. Instead, he was a miscellaneous student, that is, he learned more from the Mangshan hermit.

Got the order wrong!

It should be based on classics and supplemented by miscellaneous studies.

So he asked deliberately.

Shen An was stunned: "Your Majesty, I've probably forgotten all those classics."

"That's unreasonable!"

Fu Bi said angrily: "Why don't you study?"

Even Zeng Gongliang was dissatisfied and said: "It doesn't matter if you take care of your sister at home every day or make perfume, why don't you study?"

These people all asked the same question with serious faces.

This is an era where people love to read. Anyone who has the conditions will make time to read.

So Shen An became an outlier.

Shen An hesitated for a few words, and Zhao Zhen said, "Just hang on."

Why does Shen An go to the Imperial College to teach at this age? Giving the title of academic officer to the Imperial College Storytellers was just a compliment, and by the way, it closed the loophole of Shen An's background as a Jinshi.

It's a shame that you, a Jinshi, were rewarded by your birthplace.

Huh! Are you actually the storyteller of the Imperial Academy?

Disrespect, disrespect!

Brother is already a storyteller in the Imperial College... No, he is teaching in the Imperial College. Do you dare to question the origin of that Jinshi?

Shen An was happy when he heard it, and he cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty. I will be a storyteller from now on."

Brother can talk about many books, such as Journey to the West, A Dream of Red Mansions... and The West Chamber. If necessary... I can also talk about those books.

When I think about my story in the Imperial College, a group of students are listening, and if it is interrupted, I will rush to update it...

It seems like such a good day!

Zhao Zhen took a deep breath, stood up, looked at the ministers, and said: "The Song Dynasty has not yet reached its peak, you ministers, please don't slack off!"

This was the emperor's judgment. Shen An found that the prime ministers and assistants were a little depressed.

But if you are not happy, brother will be happy.

The corners of Shen An's mouth turned up, feeling extremely happy.

Zhao Zhen knew what the prime ministers and ministers were thinking, but he just felt that his efforts had been denied, so he felt uncomfortable.

"I have inherited the throne so far. I have been weak in virtue and weak in wisdom, but I have relied on the help of all the ministers. From now on, if you have any suggestions, please just pass them in."

The official's attitude was very sincere, and the prime ministers and ministers had no choice but to agree, and then cheered up and prepared to go back and find faults.

The so-called finding faults is actually the same as the Ten Thousand Words Book prepared by Wang Anshi. He found out the current faults of the Song Dynasty and then gave his own suggestions.

Zhao Zhen nodded and said: "Let's go each."

Shen An bent down to pick up the baggage, when Chen Zhongheng came over and said, "Keep this."

"What are you doing? Lao Chen, do you want to eat it? Let me tell you, be careful not to pull it out after eating this thing. When the time comes, your hemorrhoids and fistulas will be filled with blood!"

Shen An said something dirty, but Chen Zhongheng said with a relaxed look: "It's not our turn to eat this stuff, the officials..."

He lowered his voice and glanced at the waiter on the left. The waiter was startled and ran to the side.

It is not a good thing to overhear what the boss said, be careful of being silenced.

Seeing that he knew the opportunity, Chen Zhongheng said with satisfaction: "The officials are preparing to feed the ladies in the palace. They say they want to... think of the hardships of the people and not waste money..."

Damn it!

Shen An couldn't help but think about the reaction of a group of delicate women after eating this food, and then said regretfully: "These are too few. I had told me to bring more back."

He left the hall and Bao Zheng was waiting.

The terrain here is high, and at a glance, it is all palaces.

The sun shines on the tiles on the roof, making people unconsciously squint slightly to avoid the reflected light.

"Do you know what your greatest advantage is?"

Shen An helped Bao Zheng go down, and Bao Zheng asked slowly.

Shen An said casually: "Of course he is very capable. UU read www.uukanshu.net "

Bao Zheng said angrily: "What's so big? Do you think they don't know the shortcomings of the Xiang Army? It's just that they are just shy and unwilling to stand out."

He sighed: "How many Fan Wenzheng are there in the world? People like that... When you hear scholars mention him, you will always express admiration and praise, but that is talking about the dead to the living. If it is from the heart, then it will definitely be Call him a fool frivolously."

He turned his head to look at Shen An and said with a smile: "Your advantage is that you are truthful. Sometimes I think you are bold and dare to say anything. It seems that you don't care about anything and no one is in your eyes. You look at people You seemed innocent and kind when you were young, but...I think you look down on others. You seem to look down on everyone, which is wrong, Guo Guo, when you look at Guo Guo, you change your look..."

Shen An smiled and said: "Your eyes are dazzled. Don't imitate Mr. Ouyang. He can't recognize people unless he gets up close. When the time comes... I'll see if I can get you a tortoise shell for the elderly. Try..."

The sun slid down from the roof, reflected on the bodies of the old and the young, and followed them slowly.

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