A great man of the Northern Song Dynasty

Chapter 523: We have no shirking responsibility, we have to do human affairs

This was a wedding that shocked the entire Bianliang City.

Even the Imperial City Department went to inquire about it to see if there was any conspiracy.

This is a habit, and Zhao Zhen is also used to trying to figure out his ministers.

"Have you gone too far?"

"They are all students."

"Who takes the lead?"

"That Su Yan."

"Su Yan..."

Zhao Zhen's eyes were a little confused: "Is his family well?"

Zhang Ba8 said: "It's better now that I have a salary."

"Guan family, there is nothing unusual about this wedding. We didn't even go to the Runan County Prince's Palace."

"Zhao Yun refused to go because he wanted to avoid suspicion. I guess he drank too much in the mansion?"

"Yes, you curse people after drinking."

The old guy was so energetic that Zhao Zhen secretly envied him.

"It's not easy to sit in the position of emperor."

Shen An also believed that Zhao Yunrang was avoiding suspicion.

Just when he was about to enter the bridal chamber, Zhao Zhongzhen came in a hurry.

He was holding a piece of writing in his hand.

"This is written by me, Weng Weng."

The old guy finally sent a congratulatory gift.

Pay attention to people!

Shen An didn't read the content of the calligraphy, but secretly praised Zhao Yunrang's courage.

I am grateful to you, so taboo is nothing!

Then comes the wedding night.

"elder brother……"

On the bed, Shen An frowned and fell asleep, and sat up suddenly after hearing the sound.



A man and a woman touched their heads and exclaimed at the same time, then slowly turned their heads...


Yang Zhuoxue pulled her hair. Because the hair was tangled together, Shen An fell down in pain.

This is an unintentional knot, and an atmosphere is gradually formed.

"Guo Guo is screaming." Yang Zhuoxue turned sideways and muttered, wanting Shen An to get out quickly.

"Call the officials..."


"Shout or not?"


"Ha ha ha ha!"

Shen An teased his wife for a while, then got up refreshed.

"Brother, is sister-in-law up?"

Guoguo outside can't wait.

But she actually asked about her sister-in-law, which made Shen An feel a little sad.

Have you forgotten my brother like this?

He turned around and saw a patch of black hair outside, and his new wife had already hidden under the quilt.

"Guoguo called you."

Shen An knew that she was shy, so he put on his clothes in a few seconds and said before going out: "We don't have any elders here, so you can get up later. And... just go tomorrow to pay my respects."

A rumbling voice came from the quilt: "Okay."

To pay a visit is to return. At this time, most people go only three to five days later. Shen An said that he would go the day after the wedding, which was considerate.

After leaving the room, Guoguo trotted in the yard. When she saw her brother coming out, she shouted, "Brother, why doesn't sister-in-law come out?"

Shen An yawned, stretched, and said, "Your sister-in-law is a new daughter-in-law. She is not used to running in our family in the morning. Let's go later."

He washed up a few times, then ran wildly, and finally said breathlessly: "What do you want for breakfast?"

But no one paid him any attention, and the sounds of Guoguo and Yang Zhuoxue talking could be heard in the room.

If the sister-in-law joins forces, will I be left out in the cold?

He hummed a little tune and went to the kitchen. Zeng Ermei was making porridge. When she saw him coming, she asked: "Mr. Lang, when will the little Mang Jun come out?"

Shen An, who was thinking about making delicious food, was startled and said angrily: "It's still early!"

Education has a long way to go!

"Get some mushrooms."

Clean the soaked mushrooms, then add lard and fry.

"Mushrooms are delicious, but a bit too plain. It's best to fry them in lard, which will make them more delicious without being astringent."

Simply put some salt in the pot, and then there is a fish.

Shen An made the toppings and steamed the fish at the same time.

After the fish is taken out of the pan, cover it with toppings and pour hot oil over it.

Wow, Shen An heard the sound of footsteps as the aroma overflowed.

"You don't want to play with your sister-in-law anymore?"

Guoguo, who was tiptoeing behind him, pouted, "How did brother know that I'm coming?"

"It's just that you're greedy. Once it's done, I'll know it's time for you to come."

During breakfast, Yang Zhuoxue was still a little restrained.

Shen An finished eating in a few moments, then stood up and said, "We, as a family... will be more relaxed and comfortable in the future."

Yang Zhuoxue lowered her head and hummed.

Guoguo volunteered: "Brother, I can play with my sister-in-law."


It takes time for a new daughter-in-law to integrate, but the Shen family has become more popular.

Aunt Chen came in a hurry, and when she saw Shen An coming out, she whispered: "Don't worry, sir, I promise to make my wife happy."

She smiled ambiguously, and Shen An coughed dryly and said, "Tell her about the people in your family later so that she knows what's going on."


When Shen An arrived in the front yard, he saw Zhao Zhongzhen and Zhe Kexing sparring.

Zhao Zhongzhen was chopping with a wooden knife, while Zhe Kexing was blocking with a knife in one hand.

Shen An was watching from the side. After Zhao Zhongzhen finished panting, seeing him standing by in a daze, he raised his eyebrows and asked: "Brother An Bei, you used to refuse to get close to those women when you went to the brothel. Last night... Can you feel proud?"

Shen An immediately gave chase and the two of them ran around the front yard.

There was laughter here, but the court meeting later was cold.

"News from Xiongzhou, there is a group of thieves in the area, looting everywhere, killing people and looting goods..."

Zhao Zhen said expressionlessly: "Han Qing, tell me."

Han Qi's pale and fat face became more angry, "Xiongzhou said that the thieves have more than a hundred riders, and they will leave in one strike and never stay, so several encirclement and suppression campaigns failed."

Zeng Gongliang's heart skipped a beat and he subconsciously said, "Your Majesty, is this revenge?"

Zhao Zhen nodded expressionlessly.

Han Qi said: "There are more than a hundred people, and they are wandering around Xiongzhou and refuse to go deep. If the thief is a thief, he will definitely grab a handful and run away..."

Ouyang Xiu felt that the Liao people were really careless, "If you lose, you lose. The Liao people probably felt humiliated by the Mangshan Army marching across Nanjing Road, so they sent people to fight back. It's just... is everything okay in the battle?"

Zhao Zhen shook his head, and everyone knew it.

What is valuable about Xiongzhou?


There is countless money and goods there. If those people dare to grab a handful, they will definitely become nouveau riche.

But whoever dares to seize the opportunity will be the great enemy of Song and Liao. Once the two countries join forces, the north will be a forbidden area. No matter how powerful the thieves are, they will have no way to escape and will die miserably.

"They are from Liao."

Zhang has been here for eight years and brought the latest news.

"Someone has seen those people and heard them talking... they are from Liao."

When the matter became clear, Zhao Zhen said angrily: "The Liao people are so narrow-minded and annoying. Maybe they will be killed locally?"

Zhang Bianba shook his head and said coldly: "The whereabouts of those Liao people are secretive, and supplies should be sent frequently from the other side of the boundary river, so they will not take risks. There is no way to ambush them without taking risks."

"Maybe a large army will be dispatched..." Ouyang Xiu shook his head as soon as he spoke: "The Liao army failed to encircle the Mangshan army, and Nanjing Road lost all its shame to Xijing Road. If the Song Dynasty follows suit..."

The Liao people should laugh out loud and sincerely thank Song Dynasty for their cooperation.

"What is their purpose?"

Zhao Zhen had a headache and felt dizzy.

Han Qi has already analyzed it, "Your Majesty, if they fight back, they will only plunder a few times. Now they are wandering around Xiongzhou without returning, just waiting for someone..."

"Who are you waiting for?"

Zhao Zhen was suddenly startled and said, "Are we waiting for the Mangshan Army?"

Han Qi nodded and said: "The Liao people are domineering, but this time they have lost their dignity. We must get our face back, and the best way is to destroy the Mangshan Army."

This is just speculation.

Han Qi said: "It would be easy to kill the opponent with more than a hundred people, but the Jiehe River is constantly providing assistance, and they can even escape if necessary. It is embarrassing to have a large army to surround and kill, so... Your Majesty, can the Mangshan Army start from Nanjing Dao escaped back, which shows that he is quite capable of hiding his traces."

More than a hundred people versus more than a hundred people, let the Mangshan army go.

Zhao Zhen was moved and thought this was a good idea.

"The Mangshan Army now has more than three hundred people, but the newcomers are still incompetent... but who will lead them?"

When an army is dispatched, it must be led by a general, but the Mangshan Army only has a few people, so who will go?

"Shen An."

Zhao Zhen said in surprise, "He just got married."

It’s a bit unethical to send someone out just after they get married!

"The young man will definitely be full of complaints."

Zhao Zhen said very firmly.

Han Qi said calmly: "Your Majesty, just ask someone to ask."

"Chen Zhongheng should go there. If you are willing to go, ask why."

The human heart is what the emperor likes to ponder most, and he now wants to ponder Shen An's thoughts.

So Chen Zhongheng went.

Because she was newlywed, Shen An gave Yang Zhuoxue space to slowly adapt to her new life.

He continued to update his novel in his study.

When he saw Chen Zhongheng, Shen An thought that Zhao Zhen was dying and that he was here to protect Zhao Zongshi and his son.

"The Liao people retaliate with tooth for tooth, and more than a hundred horses are galloping around Xiongzhou. They can get constant supplies from the Liao people on the opposite side... It would be embarrassing to raise a large army..."

He looked at Shen An and asked, "The officials are asking you...if you would like to go there?"

It's a bit cruel to go on an expedition as soon as you become the groom's official.

But Shen An said without hesitation: "Okay."

This refreshing energy made Chen Zhongheng a little surprised and curious.

"Why do you want to go?"

Shen An glanced at him and said, "Is this your question or the official's question?"

Chen Zhongheng lied. He said without blinking: "I asked."

Shen An smiled and said: "If an official asks, I will naturally think about it carefully. If you ask..."

"There is no shirking the responsibility!"


Chen Zhongheng said in confusion: "Just these four words?"

Shen An nodded.

"This Song Dynasty is very good. It's so prosperous that people want to stay here forever. But there are many enemies. As an official, Shen has to do human affairs because of the wealth of the people."

This is the explanation of unshirkable responsibility.

Chen Zhongheng returned to the palace to convey his message, and not surprisingly, he saw the tangled expressions of the prime ministers and ministers.

It’s our responsibility!

This is easy to say, but difficult to practice.

Shen An is practicing it now. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

"People's wealth and people's anointing..."

Who of the Song Dynasty officials took the people seriously? It is appropriate to receive salary, money and food. This is a reward for someone who has done well in studying. Does it have anything to do with the common people?


That's why Shen An's words about "people's wealth and people's wealth" are the most embarrassing words.

Zhao Zhen secretly sighed in his heart, thinking that the official salary paid out every year in the Song Dynasty was huge, but how many people knew how to be grateful and repay?

They all receive their salaries with peace of mind, but how many of them are dedicated to their duties?

Look at the prime ministers and assistants, even they are embarrassed, which shows how broad the impact of these words is.

These prime ministers and ministers all had a time of "dissoluteness". The days when they could get away with free money were so comfortable that even Ouyang Xiu missed them in his poems.

The key is that Shen An didn't complain, which made Zhao Zhen even more satisfied.

This young man is really good!

Then Zhang received the order in eight years.

"The official said that the Shen family should be quiet."


Monitoring the officials he cares about for the officials is the greatest significance of the existence of the Imperial City Division.

Let the Shen family be quiet, but there is no need to keep an eye on his family.

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