A Hidden Love Marriage

Chapter 118: : Torture Wen Zhirou

"I just can't figure out why he treats you this way and why he treats me this way. Why is he now like this? When I left, he was still fine. You are so affectionate. You sent me back. Have you forgotten the plot? Those are not my illusions, but now you have become like enemies, and even your enemies can't do so excessively." Lin Bugui needs an idea. Fall in love with yourself, and love so crazy? But is this really true? You man used to hate himself so much, and held his collar more than once and said let him go away.

What is this now? He couldn't figure it out more and more. His mind seemed to be blank. After seeing the incident today, he couldn't figure it out even more. There were too many things he couldn't figure out, and he didn't understand. Xia Yusheng, why is love so terrible, why is his not love so terrible.

"I said. He will become like that. It's all because he was deceived by me a lot, all because he thought he was too stupid. If it wasn't because he was stupid, how could he be deceived by me? Would you say In fact, you can really show off in front of me now, because that perverted man will not hurt you, and even treat you as the one he loves the most, and I am different, he hates me to death, can’t wait He came to torture me personally every day, but thanks to your blessing, he did not come these days. And you don’t need to ask him why he became like this. When you left, it was because he didn’t know the truth. If he knows the truth, it’s definitely not you who left. Now you know it. I have fallen into today’s field. It’s retribution. I have also looked down on a lot of things. Besides wanting to die, I just want to die. I don’t have any other ideas. I used to hate you very much. It’s because you got that man’s heart and Xia Yusheng’s abnormal heart. But I, I have nothing, I can only get him By means, I can only rely on all lies. One by one weave together, I can't kill my own children. I also ruined my own future. Do you think I deserved it?"

"How can there be so many sins and deserve it? You can only blame Xia Yusheng himself. If he was deserved before, then what he got is also deserved. Because he really loved you the most. He rejected me for you. , You should be the clearest, now she suddenly said that she fell in love with me so terrible, so ridiculous, it made me take it for granted."

"He has always loved you. It's just that I'm forcibly brainwashing him, and all I instilled in his head. Ah? You are the worst one. All you can do is to climb on his bed, you I have never loved her sincerely. You pester him like this, but only for his money. That's why his attitude towards you gets worse and worse, hates you more and more, and even hates you more and more. I gradually turned his affection towards you into hatred, and I also prevented him from being your child, so he hated me like that. Once? You said he once loved me, then I can only tell you once . It’s also the fact that I got him by means. You don’t know. But I have to thank you for your cowardice, if it weren’t for you. I still can’t get him, but now I really regret it. I put my youth on a perverted person, and now I don’t want to give it to me."

"That's not love. I can be deceived by you in a few words. Do you think that is love? It's just that he may feel guilty to me now, but what I want to say is. If you do something wrong, I will apologize and apologize. When you’re tired, you can treat it as if nothing has happened, then my son can come back from the dead. Sometimes I would like to thank you. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t look down on so many things, nor would I Withdraw from her so quickly."

"You seem to have changed a lot now. Remember when you signed for a divorce and left, you were still like a poor worm, with no lethality, as if. Just a word from that man, you can immediately turn around and hug him. But it seems that you have changed a lot now, even if he kneels and begs you, your heart won't move, right?"

"You don't need to worry about this. After all, I really don't like you very much. But seeing you have fallen into this field now, I want to say. What if you don't like it? You also got your own retribution. I have become the way I am now, and I have to be blessed by the two of you. Since the death of my son, I feel that no one in this world can be trusted. Those who have hurt me are just reminding me of this How cruel the world is, wasting some senseless time for some senseless people. I think it's useless."

"Actually, you should hate us. You should not hide it, really, you should hate us and hate that man to death. You should not forgive him, you can't forgive him in this life, you forgave him, how sorry you are My child, you forgave him. I'm so sorry for your suffering, right? Never forgive us." Wen Zhirou knew that the woman in front of me would not forgive that man so easily, after all, that man did so much. Wrong. Now there is no shadow of the man in the eyes of this woman at all, even if the man kneels and begs him, this woman won't agree.

Xia Yusheng, when you made me like this, have you ever thought that things will become like this?

Even if you tortured me miserably, even if you hate me again, and treat me with the tricks you are reading, the woman you love no longer loves you, this may be the world. The most vicious thing, right? I am not afraid that you treat me like this. What I fear is that if you can't get love or what you want, I will die with a smile even if I die.

"I won't hate you. You taught me to grow up. Really, at least now I can easily tell who is true and who is false. Plastic sisters like you, since I met you, I have never I met the second person. You said that you had little influence on me, but now I don’t have the time to laugh at you, let alone show off in front of you. I want to say, do you want to go out? Maybe I can help you call the police "Lin did not regret or hate this woman. Although he didn't like this woman, she became like this now, and anyone who saw it would feel pitiful. What's more, she was just a woman, who had tortured him for so long, like a madman, shouldn't be enough.

Gentle heart. There was a tremor for a moment, because Lin Buhui actually said to call the police. Shouldn't he hate himself to death? Why do you still think about yourself as the Virgin? It’s hard to come up with the nature again: "Seriously, you don’t have to be here to pity me falsely. Although you only said to save me, I still have a little bit of happiness in my heart, but do you know this? Where is it? I can save my mother as long as you want. You are still fine. Deal with that man, I don’t want her to live so fast, I don’t want his words to deceive you back, if Your third aunt was deceived by him in a few words. If you go back, you can only say that you are stupid and stupid, and all you get is you and fucking.

"I just want to save you. Why do you say so much? I don't have any false feelings. I really want you to look at you and have experienced a lot of pain. How long have you survived in this environment? Is it?" She didn't understand that she really wanted to help her, so how could it become a hypocrisy in her eyes? His experience. Calling the police is just a small effort. He didn't want to. Killing people. If he didn't find out, but he found out, he would not allow this to happen.

"How long has it been? How long do you think it has been in this dark room? I don't know how long it has been because. I can't see the sun outside at all, I only know that it must be dark when the man comes. I can only guess that it’s dark or dawn. I’ve never, can’t guess when it’s today. I only know that the moment I opened my eyes, I’m still alive? Have you ever experienced the feeling of drugs being beaten into your blood? That kind of itching to death without drugs, like a thousand ants crawling in my heart. Now I have been addicted to drugs, how do you save me? Are you going to quit drug addiction? I can’t figure it out. Even if I go out, I’m still a useless person. I just want to die, you know? Even if I go out, I don’t have drugs to solve my own problems. I can only live a life like years every day. Can roll over on the ground and roll over. Or I can only jump off the building and cliff to find a way to live. This taste is something you won’t be able to experience in a lifetime, so the words when you said to save me seemed extremely ridiculous ."

"Drugs? It is illegal for him to imprison you and then inject drugs into your body." Lin Buhui frowned. Why did Xia Yusheng become like this? His methods are too cruel. If placed in ancient times, she would definitely be a first-rate bad guy, but in modern times, it is no exception.

Injecting drugs, if you can't give up, it would be tantamount to ruining a gentle voice. Anyway, this woman is also the woman he once loved. How could he treat her like this? What she has done is no longer an ordinary madman or a crazy madman plus a lunatic. What's the point of ruining Wen Zhirou's life like this? Can everything in the past be changed? Will he start all over again even if he kills Wen Zhirou?

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