"Whatever I am willing to do, what I am reluctant to bear, look at what he looks like now, which regards us as parents. He looks exactly like that stinky girl now. I don’t know, I thought I adopted two daughters. Well. Anyway. I’m not in the mood to think about those things anymore. I don’t want my daughter to become the kind of greedy person. Because greedy people, everyone talks about money, but not everyone will fall into it. You can't get out of that kind of swamp." The adoptive mother hates iron and steel.

"I know you are hard-mouthed and soft-hearted. Why do you make so many excuses for yourself? Just now I heard what she said, I was also very angry, but now I am not angry anymore, because we are parents, parents. Don’t worry about those things with your children. We just need to save him from this place, and he will be grateful to us in the future. We have to take this matter slowly.” In the end, the adoptive father was still reluctant to bear his daughter.

Thinking of his own woman, every night wearing so revealing and colorful makeup to go out, the appointment is still a place of the opposite sex, he knows nothing. He said he didn't care about his daughter, but how could he not care in his heart? If you don't care. What is the difference between that and that stinky girl?

"I am not addicted and soft, I don't have the leisure time to care about him, as he said. We are poor, we can't give her the material life she wants, so he is now looking for his material life, it is difficult for us Don't even want him to go, I don't want to be an eternal sinner." The adoptive mother was very obviously still talking angry.

In fact, she loves her daughter more than her adoptive father. After all, it came out of his own stomach, a lump of meat. How could he not care? When this child was born, he happened to be bleeding heavily, and this child was like a fate.

"Do you have a hard mouth and a soft heart? You know it best in your heart, but I know you are very angry now, and I was very angry just now. Now we can't be angry because we still have the last card. That's a lawsuit, just If we win our lawsuit, we can get the money. Then we will give him the three views of our daughter. At that time, we will take the money and go to a place where no one knows us to start a small business. Choose, to support the family well, no longer have to participate in these conspiracies, isn't it? We used to be poor, but at least we are happy, but look at what we have become for money now."

The adoptive father smiled bitterly: "We can do anything for the sake of money, even if we betray others, even if we lie, we do everything possible to get those money. Even though we are very happy. Rich people are happy, but That money doesn’t belong to us! We are so greedy, and our daughter is also greedy. Perhaps this is retribution. We have to stop in time. When we get the money, we should leave the city to open a small shop, and then the family will be there Live a happy life together. When we get old, our daughters should marry and we should enjoy their old age. We shouldn’t be like this. There is too much money in the world, we can’t live forever. Run after them."

When the adoptive mother said this, tears fell again. Husband is right. These days, they are indeed running for money. Since their daughter, no, their daughter has been in college, it seems to have fallen into the world of high society. When they come into contact with the world of high society, they will completely go away. If he doesn't come out, he regards himself as a member of the upper class, but he dare not face the real world, he dare not face his real parents and his real family background. Even if she lives in such a bad place, she has to dress her room as a high-end apartment, high-end, villa. He is trying to deny those things before. Their daughter is also a victim, a victim of money in this society. Not everyone's money is so late and easy.

Therefore, many people are just ordinary people. The salary they earn in a month does not have any money to buy new clothes except for daily expenses. If they want to wear new clothes, they have to save money separately to buy one. This is ordinary and even poor people. They have no fixed unit. Only a waiter or cleaning and cleaning, these jobs. They do the cheapest jobs and earn the least wages.

Those wages are often not enough for them.

They can only count for a penny.

They used to be that kind of person, so they understand the hard-won money better. When they get their first windfall. They don't feel bad for what they spend. But now they figured it out, they shouldn't go on like this anymore, there is too much money in the world. But there are only so many relatives, and they need a way to maintain that relationship. That is to open a shop. then. It is enough for a family to live a happy life together. Everyone should think this way, not chasing money all the time. Sometimes people have been thinking that people are the masters of all things, so they can also dominate money, but they don't know that since the birth of money, money dominates them.

"My husband and you are right, I will listen to you from now on. What do you say? I don't want to think about other things. This time, if you get the money, it will be fine. If you can't get the money, I only hope that my daughter is the same as before. Our family can be the same as before, not as it is now. Our daughter completely regards herself as the daughter of a rich family. He completely forgot the existence of his parents. This feeling It's as uncomfortable as death." She wiped her tears and sniffed. He is indeed duplicity, he really cares about his daughter, there is no doubt that, even if what he said just now is bad, he still cares about his daughter.

"I don't blame you. I still listen to you for bullying me, but I think. Maybe a woman's concentration is too low? Wasn't that the same for you? Besides, our daughter is so young, facing the temptation of so much money, Can he not lose himself? But there is only one way we can prevent him from losing himself. We personally rescue her from the quagmire. Think about it, if we are parents who don’t help him, it will be difficult for others. Wouldn't it be possible to help our daughter? No one would help us at all, my daughter, if someone helped us, my daughter, he wouldn't become what he is now. It made me scared to become disrespectful. "

The adoptive father did not blame his wife. In addition to loving their adoptive father, they also love their wives. The two of them have been together for so long, and basically they have never quarreled. He agrees with his wife, and he agrees with every action even if his wife does something wrong. Maybe this is love. Love is to tolerate every bad thing about each other.

When they thought about it, they thought, calling their daughter again. Since they lived with their daughter, the daughter has never returned to this room, so they can only contact her daughter by phone.

They thought of a way to get their daughter back.

"It's not that we can do nothing. We can file a lawsuit with that stinky girl. Anyway? We are all her adoptive fathers and adoptive mothers. She is not always wrong at all. We are responsible. At least we still have a way of life. Let’s go. Daughter, don’t you think it’s absolutely okay? Mom and Dad want you to have a good life, and never hope that you’ll have a bad life. So let’s seize this opportunity together and let that stinky girl be cruel A sum of blood." Mother Yang had an idea. In fact, he never thought that his biological daughter would actually treat him. Such unloving. So he decided that it was necessary to ease the relationship between mother and daughter.

"Are you telling the truth now? Where are you now? Still in my house, right?" Lin Jiaqi's voice is very cold. These days it is because her parents are in her own home that she doesn't want to go back. , He felt very annoying.

But now his father and mother suddenly called and said such things, he had a little thought again! There is another way to make money, so he feels it is necessary to continue to do something big with his parents.

"We've been here all the time and haven't left. We've been waiting for you to come back. If we win this lawsuit. We should get a lot of money. You should come back first. Let's discuss it together. You Don't be outside. If you are unfamiliar here, where else can you live?" The foster mother was very worried.

He is like all the parents in the world. Hard-mouthed and soft-hearted, although he taught his daughter a lesson, but in his heart. I didn't ask my daughter to take those words to heart at all. He has now reached a battle line with his husband, which is to get his daughter back from that ghost place, so that her daughter will no longer be confused by money. They always think that their daughter will become that kind of person, because his circle is all high-class society, worshiping gold girls. What kind of people will be raised from what kind of circle, so if she wants her daughter to leave that circle, she must let her woman leave his friends.

"You'd better pray that what you said this time is true. Otherwise, if you let me down again this time, you won't even be able to get through my phone in the future." After Lin Jiaqi finished speaking, she coldly hung up the phone. As if nothing happened. That kind of indifferent seems to call myself just now, just a harassing call.

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