After he finished speaking, he picked up the tissue next to him, and Mr. Wang approached. The masculine breath came to his face. The distance between the two people was very, very close, and even President Wang's lips were about to press against the woman's face, but President Wang did not avoid him and took a deep breath.

As if feeling the fragrance of this woman's body.

A smug smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, and the smell was very good. That’s why he kept this posture all the time, because he also knew that this woman did it deliberately, deliberately wearing a low-cut outfit, pinching her suit with her hand at this moment, such a distance, this opportunity to show her figure, he How could it be missed?

Therefore, this woman did not give up such an opportunity, and at this moment, Mr. Wang's eyes showed the scenery on her chest.

The man named President Wang had very cold eyes. When she saw a woman's hand approaching her, her eyes raised her eyes to look at the woman. He reached out and grabbed the woman's hand, which was very slender and white. It looks really good. That's why he couldn't help but reach out and grab the woman.

Lin Jiaqi wallpaper's sudden act, she was a little surprised and at a loss, her psychology was as happy as a firework blooming. Unexpectedly, seduce this man is so smooth. It went so well that he didn't even think that things would turn out so good, Mr. Wang, grabbed her hand, what does this mean?

I only heard Mr. Wang’s voice, with a cold thinking, and said: “It’s just a suit, it’s okay. Don’t use such beautiful hands to wipe my suit. It’s not suitable. Such beautiful hands should be raised, what It's best not to do heavy work, and even to take chopsticks and other things."

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Wang. The freshman you wore was so good-looking, it was ruined by me. If you don't let me tidy it up for you, then I will feel guilty." Lin Jiaqi regretted her face.

"I've said it, it's just a suit. I never feel distressed for a suit, but I will distress for a beauty. Especially for a woman like Miss Lin." Mr. Wang said.

"President Wang, how do you know that my surname is Lin?" Lin Jiaqi was taken aback for a moment. It is possible that Mr. Wang already knows what his name is, but when she came to this place, only one man knew her name, the man who had just entered the door and talked to her.

But before she came here, she warned that the man shouldn't say his name, just give herself a chance to get close to Mr. Wang. Shouldn't that man be that stupid?

"Don't ask more about this, Miss Lin? Could it be that if I know your name, will it still be against you?" Mr. Wang shifted the topic very cleverly.

Lin Jiaqi didn't take it seriously either. Seeing Mr. Wang said this, he didn't continue to investigate it.

After all, even that man told Mr. Wang what his name was? Is it possible that Mr. Wang doesn't like himself?

He is now more and more confident in his face, because of this President Wang. It seems to be interesting to her, at least from his eyes. I can feel it myself.

Lin Jiaqi heard the **** trembling, but she still tried her best to stay reserved and didn't let herself lose her temper: "Mr. Wang, I have passed the prize. Although I can make a lot of money at work, it is better than Mr. Wang. Sometimes some rough work must be done by yourself to shock, subordinates. Nowhere can be compared to Mr. Wang. You can do a lot of things without showing up. This is worth learning. Mr. Wang, the suit is mine. It's soiled, so I will wipe it for you, as it should be."

"Not just being President Wang, you don't need to be tired, and being a woman President Wang doesn't need to go out and running. How about? How about being my woman?" President Wang smiled. It didn't look like a joke at all, because her eyes were really full of love, as if his eyes were about to touch Jiaqi's body.

Lin Jiaqi naturally felt the hot gaze from President Wang. Her heart was like a small deer bumping around, although his motivation for coming this time was not very good. He wanted to seduce Mr. Wang, so he came to this place, but he had never thought that things would develop so smoothly, but when Mr. Wang held his hand, he was actually a little shy. It was as if he was really in love, his heart was pounding like a dream that all girls would have, like a tall, rich and handsome man looking at me with deep love in his eyes. With this feeling, all women will be moved, and no woman will resist it, plus the words he said are so true.

He hadn't spoken for a long time, probably because he was too surprised, so he couldn't speak much even when he opened his mouth.

President Wang, he was reluctant to let go of his hand touching her, but he said with some disappointment. "Don't you want to? If you don't want to, I won't be difficult because you don't want to. I thought you liked me too. After all, I am a person in modern society, unlike those who are presidents. It’s so stale. I’m a person who believes in love at first sight, that is, when I see the heart of a person I like, I don’t know if this lady feels that way too."

Lin Jiaqi didn't answer in time, it turned into her hesitation in Wang's eyes, but she didn't answer because of fear. He always felt that this matter came too lightly, a little bit, that's why he was so hesitant, when President Wang asked again. He finally made up his mind so that he would not miss such a good opportunity.

"President Wang, in fact, I also believe in love at first sight." Lin Jiaqi's gentle smile is like a girl. When encountering their own love, all women will have such a smile, not knowing whether it is true or not, in short, it is beautiful on the surface.

In this way, the two people became together. At night, he naturally followed Mr. Wang and returned to Mr. Wang's house. President Wang’s house is a villa, which looks very luxurious. Very in line with Mr. Wang, such an identity. One very strange thing about President Wang's house is his villa. Although it is so big, it does not have a servant. There is only one elderly man, who seems to be the housekeeper of this family. If there is no other servant, why is there only one butler? Is it possible that the housekeeper alone does such a big housework? If so. Then this butler is really hard work, a little bit.

"Mr. Wang. We just met, and we returned to your house on the first day. Wouldn't it be so good?" Lin Jiaqi naturally wanted to be reserved. If Mr. Wang is easily talked about in this way, then the future will not be easy, because a man is an animal seeking freshness, and he should leave enough freshness for this man.

"What's so fast about it, young people fall in love at first sight. Isn't it a normal thing? How did it become so abnormal when you got here?" There was a smile on the corner of Mr. Wang's mouth, and then he reached out and stroked his. shoulder.

This woman's shoulders are very, very, very slippery. It felt like a peeled egg, which made people want to take a bite. Wang always thought so, but he did the same. He lowered his head gently, and then opened his mouth. Gently licked the feeling, making him tremble.

Lin Jiaqi was a little embarrassed, but she didn't avoid him either, just took advantage of this opportunity to wear her sling. Sliding onto his shoulders. In this way, her **** will be half exposed and look very, very attractive.

Especially the lights in the villa are in cool colors. There is a foreign ambiguity. The paintings on the walls are also undulating, very strange. It seems that there is a reason why Mr. Wang is so cold, and his preferences are actually like this. Alternative.

Lin Jiaqi looked at Mr. Wang, and did not intend to leave from his shoulders, so he gently pushed her away: “Mr. Wang, it seems that I like this oil painting very much, but how do I feel that this oil painting is very good? Scary? What's the picture here? It looks like a woman is divided by a group of men. Five horses are divided. It can't be said to be divided by five horses, because. There is no code at all, but this group of men is holding a knife, no Stopped on this woman. Scratched on her body. Take a closer look at the body of the woman in this portrait. A lot of blood leaked from every wound. It looks so strange that it looks so scary."

President Wang smiled faintly and explained: "In fact, those men don't want to hurt that woman. They just want that woman to live a happy life. Don't you think the woman in the portrait looks like you? She looks just like you. She is very beautiful. She has fair skin like you. She has a protruding body. I didn’t expect you to appreciate this painting like this. I didn’t find this painting scary. If you look at it from another angle, it’s just like A very beautiful painting?"

"Aestheticism? Mr. Wang, where do you start this sentence? Although I don’t know how to paint, I can’t think of Aestheticism when I look at such weird words. No wonder Mr. Wang is able to do such a big business. Some places that others cannot see, Mr. Wang, is really admirable. "Although Lin Jiaqi doesn't quite understand the beauty of this painting? She only knows how much she is slapping Mr. Wang now. Shoot more, flattering is not harmful to him, it will only make Mr. Wang very happy.

"This painting naturally has its beauty, you think. If this woman should have belonged to a doll. But destiny turned her into a woman. What do you think should be done? A woman like that, originally It should be like you. Raised by a man every day. There can be no wind and rain."

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