When Lin Jiaqi woke up again, it was in a hospital where the wound on his body was bandaged. He was sitting next to the bed, not his sister, but his parents. She tried to put a smile on her mouth, and he wanted to show his best looks to his parents. He knew that he used to do something wrong, so now he looks like that when he smiles hard. He is afraid that he will be very cold now, because he wants to be very enthusiastic in front of his parents.

He didn't want to be upset again because of his parents who had been indifferent. Her smile is so far-fetched. Although the scars on the body are much better, his smile with strength like this will still affect the pain of the scars, but it is not important. What about the pain, as long as you give your parents the most beautiful look, that's enough.

Remember the last time they met. She quarreled with her parents. What was said at the time was like that, ugly. He said to keep his parents away from him. Why did he say that at the time? In the end, people who miss themselves in their hearts are still their parents. No matter how much the daughter has done, what I am sorry for them is just the past. It turned out to be because of this.

He suddenly felt that he was very useless. He grew up so old that he didn't have any filial piety to his parents. His parents sent it to the university so hard, but he dropped out of school and entered the entertainment industry with the money, and the money was squandered by himself, and it was not even enough. He did everything for money, and he went to find those rich people more than once. He was accompanied more than once, and those rich people slept. In her opinion, only money is the truth in this world, if a person has no money. What's the point of that person being alive? This was his worldview at the time, but she doesn't think that way anymore. If a person has no money, then he can still have family love. There are many things that you can't buy back with money. There are many things that you will definitely lose after you get the money, and that is your original self. Because his methods of making money have never been open and honest.

His methods of making money have always been elusive. Those who come are too easy, money is like that, it's not like that that can't stand the test. But now he won't touch it anymore. Because he felt unnecessary. It's enough to have your own parents by your side. Find an ordinary job for yourself. After returning home at night, your parents will wait for you at home. After the fragrant meal is prepared, he can talk about his troubles at work, and the family is happy. Why not take such a situation? My previous self always thought too much, always wanted to be a rich man. Always want to find a rich man to marry. Later, he felt that his parents were a burden to himself, because his parents only had money in their eyes, and they didn't have themselves at all. So even if he married himself in the future, the parents of the rich would instruct them to treat themselves and withdraw money The device is general, there is no real mother-daughter feelings in it. But this time he won't think like that anymore.

The most important thing in a person's life is to be with his family. Because a person's life is really short. Life is so fragile. Just leave. The only thing that can be retained is those emotions. Can money be retained? Can't keep it. Can money buy family affection? It is impossible to buy it at all, even if it is bought, family affection is false, and family affection does not have the slightest affection. After waking up, he always wanted to see his mom and dad. He thought that mom and dad would be angry with him, but he watched his mom and dad sitting by his bed. Her heart trembled like that, he had no face to meet his parents, but when his parents sat next to him, his heart was so warm and warm. Very, very happy feeling. He has never been happy because of his parents. This is the first time it seems that he has grown up till now, and has grown up completely today.

"Mom and dad." He had never laughed like this from the bottom of his heart. The tears of the adoptive father and mother that his mom and dad and these two shouts called the adoptive father and mother were about to come down.

In fact, they never blamed this woman, from beginning to end. He only knew when she knew that his daughter had been found. No matter what his daughter did, he would forgive him. Especially when he saw the wound on Jiaqi's body, his heart was as uncomfortable as a knife.

The two looked at each other. In the end, the adoptive father and adoptive mother hugged each other deeply, and then reached out and shook his daughter’s hand and said, “As long as you are fine, it’s fine. I don’t need to say more about the others. Now you need a good rest and wait until your illness When we are done, we will leave this place together and never come back. We will go to a city to live our lives. We will never be so greedy as a family and beautiful people, and try to get something that does not belong to us. In that way, we can live happily. Only by recognizing our position can we live happily."

"Your father is right. After so many things, I have taken everything down. We are sorry that we have not established a correct value for you since we were young. Fortunately, all three of us understand Now, it’s not too late to make up for it. So don’t be too sad, as long as our family faces any problems together, it’s not a problem. As long as we are happy, it’s more important than anything. Money is something outside the body. Just one thing, if you don’t have one, don’t worry so much. Actually. Ah! I really want to go back to my previous life. At that time, we didn’t have these grudges, and the three of us were still happily happily. Usually there is noisiness, but it does not hinder the feelings between us. Money has slowly swallowed up, and the feelings between us have been swallowed, so we must stay away from this kind of money. The money we earn in the future, every cent, It's all money earned through my own efforts and my own hands."

The adoptive mother kissed her daughter's hand. Seeing that his daughter's face hadn't recovered, his heart felt uncomfortable for a while. He stretched out his hand and stroked his daughter's forehead. It looked better than when he came back. After all, he has been in a coma for one day. And she and her husband have been guarding the bedside, for fear that they won't be able to see the two of them when their daughter wakes up.

"My parents said this because they comforted me. In fact, you can beat me or scold me. I hope you do this. Since I was young I was held in your hands and grew up. That's why my mindset Become the way I am now, my love for you. I feel that ignorance. In fact, you don’t have to comfort me, just like what my mother said and father said. After experiencing so many things, I have already seen something through I have realized my mistakes, so I hope that my parents will not use the current state anymore. To me, you can beat and scold me, and I can accept it. Just wake me up, scold me I don't think it matters." Lin Jiaqi really hopes that her mother can scold herself. She grew up under the favor of her parents since she was a child, and she has never experienced these scoldings.

"People are not sages, who can never do anything wrong, and we parents are all taking steps, let alone you are our daughter, what can you do? So this matter is not your fault, we should Parents’ fault. Since you are going to learn how to be our daughter in the future, then we must also learn how to be your parents. Let’s grow up together and grow up together! As long as we are still alive, the three of us can start all over again. All this is more important than anything, what do you think? We will not beat you, nor will we scold you. Because this is not your fault, why should we beat you and scold you?" The foster mother never felt this thing. It was my daughter's fault. If it weren't for the example they set for her daughter, it would be too unremarkable and it wouldn't be the same as before. But now it's okay, the fish has already felt their mistakes in time, maybe this is telepathy, because they have also realized their mistakes. They need to be corrected.

"Mom and dad. From now on, the three of us will be together and we can no longer be like this. The three of us must reflect on our mistakes. We were all wrong in the past, and we will no longer be like this. Okay? "Lin Jiaqi also shed tears. But this time the tears were not fear, nor fear, but because of happiness, because he heard such words from his parents, he felt extremely happy. She never felt the true father’s love or mother’s love since she was a child. Only petting. He could not hear these words, nor could he hear these great principles, because no one even wanted to tell them to himself. It was the first time for his parents to tell them to himself in over 20 years.

That's why he felt that this sentence was so precious, she kept those words in her heart, and he also hoped that his words could be placed in the mind of her parents. All three of them have mistakes, and no one has no mistakes, so all three of them need to be corrected, which is beyond doubt.

"Jiaqi, don't worry! Every word you say, I and your father will take it to heart. As long as you are fine, we can do anything." The adoptive mother took a deep breath. The sad expression turned into a smile after hearing his daughter say this. For a time, the whole ward was filled with happiness.

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