Lin Jiaqi shook her head.

A new season. Although there was a hint of cold, there was also a warm sun in the cold. This kind of sun is most suitable for strolling outside, and office workers choose to fight for themselves. In their own jobs.

Everything seems to be back to their normal line.

The matter with his adoptive father and adoptive mother seems to have come to an end. He really has drawn a successful conclusion to the previous things. At least everyone broke up happily, no. The quarrel was even less verbal, so fierce, they told each other in a gentle tone that they had never had before. Then separate.

The adoptive father and adoptive mother is the ticket for today. He did not go to the airport to see the adoptive father and adoptive mother off because he felt that it was unnecessary. There is no need for them to contact again from now on. No matter what they become now, they are not the same as themselves. A period of youth once came to an end, and the absurd pain of the past seemed to disappear at this moment. There is not so much helplessness, nor so much pain. The only thing more is to yearn for a better life and a better future.

It's just that his good sister, the last word he said to him, has been wandering in his heart until now.

Because her only good friend, Su Mo once said that. Do they feel like they are now? Is it abnormal? No matter what they think, he is always the way he is now.

Because the cruel reality pushed him to this point, there was no way he could escape, let alone. To be like before, he just didn't think about anything before? He only knows that he is good to others, but now he knows that he is good to himself, is good to himself, is he so unacceptable in the eyes of others.

Having been obsessed with work these days, she suddenly wanted to go out and go shopping. It's just that this time, she didn't bring the little secretary who was a stalker, but went out alone. He hasn't been out for a long time. As long as he has something to do with his work, there is always a small attendant behind him. There is no time for himself at all, and now his career is in full swing. There is no need to worry about anything at all when he is completely handy, because he has finished worrying about what he should worry about.

Now she should calm down and take a good rest, instead of sticking her head into work like before.

"President, why are you here? Didn't you say that you are taking a break today? I have already arranged the work for you, so that you can try not to be disturbed by work matters during the rest day." The secretary knew the president. It’s been too hard for a few days, not only for work, but also because of his family’s affairs. Because of this, he knows that when the president is going to rest, he will arrange the work of the president as well. , He tries to bring those customers. The matter was pushed to the day after tomorrow. At least wait for the president to come back after the rest.

"Just don’t worry about you, little girl. The most important thing to look back at is to take my car keys. You don’t think I’m here to supervise you. I don’t worry about you. I will never worry about one. People who are standing next to you, since I am here with you, it proves that I am very relieved of you." Lin Buhui is very obviously that this little girl is joking, because he looked flustered when he came in just now At first glance, he just entered the society. The subordinates saw that their leader came, the kind of cat, and the appearance of the mouse, although she usually treats this little girl very well, he doesn't know why the little girl is so afraid of him.

"The president joked. The president is so kind to me. How could I be afraid of you? It's just that the president suddenly came here. I'm still a bit uncomfortable. After all, the president has already said that I will take a rest. I arrange all the work. I’m out. If there’s nothing wrong with the president, he can choose to rest today. After all, I think the president is so tired recently, and I hope that the president can take a good rest. It is a good choice for the company or for the president himself. I don’t I hope that the president will always be so tired, and it will be very bad for his health. If the president is sick, no one can help the president in the position of president. "The secretary is indeed from the heart for his own president. He had no scheming, he was kind to people, and it was purely because of this that he was taken by Lin Buhui.

Back then, so many interviewing secretaries had more experience than him, and more mature and stable girls than her, but why did he choose this little girl? That's all because of this little girl. There is no scheming. Because she was a little girl, she didn't have enough experience here. To get along with such a simple little girl, especially not to bother with those who are very minded, he also has to do his best to fight with them. He doesn't want his life to be filled with such a sense of urgency at all times. He also hopes to have a friend who can talk when he is not busy, and this little girl is really his friend now, although they work. It's the name of each other from above and below, each other, but privately they are all good sisters, good sisters.

"It's just a joke. I originally came back to get the Chen key. I left after I got it. Do you think the dress I'm wearing looks like coming to work? It's harder, it looks like going to work." Lin Buhui He smiled, then pulled out the car key from the drawer and left.

Today she is wearing a very beautiful winter dress, which is pure black. The celebrity-style winter dress is paired with a limited edition bag. Its long wavy hair looks like it on her back. A waterfall, like a waterfall, he took a little delicate makeup. He never paints such delicate makeup at work. It is the first time to see him with such delicate makeup. . It seems that the president is more beautiful than before. Although the president's plain face is also very amazing, but after putting on makeup, it is like icing on the cake, making people unable to look away. It turns out that the president is like this. It seems that the president not only, To become your own idol, but also to become your own goddess!

But she just went shopping for a while and felt a little better, but he suddenly regretted going out shopping because he saw someone he didn't want to see.

It was Mu Yunge. They have seen you again since the last time they clearly determined their relationship with her. This is the first time they have met. He doesn't know if this is an accident or something? In short, he didn't think something should happen, so he chose to turn around and leave, but when he really turned around, he was stopped by the man.

"I haven't seen you for so long, don't you plan to go to chat with me or have a cup of tea? I am not a bad person, and we used to be such a close relationship, you don't need to be so alienated from me now." Mu Yunge looked at With his look like this, he suddenly felt sad. After all, this thing was done by himself. No, if he didn't abandon her like that, maybe she would not be treated like this now. In fact, he should strengthen his heart at the beginning. Even if he gave up everything, he should be with the person he loves. That is what he should do. He should not believe his parents and abandon his beloved woman. Now he has nothing. Said that the beloved woman is gone.

When Lin Buhui heard him like this, he said that naturally there was no way to refuse her. What else could he refuse? He said in the way of friends, letting them have a cup of tea and chatting, wouldn't he feel like a guilty conscience when he is leaving now? He has no heartache anymore. If he chose to abandon himself at the beginning, he would feel a little painful. But now he didn't feel anymore in his heart.

They came to an ordinary cafe with very few people. The two of them went in and sat there for a cup of coffee, as if they were chartered. There is still such sensational music in the cafe.

Lin Buhui broke the awkward atmosphere and spoke first. "How are you doing these days? It's been a long time since I saw you. It seems that you are doing pretty well, at least from your appearance."

"Since the last time. After the wedding was cancelled, all the shareholders in our company have all withdrawn and their shares. So our company is also equivalent to a district, and there is nothing in the company. Mom and Dad can't do the same. Now I. I. Work in other companies. Work alone, the so-called money, barely able to maintain a family life, but it is very rare to see you today, so I want to invite you out to have a drink with you. I know you still I hate me very much. After all, I did the wrong thing at the beginning. I have been confessing all the time, but I have no right to ask you to forgive me. After all, you are not the one who did the wrong thing, so you are not qualified to forgive me." Mu Yun Song is very self-aware. He took a sip of coffee and drank it like wine.

It seemed that all the worries in her heart had been drunk in her stomach. She had too many grievances that she couldn't tell and she couldn't understand. If she chose to be with him at first, so many things would not happen later.

Now that he has a career and a family, there is nothing wrong with being with the one he loves. He has to go there. At first it was because his heart was not firm enough that he would exchange for the situation like this, maybe all this was his retribution, if it weren't for him. So selfish, maybe it won't happen now.

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