Lin Buhui found a five-star hotel and temporarily settled down. Seeing the weather was very hot, so he was going to stay in the hotel for a while before going out, so he ordered a takeaway. When everything was ready, his cell phone suddenly rang a small ringtone. This was not a phone ringtone, but a message ringtone.

This card was newly created by him in order to prevent others from finding him.

I've been to this phone number, it's just the little secretary. The little secretary is so smart, so naturally he won't even dream of sending messages to himself when he comes out. Who on earth is it? Is it possible that I owe membership fees?

As soon as Lin Buhui turned on the phone, he found that he was a friend who hadn't been in contact for a long time. How did he know his phone number? She didn't know the message she turned over. The reunions of classmates are not scattered.

It seems that his whereabouts have indeed revealed not only his whereabouts, but also his own privacy, and even their phone number is known to them. Then he has become a prey again.

It seems that this time the return journey. It's not so smooth!

He didn't reply to the news, but sorted it out. I bought many clothes in the same city online. After all, she didn't bring a suitcase.

Lin Buhui drew a light makeup. She likes to put the news channel on her makeup. But he just heard the news when he turned on the TV. It's the man's name.

Xia Yusheng.

Isn't their family bankrupt? How can I still hear her name? Is it the same name? Different people? That's why he curiously put all his eyes on the TV. He had never watched a TV so intently, because the man on the TV was Xia Yusheng.

All of this really seems to be getting weirder!

What was reported in the news was: The Xia Group will once again appear in front of the public with a brand new attitude. I don't know what kind of brilliance the leading group will create once again. People like us are most concerned about this.

Lin Buhui sighed, if he hadn't gone to jail. Then all these strange things make sense. Except for her, no one cares so much about their privacy and whereabouts. Coupled with this class reunion, it was full of puzzling feelings. If it is connected with this, then everything is puzzled and it makes sense.

He stopped putting on his makeup, and he should look for someone now. His former driver was uneasy.

He naturally remembered Su Mo'er's phone number, and then he came to this place according to Su Mo'er's address.

Their family lives in villas. It is the most normal thing for rich people to live in villas in this city.

"When I come back, I won’t say anything in advance. Look at me like this. If I knew you were coming back, I would go and get a hair iron to buy a piece of clothes. You won’t be like a housewife. You see how beautiful you are now , You look at me again. It's exactly the appearance of a housewife, with two children. It really makes me exhausted and tears are almost streaming out." Su Mo saw his good friend , The first thing is to complain about her current life. Although she is living happily now, she is too far behind her good friend. He has no way to put on delicate makeup now. You can't wear clothes, too **** and pretty, so you can only wear the most ordinary ones, because she has to take the baby and breastfeeding. It is inconvenient to wear too luxurious. Although she hasn't affected her beauty at all, he doesn't feel bad at all.

Su Mo wore a house suit, and Lin Buhui's exquisite makeup at the moment, plus a luxury dress. It is indeed incomparable. One is an elite strong woman, and the other is a housewife with a husband and a child. This difference is not a star and a half, but. Because there is no one to protect, she becomes a strong woman, and another housewife can be a housewife because her husband can give her a life like that. In fact, the two are not inevitable, and mutual quality is just everyone's choice, not the same.

"Did you say in advance? Can you have a surprise? I can guarantee that I appear in front of you like this. You are already very surprised. By the way, are the two little babies asleep? I bought them gifts, even though they It's still small now, but it can be counted as my godmother's heart." Lin Buhui put down the gift bag in her hand, which she just bought. Although it is said that the distribution fee is not large, it can be regarded as a part of my own mind. After all, my child Su Mo used to take care of it, very good, even. I will prepare a small gift for my children whenever I want.

Although that happy time has long passed away, the two of them can only put that time deeply in their hearts in their minds, and neither of them wants to mention the scar.

Su Mo accepted it happily. There had never been those polite remarks between the two of them. Since he sent them, he would definitely accept whatever it was? Whether it is precious or not, he will accept it. "Then I can listen to your two godsons, thank you. Thank you for being such a godmother to them. By the way, I have to admire you. I find that you are really good at being a boss. You can usually see a little bit here, your news, how did you do it? It’s more powerful than those men. For a long time I also let my husband come to learn, you are now, his career seems to have appeared now Very big problem. Although he never tells me, I can see that I am not a fool. Sometimes it is not necessary to enter her company to know that there is a problem with his company. And from the usual conversation between the two of us Or it was his expression, I knew that there must be something wrong with his company, that's why he had this expression."

"How could something go wrong with his company? Besides, don't praise me like that. Anguish is a business material, but not what you say. He doesn't need to learn from me at all, but you I have never heard of something wrong with his company. It stands to reason that if a company as big as him has a problem, there should be news from the outside world, but there is no news. Isn't it too abnormal? A little bit. Besides, you Now take care of your children at home, no matter what the outside world is like? It has nothing to do with you. Since someone has supported you, you don’t need to go out and work hard. I thought about you. Life, but luck is not allowed. If I don’t meet such a good husband, I can only make myself stronger and let myself live this life." Lin Buhui said incomparably envy, but he was sincere. I wish my good friend to be able to find such a good husband.

"What you said makes sense. The two children are enough for me to worry about, how can I worry about going somewhere else! By the way, this time I have to stay at my house for a while and don't go to the hotel anymore. If you have that little money, it’s better to save up and marry one, Ruyi Lang.” Su Mo joked and called his husband halfway through and told him that Lin Buhui was back.

Lin Buhui didn't think she had a bad life. Unlike what he said, as long as he talks to his husband, his face is full of happiness that other women can't envy, only two affections. Yue, you can only have such a smile if you love each other deeply. He once had it, but now he doesn't.

She leaned on the leather sofa, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Now her husband hasn't come back yet, he has something to ask her husband. This is a career problem, so he will not tell himself, this simple good friend.

"Let's go out to eat tonight, or I will let the nanny take care of my good friend to come to me, I can't let him take care of me at home? What do you want to eat tonight?" Su Mo's eyes sparkled Things, because he is too childish, and there are no girlfriends who seldom go out to eat, they are all solved at home.

"Don't be so troublesome, besides, whoever is with whom we two, you still need to be so polite, just eat whatever you want, and eat the outside." Lin Buhui suddenly didn't understand his sudden politeness. What is it for? They usually have a good relationship between two people. Even if you eat a bowl of instant noodles, you will think, why would a happy person want to eat out?

"Well, to be honest, I want to go out to eat too much. My husband bought me a dress, and I haven't been willing to wear it. This dress can only be worn in high-end places. If you bring your child at home, just wear that kind of clothes. It’s not convenient to add milk powder to the child. It’s not convenient to hug them, so I like that dress, but I don’t have a chance to eat it. Just this time you are here and I will take you out Isn’t it just right? This time I can also wear it. My new clothes and my girlfriends go to have a meal and go shopping. Let me experience the feeling of not being married." Su Mo is jumping around like a child He jumped upstairs and arranged for his two children to be taken care of by his nanny. Then I walked into a glamorous dress and went out with my good friend.

Lin Buhui only realized here, why did she suddenly want to eat out? It turned out that it was because she hadn't been out for too long and stayed at home every day to bring the child out of the shadows. She also understood this feeling, so he didn't say anything, just a smile on the corner of his mouth. This is the trouble of a happy woman. But he has never had the opportunity to experience happiness anymore in his life, maybe he doesn't want or want to appear again, right? Because what he has experienced is enough.

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