The position of the appendix, in the right lower quadrant.

When Lin Feng heard that this uncle said that he had cut his appendix and repeated abdominal pain in his lower right side, his first reaction subconsciously was:

Appendicitis is not cleanly removed, causing traumatic infection, resulting in "intestinal fistula".

If so, then the surgeon is a little embarrassed, after all, this is a minor operation.

However, these are Lin Feng's brain supplements.

Start with a personal examination.

Lin Feng: "Uncle, show me your surgical wound." "

The middle-aged uncle lifted his clothes and pointed to the 5cm long wound on his right lower abdomen and said.

"It's this opening, it's already grown, but in this position, it's painful for four months."

"Well, are you sure it's under this wound that it hurts repeatedly?"

"Yes, it still hurts... Doctor, could it be appendicitis from last time, I didn't cut it clean, and I still have a tail. "

Lin Feng did not dare to guarantee this.

But basically a doctor who can go to the operating table to cut the appendix will not leave a piece of appendix uncut.

The possibility is almost zero.

Violation of the logic of normal people.

However, the abdominal pain recurs, which is really problematic.

"Is the appendix really not cut clean?"

"Or bowel cancer? Is it cecal cancer? Or colon cancer? "

Lin Feng searched the experience in his mind.

It just so happened that yesterday I checked in and rewarded me with "world-class experience in radical resection of bowel cancer", so Lin Feng's understanding of bowel cancer is very profound.

Lin Feng: "When you have abdominal pain, what color is your stool?" "

Middle-aged uncle: "Black, I have eaten more stir-fried vegetables and chili peppers recently, and it is normal to be black." "

Lin Feng nodded.

The heart begins to favor cecal cancer or colon cancer.


Appendicitis four months ago was most likely caused by bowel cancer.

Or in other words, it may be bowel cancer pain, and then the doctor who operated saw the inflammation of the appendix and subconsciously thought that it was appendicitis, cut it, and then OK, close the abdomen. In the end, no one found bowel cancer.

However, all this is Lin Feng's own brain supplement.

Everything depends on the colonoscopy!

Bowel cancer can be detected by colonoscopy.

If bowel cancer is identified, CT with contrast can be done to see how far the cancer has reached and decide what surgery to do.

If it doesn't spread, it's a minor problem.

If it spreads, it's troublesome.


"You go for a colonoscopy..."

Brush brush brush ~~~

Lin Feng printed out a slip and handed it to the middle-aged uncle.

The middle-aged uncle took the checklist and was a little worried: "Doctor, there's nothing wrong, right?" "

Lin Feng comforted: "Don't worry, everything has to wait for the results of the colonoscopy..."

Seeing the middle-aged uncle's relieved look, Lin Feng thought for a while and strengthened his instructions: "Don't delay, finish the colonoscopy as soon as possible, and then come back to me immediately." "

The hint is obvious enough.

When the middle-aged uncle heard this, he immediately became nervous.

His son pulled him: "Thank you doctor, we'll go right away." "

However, colonoscopy is not done right away, requiring medication, fasting, and gastrointestinal endoscopy the next day.

The father and son went to the gastroscopy room and prescribed two bottles of medicine: magnesium sulfate and raccoon powder, both laxatives.

And then it begins, diarrhea ....

While taking medicine, while leaking....

This process lasts for one, two, three days, and it's painful.


In order to save money, the father and son did not apply for admission to the hospital, but went home.

On the morning of the third day,

Lin Feng sat in the clinic.

The first patient was the father and son.

"Doctor, help me see the results..."

The middle-aged uncle turned pale and handed the colonoscopy results to Lin Feng.

He is not highly educated, graduated from primary school, and although he can't understand the various test descriptions in the checklist, he can still understand the three words "colon cancer".

Talk about cancer discoloration!!

The heroines and male protagonists in those TVs are so rich, and they don't want to die if they suffer from cancer?

How terrifying!

The middle-aged uncle's voice trembled: "Doctor, am I helpless?" "

Lin Feng looked at the checklist: "Colon cancer."

I probably understand in my heart: the doctor who cut appendicitis should have made a wrong diagnosis.

It is estimated that the mental journey of the surgeon at that time was: emergency, prescribe 3 or 4 centimeters, and suddenly found the joy of the appendix, mixed with exhaustion, coupled with the limited field of view of the incision, and did not explore the intestine around the appendix too much.


Appendicitis done!

Shut the belly!

End of surgery, achievement +1!

Probably this is the process.

Clinically, many of the initial manifestations of colon cancer are really similar to the symptoms of acute appendicitis.

The relationship between the appendix and the colon is particularly close, especially when there is a problem, it is easy to diagnose appendicitis.

Then the doctor opened the abdomen: lying groove, not appendicitis!


Got it wrong!

Then at this time, it is easy to produce medical disputes: I don't have appendicitis, you have opened your abdomen, I want to complain!

VIA: Agreed!

Doctor: Crying haw ~~~

Faced with the nervousness of the patient's father and son, Lin Feng comforted with a smile.

"Please uncle relax, most cancer patients are scared to death by their own mood, in fact, cancer is sometimes not so scary... Cancer is also staged, if it is an early stage, I can do surgery to cure it... You go for an enhanced CT..."

Brush brush brush....

Opened a "Enhanced CT" slip and handed it to the middle-aged uncle.


Lin Feng thought about it and called CT.

"Hey, Sister Zhang? I am Lin Feng in the emergency department. "

"Doctor Lin? Haha, long admired daimyo. "

"Don't you dare to be a patient, Sister Zhang, there is a patient on my side, it is colon cancer, and I need an enhanced CT, can you help me add an emergency?"

Sister Zhang said cheerfully: "Okay, I'll cut you in, what's the patient's name?" "

Lin Feng: "Zhang Jianshi." "

"Okay, made a note."

"Thank you Sister Zhang, I'll treat you to dinner when I turn back!"

"You're welcome."

Sister Zhang was very polite.

In hospitals, strength is paramount, people with strength can convince people, and people without strength will be despised in high positions.

Lin Feng is a powerful person, and many departments are willing to buy face.

Moreover, Lin Feng is still so handsome!!


ps: Last night the baby slept, hey, can't get up, make up today. (This chapter complements yesterday's chapter four.) )

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