"Ankylosing arthritis", also known as ankylosing spondylitis.

It is a chronic autoinflammatory disease, similar to rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and other diseases, but ankylosing spondylitis generally only affects the joints, the most common is inflammation of the sacroiliac joints and spine, so patients will have low back pain and hip pain.

According to the comprehensive situation, the patient should be ankylosing spondylitis.

Fortunately, I ran into Lin Feng.

Switching to other doctors, especially those who are very researched in orthopedics, most of them will be regarded as lumbar disc herniation.

According to Lin Feng's arrangement, the patient was admitted to the hospital again.

Then schedule various inspections.

The patient was very anxious at the moment, and asked Lin Feng: "Doctor, is my disease more serious than lumbar disc herniation, do I have to have surgery?"

Hearing this, Lin Feng smiled and said: "Don't worry, this disease does not need surgery!

Hearing this answer, the patient's heart was full of joy.

At this time, Lin Feng continued: "However, if you drag on for a few more years and your spine is hard, then you will really be crippled!"

Hearing this, the patient's boyfriend hurriedly asked: "Doctor, it's not too late for her, right?"

"It's not too late, it's time!" replied Lin Feng.

The two immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Later, Xiao Ru came over and began to draw blood for the patient.

The results came out quickly.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein are elevated.

This means that the patient does have inflammation in the body, whether it is bacterial verification or non-infectious inflammation, both indicators will be elevated.

However, from the current situation, the patient is certainly not an inflammation of the bacterial infection, because there is no sign of infection.

Non-infectious inflammation is the most likely, and that is rheumatic immune disease.

I thought that the HLA-b27 gene test result would also be positive, after all, more than 90% of Ankylosing Spondylitis patients have positive test results!

However, the patient's test results were negative.

The patient's boyfriend, who had inquired about the information, immediately asked Lin Feng: "Doctor, my girlfriend is HLA-b27 negative, does it mean that she is not ankylosing spondylitis?"

"Don't worry, go for a sacroiliac joint CT first and see the results!" said Lin Feng softly.

The next day.

CT results of the sacroiliac joint came out.

Bilateral sacroiliac joint localized erosion and hardening can be seen!

Seeing this result, Lin Feng immediately said to the patient: "According to the CT results, I still consider you to be ankylosing spondylitis!"

"As things stand, only this disease can explain all of your condition. Imaging also conforms!"

"As for the negative result of HLA-b27, don't worry too much, after all, not all patients will be positive!"

"Originally, the diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis does not necessarily require this gene to be positive to diagnose, but if this indicator is positive, the possibility of diagnosis will be higher!"

Listening to Lin Feng's words, the patient's boyfriend immediately asked: "Doctor, then why didn't the MRI show changes in the sacroiliac joint before?"

Hearing this question, Lin Feng immediately explained: "Actually, there is, but the focus was not on this aspect at that time. I went to stare at the lumbar disc, and I didn't pay attention to it when I scanned it, so I missed it! "

"Doctor, do you need to do any more individual tests to better determine my girlfriend's condition?" asked the patient's boyfriend softly.

"No need, didn't your girlfriend use nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs before, and it can relieve pain?

The patient and her boyfriend nodded.

Later, Lin Feng said: "The current treatment plan is very simple. The development of this disease is related to many molecular substances, such as IL-17, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), etc., as long as one or more of these substances can antagonize the occurrence of joint inflammation. "

"The preferred monoclonal antibody, that is, sekukizumab injection. The effect is very good, and the price is not bad after entering medical insurance!"

"At the beginning, I got an injection once a week, and then I can get it once a month, which is very convenient. "

Of course.

In addition to monoclonal antibodies, there are many other similar drugs to choose from.

Such as Enli, Yisaipu, Humira and so on.

However, the price is different, and the medical insurance policy is different, so Lin Feng directly recommended the monoclonal antibody.

For the treatment plan arranged by Lin Feng.

The patient has no opinion.

The patient's boyfriend has also consulted a lot of information, and clearly knows that biological agents are very effective for ankylosing spondylitis, and immediately agreed to the treatment plan.

And said: "As long as there is an effect, it doesn't matter if the price is expensive, I will try to make money." "

Hearing this, the patient was moved again.

When I first heard that this disease could not be cured, the patient was in despair.

Fortunately, with Lin Feng's comfort, her boyfriend's companionship and persistence gave her enough support.

After the treatment plan is developed.

The first shot of monoclonal antibody was given quickly.

Less than a week.

The patient's low back pain and hip pain have obviously improved, which can be said to be immediate.

The patient was even more excited.

She hadn't been so relaxed in a long time.

Lin Feng in the ward, seeing this, said: "Although the effect is good now, some people use it for a long time, and the effect may become worse." "

"However, don't worry, when the time comes, you can consider replacing other monoclonal antibodies, it will still have an effect!"


The smile on the patient's face became a little reluctant.

The boyfriend on the side asked: "Doctor, my girlfriend's disease, really can't be cured?"

Lin Feng shook his head, and then said to the patient: "The main reason is that the cause of the patient's illness is not clear at all, how can it be cured!"

"In addition, common anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, celesib, etc. can be used, and can also be anti-inflammatory and relieve pain!"

"These drugs are also cheap, so you don't have to worry too much about the financial pressure required for treatment!"


The patient nodded silently, looked at his boyfriend next to him, and then said happily: "Don't worry! Doctor, when will I be discharged?"

"It depends on your recovery!" said Lin Feng softly.


PS: Happy New Year's Day!


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