At this moment, a familiar voice sounded.

"What's going on?"

Lin Feng turned his head and saw Director Zhou Guorong wearing a white coat and a stethoscope around his neck, and hurriedly walked in.

Lin Feng organized the language and briefly introduced the patient's situation.

"Director Zhou, what do you think?"

Zhou Guorong took a deep breath and said in a low voice: "This is trouble, ketoacidosis..."

He has been a doctor for decades and has a wealth of experience in first aid. But Liu Lei's symptoms are unprecedentedly tricky.

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed in Leslie Chow's heart, but none of them worked!

Director Zhou: "Lin Feng, do you think you should do this?" "

Lin Feng: "First add 500ml of glucose to his deep vein, and the concentration is controlled at 5%..."

Director Zhou: "Well, you can..."

The nurse turned around and went to prepare the glucose.

Director Zhou: "Have you notified the patient's family?" "

Lin Feng: "His girlfriend is outside. "

Director Zhou: "Go, follow me to meet her." "

Hurry out.

"What about people?"

I saw that the corridor was empty.

Zhou Guorong stopped and asked with a puzzled face.


Seeing this situation, Lin Feng was also stunned.

The two walked along the corridor and all the way to the door of the hall.

None at all!

He never expected that the flower idiot girl would run away.

"Director Zhou, Doctor Lin, are you going out?"

Huang Lufeng, a night shift security guard, came over with a fawning smile on his face.

Lin Feng asked anxiously: "Did anyone go out just now?" "

Huang Lufeng nodded: "It seems that there is a woman, not very old, wearing high heels, and went out from the hall." "

Lin Feng frowned, his expression quite dissatisfied.

This woman actually threw her boyfriend in the hospital, it was so inhumane!

Zhou Guorong rubbed his temples and asked tiredly, "Did she pay?" "

Lin Feng shook his head and said in a low voice, "I don't know." "

"Okay, I see."

Zhou Guorong said no more, and pulled Lin Feng back to the rescue room.

Seeing that there was no one around, he frowned and said, "Fortunately, it was discovered in time, otherwise, our emergency department would be unlucky." "

"Director Zhou, you are..."

"Xiao Lin, you are still too young," Zhou Guorong shook his head slightly, and a wry smile appeared on his face: "This patient, you shouldn't have been sent to the emergency room." "


"The situation of this patient, you also know in general, is very dangerous, ketoacidosis has two contradictory diseases, treating that disease, will make this disease worse, treatment of this disease, will make that disease worse, very troublesome, so..."

In the second half of the sentence, Zhou Guorong did not say it. However, Lin Feng understood what he meant.

If the patient dies in the emergency room, there will be an additional stain on his medical career.

At this moment, a nurse pushed open the door and hurried out.

"Director Zhou, Doctor Lin, go and take a look!"

"What's wrong?"

"The patient's sinus tachycardia, but the blood pressure began to drop..."

"I'm really afraid of something, just come here..." Zhou Guorong sighed and pulled Lin Feng back to the rescue room.

The two checked Liu Lei's condition and found that his blood pressure dropped very quickly. If this continues, the patient will soon fall into shock.

After a moment of silence, Lin Feng combined with Liu Lei's test sheet and gave his own judgment.

"Director Zhou, if the patient's blood pressure continues to drop, it will definitely kill him! I recommend that both go all the way and use rapid rehydration to raise the patient's blood pressure. "

Zhou Guorong shook his head and said: "In my clinical experience, a large amount of fluid, especially a large amount of saline in the middle, will aggravate cerebral edema (the specific mechanism is to cause central paradoxical acidosis), unless the patient's tolerance is very good, it is likely to be sent away directly." "

Lin Feng knew very well that Leslie Zhou's worry was not unreasonable.

It's a pity that the family did not come ...

At this moment, the nurse led a middle-aged couple over, and their steps were very urgent.

"Director Zhou, Dr. Lin, Liu Lei's family has arrived."

Lin Feng and Director Zhou were all happy.

Too fast, is it nearby?

"Doctor, how is my son?" The middle-aged man panted.

"Are you his father?"

The patient's father nodded repeatedly: "My name is Liu Yongjun, Liu Lei is my son, please tell me, how is my son?" "

Leslie Chow's expression was serious: "Your son is now suffering from ketoacidosis, and looking at his symptoms, it may be complicated by low potassium, low calcium, cerebral edema... Very serious! "

When the middle-aged mother heard this, her legs almost softened on the spot.

Having worked hard to raise his son for more than 20 years, he was told that he might die?

Lin Feng was next to him, explaining to the two family members what ketoacidosis is, and then explaining low potassium, low calcium, cerebral edema...

After listening,

The patient's parents were pale.

"Doctor, can you save it?" The patient's mother almost fell to her knees and begged. It was as if the sky had fallen.

Lin Feng: "Maybe you can, I can only say try... Of course, you can also contact the big hospitals in the provincial capital, but the only problem they need time to come over, for fear of problems along the way. "

When the patient's parents heard it, they were even more masterless.

I don't know if it's better to send it away or not.

Finally, Liu Yongjun gritted his teeth: "Doctor, do you want to treat here first?" And then I called the big hospital in the provincial capital on the side? "

Lin Feng nodded: "You can also... However, because your son's illness is so serious, you need to sign it. "

Liu Yongjun: "Doctor, you... How many percent do you have... Grasp? "

Looking at the expectant eyes of the two, Lin Feng wanted to say ten percent. However, he left an eye. When the words came to his lips, he changed it to "seventy percent".

The two looked at each other, and after a long while, Liu Yongjun gritted his teeth and whispered: "Doctor Lin, we... We sign..."

"Old Liu..."

Liu Lei's mother grabbed her husband, and two lines of tears flowed down her cheeks.

"Don't say it, I trust Dr. Lin."

Liu Yongjun turned to Lin Feng and pleaded, "Doctor, don't... Let us down! "

Lin Feng was serious: "I will do my best in this." "

At this moment, a nurse ran over and said eagerly: "Director Zhou, Dr. Lin, patient... The patient's condition is more dangerous. "

Without waiting for Zhou Guorong to speak, Lin Feng hurriedly asked, "Have you retested your blood qi?" "

"Tested," the nurse replied fluently: "Blood potassium 3.2, PH7.25, blood calcium 1.04, blood sugar 14.9, bicarbonate 5.9..."

Lin Feng's mind turned and said in a deep voice: "You go and get the risk agreement, and let Sister Zhang give him an infusion to stabilize the patient's blood pressure." "

Nurse: "Good. "

After speaking, he turned around and ran into the rescue room.

Lin Feng turned to the patient's parents and said in a deep voice: "Two of you, prepare to sign." "

"Okay, let's sign."

Liu Yongjun agreed, followed Lin Feng, and bookmarked the risk agreement.

Then Director Zhou Guorong also signed.

After signing, Lin Feng said to Liu Yongjun: "Uncle, I'm going into the rescue room, you guys wait outside." "

"Well, well... Okay..."

Liu Yongjun pulled his wife and sat outside the door of the rescue room, waiting fearfully.


Rescue room.

"The doctor ... I'm so uncomfortable..." Liu Lei lay motionless on the hospital bed, his expression quite painful.

Lin Feng comforted: "If you endure it no longer, you should be fine..."

At this time, the nurse quickly said: "Doctor Lin, his blood pressure is dropping rapidly!" "

"The heart rate is 180 beats per minute."

At this time, Lin Feng faced a choice:

Whether to supplement sodium bicarbonate!

Supplementing sodium bicarbonate cautiously will aggravate cerebral edema!

If the patient is not replenished, arrhythmia will kill him!

Finally, Lin Feng chooses: Qi Kai!

Lin Feng began to command.

"Open the other two intravenous routes, first sodium bicarbonate 125 intravenous drip!"


Rapid rehydration.

Replenish sodium bicarbonate!

• Patients with acidosis are caused by ketone bodies and low blood sodium, so sodium bicarbonate supplementation (sodium supplementation) is supported.

However, a large amount of sodium supplementation can lead to worsening low potassium and aggravating arrhythmias.

Therefore, Lin Feng continued to let the nurse, open a static drip, and supplement potassium (potassium chloride) + glucose!

It's like a seesaw.

Potassium supplementation, sodium supplementation, on both sides, neither side can be too upturned.

In order to suppress the disease, Lin Feng could only constantly add weight on both sides.

In the end, it depends on whether the patient can be good or not, depending on whether the patient can bear the weight of this weight.

Resisted, and the disease passed.

He did not resist, so he went to see King Yan Luo.

It's that simple!

With the entry of sodium bicarbonate, the patient's heart rate decreases.

Then the channel on the other side, continue to intravenously drip potassium chloride + glucose ...

Half an hour later...

"Check the blood qi..."

Soon, the results of blood gas analysis came out.

Lin Feng glanced at it and thought it was okay.

An hour later...

Continue to be bloody, the situation is still okay, quite stable.

Long three hours.

Lin Feng suffered.

The families are also suffering.

In the anxious waiting, suddenly the nurse said: "Dr. Lin, the patient is awake." "

The patient Liu Lei opened his eyes.

Lin Feng's spirits lifted and asked Liu Lei: "How do you feel?" "

"Also... Fortunately," Liu Lei's consciousness gradually became clear: "Doctor Lin, I... Am I still alive? "

Lin Feng said with a smile: "Don't worry, Yan Wang Ye said, the prefecture is full, you pick another day!" "

As soon as these words came out, several nurses laughed in unison.

Obviously, Liu Lei's life has been picked up!

Calculate the amount of rehydration.


Lin Feng was shocked!

Fortunately, this Liu Lei's physical foundation is good enough, and he can bear the weight of this seesaw and survive this ghost gate.

Check the qi and blood: blood potassium 3.2, PH7.25, carbon dioxide partial pressure 13.7, blood calcium 1.04, blood sugar 14.9, bicarbonate 5.9

This data, no problem!

Liu Lei's situation has finally stabilized.

At a glance at the time, it was already six forty-five.

It's been 3 hours.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said to everyone: "Okay, leave one person to watch him, and the others rest." "

Hearing this, the nurses relaxed and suddenly became exhausted.

They whispered as they collected their medical equipment.

"Dr. Lin is not only handsome, but also so powerful!"

"Of course, how nice it would be if I had such a boyfriend!"

"I want it too, I want it too!"

"What do you think? You will never be allowed to defile my male god! "


In the midst of the women's talks, Lin Feng pushed open the door of the rescue room and slowly walked out.

"Doctor Lin, Doctor Lin!"

Liu Yongjun and his wife rushed forward and asked in a trembling voice, "I... How is my son? "

They are middle-aged, just such a precious son, if something happens, I really don't know how to live in the future.

Under the earnest gazes of the two, Lin Feng stopped and a smile appeared on his face.

"The patient is out of danger, and after a few more days of hospitalization, he can fully recover."

Liu Yongjun grabbed Lin Feng's hand and said excitedly, "Thank you... Dr. Lin, thank you so much..."

Lin Feng smiled and said very pretentiously: "There is no need to say much about my job." "

Just then, the accident happened again.

It turned out that Liu Lei's mother was so excited that she fainted.

Liu Yongjun supported his wife and shouted nervously: "Xuejuan, what's wrong with you?" Wake up, my son is still waiting for us! "

Lin Feng smiled slightly bitterly and pinched the other party's people. A few seconds later, Liu Lei's mother let out a low groan and slowly opened her eyes.

"Lin... Dr. Lin..."

Liu Lei's mother looked at Lin Feng and asked in a trembling voice, "I want to go... Look at my son..."


Lin Feng was a little hesitant, and said in a low voice: "The patient's physical strength is exhausted, and he must continue to rest, or ... See him at noon. "

Liu Yongjun saw that his wife was still unwilling, so he followed and persuaded: "Xuejuan, Dr. Lin is already very tired, let's not trouble him." "

"Okay then..."

Liu Lei's mother said no more, and slowly stood up with the help of her husband.

Lin Feng looked at his mobile phone and said to the two: "It's not early, I have to go back to the office to write down the medical records, you guys go through the hospitalization procedures." "

"Okay, let's go through the formalities."

Back in the office, Lin Feng took out a pen and paper and began to write down the diagnosis and treatment records.

He organized the language, wrote down Liu Lei's situation clearly, and told the next doctor what to pay attention to, and then he was relieved.



"Doctor Lin, I bought you breakfast."

A nurse at work took soy milk fritters and fried noodles and sent them to Lin Feng.

I don't know when it started, the emergency nurses discussed and took turns to buy breakfast for Lin Feng every day.

Lin Feng was not used to it at first, and then he succeeded in becoming a pig being fed.

Someone bought breakfast and it was cool.

You see, the interns, gui pei, and the main doctors next to them all looked at Lin Feng enviously.

"Woo~~~ Why don't I have this treatment!"

"I suddenly feel that the crystal glue in my hand is not fragrant..."

"Is handsome amazing?"

"Breath is cold, when will the ugly be able to stand up!"

"We must resolutely resist this unfair corruption... Oh, it's Dr. Lin, that's all right! "

Have breakfast, the emergency atmosphere is joyful.

Soon, it's time for work.

Director Zhou and the head nurse began to make a tiger face and were about to start working.

Lin Feng and other night shift doctors leave work,

Go back to the dormitory to sleep.

Lying in bed and not sleeping,

Ding dong~~~~

Lin Feng's mobile phone shook.

"School notice: Dear students, there are still 2 months before graduation, and now the school has invited 8 provincial hospitals to come to the school for an open job fair, the recruitment time is April 7 and 8, please students who are interested in applying, return to the school to participate in hospital recruitment."

Lin Feng took a look.

Well, none of your business.

Continue to sleep with your head covered.

In a flash, 8 hours passed.

Lin Feng woke up, washed, and then went to the canteen to eat, and went to the emergency room by the way.

Just stepped into the emergency internal office, see you at a break,

A group of doctors take shifts, rest and chat.

The interns were discussing the recent job fairs of major medical universities.

"I didn't get a contract for the hospital, so I had to go to the job fair."

"Yes, I'm going back too."

"Envy Dr. Lin, they..."

"By the way, have you thought about what department to go to?"

"I definitely won't join the emergency department again, the emergency department is too busy, and I get tired of being a dog every day."

"I want to go to the oncology department of Supreme Xingyao, there is more money and less doctor-patient relationship, Lancet SCI favorite subject, I can apply for the National Natural Science Foundation... It's a pity, the main direction of my previous study was digestion, and I dealt with and urine all day, which was really tragic..."

"I think dentistry is good, my main study is dentistry, I want to find a dental department, more money, easy..."

One by one, they began to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each department.

And the regulation and training, the main treatment...

After listening, I also became interested, joined the conversation, and talked about my experience.

The anesthesiology department is the worst, busy, but no one pays attention.

Surgical, rich!

In anorectal surgery, every patient may be stabbed by them with a chrysanthemum.

Laboratory department, imaging department, pharmacy department, stubborn department that is not taken seriously.

Gynecology, pediatrics, a large number of doctors and nurses are in short supply, not welcomed by doctors and nurses, busy to the street...

Lin Feng listened to these discussions full of life breath, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey, Lin Feng is here!"

Intern Wu Haoming saw Lin Feng for the first time, and then asked curiously: "Lin Feng, the internship is over in 2 months, are you staying in the hospital?" Do you want to go back to those big hospitals in the provincial capital? "

Lin Feng: "I still stay in our hospital, and I have already promised the president..."

Everyone was amazed.

It seems that the rumors are true, the hospital gave Lin Feng a very generous contract to retain talents, and I heard that it was no worse than the treatment of the department director.

It's really envious that makes people drool!

However, they are also convinced, after all, Lin Feng is really awesome!

At this moment,

Bell bell bell ~~~~

Lin Feng's mobile phone rang.

President Wang Chang's.

"Lin Feng, the day after tomorrow on the 7th and 8th, you and Director Zhou and various doctors will go to your alma mater Soy Sauce University, preside over the recruitment, and recruit some students back..."

Lin Feng: ".................."


Back to my alma mater to host the recruitment?


Students, sorry!

Although I Lin Feng don't want to pretend to be forced, the leader doesn't allow it!

Don't pretend, I'm in a showdown!

Actually, I'm a big guy!

Tremble, students!


ps: I stayed up late to make two chapters 4300 + 5400 = 9700 words, I don't know if there will be a third chapter in the afternoon, maybe these two chapters today. Today's third anniversary, I beg book friends to spare their lives ~~

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