Lin Feng and Zhang Yuan were in the CT room discussing the surgical plan.

Lin Feng: "The patient's liver adhesions are very serious, and I personally recommend that it is best to bring it from the liver and stomach ligaments into the hand." "

"From the liver and stomach ligaments to the hand?" Zhang Yuan's eyes lit up and urged, "Tell me in detail." "

Lin Feng: "We can enter the hepatoduodenum with our fingers and guide the back of the ligaments so that the right edge of the hepatoduodenal ligaments is exposed. The idea of this plan is: from shallow to deep, properly stop the bleeding..."

Zhang Yuan nodded: "Good..."

The two spent a few minutes discussing the plan in a low voice...

Pushed the patient out of the CT room.

All the way back to the emergency room.

Just entered the door,

I saw Li Zhi arguing loudly with the patient's daughter.

"I need a safer and cleaner operating room, so I want my dad's surgery to be the first operation today, not the second!"

"Ms. Zhao, please trust us, even if it is not the first operation, we can still guarantee the success rate of the operation..."

It turned out that the emergency operating room, this morning, had already performed an operation.

Now the second surgery is scheduled.

Before the words fell, the patient's daughter retorted loudly: "I'm sorry, I have inquired clearly, the second operation is easy to leave the bacteria of the first day of surgery, if we can only do the receiving operation, we would rather wait until tomorrow." "

Lin Feng: ".................."

Zhang Yuan: ".................."


Who did you ask about?

Whether the operating room is the first or the Nth, it is strictly disinfected. After all, during surgery, there will be a large area of exposure, and any bacterial invasion of the previous patient may lead to serious postoperative sequelae.

Li Zhi: "Ms. Zhao, even if it is the second operation, we will do a good job of disinfection." Moreover, your father's illness really can't be delayed..."

Patient's daughter: "I don't care, we only do the first operation!" "

Li Zhi: "........."

Zhang Yuan stepped in quickly: "Hello, Ms. Zhao..."

The woman was stunned and asked casually, "What are you?" "

"I am Zhang Yuan, the deputy director of the emergency department, and according to my observations, your father's biliary bleeding and cholecystitis, if left unchecked, gallbladder perforation (gallbladder rupture) is likely to occur."

"Ruptured gallbladder?" The woman was taken aback and asked, "Is it serious?" "

"If this really happens, it will definitely endanger your father's life."

Are the consequences of a gallbladder perforation, serious?

It's serious and dangerous!

After a gallbladder perforation, bile flows into the abdominal cavity, which can show signs of abdominal pain, fever, peritonitis, and if it occurs in elderly and frail patients, septic shock may be life-threatening.

And the age of the patient: 56 years old!

I was tortured by the condition for a week!

Resistance is absolutely very low!

Zhang Yuan: "You must make a decision as soon as possible!" "

The woman was stunned for a moment: "If I have surgery now, what is the probability of my father's operation being successful?" "

Lin Feng stood up at this time: "Our hospital, every one of them is an excellent doctor, and every one of them will do their best to protect patients, but... The probability of successful surgery, no one dares to guarantee. "

"However, your father's current condition cannot be delayed, biliary bleeding and cholecystitis alone have already caused: moderate fever, chills and high fever, severe abdominal pain, gangrene of the gallbladder..."

Lin Feng said a bunch of possibilities in a row.

The middle-aged woman was already confused.

Lin Feng continued to add fuel and vinegar: "This is not all, once it develops into a ruptured gallbladder, it is difficult to say, and it may be fatal at any time..."

Before the operation, these are all things to say, whether it is tactful or direct, and Lin Feng chose to be direct and simple and rude.

Middle-aged woman: "I..."

The woman was still hesitating, and suddenly there was a moan of the patient in her ears.

"It hurts... My stomach... It hurts so much..."

Zhang Yuan's face changed slightly, and he said to the woman: "Your father's situation is not optimistic, do you want to continue to persevere?" "

Li Zhi followed and said: "Your father is almost sixty years old, can he withstand such a toss? "

"Good!" The woman gritted her teeth and compromised: "Then do as you say." "

Li Zhi did not hesitate, and immediately said: "Well, please sign the risk agreement." "

Saying that, he took out the "Letter of Knowledge" (including the option to remove the gallbladder) that had been prepared a long time ago, and handed it to the woman.

The letter of knowledge details various possible complications...

Li Zhiyi explained to the middle-aged woman one by one.

The more middle-aged women looked, the more afraid they became, and they were a little afraid to do this operation.

"Doctor, is it okay not to do it?"

"If you don't do it, it's even more serious."


In the end, she signed it anyway.

Zhang Yuan and Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, pushed the flat cart with the nurses, and went straight to the emergency operating room.

Access to the operating room.

A group of interns excitedly followed.

Onlooker surgery is their favorite.

With a flash of bright light, the patient closed his eyes and groaned in his mouth:

"I... I'm in terrible pain, doctor... You guys save me..."

Lin Feng stepped forward and comforted gently: "Don't worry, after doing general anesthesia, you won't be in pain." "

"Thank you... Thank you, doctor..." The patient's body trembled, and his voice could not stop trembling.

Wash your hands, get dressed, wear gloves...

Anesthesiologist anesthetization ...

Link monitoring instruments...

Lin Feng: "Lao Zhang, I'll just press it, Li Zhi, you can help... Wu Haoming, do you want to be the second assistant?! "

"Huh?" Intern Wu Haoming was shocked, "Me?? "

Pointing at himself, his eyes were full of incredulity.



"That's right, it's you, Dangjisuke!" Lin Fengdao.

"I do, I do!" Wu Haoming was simply happy and crazy, how could he disagree?


What a coveted surgery!

I'm finally going to climb this sacred place!

Lin Feng said to Zhang Yuan: "Old Zhang, Wu Minghao is very hard, I often see him buying pig's trotters and bananas, practicing stitches alone in the dormitory, watching surgery videos, and reading books very diligently... Or let him be the second assistant..."

Zhang Yuan smiled: "Well... Xiao Wu, come..."

Wu Haoming cried with excitement at this time, and tears came out!

"Thank you Director Zhang, thank you Lin Feng!"

"Come on!"


Surgery begins.

The patient lies on the operating table in a state of general anesthesia.

Zhang Yuan, Li Zhi, and Wu Haoming got on the operating table!

The instrument nurse will prepare sutures, electric knife wipes, skin films, electric knife, pliers and tourniquet kits.

Zhang Yuan took a deep breath and whispered, "Let's start!" "

Nurses disinfect, spread towels...


Zhang Yuan opened his hand and said without raising his head.

The instrument nurse picked up the No. 23 scalpel and handed it to his palm,

Zhang Yuan gripped the handle of the knife and measured it on his stomach, and after a moment, his blade was slightly sideways and slashed towards the patient's abdomen.

A subtle snort ~~~

The blade cut through the skin, and fine blood flowed down the wound.


Electrocoagulation to stop bleeding.

All the way...

Finally, the skin is completely cut open, exposing the organs inside.


Li Zhi and Wu Haoming gasped.

Cholecystitis is severe, swollen, about 0.5 times larger than normal.

It can be clearly seen that the wound of gallstone surgery has a good prognosis without suturing, suppuration and inflammation, ulceration ...

That's the culprit.

Moreover, the adhesion between the gallbladder and the surrounding tissues is very serious.

More serious than expected!

In addition, the liver links the site of the gallbladder (deep bile ducts), tissue necrosis, adhesions.

Blood leaked out of it.

What Lin Feng feared happened.

Liver necrosis.

Not only the gallbladder but also the liver!

Hepatic necrosis: It means that one or more factors cause a large number of liver cells to be damaged and necrotic in an irregular period of time, the integrity of the liver cell membrane is destroyed, the cytoplasmic membrane is ruptured, and finally the cell is lysed.

The site of liver necrosis is very different from a healthy liver, which can be seen at a glance.

That is, the purpose of surgery is added by one, total:

Cut the gallbladder

Cut the liver necrotic part (stop bleeding in the bile duct by the way)

Excision of adhesion tissue


The operation officially begins.

The first step is to stop the bleeding.

Zhang Yuan probed and found that the bleeding location of the bile duct was in the liver.

(The bile ducts are not in the gallbladder, but in the liver, and have many branches, all over the liver, and finally collect bile and drain it into the gallbladder.) )

Finally, I had no choice but to put down the pliers.

"Lin Feng, the bleeding point has been transferred deeper into the liver, and the blood vessels inside are too rich, or you come..."

Lin Feng nodded: "I'll cut the liver, and you will take over again..."

Zhang Yuan withdrew.

Lin Feng stood on the operating table.

"Electric knife..."

The instrument nurse sent the electric knife to Lin Feng's hand.

Along the site of the necrotic liver, move about 1 cm outward to the healthy tissue and cut off.

On the way, you will encounter various dynamic and static branch blood vessels, ligaments, and all of them will be opened.

While cutting, liver needles and liver threads were used to lubricate with paraffin oil and then sutured to stop bleeding.

The whole process lasted 28 minutes...

This is a delicate job, Zhang Yuan, a director-level surgical surgeon, feels that he is not enough, but it is easy in Lin Feng's hands.


Lin Feng put the liver necrosis part out and put it in the operating basin.

Next, the missing part of the liver is re-sutured.

With needle seven, the sections are stitched together.

Another 20 minutes passed...

Liver suture end ~~~

For Lin Feng, it was very simple...


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