An hour later,

Mom, grandparents carry the baby back to the emergency room.

This time, Bao's mother directly looked for Lin Feng and did not go to Zhang Yuan.

(Zhang Yuan: "............" crying ~~~)

"Doctor, at this time the examination report..."

"I'll take a look."

Bao's mother looked regretful: "I regret that I didn't listen to the doctor's advice at that time." "

She thought that Lin Feng was a quack, but the result was not, if she had listened to Lin Feng's instructions, such a serious thing would not have happened.

Lin Feng did not speak, and carefully read the inspection report.

The results showed that plasma urea nitrogen increased, blood creatinine increased, plasma carbon dioxide binding capacity decreased, serum potassium increased, serum sodium decreased...

Serum creatinine, in particular, suddenly increased by 0.3 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl), or 1.5-fold increase from baseline.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, only in stage 1, not stage 2, stage 3, no hemodialysis.

"I'll prescribe some potions, balance the baby's electrolytes, and pay attention to a light diet..."

"Thank you doctor, thank you doctor!"

In the afternoon, the baby appeared countless little red rashes all over his body, and the fever subsided.

Feverish rash out!

It proved that it was indeed a young age rash.

Moreover, because Lin Feng prescribed medicine to balance the electrolytes in the baby's body, the baby's spirit was much better.

The baby's family once again expressed their gratitude to Lin Feng!

Baoma: "Dr. Lin, I'm sorry, you're not a quack!" "

Lin Feng: "........."

Thank you so much for your affirmation!


Bao's mother, grandparents left with the baby and little girl.

There was still 1 hour to leave work, and Lin Feng continued to receive medical treatment.

The next patient.

"Dad, be careful."

"Slow down..."

Lin Feng looked up and saw two sons in their thirties supporting an old man of about sixty years old, with a concerned face.

The old man covered his stomach and walked tremblingly.

Lin Feng moved the stool to a good position and let the old man sit down.

"Old man, where are you uncomfortable..."

"Stomach ache..."

"Here? Over here? Or here? Lin Feng patiently pointed over one by one.

"It's here..." the old man pointed near his upper left abdomen.

"How long does it hurt?"

"It started to hurt (10 hours) at five or six in the morning, and it hurt all the time..."

Lin Feng asked while performing a physical examination, gently removed the old man's hand that already had age spots, and then pressed it on the left upper abdomen position and around it.


Lin Feng found that the left upper abdomen felt a little hard, as if there were stones in it (imagine a hard piece of blocked in the intestines).

Judging from the reaction of the elderly, there should be tenderness.

"Have nausea, want to vomit?"


Lin Feng nodded.

According to the feeling of partial compression, and the manifestation of symptoms, Lin Feng probably judged - "intestinal obstruction".

"Intestinal obstruction": intestinal contents (understood as feces blocked?) Failure to pass through the intestine smoothly is called intestinal obstruction.

Intestinal obstruction is one of the common acute abdomen in surgery!

Rapid development, severe disease, often need emergency treatment, second only to acute appendicitis, biliary tract diseases, accounting for the third place.

Mortality: Severe strangulated intestinal obstruction has a mortality rate of 10%!


Lin Feng suddenly became vigilant!

In addition, one cause of intestinal obstruction is bowel cancer, so Lin Feng feels that there may be small bowel cancer, so that the combination of the two diseases is more troublesome!

Lin Feng informed the patient of his condition.

The two sons should be quite filial, and when they heard Lin Feng say that the illness was more urgent, they immediately became nervous.

"I'll open a few orders, you guys go and check..."

Blood routine, urine routine...

Abdominal CT non-contrast scan...

Lin Feng pointed to the abdominal CT list: "You can not do blood routine and urine routine first, first go for a plain abdominal CT scan... By the way, I'm off work in 1 hour, so you guys try to be as fast as possible. "

The two sons nodded one after another: "Okay, okay, thank you doctor." "

Then he pulled the old man and quickly rushed to the imaging department.

Lin Feng thought about it and called the imaging department, and the doctor over there readily agreed to cut the queue to rush.


Half an hour later,

The two sons came quickly with the old man and gave Lin Feng the piece of abdominal Ct.

"Doctor, take a look..."

Lin Feng glanced at the result.

Transverse colon obstruction.

Lin Feng looks at the results, the situation is a little serious, according to Lin Feng's experience, colon obstruction is likely to require surgery, because the drug treatment effect is not very good!

The eldest son said worriedly: "Doctor, how is it?" "

Lin Feng: "The good news is that there is no bowel cancer, and the bad news is that this is colon obstruction, and the patient needs to be hospitalized quickly and prepare for surgery." "

The two sons nodded one after another: "Okay, hospitalized, hospitalized immediately!" "

But the old man was reluctant: "Can't be hospitalized, can't be hospitalized... It costs a lot of money. "

The eldest son was anxious: "Dad, listen to the doctor, the doctor said that if you are hospitalized, you don't have to worry about the money." "

The old man shouted: "How can you not care? The last time my grandson had an operation, he came out of what UC, tens of thousands a day, there is no money at home, I am hospitalized again, where is the money at home to live? "

The youngest son: "Dad, don't worry about money, you better stay in the hospital with peace of mind, your body is tight." "

Old man: "Don't stay!" "

The three of them were arguing all the time.

Lin Feng probably understood.

They are a family, two old people, two sons, two daughters-in-law, three grandchildren, a total of 7 people, the family conditions are not good, belong to Pengpiu, the son and daughter-in-law have average economic income, and there are three children raised together.

Last month, the 8-year-old grandson drank expired milk and went into the PICU for a total of 8 days, spending more than 200,000 yuan.

Fortunately, the two sons are united enough, and the daughter-in-law is harmonious and exemplary, so the two families bear it together, but it also makes the family's economy worse.

This is why the elderly resist hospitalization.

No money!

However, Lin Feng still wanted to fight for it.

"This Abel, your colon obstruction, I see that the problem is quite serious, it belongs to closed loops, the treatment of gastrointestinal decompression effect is not satisfactory, need to operate as soon as possible, the longer it drags on, the more serious the condition will be, and then it will be more troublesome, and I will be forced to go to the operating table."

The old man was resolute: "I won't be hospitalized, go home!" "

But the two sons pulled, and refused to let the old man go.

The movement also aroused the ideas of other doctors in the emergency department, and finally alarmed Director Zhou Guorong.

Director Zhou came out, looked at the CT results, and then gave the old man a physical examination, and also began to persuade the old man.

Not long after, two daughters-in-law came with three grandchildren and granddaughters.

"Dad, you did this operation."

"Yes, we'll figure it out for money."

"It doesn't cost much."

"Your old man's body is important."

"What kind of hospital?" I'll get some Chinese medicine to eat, maybe it's good! The old man was furious.

"What if it doesn't work?"

"I'm not hospitalized anyway, I don't have that money!"

"All said money, we will find a way!"

Sure enough, she is a good daughter-in-law of Huaxia, and she is very filial to the old man.

Lin Feng was in the hospital and heard a lot of gossip, and many family members would dislike elderly patients.

The old man has lived all his life, the world has seen it, he is so old, his speech is not good, his ears cannot hear, his actions are not convenient, not only is he not "useful", but he also has to eat, drink, pull and scatter people to take care of, and has become a burden for everyone, and has reached the age of "damning".

But this family, son and daughter-in-law insisted on treating the elderly, and the old man did not want to increase the burden on his son and daughter-in-law.

Let Lin Feng see what is called - true love in the world!

For more than ten minutes, under the persuasion of his son and daughter-in-law, the old man reluctantly agreed to be hospitalized.

Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

This family is really powerful!

Much stronger than the family members who dragged the patient away!

Lin Feng opened the bill: "Go and pay the bill, go for admission..."

The family is grateful: "Thank you doctor! "

Check in, bed 3.


At this point, it's time to leave work.

Lin Feng got off work, changed his clothes, then went back to the dormitory to wash, and asked Tan Jianzhao and Wu Jiahao and the two fools to eat in the evening.

In the past few days, after some 'IQ', they finally realized that Lin Feng turned out to be 'Emergency Doctor Lin', and their hearts were extremely shocked.

After knowing that Lin Feng's income exceeded 200,000 yuan last month, he was even more jealous and said on the spot that he would slaughter Lin Feng fiercely. At the same time, they were also very excited in their hearts, with Lin Feng as a backer, they came to the city courtyard to the right place!

Charcoal roast, walk up...



At the same time, the emergency department Song Ziming was on duty P shift (PM, afternoon shift).


"Someone fell!"

"Come on!"

When Song Ziming heard this, he quickly ran out.

Several nurses were seen rushing into the first ward, bed 3.

It was found that the old man with colon obstruction who was admitted to the hospital this afternoon fell to the ground with his eyes closed.

"What's going on?"

Song Ziming was surprised and quickly stepped forward to check.

It was found that the old man had become unconscious, unable to breathe, shortness of breath, cyanosis of the lips.

As soon as the clothes were lifted, multiple ecchymoses formed on the skin of the whole body.



"Quick, put him on a ventilator!"

Everyone worked together and soon put the old man on a ventilator, gave endotracheal intubation, and a ventilator assisted ventilation.

As soon as the monitor is on, it's over!

Arterial oxygen saturation 76%!

98% of normal people, it is impossible to go down!

Song Ziming is simply going crazy!

I went to work, why is it so hard!

Isn't this old man intestinal obstruction? Why is blood oxygen so low? It's unreasonable!

Fortunately, after getting on the ventilator and intravenous infusion, after a busy time, the old man's condition was stable.


At this time, the eldest son packed something to eat from outside, walked into the ward, and was shocked when he saw this situation.

"Doctor? What happened to my dad? "

"I don't know yet, I have to finish the inspection... I'll bill now, you hurry up and pay. "

The eldest son rushed to pay the bill.

Then Song Ziming quickly took the patient to take CT.

This time head CT, chest CT, electrocardiogram, all have to be checked!

And a whole bunch of blood tests!

An hour later...

The results are all out:

No abnormalities were seen on head CT.

Chest CT: high-density opacities of both lungs, pleural effusion.

ECG: ST-segment elevation.



Preliminary diagnosis: possible acute coronary syndrome, acute left heart failure, acute pulmonary edema... And so on and so on.



Bell bell bell ~~~

Lin Feng's mobile phone rang.

Caller: Principal Song Ziming.

Lin Feng: ".................."

Don't have time to eat?

Put through.

Song Ziming: "Lin Feng, the old man you took in this afternoon, the colon obstruction that..."

Lin Feng: "What's wrong?" "

Song Ziming: "An hour ago, I fainted, and the blood oxygen dropped to more than 70%, and then I was shocked, checked it, and found that he may have heart disease, or lung disease..."

"Huh?" Lin Feng was taken aback.

Song Ziming explained the whole process and the inspection results in detail, and then sent Lin Feng a picture of the inspection results.

Wu Jiahao: "What's wrong?" "

The two looked at Lin Feng with a serious expression and knew that something big had happened.

Lin Feng explained.

Wu Jiahao: ".................."

Tan Jianzhao: "....................."

Dazed and confused!

Lin Feng, do you know what you just said, I don't understand at all?!


Same as graduation, Ru He Xiu!

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