The entrance is a big bed, and there are two people on the big bed.

To be precise, one person was sitting on the edge of the bed, and another person was kneeling between that person's legs.

Ji Yao is the sitting person. He is wearing a silk suspender skirt with the hem lifted up. His complexion was blushing unnaturally, his eyes were long and thin, mixed with endless flattery. He opened his red lips and took a deep breath before opening his eyes to look at Shen Jue.

He curled his lips and smiled, "You are here, earlier than I thought."

After speaking, he patted the kneeling man on the shoulder, "Okay, let's go out."

The kneeling man stood up obediently. When he turned around, Shen Jue recognized who was serving Ji Yao.

It's the schedule.

When Shi Cheng saw Shen Jue, his footsteps clearly stopped, and then he quickly bowed his head and walked past Shen Jue, as if staying for another second would cause him trouble.

Ji Yao stood up slowly, got up and poured a glass of red wine. He took a sip of the wine and moistened his red lips, before whispering, "Don't stand at the door, come in."

Shen Jue thought for a while, stepped in, and closed the door with his backhand.

Ji Yao chuckles when he hears the closing of the door. He turned his head and looked at Shen Jue with profound eyes, "It seems that you love that big star, but if he knows your choice, will he think you don’t Trust him?"

"What the **** do you want to do? Just say it." Shen Jue looked at Ji Yao with a cold face, and the scene he just saw made him a little sick.

He had just seen Shi Cheng's kneeling back, only to realize that Shi Cheng's body was somewhat similar to Shao Ge, at least when he was wearing clothes.

He could not help but doubt that Ji Yao was deliberate.

"What's the rush?" Ji Yao shook the red wine in his hand with a malicious smile in his eyes. "The big star will be back late tonight. Don't worry, even if you stay with me for seven or eight hours, he will I won't know."

After speaking, he put down the red wine and walked over to Shen Jue.

He stepped barefoot on the black tiles, the black and white colors formed a sharp contrast, and even Shen Jue couldn't help but glance at it. At first glance, he discovered that Ji Yao, the lunatic, was still applying crimson nail polish on his feet.

Ji Yao completely dressed himself as a woman in appearance, but his other actions were not like a woman at all.

He stopped in front of Shen Jue, stretched out his slender fingers and pinched Shen Jue's chin, "Have you taken a bath?"

"No wash." Shen Jue twisted his face to the side and freed the other's fingers.

Ji Yao smiled carelessly. This time his hand squeezed Shen Jue's neck. "Don't reject me that much. You are less than three months old now. What can I do to you? What if this kid? How can I explain it to Shao Ge?" He leaned close to Shen Jue, and the lips of the two were very close. As long as they got closer, they could touch each other. "You can't be said that you are prodigal and play with the children outside. Got it."

He smiled again, as if this passage was extremely interesting. He joked disgustingly, and didn't care what the other person felt.

Ji Yao's eyes drooped slightly, falling on Shen Jue's stomach. The month was too young, and Shen Jue was very thin, and she could not see that she was pregnant, but Ji Yao stared at her with a strange light in her eyes.

"The first time I saw you, I knew you would be pregnant. It's really interesting. It's the first time I saw a man and would be pregnant." Ji Yao reached out and touched Shen Jue's belly. "This belly actually gave birth to a new life. You are simply It's a monster."

Shen Jue grabbed Ji Yao's wrist, "Am I a monster? What does it have to do with you? Why don't you tell me directly, what exactly should I do so that you can let go of me and Shao Ge?"

Ji Yao's eyelids twitched, and she gave Shen Jue a flattery, "Actually, I didn't think about it. I just think you and Shao Ge are very interesting. Actually, I want both, but I think you Maybe I won’t agree, so I can’t help but only one.” At this point, his eyes flashed with strange light, like a beast peeping at its prey in the dark, “Of course, you are willing to serve me with Shao Ge. I will be very happy and will treat the child in your stomach as my own child."


Really a lunatic.

It was the first time that Shen Jue encountered such a lunatic who played cards completely unreasonably, but after thinking about it carefully, in the last days, people's moral values ​​would have been deviated, after all, the zombies killed by humans were still similar to them before.

In the last days, there are no moral constraints, only strength.

Ji Yao's ability to establish a base that has begun to take shape in just a few months proved his strength.

He also opened a so-called one-story building where the princess and the young master lived and were engaged in skin and meat business. This showed that Ji Yao's moral values ​​were definitely not strong.

It can be said that Ji Yao is a very sick person, and he cannot be treated like a normal person. That's why he asked Shen Jue and Shao Ge to follow him at the same time.

This kind of person has no moral view, no right and wrong view, very scary and disgusting. No wonder there was no Ji Yao on the shortlist for boarding the spacecraft. Such people can be kings in troubled times, but they will be thieves in times of peace and prosperity.

"I don't agree, and Shao Ge won't agree." Shen Jue shook Ji Yao's hand.

"Okay, I know you won't agree." Ji Yao sighed, seemingly regretful, "Actually, what's wrong with agreeing? It's the same with one person, and with two people, it's impossible that you really love that. Big star? Forget it, I won’t force you. You interrupted the matter just now, so you can continue."

Shen Jue pursed her lips and said nothing. Upon seeing this, Ji Yao thought that Shen Jue had agreed, so he took the person to the bed.

He sat down where he was just now, then raised his eyes to look at Shen Jue, "Kneel down."

Shen Jue's long eyelashes trembled, and he knelt down slowly, while at the same time, he secretly removed the blade that he had attached to the palm of his hand. This blade he was about to pierce Ji Yao's vitals directly, although his hand is estimated to be stabbed, but the degree of bleeding must not be better than Ji Yao.

As soon as his knees hit the ground, Ji Yao's pleasant voice rang from above his head, "Hurry up."

Shen Jue's eyes darkened, one hand stretched out, and as soon as the other hand holding the blade moved, he heard the door behind him open.

Shen Jue was taken aback, then turned around immediately and met Shao Ge's eyes.

Those eyes had always been beautiful like dark brown colored glaze, but now they were cast with a shadow.

Shao Ge looked at Shen Jue and Ji Yao with a stiff expression. After a while, he turned and left. Shen Jue immediately wanted to stand up and chase Shao Ge, but was pinched on his shoulder and the blade in his hand was also taken away.

"This thing is too dangerous, so don't play it." Ji Yao's voice was like a devil's whisper, "How can I just play this fun game with you? I played with him too, but it's a bet. You will come to me, you will climb on my bed, he doesn't believe it, now he has lost the bet, so he will be mine in the future."

After speaking, he pushed Shen Jue directly away, stood up, looked at the small blade in his hand, and let out a chuckle, "It's really bad, are you going to castrate me?"

Only then did Shen Jue understand that from the beginning, after listening to Ji Yao's choice, he lost, and there was no chance of winning. But I didn't expect that he was still used.

"Very angry? Okay, then I can't walk away for a while? I'll give you another chance. You won't go back tonight, you will go back tomorrow morning, if he accepts you, I will let you be together, if he doesn't believe You didn't do anything with me, and you slammed the door and left, then you lost. The bet is one of two, one is you open your leg and let me go on, and the other is you send him to my bed. "Ji Yao looked at Shen Jue condescendingly, and threw a seemingly benevolent but more disgusting choice.

Ji Yao is playing with the human heart, the kind of pleasure that surpasses the happiness and anger of others.

Shen Jue stood up and looked at Ji Yao indifferently, "Why should I bet with you? Because you are confused? Because you have no one to threaten?"

Hearing this, Ji Yao seemed to be even more excited, staring at Shen Jue with scorching eyes, "How are you going to resist?"

"I don't resist, I just surrender." Shen Jue said here, and smiled sarcastically, "I can serve you with Shao Ge. You can order me one to five, and you can order him two to six. Like you said, you follow one person, and you follow two people."

Ji Yao frowned when he heard the words, and seemed to want to know whether Shen Jue’s words were true or false, but Shen Jue let the other person look at it and turned around in this house, “Your house is much better than downstairs. Can I move in?"

Ji Yao was silent for a long time, then smiled and nodded, "Yes, I can move in tonight."

"Well, that's good, but I'm pregnant and can't carry heavy things. Can you help me with my luggage?" Shen Jue looked at Ji Yao and said, "By the way, I have a small belly now, and I want to go to bed early. , If you do some discordant exercise, can you go to the seventh floor to do it?"

The smile on Ji Yao's lips deepened, but the words were cold, "Are you coming up to raise a baby?"

Shen Jue focused his head in front of Ji Yao, "Yes, as you said, Shao Ge is now yours, then I am also yours, then I and Shao Ge’s children are not your children. Did you ask him to call your dad two days ago. Since you are all called dad, you must pay a little bit as a dad."

Having said that, Shen Jue walked up to Ji Yao, and the corner of his left lip slightly ticked, "Is this a happy father on the Internet? Then I would like to congratulate you."


Catch bugs

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks for the little angels who cast [land mines]: 2 in Pure Heart Moyu; 1 in Qilu, Mizuki Ninomiya, and Wanye;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

. 20 bottles of Gone and Shui Luoying; 10 bottles of elegant dumb hair, Zhirenru, Xiaoxi, Hundred Ghost Pills; 5 bottles of Lazy Da; 2 bottles of Kaishan Ditang Baozi; Ayo, Fei Che 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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