After all, the regent was a martial artist. After being fainted by the candlestick, he woke up slowly.

He touched the back of his head, inhaled and sat up, looking terribly ugly. Most of his drunkenness at this time was due to pain, but he still didn't remember who he was beaten by. He only remembered that he came to Murongxiu's palace and wanted to invite him to watch the fireworks, but Murongxiu's words were too unpleasant. , He seems to have done something to Murong Xiu...

Murong Xiu seemed to scold him.

When the regent couldn't remember it, he stopped thinking about it, and glanced at the person sitting beside him, but at this glance, the regent was stunned.


The face of the person in front of him was all scratched, and the face was smeared by blood, and the placket was stained with blood, and he was holding a golden hairpin still dripping blood in his hand.

If it weren't for the clothes on the other party's body that he was familiar with, the regent would hardly recognize that the blood man in front of him was Murongxiu who was immortal and jade. He immediately snatched the golden hairpin from the opponent's hand and said angrily: "Murong Xiu, are you crazy?"

Murongxiu's eyes rolled bluntly before turning his gaze on the regent's face.

"I'm not crazy." His voice was hoarse, as if squeezed out of his teeth.

The regent was so angry that he almost didn't know what to say, and he threw the golden hairpin to the ground. The golden hairpin fell to the ground, his head and tail disconnected. This scene fell in Murongxiu's eyes. He bit his lower lip and then grinned.

His face is full of injuries, and with this smile, it can't be scary anymore.

When the regent saw it, he felt anxious and painful in his heart. He stepped forward and picked Murong Xiu up. As he walked out, he shouted: "Come on! Pass the royal doctor."

When Murong Xiu was taken out of the palace, he looked back.

No one knew what he was looking at.


Murong Xiu was disfigured. Even if the regent almost killed the entire Imperial Medical Bureau, Murong Xiu's face could not be saved.

For the first time, the regent had a taste of powerlessness. He looked at Murong Xiu before him and cursed angrily: "Murong Xiu, are you a lunatic? Do you need to destroy your face?"

Murong Xiu's face was completely covered with bandages, only a pair of eyes were exposed.

Those eyes are as moist as autumn water, and their long eyelashes are like feathers. They are truly beautiful eyes, but those eyes are now foggy and have no brilliance.

"You forced me." Murong Xiu said softly, "The children and grandchildren of the Murong family can never be a plaything."

Hearing this, the regent's hand trembled slightly.

Murong Xiuzhen hated him so much that he would rather ruin his face than reject him.

He closed his eyes and his emotions were extremely complicated. Murong Xiu became a jade object in his heart at this time. Now that the jade object is broken, he tried his best to piece it together, but he could not erase the cracks in the jade object.

The regent was defeated here for the first time by Murong Xiu.

Murong Xiu's determination stung him, making him afraid to come closer.

In the next two months when Murong was recovering from his injuries, the regent did not come to see Murong Xiu privately. He just learned about Murong Xiu from the royal doctor every day. The scar on Murong Xiu's face could not be removed, but he still saved his life. The regent also ordered the craftsman to create a delicate mask. When the mask was sent to Murongxiu, Murongxiu just glanced at it and said calmly, "Why do I wear a mask?"

Liang Rong replied awkwardly, "Your Majesty, this is from the Regent, saying that it is... a birthday gift for your Majesty."

Murong Xiu heard the words and took up the delicate mask. The mask is golden and embroidered with dragons. He put the mask on his face and found that it fits his face perfectly. Seeing Murong Xiu trying it on, Liang Rong hurriedly smiled flatteringly, "This mask is really good-looking and very suitable for your Majesty."

As soon as his voice fell, he saw Murong Xiu slam his mask to the ground.

The mask was not broken, and Murong Xiu stood up and stepped on the mask. After Liang Rong reacted, he hurriedly rushed forward, "Your Majesty, your majesty calms down your anger, this mask is carefully crafted and takes a lot of effort."

Shen Jue, who had been standing quietly behind Murong Sau's body, also said, "Your Majesty must not step on it. He hurt his foot carefully. If you don't like this mask, let Manager Liang go back."

When Murong Xiu heard Shen Jue's words, he stepped on the mask suddenly. He moved his feet away and smiled, "You are right." His beautiful eyes turned and fixed his eyes on Liang Rong, "Liang Rong, you give this thing back to the regent. My birthday is over, so I don't have to What gift did he give."

Murong Xiu's original face made people unable to move his eyes, but now this face is scary to look at.

Liang Rong was courageous, but he didn't dare to look directly at Murongxiu's face. It can be said that Murongxiu's face is almost the same as Yasha now.

"Yes, the slave knows." Liang Rong glanced at Murong Xiu, then quickly lowered his head. He quickly picked up the mask on the ground and exited the palace.

When Murong Xiu saw him leave, the smile on his face faded completely. He turned his head to look at Shen Jue, "Shen Jue, am I ugly now?"

Upon seeing this, Shen Jue stepped forward gently, and he smiled softly at Murong Xiu, "No matter what your Majesty becomes, in the minds of the servants, your Majesty is the emperor of the true dragon. For the emperor, he should care about his appearance, and the regent does not care about his appearance now. Dare to get close to your Majesty, this is a good thing."

Murong Xiu nodded at the thought of the regent, "Indeed, everyone in the world is vulgar and only looks at people by their looks."

Shen Jue continued: "But your Majesty can't relax now, but should take the opportunity to cultivate his own power. Only without him can Your Majesty be a true emperor."

Murong Xiu looked at him with a frustrated expression in his eyes, "You don't know that right now, the people in the court are the regents. How easy is it for me to cultivate my own power?"

"Your Majesty, Enke will be opened soon. Why don't Your Majesty choose a group of outstanding people here? What's more, the regent is domineering. Although there are vassals in the court, there are also high-minded generations. Those people will naturally serve your Majesty. "Shen Jue said.

Murong Xiu's frowning brows gradually unfolded, "You are right. Enke will be opened soon. This is a good opportunity."


Since Murongxiu's disfigurement, his whole person has gradually changed. He used to hate others looking at him, especially the kind of people who wished to stick their eyes on his face, but now, if someone doesn't dare to look at him, he feels that this person must be afraid of his looks, and is even more angry. Murong Xiu gradually became overcast and uncertain, always punishing the servants around him.

Liang Rong, as the chief **** who served by his side, was punished the most. Murongxiu now punishes people, specializing in face punishment, letting people take the water-soaked bamboo slices and hit the face until the cheeks are bleeding.

Liang Rong was so miserable that he had to sneak up to the regent.

"The prince saves the slave. The slave is afraid that he will live soon." Liang Rong cried with tears and snot, and his swollen face was really ugly. Because of his cheek being beaten and swollen, he spoke vaguely.

The regent saw him cry so much that his nose fell on his lips, and he twisted his eyebrows, a little disgusted, "What's the matter?"

Liang Rong cried with tears, and said pitifully: "Your Majesty hates the slave now. Since the slave gave the mask to your majesty, your majesty has always punished the slave. Sometimes the slave has made no mistakes, but your majesty wants to punish the slave. , Although the minion is the chief eunuch, he is actually no better than the little **** who just entered the palace. Now everyone dares to step on the minion. But it doesn’t matter if the minion is miserable, but the minion is still the prince’s people, and those people are now even the prince’s face. No more."

When the regent heard these words, he was a little bit funny, "Then what do you want this king to do?"

Liang Rong pulled out an ugly smile, "The slave dare not hope, and only asks the prince to save the slave's life."

"You also know that you are a dog's life." The regent said sarcastically. "This king never raises useless dogs. If you are so useless, go and reincarnate early."

As soon as his voice fell, Yang Xu immediately took out the knife from his waist.

Upon seeing this, Liang Rong hurriedly shouted, "The prince is spared, the minion is useful! It is useful!" He watched Yang Xu getting closer and closer, and many things flashed across his brain. When Yang Xu walked in front of him, he suddenly yelled, "Master, all this must have something to do with Shen Jue!"

When the regent heard Shen Jue's name, he hummed.

Yang Xu looked at Liang Rong coldly, and if his next words were useless, he slashed at him.

Liang Rong was threatened by death, and he was a lot smarter than before. "On the day your Majesty was injured, Shen Jue served by His Majesty’s side, but when the imperial doctor came, Shen Jue was gone. The minion felt strange at the time and even deliberately People were asked to see where Shen Jue was, and it turned out that Shen Jue was not in his own residence. And now His Majesty listened to Shen Jue's words very much, often let Shen Jue wait by his side, and did not allow others to be there. The slave thought that His Majesty must be Shen Jue. Jue Suo was confused."

"Shen Jue?" The regent said these two words gently, "Where was he that day?"

He could not remember who had smashed his head, but it didn't seem to be Murong Xiu, and then Murong Xiu was injured. He put his thoughts on Murong Xiu, but ignored the incident.

It seems that that night was not easy.

The regent curled his lips and gave a cold smile.


As soon as Shen Jue returned to his residence, he saw Dao Zhan and Yang Xu.

Dao Zhan did not smile today, and looked at him coldly. Shen Jue's eyes paused, then he smiled, "Why are the two adults here?"

Dao Zhan took out a delicate dagger from his sleeve, and the light of the knife flashed through Shen Jue's eyes.

"We are here to ask the little father-in-law on the order of the prince, and we hope that the little father-in-law will know everything and say everything."

He said softly, and finally, licked the dagger in his hand with the tip of his tongue.

When Shen Jue heard the words, the smile on his face was deeper, "Okay."

He didn't think he could hide the things he did from the regent.

It was a matter of time for the other party to find the door, but it was too late.

It seems that the regent is really concerned and confused.


My editor told me today that you can’t go dark, so I changed the copy.

I think I'm going to study the copywriting of sweet text.

Thank you little angels for voting for me overlord~

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mines]: 250,157,191

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^

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