A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: Kill that big star (18)

Ji Yao naturally discovered Shen Jue’s evil hands. His entire face was gloomy, as if dripping water. He tried to pull his long hair out, while yelling, “You pull again, and I will press your stomach. Up."

When the words fell, there was an extra person at the door.

It's Shao Ge.

Shao Ge came over with the medicine box, just hearing the second half of Ji Yao's words, his face sank involuntarily.

Ji Yao's first reaction when he saw Shao Ge was to turn his head to look at Shen Jue, and found that the person next to him had changed his eyebrows slightly, with a pitiful look.

He was really angry. He didn't expect that Shen Jue had two faces. No, it was three. When he first met, he pretended to have a high and indifferent face. Later, he put on various tricks in front of him. But once in front of Shao Ge, he pretended to be weak and deceptive.

This is clearly an out-and-out black lotus.

Ji Yao grabbed his long hair, stood up and got out of bed. When he passed by Shao Ge, he stopped slightly, "Come to my room later."

Shao Ge did not speak, Ji Yao snorted when he saw it, and left.

After Ji Yao left, Shao Ge slowly walked in.

He closed the door with his backhand, walked to the bed, put the medicine kit on the bedside table, and said to Shen Jue, "Get your hand out."

Shen Jue didn't move, but looked straight at Shao Ge.

Shao Ge waited for a while, frowned slightly, and his beautiful tan eyes were stained with displeasure.

"Stretch your hand." He repeated it again.

This time, Shen Jue did it obediently, but also asked a question, "Why would you bet with Ji Yao?"

Shao Ge took a cotton swab soaked in the potion, and gently and carefully applied it to Shen Jue's elbow that had just scratched the skin. Regarding this question, he didn't even lift his head, but said lightly: "Then why are you looking for him?"

"Because he threatened me with you." Shen Jue replied quickly, "He has a confusing power that can manipulate people's minds, but it seems useless to me, so he threatens me with you, but I don't know who you are now. Is it controlled."

Shao Ge's action of rubbing the medicine paused for a while before he continued, "What do you think?"

Shen Jue said: "I don't know. If you are not controlled, you should not come here, but if you are controlled, you shouldn't care about me."

Shao Ge treated the wound on his elbow, threw away the cotton swab, and walked to Shen Jue again, "Are there any other injuries on his body? Take my pants off and show me."

When Shen Jue heard the words, his pupils widened, and then he shrank back, "Ass is okay, don't look at it."

Shao Ge glanced at him calmly and started to pack the medicine box. Shen Jue pressed her lower lip when he saw this, and could only step forward and grab Shao Ge's hand, "I...I will show you, but can you not go to Ji Yao's room tonight?"

Shao Ge didn't speak, but the action stopped. Shen Jue already understood what the other party meant. He could only withdraw his hand and let the other party check whether there was any injury in another place with shame.

"It's green." Shao Ge's voice has been cold, "Would you like to rub it?"

Shen Jue was taken aback for a moment before nodding lightly.

The palm of the hand was dipped in medicated wine and rubbed it up.

Shen Jue didn't respond when he put his elbow on, but he couldn't help taking a breath when he put on the medicine here. Shao Ge’s movements did not stop because of Shen Jue’s reaction, and even harder and harder, Shen Jue couldn’t bear it. He could only turn his head and lower his voice, begging for mercy, "Shao Ge, you should be gentle, OK? ?"

"Does it hurt?" Shao Ge really showed his bad mood now, "I thought you were very happy living here, and it didn't hurt."

Sure enough, he was still angry.

But does this anger mean that Shao Ge is not under control?

After thinking about it, Shen Jue got up with great effort, pulling on his pants as he crawled, but when he pulled it halfway, he got a palm. He was beaten to his knees again, his pants were still stuck in the place where he couldn't get up. In addition to the cyan that was knocked out by the medicine, there was a large piece of red.

"What are you moving? The medicine is not finished yet." Shao Ge said indifferently, "If you don't want to take medicine, then I'm leaving."

Shen Jue closed his eyes, and finally buried his face in the pillow. Fortunately, the strength behind Shao Ge was still reduced, but the pain became less and the atmosphere suddenly became very ambiguous.

He kept his eyes closed, not knowing how long the medicine had been on, and when he heard the weight on the side of the bed, he pulled his pants up in silence.

Shao Ge went out to wash his hands and returned after a while. He packed up the medicine box before looking at Shen Jue.

Shen Jue sat on the bed, his eyes looked pitiful and innocent. He hasn't had a haircut for a long time, his forehead hair has grown below his eyebrows, and his already small face now looks even smaller.

Had it not been for Shao Ge and his teammates for more than eight years, they would have thought that the talent in front of them was 18 years old. However, Ji Yao didn't say one thing, Shen Jue was indeed a little fatter, and his cheeks were more fleshy than before, and they looked very white and tender.

Shao Ge looked for a while, but couldn't hold back, stretched out his hand and squeezed Shen Jue's cheek. It feels good to the touch, as tender as the skin just there.

"You are really fat."

Shen Jue pressed her lower lip in embarrassment, "I'm pregnant now, so I will inevitably eat more." After he finished speaking, when Shao Ge hadn't spoken, he thought about it, and gently moved forward and hugged Shao Ge's waist. When you hug it up, you can already feel the power under your clothes, "Shao Ge, I didn't cheat, you believe me."

Shao Ge looked down at Shen Jue's head, with mixed emotions in his eyes, "But you almost fell asleep with him, he told me that you used to spend two meal tickets and two crystals. Nuclear bought him."

"You said it was almost, and we weren't together at that time, so it can't be counted as cheating. If you want to pursue it like this, then your girlfriends in the entertainment industry, do I have to reverse the old accounts one by one?"

Shao Ge twisted his eyebrows, "You can tell me what those people are doing. I and those people are all hype about the company. I was so busy at that time, how can I have time to fall in love."

"But didn’t I just look for someone else because you rejected me? Besides, I didn’t really look for it, so it can’t be counted as my fault. If you are wrong, it should be your fault. If you don’t reject me, I will go. Looking for the young master?" Shen Jue quickly began to fight back, even letting go, raising his eyes, and glaring at Shao Ge, "You haven't told me why you bet with him? I told you why I came. Here he is."

Shao Ge frowned deeper, and after a while he said, "He found me and said about the two of you. I ignored him, but he said he wanted to bet with me. I refused, but then I was confused. I made a bet with him. I remember I didn’t want to make this bet.”

It turned out to be like this. That Ji Yao still used the ability on Shao Ge, but it seemed very short-lived, at least the current Shao Ge was not controlled.

He previously guessed that Shao Ge fell in love with Ji Yao in previous lives because of the ability to confuse the mind, and whether this ability did not last that long.

Maybe Ji Yao has to use this power all the time to make Shao Ge always love him. In other words, Ji Yao used Chaoxin at the beginning. Later, Shao Ge really fell in love with him, and he didn't need to use Chaoxin anymore.

Of course, there is also a possibility that Ji Yao can control the length of the power as long as he wants, but this one may be too scary.

Just now when Ji Yao went out, he told Shao Ge to let Shao Ge go to his room later. Did this sentence use a power?

"You just said that Ji Yao has a confusing power? What is that?" Shao Ge suddenly asked when Shen Jue was thinking about something.

Shen Jue returned to God, and then said, "This is a power that can control people’s hearts. You bet against him because of this. He threatened me with you because of this. He told me that if I don’t come to the room, he will I took you away, so I came. I was going to kill him that day. Just when I was about to do it, you came."

Shao Ge seemed a little stunned when he heard the words. After a long while, he said, "Is there still such a terrifying ability?"

"Well, that's why Ji Yao can become the boss of this base. He hardly does anything business every day, but the people under his hands are in order. No one even wants to rebel and squeeze him down. This is strange, isn't it? "Shen Jue said.

Shao Ge was silent for a longer time this time, "Is there a way to crack it?"

"Yes, kill him, or don't listen to him."

But to Shen Jue’s surprise, Shao Ge proposed another way, “It’s okay to make him dumb.”

Shen Jue thought for a while before hesitating and nodded, "If his ability is spoken by his mouth, it should be possible."

They chatted a few more words, and Shao Ge was about to go out. Before he went out, Shen Jue specifically asked, "Whether you will go back to your own room or Ji Yao's room later."

Shao Ge looked in a daze, then replied decisively: "Ji Yao's room."

That sentence still has power.

After Shao Ge left, Shen Jue lay on the bed for a while, then got up and left the room. He walked to Ji Yao's door and knocked on the door.

After a while, he heard Ji Yao's voice, "What's the matter?"

Shen Jue raised the volume, "I'm hungry and want to make noodles. Does anyone want to eat?"

Within thirty seconds, the door was opened from the inside.

Ji Yao put on a set of pajamas, but his clothes and hair were still neat and tidy, "I'll eat." He replied quickly.

Shen Jue passed him, glanced at the room, and saw Shao Ge. Shao Ge sat on the sofa in Ji Yao's room, his eyes also looking here.

Shao Ge's clothes are also neat.

"Do you eat? Shao Ge." Shen Jue asked.

Shao Ge stood up when he heard the words, "I'll do it. Go to the living room and sit down. Okay, I'll call you."

Hearing this, Ji Yao turned to look at Shao Ge, "You can also cook?"

"Yeah." Shao Ge walked out.

Ji Yao frowned, with a faint doubt in his eyes, and whispered, "Does everyone know how to cook these days?"

Shen Jue heard it, but ignored Ji Yao and followed Shao Ge. After Ji Yao noticed it, he snorted and then slowly followed.

Shao Ge didn't have the habit of eating supper in the middle of the night, so he only made two servings. The two were made separately. Shen Jue's one was much lighter. Shao Ge also made Shen Jue a glass of milk.

Ji Yao looked at his red noodles and then at the milk in front of Shen Jue, "Why don't I have milk?"

"Do you want to drink?" Shao Ge asked, "Then I will make another drink."

Ji Yao thought about it, and said, "Forget it, I don't drink milk, you pour me a glass of orange juice, I want to squeeze it fresh."

Shao Ge turned and went to the kitchen again, while Shen Jue turned his head to look at Ji Yao, "Are you no hands?"

Ji Yao smiled and smiled, his eyes were provocative, "He is willing to do it for me, can't he? If you want to drink orange juice, tell him."

Shen Jue turned away and said in a cold voice, "You trouble others to do everything, no wonder you are not tall."

He had always had a bad tone to Ji Yao, so this time he still went back, but he didn't expect that Ji Yao was silent for a while, then raised his hand and overturned the table in front of him.

The table fell to the ground, everything on the table smashed to the ground, making a loud noise.

Shao Ge was alarmed by the sound, and soon walked out of the kitchen, seeing the mess in the living room, his brows were twisted directly, "What is it?"

Ji Yao’s expression was so calm that it was not him who had just turned the table over. He stood up and gave Shen Jue a smile, "You’re right, I’m not tall, but what? I have a way to get you Pain, Shao Ge helps me get a glass of orange juice. You can't stand it, so he won't use his hands anymore."

When he said this, he turned his eyes to Shao Ge, his voice was three degrees colder, "Shao Ge, take the knife out of the kitchen..."

Before he finished speaking, his lips were already covered.

Shen Jue's expression was unprecedentedly flustered, and he clung to Ji Yao's lips firmly, "Ji Yao, I was wrong, I took back what I said just now, don't let him take the knife."

In the past, Ji Yao's eyes were always full of malicious smiles. This was the first time Shen Jue saw that there was no smile in his eyes, and there seemed to be nothing in his dark pupils.

He raised his hand and pulled off Shen Jue's. "You regret it now, it's too late, I said, I will definitely make you feel painful."

"Then you chopped off my hand." Shen Jue replied directly, "Cut my hand and it made me painful."

"No, I'm going to cut off the hands of the people you care about." Ji Yao looked at Shao Ge again, this time he grabbed Shen Jue's hands before speaking, "Shao Ge, take the knife over. "

Shao Ge did, and soon came out with a knife.

He took the kitchen fruit knife, and he was still peeling oranges with the knife just now.

Ji Yao glanced at the knife in Shao Ge's hand before looking at Shen Jue, with a smile in his eyes again, "Actually, I can't bear to cut off Shao Ge's hand. After all, he is such a beautiful person with a broken body. It’s not pretty. So, can I give you one last chance?"

Shen Jue hardly hesitated, "You said."

"The kid in your stomach and Shao Ge's hand, you choose one." Ji Yao once again forced Shen Jue to make a choice.

This time, it seems that there is no room for Shen Jue not to choose.

Shao Ge's knife was still in his hand.

For Shen Jue, the child in his stomach can make him temporarily safe in the last days. At least he doesn't need to be afraid of zombies, nor does he want to find a man to touch him and do that kind of disgusting thing.

But Shao Ge is the landlord, and the ultimate goal of everything he does is to make Shao Ge fall in love with him. If he chooses a child, it is equivalent to giving up Shao Ge.

In fact, this choice is almost unnecessary. In the realm, Shen Jue can only put the realm master first.

"I choose Shao Ge's hand." Shen Jue said.

When Ji Yao heard this, his eyes changed slightly, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Shen Jue said, "You let him put the knife down. I will listen to you whenever you want to take the child off."

Ji Yao was silent for a while, and directly threw away Shen Jue's hand, and sneered, "Okay, I will take you to be this kid tomorrow."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left, entered the room and closed the door, as if Shen Jue's behavior just annoyed him even more.

Shen Jue was not in the mood to pay attention to Ji Yao's neurosis. He first took the knife in Shao Ge's hand and put it back in the kitchen.

It seems that when Shao Ge was under control, he still heard the conversation between Shen Jue and Ji Yao. He followed Shen Jue into the kitchen with a displeased and puzzled voice, "Are you crazy? Shen Jue."

Shen Jue turned her back to Shao Ge in a very low voice, "I'm not crazy, I don't need a child, but I can't see your hand being chopped off. I still remember your fans saying that your hand is the second most beautiful thing on you. Place."

There was only silence behind him. I don't know how long it took before Shen Jue felt someone holding his shoulder from behind, "He won't cut my hand. Are you still hungry?"

"I'm not hungry." Shen Jue was not hungry at all. He knocked on Ji Yao's door to separate Shao Ge and Ji Yao.

"Then you go to your room and sleep first, don't worry." Shao Ge paused, "I will keep our two children."


The anti-theft chapter in the next chapter will be replaced by noon tomorrow.

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